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ATUS-A6V变量柱塞马达Variable displacement motor ATUS-A6V

特点: ATUS-A6V Series 1 And Series 2 Section

Characteristics: HD Control
Widely control range for hydrostatic transmission;
Enhancing the output speed at smaller angle;
Cost-saving achieved by elimination of gearboxes;
High overall efficiency.

驱动设计的排量调节范围Vgmax/V gmin =3. 47
的整套控制总成(规格 250除外)。

HA控制 EL控制
HA Control EL Control
The variable displacement motor 剖视图零件表
is specially designed with secondary 1. 卡盘 Retainer plate
control range for hydrostatic transrnis­
2. 碟型弹簧 Dishing spring
sion, as its displacement varies Vgmax
Ngmin=3.47 3. 柱塞组件 Piston
(Size 250 excepted). 4. 小流量限位螺钉 Stop for Qmin
5. 调节器壳体 Adjustment housing
6. 弹簧 Spring
7. 控制起点调节螺钉 Adjustment screw
8. 流量活塞 Flow piston
9. 分油盘 Port plate
10. 转子 Cylinder block
11. 中心杆 Center pin
12. 主轴 Shaft
13. 前盖 Front cover
14. 骨架油封 Oi I seal kit
15. 活门组件 Contro I rod
16. 比例电磁铁 Electrical control

。 。
ATUS-A6V 变量柱塞马达 Variable displacement motor ATUS-A6V
·技术参数: •Technical Data:
·型号说明Type Code
Operating Pressure Range:
Pressure at ports A or B:
A或B口压力: Nominal pressure------Pn=35MPa
ATUSI A6V I 55 I HD1 I D I F I Z I 2 I 0183 额定压力 Pn= 35MPa Peak pressure----Pmax=40MPa
最高压力 Pmax=40MPa The sum ofthe pressures at part A and B should not exceed
63MPa(individual pressure at either port max. 40MPa):
A,B压力总和不得超过63M Pa ,
澳托士液压 Leakage oil Pressure:
每侧汕日压力最高40M Pa。 Maximum permissible leakage oil pressure (at Port T):
马达型号 Motor Type 最小排量设定值
Min.Swept Volume setting 泄汕压力: Pabs- 0.2MPa
变量马达VariableDisplacement Motor A6V 允许T日最大泄油压力: Fluid Temperature Range: -25-80 °C
举例 Example: Vgmin=18.3(ml/r) 0183 Pabs 0.2MPa V iscosity Range:
排堡Displacement(Vgmin-Vgmax) 规格Size
Vgmin=123(ml/r) 1230 油温范围: -25~80 °C tmax------{ for short periods)lOOO rnm 0 /s
(8.1-28.lml/r) 28
粘度范围: OptimumOperating Viscosity: 16~25 mm /s
(15.8-54.8ml/r) 55 总成型式 Assembly Type
tmin-l0mm 2 /s Fluid Recommendation 40 low-solidifing
(23-80ml/r) 80 (解释见控制装附说明及元件尺寸) tmax---------(ffl时)1000mm /s
2 Filtration of Hydraulic Fluid:
2 Recommended filtration 10 µm . Coarserfiltration of25 to
(30.8� 107ml/r) 107 (V
Viiewed control device and unit dimensions) 2 最佳工作粘度: 一16-25mm /s
40 µm is possible.However ionger service life is achieved with
(46-160ml/r) 160 汕液选择: 4 0号低凝液压汕 filtration of 10 µm (reduce we缸).
轴伸 Shaft End
液压油的过滤: Mounting position: Optional. Motor housing must always
(64.8-225ml/r) 225
平键GB1096-79 Keyed Shaft 推荐过滤精度为lOµm, 亦可使用25-40µm的, befilled with oil.
(0-250ml/r) 250
花键DIN5480 Splined Shaft 但使川lOµm 的可延长使用寿命(降低磨损)。
(135-468ml/r) 468
花键GB3478.1-83 Splined Shaft 安装位置:任选。 马达内必须充满液压油。 Speed Range:
变量方式 Control No limitation on minimum speed nmin, Where very even
液控变量 控制压差 连接油口 Pipe connections speeds are required. nmmshould not be less than 50r/min . The
/'J.p=lMPa HD1
H y dr a u lic control. Pilot pressure Increase 转速范围: maxim um flow from the pump and the minimum swept volume
pilot pressure 控制压差 SAE 法兰,侧面 SAE Flange on side F
related 11p=2 5MPa HD2 最低转速没有限制,在要求十分均匀的转速时, 最低 ofthe variable motor together determine the maximum output
Pilot pressure Increase ·
高压自动变量 公制螺纹,侧面 Metric Thread on side G speed.The min swept volume is limited mechanically by means of
恒压constant pressure HA1 转速不小千50r/min,最高转速由来自泵的最大流械和变械
Au tomatic control an adjustment screw so that the max. Permissible speeds (of the
high pressure 升压pressure increase Ap=lOMPa HA2 马达的最小排量确定,最小排量则由 一个小流量螺钉限位, variable motor and the driven unit) cannot be exceeded.See date
related 定货示例:
所以变星马达不会超速运转, 最高允许转速见技术参数表。 table for max. permissible speeds.
电控变量 比例式proportional solenoid EL A6V 、 55 、 HDl、 F, Z、 2 、 0183
Electrical control 两点式2-point control 斜轴式变量马达A6V,规格55,液控变量,
ES ·规格计算Calculation of Size:
/J.P=lMPa,侧面 SAE 法兰连接, 德标花键, Vg = 最大排量max geometric displacement [ml/r]
Hydraulic control,speed related
转速液压控制 DA
2型总成,最小排呈设定值为Vgmin= l8.3ml/r。 流量 Swept Volume Q= V gxn [I/min]
10oox11v M = 扭矩 torque [沁m]
扭矩控制 Mooring control MO
Q-1000·叭 AP =
压差 differential pressure [MPa]
Ordering Example: 输出转速Output Speed n = [r/min]
手动控制 Manual control MA n = 转速 speed 丘/min]
A6V、55、 HDl、F、 Z、2、0183 Vg
压力调节 Pressure adjustment Axial piston variable displacement motor A6V, Size 55, T\v =容积效率 volumetric efficiency
输出扭矩Output Torque M=0.159XVgX战 ·Ttmh [N•m]
with pressure adjusting wth hydraulic control,pilot pressure Related,/J.P=lMPa, nmh = 机械效率 mechanical - hydraulic efficiency
(适用千HD控制) (For HD control) SAE flange connections on side,splined shaft DIN5480, Q·AP
输出功率Output Power P= � ·Tit [kW] 叮 = 总效率 overall efficiency
尤标识 assembly type 2,min.swept volume setting Vgmin=18.3 ml/r. 60
不带压力调节 without pressure adjusting
Without identifier

敬告用户: NOTE:
为T延长使用寿命, 请用户做到: To help ensure its longevity,please be careful to:
L任何场合都应保持液压汕的清洁度; 1. Keep the operating fluid clean anywhere.

2.定期更换液压油(工作1000-3000 2.Change the hydraulic fluid periodically(Operation
小时或六个月)。 1000-3000 hours or six months).

ATUS-A6V变量柱塞马达Variable displacement motor ATUS-A6V
•HD液控先导变量 Hydraulic Control,Pilot Pressure Related.HD

.技术参数表 Technical Data: 恨斟先宁fi)J夭级控“'从出1盯it. stcplcss control of 1hc motor capscitydcpc',如11 on a pilol
杯汛!书: 2书总成 presSIi代$ignnI,
规褚 s;,. 80 107 160 225 250 468 控切起点(EV吓心(以大扭矩,让低转速)
饺切终点(E Vgmin(从小川矩 . 垃t,i轩速)
S13叫ard Model, As沁mbly"兀 2
Stmo1 contmIaI V驴立` (n心. 即que,min .叩心d)
End oroontn,I a八lg,nin (min.torquc,ma,叩四)

V驴瓜 107 160 225 250 468 对fl'I'!总成 . 控材功能相反 ,
排量口印'”“`nt 控纠起1.,.l Vgmin,控制终点(EV吓i.x. FunhcrIO”x 1.ihcmmro1伽心的叶$代穴rscd,
v驴nm 30.8 46 64.8 135
调I`3的设左 S1ar1 orromrol.八1gmin.cnd ofcon1rol 01 Vg心x.
最大允许流量M虹归叫正应氏w Om立 321 424 531 590 889 fi三神力本可供选抒: Setting Regul:uor.
1.HD1 ,'hrec options叩叩加bkchoice:
n血 :,v即呕 3000 2650 2360 2360 1900 1.HD1
最高转速M虹 S“” 先',t,U边尺(Vgm.x -Vgmh1)AP=1MPs
O lll&l,�1Vg<V即血 控材起点可讽 从0.2- 2MP礼 Pi1OIp~.,血inclCl心C Vgmax -V即'in) AP=IMl'a
4500 4-000 3500 3100 3100 2500
K 耘准设定(1'K控制起i.((肛i.3MPa.(控捐终从(fl .3�1P心 StJJn control而nt c•n 比过jus叫—fromO.2-2MPo
Ml�, Vgma.,

(N•mn.1PJ) 4.47 8.71 12.72 17,()1 25.44 35.78 39.79 74.41 Standard Scning:Stan of comrol atO.JMPa(End of cooU'Ol ai l .3MPa)
扭矩常敷T”中.Conotonb 2.HD2
M心V即,in (N.m/MPa} 1.29 2.51 3.66 4.90 7.31 10.30 11.46 21.47 先导压力». (Vgmax -Vgmin)61'=2.5!1Pn
Pilot pr心沁re inc比心c(V严 .v驴lin沁P丑5MPa
控切起点可讽 从0.5MP.4MPa
Mm缸 llltV即血 (N•ml 156 305 445 595 890 1252 J391 2604 沁r1 comrol poim can Ix:沁ju”cd—rmmO.5MP忙5MPa
耘准设定(,乍控制起点(J:“IP伐 , (控制终点(f:3.S!!Pa)
最大扭矩血xT”中./IP• 36MP赢 Standard Scning心心n of con叩1•1 IMP认End or conuol •• 3.5M阳)
M血x.',Vgmin (N•nt) 45 88 128 171 还6 361 401 751 咑IJ IIO控切作戏述代初Ij . 公祜先导J�丿} When心inglI, D心n1rol心 a lWO•pOin 巳 Con1ml,如nux.pilo1
”“1 7.5MP“·
pre,匈re of 7.5MPa ls p<rm,匈blc.
最大输出功窜l1'1...Output Power P max :, 35MP and Q叩x (kW) 78 l20 156 187 247 310 335 519 先':t-nX处漏汕忱约0.5 L/min.
• Dminof叩prox0.5Umin”°”UIp心lportX.
I 寸 , 须从GIi供人1.S}IP•
·1工作压力勺 , 5邓IP 撑 I
惯性矩M叩中ttol lnonl• J (kg呐0.0017 0.0052 0.0109 0.0167 0.0322 0.0532 0.0532 0.225 \\�)叩0户mingp代U穴加< l,5MPa 、an 皿xiliA,yp 忙SSl吓of

1.SMPo m心I be叩plied:uportG.
雪量劝句ht G !kg) 18 27 39 52 74 103 IOJ 223
HD液控变ht Hydraulic C(lntrol piloc pr<SS 山c rclntod . . . . . . . . 结构和功能图 Section and Founction 0『awing
HA f.n由日动变-lil Au10叩IIcconImll叩)1 prcssu
· 立reI.!ed • . . . . . . .

变量方式 DA转速液控变泣Ilydrnuhc contr0l,spced rela,cd I • . . . . .

Control D“心'EL ii!控企坎 Elccmcal control • . . . . . . .
MOIJ1矩变坎 TorqucQ 而ol . . . . .

MA f-动变攸 M幻10alcontrol . . . . . .

+-c 1 -----
8 X
r·- -· ·-长·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·1
1 :1 r--

i II
` 1 •

:十仁二仁'~」 !


A. B 斥力口
X 、 G 先守接I.I
T 回汕n
Conncctioa Pon:
A、B Pressure Port
X、 G Pilot Pressure Port

T Draia Port

ATUS-A6V变量柱塞马达Variable displacement motor ATUS-A6V •HA 高压自动控制 HA Automatic control high pressure

根斟I:f1压力r,动控切马达排礼 Au10,notic control or motor cap,,citydcpcndcnl on opcra1ingp心$叩�

• HD 液控先导变量 Hydraulic Control,Pilot Pressure Related,HD 标准邓' I'ft总成 SQ心td Model: A函 mblytype I
拧切起点(1:Vgm;n(让小1”矩 , 让祜传遠) S血of conttol aiVg,nin(mi几1orque.m芷叩心d)
3带压力调节D 3.With pressure adjusting D 控切终l.i在Vgm•x(让大!11矩.垃低转速) End of co111tol a1V妒`ax(max.iorqu c,min叩妞)
材千2书总成控切功能和反 , For .没 mbly1ypc 2,1bc comrol funcrion is代心心寸
控嗣方式: Con廿ol Device:
控刮起点在Vgm.x.位纠终点”Vgmin。 S血of comrolo1 Vgmax cnd or con11ol a1 Vgmi n .
内控),式 : lnlcmal Con1rol Device:
在血液拧变lit的丛础上 , 通过在交Ii'(机构l`:设 Based on HD con1rol,addcd a cutoff valve at the regulator 10
This conlrol dcvioc "'°"'""''1hc imc mol opcrnling pressure at pon A or
measure the operating p哗urcat port Aor 8. 血d when 1hc 此仲饺材)i式Jtii/负丛受All戒BIi的内部;压力
,,牛个恒LLI切断阀 .令 I'巾感受An或Bil的内部工 B(no1 pilot n:quin:d). 叩心n 1hc sec opcra1ing仰芯urc i< n:•ch吐
set operation p心sure is心chcd, Displacement o八he motor (不盂如IJ先许压力) , 3Al.1或8I~1达到设定伉ll+ .
作压力,当AU或BIi压力达到设定值时 , 书达(l swi、.elS1hc n101or rroin V炉\in 10V即妞
incrca.,ing(inclinotion of1he axis moving from the min v
. alue 马达由垃小排壮Vgmin向从大/l因Vgmax钓也
动培大排坎(倾斜角Cl由小变到最大) , 使书达在 Two op1io115,r eavailable choi 比
凶1;II寸门动交到垃大排从 , 休证输出il1矩杖得较大 , 10 1he max.value),and the pressure will比kcepcd a1 sening 仆两种控纠)j式叶供选耜
1. HA1
邓luc 10 obtain more ou中ul torque.Herc, pressure differential 1. HA1
井使书达1-. 作压力保持在设定(1'i,此时, 恒压压及 Wi1bin山e control range.the OJ叩lingp心sure is held prac1ie&lly
range ofconstant pre,;surc is approx. I Ml'a 恒几讷昭'£i1w范II」内工作压力基本上儿恒定的 .
范旧约八IPa. 心血anl.Pre沁 urc incn芯尤 rromVgmin 10Vgmax虹pprox.lMPa

从V仰心'fiV吓·in lI,"丘及约1lIPa.
2. HA2
2. HA2 邸ingP元ssure Con1rol:Control is adjusiable沁w”n8~35M闷
升压讨节 : 讷竹范I�从妒35沺a之问可谓. In odju血blc range.FromVgmin 10 V驴呕p心sure misc IOMPa
(J汛\5位Ill内 . vgmin变到Vg...x时1k)”凶IOMP札 OvcmdcConlrol;
结构和功能图 Section and Founction Drawing
外控Jj式 : IIAcon 的I can be o,·cnid如\ aiponX,InIhis casc.IheSCI eor
IIA控切,;f(f.Xn加以外控 . 在这种情况下 ,变坎机构 p沁山...顷e叩ul 出(',(ope咄ingp心沁re)is心如过by l.6MP•沁
的让力设定伉( 1'. 作压力)即i)-0. UO'•先冲压力卜仰 0.1MPa pilot pressure,
1 . 价\八的比水陇低 . Example:
例如 : 识行忑设定伉为30MPa Regul31or Seuing:JOM门
先导压力(XI.I), 0!11,几 卜刊升起l'i在30MI'a, 酗I pre的虹(11 X):OMPa,scan of con1rol a1 lOMPa;
先导斥力(Xn), UIPa.控材起..:.1在l4MP•, Pilol pressu叫“X):IMPa,sl3rt ofcontto口14MPa;
(3011Pa -IO X I . 6!1P仁1411Pa) (JO MI忙10丸6MPoa14M阳)
如果控切仅孟达到从人It牡Vgmax,111允i午先冲压力 o、·enide is onlyrequired 10 se1 m虹C叩acity.• pilo1 p呤Umo「5MP儿
让”:J.Jo!IPa. es忙rmis幻blc.

结构和功能图 Section and Founction Drawing

. f
Based on HD control、added a cutoff valve

at the regulator
Br一 今—
忑 .


A,B JJi力11,
G 多元件问步控割

X 先许油口
T I',l汕n
立主 气

A,li Pressure Pon: 言 乓?.
一·一一一·一 一

G Pori for synchronous con1rol r

II 丁 , 不帮XII外代的l!A拉纠(mail/Ii.I日 衍XII外控的IIA控斜{f控材位1日

,...,凸1内设 们肋I.,升(,i.'p约1MPa)
lI '
of multiple uni1s and for : 内没1i压力上升(i>P约IOMPa)

WithPilot pressure X pon,


remote control pressure Wi1hou1P心Ip心sure X port.

\Vi小in山ccontrol m甥C,邮 Within the control rangc,tbc operating

X Pilo1P代ssurePon

opera1ing pressure is he.Id praciicnlly pre巧urc is held pract心lycom励1,

T DrainPon
cons伍n1. l'rcssurc is approx. I MPa. Pressure is approx. IOMPa.
_,且;一·士..一·- -


ATUS-A6V 变量柱塞马达 Variable displacement motor ATUS-A6V
•MO 扭矩控制 •MO Mooring control

•EL 电气控制 ELElectrical Control 扭矩控切_ 上耍/II米控切饺午. 产生恒定的线杂引力。 The mooring control is used mainly for the drive of winches, to generate
标准型: 1型总成 a constant line pull.
For stepless control ofthe mo1or capacity,or for two
根猷电气l:J兮无级控制或两点控制马达排 :,t. point control.dependent on an electrical signal。 位切起点(下Vg血(垃小fll矩. 如飞转速)
Standard Model, Assembly type I
标准引: 2书总成 Stan control at Vgmin (Min.torque, max.speed)
Stand打d Model: Assembly type 2 位切机构(凶\'i器)的设定:
控制起点在Vgmax(怂大扭矩 , 垃低转速) Setting of regulator:
作制终点在Vgmi n从小fIl矩 . 从 转速) ,:s Start of control at Vgmax ( max.torque 、min.spc吐)
End ofcontrol at Vgmin (min.torquc,max.s贮cd)
Pilot pressure increase (Vgn叩Vgmax) t:;P=5MPa
对于l尺1总成控制功能相反 : Start ofcontrol adjustable from 8 to 35MPa .
Further to type l,thc control function is reversed, 通过改变从达的诽从以达到恒定的flI矩. 根从叨
控制起点在Vgmin, 控制终点在Vgm.x. /I constant torque,which may be altered according 10 requirements
Stan of control at Vgmin end of control at Vgm邸 要进行改变使饺午1 蠡产生恒定的来引力。 如果饺午
如果只;1J耍马达11,两点控制 . 则只要使Ill泣通断就足以得到 in order 10 generate a constant line pull at the mooring winch is achicv叫

Should the variable motor EL only be required for

两个位',vt(对2平总成:在Vgm心断电:对1芍总成:在Vgmin断 上的妓轮没打外引力 , 则变从丐达要求较低的1.tk力 . by varying the capacity of the variable motor Ifthere is no pull a1 the
two沁in1 control.simply switching the current on
心。 对于规格55 、 80和107 的两点悴 制, 可川仵通电磁铁. 从而产生较低的先廿儿力 , 交员'矗从达传到心小排坎 drum.the variable motor requires a lower operating pressure and therefore

and o介is sufficient 10 onain these two positions

对其他规格 , 可选川较 大1U磁铁 . 许汕(切换)电磁铁1uoo Vgmin,这便并致较l,.S的马达书速(壮绕速度) , 使饺 generates a smaller pilot 1,ressurc.
(for as沁mbly type 2: de心nc屯应:aI V即1ax, for
为12V, 26W, 午迅速动转 , 让到饺·1(,达到所耍求的牡行I个引力井停 The variable motor moves 10 a min.capacity(Vgmin).Thc higher molor
assembly type I: de-enc屯心aI V即in). For two
如果工作压力低于l. 5M1Pa . 则在Gl1接人l.5)11'•的辅助几力 . 止运忱. 平叫thus rcsulting(werping speed) causes rapid operation of the winch
point control on size 55,80 and 107.nomlnl solenoids
钉两种控刮方式可供选扭 为了阳切斗达的垃商转速 . 在1叩路中 . 马达前面社设 until 1hc mooring pull requir吐ofthe winch is reach叫and order 10
may be used.For other sizc,lhesc could be introdu码
钉泊坎阀戍类似元件. limil the max.speed of theVariable molor,a flow limiting valve.or Other
1. El for larger orders
作为 fII矩变lil本身的先廿控割 . 可采/II.个溢流 such suitablc, must比 placed in �,c circui1 before the mo1or.
Power for nomtal(switching)solcooids is 12V DC,26W.
If山c operating pressure is less �tan I.5MPa, then on 阀谓 w. xn的垃人供汕坎为5 (L/min) . 忱轩允寻}己 ,; As a pilo1 conirol for the mooring Comrol i1sclf, a variable pressure
relief value may比us吼The max.oil flow at port X is approx. 5 Umin.
auxili叩pressure of I.SM Pa is rcqu匹d a1伈nG.Only 力与工作) ,;力之问}止及的坎小 . 先寻汕流坎会减小.

两点式电 (控制。

The pilot oil now reduces with lower differential pressure比l\l'ccn pilo l
in this case is a hydraulic pilot line required in add山on
p心sure and operating pressure.
通过比1列电磁铁伐纵液压控制 to the electrical connection
Hydraulic control dependent on an electrical signal
Two options 扛c available choice: 结构和功能图 Section and Founction Drawing
云 控嗣龟压 控侧龟擅控割起虚控嗣蟾点
Slit Con叩Vo�•g• DC Cont,ol C叩”“如“olSt.“-£nd 1.EL
24V `沁50mA El心tricol control with proponional solenoid.
12V 400-l060mA 2.ES

24V t- )证790mA El心1rical 2-p0in1 con1rol(with swi1ehing solenoid.)

沁, I 坎心如叭

结构和功能图 Section and Founction Drawing


厂· _. 一·一·一·一·一·一·一·一·一·一·一·一·一·-·一·-·
-- o- -勹

' , -~___.,
一一一一 i

、 气霆厂
! l lI. I i 连接1:1: Connection Port:
迕接II: Connection Port:
A,B 压力日 A.8 Pressure Pon
A,B 压力rI A.B Pressure Pon
G Pilot Pressure Pon
Xl,G,x 先导接1:I XI.G,X Pilo1 Pressure Port
G 先导接II
T DrainPort T 回汕日 T Drain Port
--C4+ ---- + l-------' ,
'l' 回汕II

A 'l' G
ATUS-A6V变量柱塞马达Variable displacement motor ATUS-A6V
·通用特性曲线 General Operating Curvez
• DA转速液压控制DA Hydraulic control,speed related
转速液控变坎只川千与变星泵A4V.DA合用的传动系统。 Speed related hydraulic control is used exclusively for (P-M)和(Vg -n 在
max Vgmax时)特性 应用实例:
装配型式: 2型总成 transmissi-on drives in conjunction with varable pump A4V.DA. n 1规格80,压差!iP:24MPa,
Characteristic(P -M) and 0/g- nmax
Assembly Design : Assembly type 2 atwmax) 排量Vg:48ml/r
Start ofcontrol: 求:马达的输出扭矩
按先导压力:从Vgmax 到Vgmin 扭矩M未计效率l 相对转速
Pilot pressure: dependent at Vgmax to Vgmin 解:Vg/Vgmax=48/80=0.6
Torque M without considening effciencies! Speed ratio "•- at V,~
按工作压力:从Vgmin到 Vgmax 在0.6Vgmax与24MPa情况下给出的输
High pressure dependent: At Vgmin ti Vgmax 1
` `


起点在Vgmax(扭矩最大 ) Start pilot at Vgmax(Max.torque) Example:
2976.5 1431 1017.6 680.5 508.8 348,5 178.7 I0
由A4V癹忧泵确定先导压力(提高原动机转速 = 提高变 The pilot pressure which is determined by the variable pump A4V I.size 80,differential!iP =24MPa,
2800- 1400- 1000-


芒 HK王
310 170 Capacity Vg =48ml/r

(increasing speed ofprime mover= increasing speed ofpump=inc­ 500

量泵转速=提高先导压力),引到Xl或X2日(视行走方 / / 0.9

2600- 1300- 900- 620 - 320 160 Required: Output torque
reasing pilot pressure) is directed to ports XI or X2 dependent on 460 I ///

向面定)使马达向减小排屈方向转变 (扭矩减小,转速 Solution: Capacity VgN gmax =
/I/ / / 0.8
300 150

号H A 5u
the direction of travel, and causes a swivelling towards smaller 2400- 1200-
800- 560 420 280 140 48/80=0.6
增加) 。 / /// //

motor capacity(lower torque, higher speed). 2200- 1100- ', 0.6Vgmax at 24MPa gives an output
380 260 130 / / /,, / /
若工作压力升高到超过变忧机构设定压力值,则马达向 Should the opreating.pressure rise above the set pressure value at 2000- 1000- 700- 500 - 210 120 f / / / 4' / /
' 07 torque M of 183.168N•m.

增大排量方向转变(扭矩增大,转速降低)。 340 / ' 7 7

the regulator,the variable motor swivels to a higher capacity(high­ 1800- 900- 440 220 110 / / / /'
/ / '


600- // // / 47 2规格80排量Vg:52ml/r

悛怒芒 艺谥
先导压力与高压保持固定关系,Pst/Ph=3/100 er torque,lower speed). 1600- 800- 300 200 100 / /:
- 380
/ 4 夕7 /,, 多, / zz/' 05〉
4 求:马达的转速比

即先导压力变化0.3MPa(升高或降低 ),使相应工作压 Pilot pressure and high pressure remain in a fixed relationship, 1400- 700- 500 - 180 90 2
260 歹' Z / / z z /

/ / 夕;

- 乡 ',
- 320 160 80 ,

4 在0.65Vgmax给出1.539即在同样流

Pst/Ph=3/l 00, this means that 0.3MPa variation in pilot pressure / 么 ,,/ 夕 乙 / z 乙 .,,. 04

力升高或降低lOMPa。 1200- 600- 220

, / ,,, ,/' /三 J J ' ', 乙 -/多'
夕 夕z

400 - l40 70 抢下,变量马达的转速是最大排橇

(rise or fall) gives a pressure rise or fall of 10 MPa in operating 260 /

设计带DA变量的驱动时,必须考虑A4V .DA型变 1000- 500-

4 乡 乡 Z 乙乡 时的1.539倍。
180 匕重'
120 60 z .... 匕

pressure. /2
0.3 Example:
800- 400- 300- 200 100 50 4 多 么Z 乙 乙尸 -k::: 匕


量泵的技术数据。 140 匕 1_,,, 匕
When design ing a drive with a DA control, the technical data 2.size 80,Capacity Vg =48ml/r
600- 300- 80 40 ? ?夕 乡 L 匕 ,� 匕 l- 乡
XI ofthe variable pump type A4V.DA must be considered. 200- 140 100 Required: Speed ratio
X2 60 30 4 Z么 2 之 匕 乙 匕 匕 乡

•---- -------•
B 400- 200- 乙 Solution: Capacity VgNgmax=
厂 _____ ------ 采 -_____________米----------- 7 4 哆 么多 乙 二 _


「 100- 80 60 付 20 · 52/80=0.65

200 - 100- ,;; 乡 么

/m }
20 20 10 0.65Vgmax gives an speed ratio
令 -
厂__ of 1.539, i.e. at the same flow,
\: 468 225 160 107 80 55 28 10 20 30 40
the variable motor turns at
规格Size 工作压力差 factor of 1.539 times the
I 连接日: Connectiono
P rt: Operating pressure=(小fferential pressure) speed at max capacity(Vgmax).
I I I A, B 压力日 A,B rP essure o
P rt
\ I I
| X1,X2,G 先导接日 X1,X2,G Pilot Pressure Port
- - |
) I
勹.」 T 回汕日 T DrainPort ·转速与排量的极限值 应用实例:

- -
十/ Limiting values for speed and capacity 1规格107 ,流量Qg:192.6L/min
-- O—」
[[ 开-l
------�-----------L________夹 --____________ Q
Q严 解:规格107允许的最大流星为321L/min,
A T G 因此,Q/Qmax=192.6/321=0.6从曲线中
Vgma)f 1.0 0.9 0.8 得出排量比Vg/Vgmax=O.45,所以马达的

最小排量为0.45 X 107=48.15ml/r。
/ // //
I/ / V Example:
•MA手动控制MA Manual control /
V / 0.
// // /
I.size 107,oil flow Q=192.6L/min

V / / Required: Minimum pemissible capacity
/ /I/ / in order not to exceed the maximum
0.8 0. /

/: r/
/ / V permissiable motor speed(at Vg<Vgmax)

// / 尸// / 长 / /

通过手轮驱动螺杆以调节马达的排最。 Adjustment ofmotor capacity dependent on the position of

Solution: Max pemissiable oil flow

A启 3
/ / / 匕 /

r/ V/
装配型式: a threaded spindle-hand operation. / / / / for size 107 is 321 L/min,therefore
/ / V / / 0. Q/Qmax= l 92.6/321=0.6,

Assembly Design:

哭菩 3A
第 一
种装配型式 / / /
Assembly type 1 0.6 / This gives a capacity ofVg/Vmax=0.45,


名学耍 云
/ /
B /尸/ ' / /
o. The minimum motor capacity is therefore
// 仁
/ /

0.45XVgmax=0.45xJ07叫 8.15ml/r.
/ 夕

/ / 2

仁 /仁 匕

/- _




// // 了L _l 2规格107 , 马达的排量Vg=96.3ml/r<Vgmax
/ //////
0.4 0.


乡z乙 /

仁 _ /
匕 \Vg mrn 求: 马达的最高转速
/匕 仁__一二
/ /
4髻乡尸//仁 三

Connection Port:

连接D: L 了 之尸
A, B 压力D A,B Pressure Port 0.2 匕 n=nmax X O. 8333=4000 X O. 8333

夕 -

T 回油日 T Drain Port 乡

/ 乙

匡 Example:
2.size 107,Motor capacity Vg=96.3ml/r<Vgmax

Required: Maximum pemissible speed n
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0. 7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Solution: Motor capacity Vg=96.3ml/r,
转速比 n/n gm旺 (Vgmax) Vg=0.9Vgmax
A T Speed ratio
The motor capacity 0.9 Vgmax gives
n= ngmaxx0.8333=4000x0.8333=3333.2r/min

ATUS-A6V变量柱塞马达Variable displacement motor ATUS-A6V ·元件外形尺寸系列2规格28..,250 Unit Dimensions Series 2 size 28..,250
A,B 压力日 A,B Pressure Port
z G G port for synchronous control
·元件外形尺寸系列2规格28...250 Unit Dimensions Series 2 size 28...250
和遥控压力油日 of multiple units and for
remote control pressure

HD和HA控制2型总成 先导油日 X Pilot Pressure Port
HD Control Assembly type 2 回油日 T Drain Port
A1 Z向Z direction
Z splined shaft DIN5480 A3 For DA control
S splined shaft GB3478.l-83 A4 XI,Xl Pilot Pressure Port
45 ° ------r------ 45 ° 用千MO控制
X1 压力溢流阀口
For MO control
XI Pressure relif valve Port
A9 A13 | | T 4-0A30


MA Control Assembly type 1 MO Control Assembly type 1


8-A27 A31
P parallel keyed

HD和HA控制1型总成 规格Size A1 A2 A3 A4 AS A6 A7 AB A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21
HD Control and HA Control Assembly type 1 28 249 230 206 189 107 75 16 25 8 15 19 43 Ml6Xl.5 50.8 20 100 M8 21.5 33 50 57
55 312 291 264 249 123 108 20 32 10 7 28 35 M18X1.5 50.8 20 125 M12 25 40 63 52
80 368 345 316 297 152 137 23 32 10 7 28 40 MlSX1.5 57.2 25 140 Ml2 30 46 71 59
107 378 356 326 301 145 130 25 40 10 7.5 28 45 M18X1.5 57.2 25 160 M12 35 49 80 63
160 440 412 377 354 213 156 28 40 11.5 7.5 36 50 M22X1.5 66.7 32 180 Ml6 40 57 88 66
225 468 441 405 375 222 162 32 50 12 11.5 36 55 M22X1.5 66.7 32 200 M16 45.2 61 96 74

250 505 411 472 354 120 134 25 50 12 36 82 M22X1.5 66.7 32 224 M16 50 51.8 100 150


规格Size A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27深DeepA28 A29 A30 A31 A32 A33 A34 A35 A36 A37 A38 A39 A40 A41
28 64 81 23.8 45 110 MIO 17 125 118 11 116 27.9 25 50 230 152 176 124 131 139 M27X2
-勹 55 60 84 23.8 53 132 MlO 17 160 150 13.5 142 33 30 60 301 208 235 133 141 153 M33X2
80 68 99 27.8 64 150 M12 18 180 165 13.5 172 38 35 70 353 252 282 152 161 177 M42X2
107 71 107 27.8 64 162 M12 18 200 190 17.5 178 43 40 80 357 259 288 164 173 188 M42X2
160 77 108 31.8 70 182 M14 19 224 210 17.5 208 48.5 45 90 423 302.5 338 182.5 193 201 M48X2
225 85 121 31.8 70 199 M14 21 250 236 22 226 53.5 50 100 441 324 359 201 211 219 M48X2
250 179 211 31.8 95 296 M14 20 280 252 22 262 53.5 50 82 497 352 371 223 230 296 M48X2

规格Size A42 A43 A44 A45 A46 A47 A48 A49 A50 A51 A52 A53 A54 A55 A56 A57 A58 A59 A60 A61 A62
EL控制1型总成 EL控制 2 型总成
EL Control Assembly type 2 28 230 164 119 204 266 212 53 131 253 212 209 53 73 144 269 102 -
EL Control Assembly type 1
A4 55 301 223 129 213 334 274 48 124 317 272 268 49 70 77 146 329 111 301 208 224 138
A47 80 353 267 148 240 282 326 56 137 371 326 322 56 77 83 152 381 115 353 252 268 157
107 357 269.5 160 254 394 333 61.5 144 380 336 332 59 81 88 152 390 115 357 257 273 169
160 423 313 177 265 452 386 70 139 442 387 383 65 86 94 158 441 130 423 300 312 187
225 441 334 196 284 481 414 74.5 147 471 416 411 73 95 158 470 135 441 322 334 206
250 497 314 253 391 514 389 158 260 484 392 380 158 167 172 510 250 497 352 371 223

规格Size A63 A64 A65 C1 C2 CJ 平键 GB1096 -79 花键 DIN5480 花健 0B34781-83

C( G X (kg)
Pparaller keyed splined shaH splined shaH
28 — 1.2 12 0.8 键8X40 W25Xl.25Xl8X9g EXT18ZX1.25MX30RX5f 16' Ml2Xl.5 Ml4Xl.5 18
55 130 155 30 1.5 16 1.5 键8X50 W30X2Xl4X9g EXT14ZX ZMX30RX5f 16' Ml4X1.5 Ml4X1.5 27
80 149 177 33 1.5 16 1.6 键10X56 W35X2Xl6X9g EXT16ZX ZMX30RX5f 16 。 Ml4Xl.5 Ml4Xl.5 39
107 161 188 33 2 20 1.6 键12X63 W40X2Xl8X9g EXT18ZX2MX30RX5f 16' Ml4Xl.5 Ml4Xl.5 52
160 178 206 34 2.5 20 2.5 键14X70 W45X2X21X 9g EXT21Z X ZMX30RX5f 16' Ml4Xl.5 Ml4Xl.5 74
225 197 225 34 4 25 2.5 键14X80 W50X2X24X9g EXT24ZX2MX30RX5f 16' Ml2Xl.5 Ml4Xl.5 103
250 230 296 13.5 ° Ml2Xl.5 Ml4Xl.5


4 25 2.5 键14X80 W50X2X24X9g 103
ATUS-A6V 变量柱塞马达 Variable displacement motor ATUS-A6V
·元件外形尺寸系列1规格468重量223Kg Unit Dimensions Series 1 size 468 weight 223Kg
Unit Dimensions Series 1 size 468 weight 223Kg
HD 控制2型总成
HD control Assembly 2 EL控制 1型总成 EL控制 2型总成


EL Control Assembly 1 EL Control Assembly 2




splined shaft DIN5480 486

W70 X 3 X 22 X 9g 8x45 °




Z向Z direction


和遥控压力油口 M22Xl.5

先导汕日 Ml6Xl.5
回油日 M33Xl.5 HA控制 1型总成

Pressure Port HA Control Assembly 1

port for synchronous control
of multiple units and for
remote control pressure M22xl.5

HD控制1型总成 Pilot Pressure Port M16xl.5

HD Control Assembly 1 Drain Port M33xl.5

S l.







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