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Question 1-12:

1. Bản đề xuất: __________________

2. Acc_pt: __________________
3. Be sh_rt of: __________________
4. Ut_l_ze: __________________
5. Prmootoin: __________________
6. /ˈprɒfɪt/: __________________
7. /ˈseʃn/: __________________
8. Hrie: __________________
9. Pr_ced_re: __________________
10. Điều chỉnh: __________________
11. Exp_ct_tion: __________________
12. Sự hỗ trợ, giúp đỡ: __________________

Question 13-17: because / because of

13. I did it __________ he told me to do.

14. ___________ I don't complain, people think I'm satisfied.

15. They are here ____________ us.

16. ___________ it was so late, he found it unacceptable to send them all away.
17. He walked slowly ______________ his bad leg.

Question 18-21: although / despite

18. __________ the sun was shining, it wasn't very warm.

19. Her voice was shaking _________ all her efforts to control it.
20. I felt he was wrong, _________ I didn't say so at the time.

21. __________ applying for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work.

Question 1-12:

1. Proposal
2. Accept
3. Be short of
4. Utilize
5. Promotion
6. Profit
7. Session
8. Hire
9. Procedure
10. Adjust
11. Expectation
12. Assistance

Question 13-17: because / because of

13. because

14. because

15. because of

16. because

17. because of

Question 18-21: although / despite

18. although

19. despite

20. although

21. despite

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