Soal PAT Kelas 2 - Bahasa Inggris

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I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d.

1. Yeni helps her ...... ( friend)

a. Bapak
b. Teman
c. Saudara perempuan
d. Saudara laki- laki
2. The picture below is ....

a. Calipers
b. Ruler
c. Tape measure
d. Micrometersrew
3. “Experience” artinya ...

a. Pengalaman
b. Kehidupan
c. Permainan
d. Peraturan

4. Rabbit eats a .....

a. Bird

b. Banana

c. Carrot

d. Snack

5. “ Tumbuhan” dalam bahasa inggris adalah ...

a. Plant
b. Tree
c. Stalk
d. Root
6. This is a .....
a. Jasmine

b. Rose

c. Aglaonema
d. Kamboja tree

7. “Shady”artinya ....

a. Sejuk

b. Panas

c. Dingin

d. Hangat

8. We watch a ......

a. Movie
b. Wall
c. Floor
d. Back

9. “ Dinner” artinya ....

a. Makan pagi
b. Makan malam
c. Makan siang
d. Makan sore

10. “Makan siang” dalam bahasa inggris adalah

a. Breakfast
b. Lunch
c. Dinner
d. Eaten

11. Didi eats breakfast at .... ( 6) o’clock in the morning

a. Seven
b. Six
c. Four
d. Eight

12. It’s ........o’clok

a. Ten
b. Six
c. Seven
d. Nine

13. It’s ........o’clok

a. Ten
b. Six
c. Seven
d. Nine

14. “ Sunday “ artinya ...

a. Ahad

b. Senin

c. Selasa

d. Rabu

15. “lalu lintas” dalam bahasa inggris adalah ....

a. Trafic lamp

b. Trafic rules

c. Trafic regulations

d. Trafic roads

II. Arrange the following words correctly!

1. O– H – R - E– S ( kuda)
2. L – O- D- C – U (awan)
3. “ Scissor” artinya ...
4. The bolster and the pillow is in the . . . .
5. We eat in the . . . .
6. The students study at the . . .
7. I am thirsty. I want to . . .
8. Do you have a book? Yes, . . .
9. I can play the sand castle in the . . .
10. I can see the . . . every morning in the east

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