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ELECTORAL ROLL 2023 S29 Telangana No. Name and Reservation Status of Assembly Constituency : 49 - LAL BAHADUR NAGAR (GENERAL) Part No. :569 No. Name and Reservation Status of Parliamentary Constituency(ies) in which the Assembly Constituency is located : 7- MALKAIGIRI (GENERAL) 1. Details of Revision ‘Year of Revision 2023 Qualifying Date 01-10-2023 ‘Type of res Second Special Summary Revision 2023 Date of Publication 04-10-2023 Roll Identification Basic roll of Socond Spocial Summary Revision 2023 and Supplement-1 of additions, deletions and corrections under Second Special Summary Revision 2023 2. Details of part and polling area No. and name of sections in the part 1-Netal Nagar Colony 2-Netaj Nagar Colony ‘Main Tonn or Vilage # GHMC, SAROORNAGAR Post ice GADOANNARAM Police Station : SAROOR NAGAR POLICE STATION Mandal : SAROOANAGAR, Revenue Divsion + KANDUKUA District : RANGAREDDY Pincade + 500060) 3 Polling station details No. and Name of Polling Station Type of Polling Station GENERAL 5 (Male/Female/General) 1569 - Sx Chattanya Techno School, Room No.3, Netal Nagar, Gaddiannaram Number of Auxiliary Polling ° ‘Stations in this part: Address of Polling Station |S] a eRe 2 RES EE Soa 7 Tn 7 Tee zl Zuri ‘House Number + 12-25-40/6/902 SRISAI me ‘Age 1 Gender :Femae " ‘Age #21 Gorter : Male nee a Toes a Toa a Za Fathors Namo: Sebnevath Manian ustande Name: Sathavath Parvethal Fathere Namo" Narormha Rao fap: 45. Gene te eaten ||| Aor: <2eno Fora union ||| A509 S60 ve usiale = — | _ | Tame ‘Motners Name: Pushos A ‘Famers Name: Ramamurthy P ‘Fatners Name: A Chnnapa Reody ‘Age 29 Genter : Female MO] || 08 83 Gono." va “me ‘9O/GZ2uJANAPAIYA SOUCHA, me avaiapie ‘Avarabie ‘Age +44 Gondor + Female: Availabe 7 z1sa752086 || a ZISATEST a 1820345975 Husbends NemetPojehvee Peden ‘Husbongs Name+ arn Fates Nome: Nenkat oo Mallsposd SANE A Sane p22 Sy si asa ||| 99 °8 b0c rae a | ewan arene || __—2] area meee roe. ||| pete 8 roe ||} Satie on Pe eenlae a | 7 OT ‘House Number: 13-23- me 196/107 JANAPRIA SOUCHA. " “Age 583 Gender :Male nee "ih nn sae | Beaters ne anne a = = Taman = Toa Segue ‘Age as on 01-10-2023, 14/481 Modes a8 per supplement Date of Pusat 04-10-2023 Total Pages 30 - Page 3 ‘Assembly Constituency No and Name: 49-LAL BAHADUR NAGAR Part No: 569 Section No and Nome 4 Netaji Nogar Colony Ca eorita |] Trane a Ts Tries or Cat Tare Wen eioy ‘rt Panay [Steen Suthers inion a ate ay ‘House Number : 13-25-190/122 JANAPAIYA, “me Age 86 Gender : vale “e ‘Age +55 Gonder :Femae me serene ate ete se A stoene ne zi ear I Tema a Eno Tar evr ey ly Tara faut Bromcsa Tere een Sate oT teres Rane aceaeent ‘aia Nove se eure eee eocuree S rae prow ||] toasuutee "Sa wet proto ||| Femina or wens | ont ser ome Pee at ea sate sans ||] = "8" coe tte Tress || Tana Eo Tae Yan ott oe Year aire lore Fe ama Snare ren ee! ton hn reeset ncn ‘SOUDHA me 136/206.JAMAPRIVA APPT " ‘Age 153 Gender: Male mt MP Boner stone sain {|| or soem teense ‘vnins nine a] zisaav25 || al 7185694271 a zrsza52342 sea Stone ee |W roe nae aan || os ~ ete ee ese a Tieoone = Tassie TrasE? Me Eater Sante apna Manta homentone c onan prow ||] reosuurce "2's bun prot ||| tewerance saan | ope ea 2-00 eee a in stone ronae — snaiooe ||| Astron ite — Ca a | rsa | [a] Tiss Tare Garett Tora Tomar tanshona Tere ah bu racnce fontane notes, Nicancstone nese outer ‘enoa nome forme fotos ‘Ago 30 Gonder :Fomale atave ‘vstane ||] Age "84 Concorso ‘vata 7 oo a TS a Tiss Meat cheats ctl rete trea Starcetonte Nites Set gh poietic row ||] tosainee "228 roo ||] taseerees sees Pico encoun eect nae noi ttcoweorse noi |] A» Gow rence nace |] 2a Socorro von rosea zroiasure Imes Po erry Karel vette Seen Kaya Pc ae ‘Aga? 12 Gender *Mae me a 130/305.JANAPAIYA SOUCHA mere ota snnaio ||] Sezdoe= tone pee — csoesea ||] | Tl zis780058 seproocrar ae eH ai tear oun we || reat soem ~ ‘Available ‘Aga : 67 Gander ‘Male Avaitble ‘Age 163 Gander : Female: Available Treat a Tener a TisneaTer Tee coma Tare Taree oe Tip Taare Ten wer Gokenete vr Hods Mata Benen bo Dae See see anata eas praia ||| pomsnurue So rato ||| romoninue Pre setpenn eae eee clon Re Te ouna suaiao {eGo tronce snasve {| 383000 ron ine ‘goas on 01-10-2008 {#7 Modled as per supple Dat of Pubition 04-10-2023 TotalPagos 30 Page 4 ‘Assembly Constituency No and Name: 49-LAL BAHADUR NAGAR Section No and Name 1-Netaji Nagar Colony Partie. 569 a ZStToNeT a FIS6@O57 a TST Tiaras Phonsalchra Reo Chany None @ rane amo tah OF ‘Age 71 Gon0e" saw MET age 52 Ganon Fer MT Age 299 Gonder eae me vaiode vaiode veiatle al Tisceanee7 a zisz8aira w zrs20Te27 Taro ornare Nemes Ua PA ‘Sart Hause humoer is 0/008 AT Proto }]] Futeoe Proto ||] Hoos umbersi5-25-s0'05 Prete ween a0 RosNumnbe18-23-180/408 Foe #9) Gordo Male feo 02 Goce Nae ested ||| Ao" e0Gence renee fvniobs Avsiobe Zea 182209507 sna ‘Nave 7 Aok Ruan Poy Boraly ane Kran Drop Nan Genta Siva Kapanapy Fairs ame! Suche Pee” Fars ere: Onur San harris ‘itachi aan ty hon eGo Nae iatervRSDUD Foe Number: 13-28-130/02 FLAT NO satan | || 20°27 Ora le nile vaitie 7 zise0esse7 | 7 Tisareri 7 zisee7ees2 Tava onan ‘ane Ga engin Maco Nan “Nia Seat Famers Wome! Shaka: P Frere are’ m3 9 Stay Megnraou Fates Ma ves Sapa AePART MT pe 27 Goncer tae " ‘age 91 Serder Fea ne 4p 30Gonde te sails vaible ‘vsiale B 7raHed2309 7 zsaeo1074 a ZTBs601099 Fathors Name’ Vencteaware Redly N Faore Name! Krohanama Charpy Fusbanc Name Roghava Chay Hobse umber £1325" 1078098 Proto |] konarair Proto ||] ronanaie Proto foo 2) Gonder ‘orale eouNumbor:18-28-190-ATNOOH FeosoNumbor:18-23-1S0FLATND:201 sais ||] panne soiois ||] panera Avsiatle Doe 71 Gerda Male ge 163 andr Fare 7 rissse7ae2 || 77] TiSGRATETA 7 TrsessIaM Tiara SoatraDoeg.ta Namo + Sreowoos Nogneps Nome vanorrah £6 fatto Name! Upen” beens Fars ere: Venkata ar Nasaan Faience tan ‘Aap 26Gen0e:Fomale M11 rossenurive :13-23-190 RAT NO-027 MO 11 ae £63 Gondor sFerae me soaiane ||| Por 48 Concor Nao puaiave veiale Fa zseora007 | a Tisw8e0 a Zse848573 Taro Nagar Babu Ren Name rpm ‘Name Pasa ato Farr Nome: Granda For Nae! Ghose D "bonce Name rons dey at Hoase Number 1825-182 Proto ||] Hoosehumbe5:25152" Proto ||] House sumear 15-25-52" Preto eo" Gonce a oe Concer Nae ‘e180 Goode Pore Joaiala alla Avsistle 185069200 Zisesseas Zrse701643 Famer Name! Senay St Fawr har Sree Rly Bat Foto Nana hare Heer #1020 48/08 prow ||] Hoosnunve st 25-a2"03rtar Proto ||] feesenunter str 2sasarasarisa | proto hoo 2eGente Nae Nowa inoue satan ||| 49° 2100080 Fence sruaiade ||| A9° #57 Gera Mle vataie __s) re | TISti@2697 a ZSs5N4558| ENGLAVE ~ Pe HT enoune ” " ‘Age +70 Gerd Male ne ge 70nd Fale ‘vata ||| 40° S0Ganao le vaible ‘vaiale a zistewr2s a “isseanez0 cl zisa7or7en Tare Paar Tone Tame Fem Gran tnga ‘ame Tonga on hon Reuse numoer © 1:23" 135/301 Photo ||| Housenuumbe :13:25-139/301 Photo ||] Fouse Number: 13:23-133°201 Photo ‘eo 4S Gand “Fone ‘go 25 Gondor ‘Maio Narcan nasa Jails uniabe ||| A £27 Gora :vite Avsisle ‘Age as on 01-10-2023, 14/481 Modes a8 per supplement Date of Pusat 04-10-2023 Total Pages 30 - Page 5 ‘Assembly Constituency No and Name: 49-LAL BAHADUR NAGAR Section No and Name 1-Netaji Nagar Colony Partie. 569 Cay misoaeara Ll ZiSaTiae a Zisa0770 Taro SunaaPeumolo Name over Rey None Banko tsbends Rone earn Pourata tate aren ty Fetes None ave easy ‘Age # 54 Gender Fore OY || ge et oranr ane MOT age 295 Gonder sFere me sane ae Avaute a TiSDOT SS = ISOS we zis Tare: hava ey Nan ven Kar ‘an Bhat Poco Hause Number #13-28-134/102 Photo ||] House number '15-23-134/"03 Photo ||] Rouse Nunber # 13-25-1348 Proto fap 1SConce Nae gnc Ne ge 6) Sor No aoe ‘tobe vate ZIRO72009| ISAC7S7O sere? Tae Wagan ane anaes Nan Ear Soriep Oaeta Hinde Roath ctr Y Fawr rs Raa Suan P Frese 8h shea oat Mounehumser 1923 Bato prop ||] Rooenarwe 9 29 aa prow ||] Foomnante 9.29 08 — soos :Foae on 61S No soe 30 Soe Ne a swore |[] ar zs a ZISt2601% ‘Age 32 Gender :Female ||| Age 20cm Mate " ‘Age +99 Gondor: Male me aoe sete Araite 763 TERR ‘64 zreuctash 705 Zrasrasét Fata namo"? Sronope Pobre aay Fite None: Gosncach Soraa Fause numer! 136 Prow ||] Secures Pro ||] Foosswanee s5:25-0 Proto gp: eaConcs Nae oto 823-195 ge 68 Gor Nao saisie ||] Aor: 2 Con sve Jails vate Cy | | risicores | [P= a rsa0a0 Fatners Name: Neqrecty KotTUr ‘Fatvers Name: Kodanda Rigo G_ Fatners Name: Ramanaan Kothapstnam ‘agp 57 Gene Mae MT age 187 Ganon nae M11 age £63 Gondor ae me satan vane rune 13] z1S4001499 | [| im ZISSI7I000 Ti ZISIORESD Ntondohons oso Roe Nettangononcr enacts "brea ome Sue mean Pro ||] Hoosnimae 5-25-08 Pro ||] Foossnanter 5:25" Proto Hawa Naber 1928-16 ‘oto tPonaa ‘oe usd Foe ‘26a Fone aot tobe vate 7a ‘SonOGTES 7a ZISISSOAE7 "i “ZISICOWTET ‘ares Raa ‘ave nena Naw Sowa Psd Reker Kure Httansanes Seas ‘Nitta Ne syst th Iino 3 80 prop ||] Reseninie 9 2506 roo. ||] emne'9'8e Prete C4 TiSo0eee7 75 7 Fehrs Name Jagucges xirsr S Faris Nae: 6 Retest rape Fathers name: Chana Now Samaie sgeriacende ie pos Sonne a np 29 Gade aoe ete vate i ISR ® ZiBAS24009| 7% Eo Tae Siar Tap Voss Atty ‘are avShanka Wea fates ame rea ‘boas ome Suroaryene Nth Fes aro Vat Sat Rao Fouenumersisaaertorno% | phox |] aaron Pro ||] Foosswancer 20 ts Proto Ager Gonder ise rte hunker 18-23-1604, S0Ni6A poser aren ssaiaoe ||] nore ‘vaiable vate Moe 98a Farle ‘Age as on 01-19-7028 14/4 Modiies as per supplement Date of Pubcon *- 04-10-2028 Total Pages 30 - Page 6 ‘Assembly Constituency No and Name: 49-LAL BAHADUR NAGAR Section No and Name 1-Netaji Nagar Colony Partie. 569 TH ad FISTATO a TSA Taverna Sabo Ro None? Thgia Gastala Nome ‘reoaramae gua Famers wane! Tula ops rao Fistence Rane gue Vos toa Faitance are ew Sarkar Tao SARUTER AP MET] ousenurier:13-23-136/201.S0007 we Tf sarees me on t3 Gane tae Skicem AS Ie #8 onc Fore ‘pvatave vaiode veiatle ‘oe Tone *Fende wa ZisaeR Aas a Zisiz0809a wa “zrst208702 Hoose moe 18-25 136/402 Photo ||| Hoostimbe : 5-25-8040 Proto ||] Hoos Numbers 15-25-0608 Prete foo 20 Gonder Forale Poe Gondor a Foe Sonar Fema ‘vaiede Joaibla Avsistle 7 s0208728 rsIeO86eD 7 zreC200798 Fats Name: Setanereyana Fates Nem: T Venkata ae FRinbanes Name: Prvesr Kumar hon 61 Gono ‘Nae pos 43GonerMae Foose Number 13-23-1360 ‘salad suntan | || A837 arco =Fencae vaitie Ez 1831678 ||] ai Zis2068%64 zis2088%28 Tava: Bal venaron ‘an Sarnia Nragnda ‘ane Soyavtems Nimagadoa Feshends Names Patera Fstncs Name:NSe Nenana Rao 1 Frere rr: Nar Morne ao go 8\ once Fone ge Sonn ere ge 22 ero Mae ‘Avaiave vaible ‘vsiale 7180079776 a ZBAG73647 35 r60676687 Fathors Name Herumartha Rac © Faere Name" Prabhalar Reddy Varga \Mothora Nam: Ratna Mtchanogata Hoase moe: S806 Photo |] Foossrumoe ts aneanas-e Proto ||] Foussnumeer 7-1 Preto foes teCan hse foe Gondor Mae oe Gondor Mae Jails oaibla Avsiatle =] risoories |[ 7] TISOeTIT a TRAATS Tava San Chay Koken Nome tatahniK ‘ome ‘Choro rol Ysoganula Famers Name: ten 8 args Cray Fstance Name Stewaca ar 8 Faisbnee Nan Narenarroyaca Hoase uoe 17-11 "O° ||] oe: 70 coner sFomae "et | fe 9 Soren sFemae me Age TO Gonder Nae vaia08 vaiaos veiale wl 86169361 7 Zisaisbe 7a ZrsearaK2 Taro Taio Hee ‘a ara ort Nene House Number :22-05/1 Photo || Eonmatant Photo || KouseNunber :22-115 Proto ‘e023 oer Fora RouwNumber2-67/0 ‘153 Gonde Fone dais ||] 49°41 Gerce sae alla Avsistle 03800570 Zis0ar36e im 180820809 Fators Name: Sankarash Fars ee: area Rec Frhrs ame Sea ay R Home Nome 29-63, prow ||] Hooenirte 1236/8 Prot ||] Foossnumte 12331 Pro foo Tate Nae pos "3a a foe 142g a 4) isos? |(| 15] kre 7a ZISMD8ESS Fathers Name: Stoker Recs aka Famers Narre: N rianumartna Rao Fathers Named Voerabaare Rao Hetse Numbers 29-34 Proto ||] Booster 12302 Proto ||] feossntner 28:09 Proto ‘Ag 40a NS on 29 Got Age tbGurcer Ponte ails vaible ‘vaiale ia] “zsteeonco 7 ZTSI6EACES 7) ~wereTe259 Tiare vanunerta Rao Name Shosraoev ‘ame (KSavaraavena Fatale’ Seboerno Nttanseanes brant Pao Fatnere Rate ity Hoose umber 23-319 Photo |} Feoshurwe 23303 Proto ||] Foossnuneer 23-313 Preto ‘ee "18 onr ‘No foe ‘go: ordre ‘satade oaibla Avsisle ‘Age 98 00 01-10-2023 '4/#1 Modifies as per supplement Date of Pubsication :- 04-10-2028, Total Pages 30 - Page 7 ‘Assembly Constituency No and Name: 49-LAL BAHADUR NAGAR Part No: 569 feeioetisananern seta Neper Clny ‘Age +06 Gonos :Female MY] | ge <7 Goncor sFemae 1] | Ace 49 Sonar sxe me Husbands Nemes Vive Sager NAsie Faers Nee: § Meraich Fathers Name A Vasenitha Reo. reteset [aoe ||] Soauise ent sow |] Sosulece 33 wo renter ne a Sones Fathars Name! akehm Narayana P stands Name! T Pradeso sbancs Name: Mutya ‘House Number + 29-79 me Age: 23. Gender + Female " ‘Age 141 Gercer Mal mee ‘Age +68 Gener “Mate, Avaiable Avaitble ‘Aveilable = Tame a Tanne = Toes Fathors Name! H Garpath Reo ‘Husbands Name Markardoyats Fathers Namo" Joovanbabu fuga oe sow |] feseetee' ss pros |] Ease aa so SNe Soe ae See, ro so sve ss or a Tan = 7a Tae Se ape Somaeeten ‘Age #87 Genter Mae MO] || 8 35 Gonger va 9] || ae 34 Sonor sFemae “ve ry ‘z1s0522821 |] 7) “zrs0088204 T] 72184335254 Fathers Name: Hengelch A Fatners Nem: Shankar Nok Fatners Nome: Bhaskar Noisy feet pow ||| Sore ys} pow || Ee te oaNee ae canes ae SSUAe si su a TFrsna003%8 we TISILODS7 7 ZTSKaDReD ‘cote a roe ||} izes are veo ||| oie ee — a = = Tens ‘Age #9 Gender Female me ||| pac sme, . " BACK SIDE . ne ‘Available ‘Age 58 Ganda: Malo ‘Avaliable ‘Age 135 Gondor: Mala ‘Aveilable a = a Taree = Tae PEO Oa ae et SERRE SARL nan [Srentine ney, roo. ||| salts ane poo ||| asses ee ‘Age as on 01-10-2023, 14/481 Modes a8 per supplement Date of Pusat 04-10-2023 Total Pages 30 - Page 8 ‘Assembly Constituency No and Name: 49-LAL BAHADUR NAGAR Part No: 569 Section No and Name 1-Netaji Nagar Colory a TISSs05G6 m7 LRT arb 7 Ke | ‘ge # 49 Gender Nao MT] ge 85 Gace Fer MT Age £33.Gandr ae me ‘pvatave vaiode veiatle = Trssearo 5 Zisis208cs = Zisomeea7 Husbonde Noms: Gudhosr Fates Nerre: Noroyana, 'usbonce Namie: Dharmendhar Goud Gevni House Number 23-00'S OAONO- Proto ||] Hoossnumber 23-2016 Prot ||] Hoos inter 25-2016 Prete foo 32 onde Fore poe Gordo Nae Foe Gondor erate ‘vaiede Joaibla Avsistle 7] ZISaE0807A Zrsaeota6a Zrseoteaas Tare sSayenayara Osa ‘Nan Ripa Doser ‘ane Var Prasad Bota Fattors ame: Seen a Fisting Name Satnarayane Csr Fathers ane: sgl Bota hone) Gone Nae os Bande Perle oe 73 Gana 7] zisras9800 | wi “Zse862806 Ww zisees2a1a Tiara EAPURM RANISNGAPUDAM Nana Sra Naw Karna Far Nine SISAPLRA MOHAN Feith sae Tein 8-08 House noe 23-000 ||| poe 28enae sve 11) age 29 Sonor eae nee Ago Stender Female ‘Avaiave vaible ‘vsiale ZISSPIENE we zrs7st68e0 8 zrae94908 Taro sparta Bolan ‘amp Sa SrvtsarafudcyTOTAPALLY ‘ome Sa San sia Fomor ore! Her Paned Boer Netter Naar OAUATI Teta Ptnas Name: Revan observer :23-ea's Photo ||] Housnumoe 23-2018 Proto ||] Foosenimeer 25:00" Preto top 24 Conde Fomale foe 2D Gondor Hae ioe Gondor ero Jails oaibla Avsiatle = TISTACaAeo 7 TISHOT3EO a KSI Taro SVIRY GHARANYAPASLLA Namo «Aare une ‘Name 16 Tarpanich faa ane: A PAA Fars ee: Mersmuununn Frere ame Raman Gud ‘Aap 1862008 Fom ale MT] age :83.Gonor ae M11 ace 268 Gondor ae me vaia08 vaiaos veiale m7 on3000786 | w TIRSBOROOS mi Zistana0 Fathers Nome Yoora rary FHusbonde Nome: RMedhusechana Chery Fathers Nome: Meccan Choy (eieenoe acca Proto ||] Housitumve 25:20 Proto ||] Hooseumber 23-809 Preto ‘eo be Gender ise ‘oe 82 Ganor Fondo ‘g0133 Goede Me. Joaiala alla Avsistle 6238 Be ZISAr7as6 2a ISSO Tare sViyaatasi 8 ‘ane Siena Re ‘ome va Rap Roba Hesndt Ramet Nage Bashan Reo Fawr era Ue Remsings 0 Frere me Bhuteesrar Feo Keli ‘Sonera 2028 roe ||| foment 28088 tro ||] mtn an Pro Ea risooeesr ||[___208] i ZiSCPIR8A Fathers Name: Janaratan ‘Fustisnos Name: Surerdia Kumar ‘Fusbsncs are: Ai ‘#87 Gon se ‘one Gonct Fons ‘Age 3 Gort FFenas ails vaible ‘vaiale Fa) Zisa7or%ee 2 ZTS6069169 7 zrsttsaa7 Tiare 5a Rares Kou Name Favicawaia ane arsiSes Fano Fat None" Stnatae Nets Nae Kamala Lawya Fatnerehane Sh Hacnssane Choy Faeroe ssateoryn Proto ||| Housnumoe 25:20 Proto ||] Foossnumeer:2s0/9orr emUr Preto ‘eo "38 Cont ‘Nso ‘go 33 Gondo ‘Maa tocwer ‘satade ania | || Ae 95Hap vate Avsisle ‘Age as on 01-10-2023, 14/481 Modes a8 per supplement Date of Pusat 04-10-2023 Total Pages 30 - Page 9 ‘Assembly Constituency No and Name: 49-LAL BAHADUR NAGAR Part No: 569 fecioetsananetn seta Nope ny ieee iene cy ‘Sinks Saar Soman MABKET “me MARKET “e Age £62 Gonder: Male me a = a Taam = Toso once ee row | teense pow || aa wo nee hes ae! Sone =) ISHTo66e ro) 2m 2rsesreeea al Tse] ai — Zz susie ‘Age #60 Gencer ‘Mae. wt 1 || ge £2 Gender Female " ‘Age *98Gonder = Male ne a Tse za a = Ton Hisbande Namo*Copol Keohra Fatvere Name’ Gepal Kichna, Fates Namo: Mansi Ba Goud iedeher cr row ||| Soe eae pos [IPERS Sue | ca SNCs Resa See ro so sve —_ | —_——T1 or i a) Sree ane vet ne nana ee See Sanaa ae Sane Soa es = Tamers = Taw a Tome Fathers Name: ® Norasrnha Overy Famers Nome: V Ohethar lsbance Name: Romaleisnre LERNER | poo ||] EERE SS oss | mow ||] REM to ‘ee Be uns ak (wc nso sae || or sme rese a oe Fathers Name Rarraswar\ Pustands Name?®S Scchar Fatners Name: Raaluaraiah Suna ae SBS Ae one oe = Toma =a Tan Tas [erent crow | etalon pron ||| ease ste a ‘Age as on 01-10-2023, 14/481 Modes a8 per supplement Date of Pusat 04-10-2023 Total Pages 30 - Page 10 ‘Assembly Constituency No and Name: 49-LAL BAHADUR NAGAR Part No: 569 Secion No snaiNarne 4 eta Nogar cary Ca Ts Zz ame Temas Tae a eon a om oe ea Sale rete heen Age 40 Gender aie MO] || ge 38 conver va 1] || Ace 34 Sone sFemae me a Toren = Toners = Tae Scotus ote pow | aiewe SS pow |] ENiee 3.0 wo caueees ones ae oa “zrsasensr2 ‘zre2e76e 2a ‘rssosrae Fathars Name: Hussain Mchmmsct Hustands Name: Yousuf Mohmmsd Fathers Nama: Prabal Vaedapily FS] nrcecerca | Tai uK38097761 Ba “Kaeve62 ‘Age #99 Gencer ‘Mae ||| ge s8Gmn0r Mate " ‘ge 48 Gender # Ferme mee = = = Trae = Trearaa Fee Te nes a oe Serene Sees a See ee ro so sve a Taro a Tose a = Sonn ics oes ae ‘Sogn tes a Tom] = Tear a Tea Hause Number :23-81/12NO FLOR Photo ||| House Nume :23-81/1/53 Photo ||| House Nunber :23-61/1/83, Proto vesnuee as costume, capes si su a mane noma [>] arate Fathers Name: Bchanna B Fusbands Name: armantna 8 Fathers Names Hemanth B = aero |] ee a mara rusbenas Name: Veereshemn G ‘rustianos Name: Soria Fusbanos Name: Raj shat Rey ao sae To gene ose WE onan ee BES Zine awe! ee eer cape eay ‘Age as on 01-10-2023, 14/481 Modes a8 per supplement Date of Pusat 04-10-2023 Total Pages 30 - Page 11 ‘Assembly Constituency No and Name: 49-LAL BAHADUR NAGAR Part No: 569 Section No and Name 1-Netaji Nagar Colony TH TISeaTAT8 Ea SIRES 7 “DKAaTI6OR Tare Sathorn Mots Name Kan ‘Nor onan ope ‘go #29 Goncer !Nae MT age 59 Gano Wve MOT Age £35 Gonder sFerse me vaiode vaiode veiatle Za RATIO wl TiseM6T6 7 zrseaasai7 Fathers Name! P Senvas Famers Nave: Senives Pathe Fatners Name: Grinives Pathe Hobse Number 29-612 Proto ||] Hoosshumbe 23:82 Proto ||] Foossnunter 258172 Prete foo Sede ‘Fomale sop 26 Conor Penal ge 2a Gor ele oaiaoa Joaibla Avsistle am Sacre ZIBAz82476 zreazaoass ‘ave argue Geena ‘an Vorupal Yh Gupte ‘ane ors! Vastra Fattors ane! Setyanereyanar oct Fawr ere! Verulam Set ‘Sites es ens a Gah Hoe Number 23-6120" NO 8 prow ||] Hoosnunbe 29 evArLaTéo.t2 Pro ||| fowsnunee ray aiiarcarncce | pnete how aNGonoo Nae pos Gana oe 12 Gand Parte. Fy) Zisni0476s i ZisM8235 7 zse08925 Tava: Veowitom Gace None Ganira De‘ u990 Name aya Doo Famers Nome! Unga Gane Fstende name: braves Kuna’ Dupo Fathers Nar Preven Kane Ong foe 88 Cancer Nae vata | || Aor 22 Genco :Fonete vaio | [| Ao" 3 Serer :Fenae viale 7 7186797880 181663797 25 zretee3ei9 Fathors Name! D Pravoat Kura Husband Name=Ramu Trumaia Fathers Namo: Voorappa Gata Hawenumoer:za-evaanisa eRaSAD | photo ||| Houenumae :z3-e1s/c Proto |]] Foussnuneer:25-'c Proto were sgn 00 Gano orale ge 62 Gorse fp 28Gene Ne Jails oaibla Avsiatle a er || ET Tisiroare 2a KSB aver usaiGata Namo Aranda Pcl Unga Nome 1 Soore Pay Heshenae Names Roy cate Frere! ves ee Unga Fathers ame: na Peay Hetwenumoers23-¢06/0 Prot ||| Hoosonmbe “sae Proto ||] Heosontmeort238178'¢ Proto ‘oe e2 Gener Fone. ‘poe 6 Gores ab ‘ae 1528 vaia08 vaiaos veiale 7] zisoeeean |{[ Ea LTTE Bi 180685769 Fathors Nome: Steshagi Roo usbanés Name: © Pam Moon Fathers Nome: oma THrwnelo Hoose Number 23-61 8/0 Proto |]] Househumoe 238i" Proto ||] Fovssnurter 2021-0 Proto ee S0Gonser Ne oe sd Cant tFone Ager Sarasa Joaiala alla Avsistle zrea8earie 180683771 werent Tar Narenta Roy hn Nanaia ‘ome 8 Sag Famer le ran Th Fintnes Name Ra Troma Foto NamePros adeenuon 99-0100 prow ||| Howenumos za evare Prow ||| foossnumee i200 Pro foo 'aD Gone hae foe "28nd 8 Es uKrizsioa Zist89407 Wi ~Ks546a3 usbenas Name: Sac ‘rusbnos Name: Sane Jean Frusbanos Name: Schr etkentmoer "29-60 6/0 Proto ||| Housentmenr e012 Proto ||] Hoechtintelsae ave Preto ‘Ag+ 37 Gant Fone ‘op Oana Fone ‘ge Sorc -Foite ails vaible ‘vaiale Fa SI64927 RS BAS Er] 87997926 Tiare Nv Sueran as ‘ame Wha ‘ane "wairaPvatanea Fata Nut Soler Rey Fawr aro’ Eenjos Ray Fater Na Samos sy Bona Hobsenumoer:93-0V8/0 Proto ||| Foosenumoe sev Proto }]] Foossnuneer:2ne1/a'¢ Proto ‘eo "32 Goncr ‘N30 ‘oe 30 Gon ‘Pon Ager Garr Fora Jails oaibla Avsisle ‘Age as on 01-10-2023, 14/481 Modes a8 per supplement Date of Pusat 04-10-2023 Total Pages 30 - Page 12 ‘Assembly Constituency No and Name: 49-LAL BAHADUR NAGAR Part No: 569 Section No and Name 1-Netaji Nagar Colony ar 7isai6232 = SSDS a 780892229 Taro Bar ote Tht Nar? Orano Lani Nome \Gooha Tat ‘ge # 99 Gone Nae MT] ge 87 Gancer Fer MOT age 295 Gonder sFere me ‘pvatave vaiode veiatle wa eed 3 ZisersTe6 si “URTE280EF Ferns ame: Mute sy Banca Pstence Ramer Cara Rody Sarde Frtsere ae Tey Hoose Number 23-616 MATH Proto ||] Housshunoe 23VGMATHA Proto ||] Foossnumber 2521 Prete UsaunnoancaLony RianAGaecoLony Foe Gondor Ago :eBconue Mae Joaiis ||] 4983008 =Femee Joaibla Avsistle 3a] 067228067 aa 2TSHr68i0 2reaa7036s HishandeNames® Ramla Fars ere: Cuno Frere ame: Haran Ran Heaweumber29-6¥6 Prow ||| foosnumbe 3 ene Prow ||] Howertunbe: 19.01 Prete how SO Gonte ‘Ferale pos d3Gonow a Poe 143 onda a] 7750390381 |[] ar TSweOR [A “isse81203 Tara: Anta Tne grew Roth Bra ‘ar “Campod Sienna Bhd Feshenge Names Rapeker Fars ae: aru shone Frere re Rass Shoe ‘Age = 98 Gene Fora MT ge 80 Conor tae " ‘Age 27 Gonder Fema me sails vaible ‘vsiale 3] SIEG200 a] uKsi6si0@ 3 SIESTA Husbende Namo:C Mrlidhar Fare Name’ C Muratshar Husband Name? © Rasingor Heusenumoer 25-6 Proto ||] Foosnuimoe 25:65, Proto ||] Foss winter 25-26 Preto gp: nde “Fama foe 8 onder Ha Joe 4 ond emo Jails oaibla Avsiatle ay KBE aT TRG a 5800 Taro s¥ Woe Pg Reo Nome 1 Sunt Nome Vana oone fae ame Samoa tharboo Fistenas name veeranaca Rao Fatonc Names Naga Ra so ‘Aap c6Gen0 Nae MT ge 65 G00 Fert MOT age 64 Sanco sFomae me vaia08 vaiaos veiale Ty KSI ||] wa RSEIOIC® a LST Fathora Name: K Surya Husbonde Nome: Sirias Fathera Nome: Nags Rou Fee fae Be Proto ||] Hoosehumoe 2:28 1 Proto ||] Foosenunber 2588/1 Preto ‘eed Gender ise ‘oe Gano Fondo ‘0195 Goode Fone Joaiala alla Avsistle — ro Ey oerizeiea ||P 323] KSEIDIO Fattors Name J Veerbhadra Reo Fatvers lem: K Keshinath Fathers Name:6 Sebharah Nien 11.091 roe ||} Nesenurte 23681 roto ||] esate 23 2/8 Preto = aunt Proto ||| Foomninoe ‘wzsaiare roto ||] Pamparse Proto tops isco Nae oe ante Rona ore Nter 1-2 tao rasan ||] s880.0%.aro509 vate spe scora he ‘Age as on 01-10-2023, 14/481 Modes a8 per supplement Date of Pusat 04-10-2023 Total Pages 30 - Page 19 ‘Assembly Constituency No and Name: 49-LAL BAHADUR NAGAR Part No: 569 Section No and Name 2-Netaji Nagar Colony ra Tsabeenat TISICH8N wm TSe80 Taro Verte TrundlaSinhanrooButo Nan’ Sip Lala Da None Traber Sia ‘ge #6 Goner Nae NT] rousenvirie::13-23-38/4088 MT Age £35 Gonder tae me svaiane ||| 40°48 ence :Farce vaiode veiatle ZiSSHST oN ear Zis2ar2896 a zis? Taro 8 Shoo Ran! Namo agesae ie Nera ‘Name ‘Saale Neral Hause Numoer © 13-28-70 7/2108 Photo ||| HouseNumibe :13-23-70/9/08/8 Photo ||] Fouse Number #13-25-70/9/606/8 Proto foo 81 Gance#Fonele. pgp 67 Coo Ne ge order For oaiaoa Joaibla Avsistle Zr 4047 zreere6ea SIEI0e78 Tare Ssh Anand yah an vow Mac Owens ‘oe si acer Hshandshome em rans Fars ere! Venn Shcnan Chahoncra Frere els Mazeed owen Female. hee oe 76) Gorden vatane ||| 49>? G2nc0 Noe nile vaitie EZ) zrstsr2ae2 || a] Zrsts724es En ise Tava Sul Suoraranya Tolle ‘ar Bava Tosa ‘ane Wome Set Nampaly Famers Name: Yen Suntan fers are: Maes Frere ares ate) Ranh Cher FetseNumber 13-9580, Proto ||| foosntnner-3880, Proto ||] Reman Proto op to Gene Nae ge 81 Gordo Fer Fon Nunta: 13-25-80 sails ‘vate ||] 498 orca ‘vsiale Ea] 182100570 wo zsas726 at zraenases2 Fathors Name’ Rajeahokaram Chorale Favre Nae: Baia Subramanyam Fathers Namo: Sanjtiae Repet! Hoosenumoer 3-250 Photo ||] Foosnuimoe 15-2500 Proto ||] Foossumeer:ia'25-0 Proto fgps 18 Cone “Foci sgn ta Gono Fone oe 28 Gondor Ma Jails oaibla Avsiatle a Trs1a03sca a SEI a TKS Taro Ba Mah Gu Nome 16 Damar Goud ‘Nome +6 Prataan Goud & Famers Name! Thre cous Faters tere” Inver @ Frere are rveaman ‘Aap 37 Gene: Nae MOT age 42 Goncor wae MT age 299 Gangrene me vaia08 vaiaos veiale a T2753 ||] 3 Zis7a9a1 of zasee2 Heusenumoer :i3-28/80/8 Photo ||| ousehumbe :13-23-80/8/205. Photo ||| Fouse Number :13-25-80/8/308, 813A | Proto ‘e029 Concer Fone oe 8 Gondor Pere met Joaiala ‘rsiabo | || A854 rer :Me Avsistle 182069506 a | | zrs20648e9 Tare sHssan Suk ‘ane Zabunnsa Stak ‘ome sAbioat sok Fars me! Sis lS Histince Name Hesin Shai Fat Nas hunsan$ ‘Serer. 89 prow ||] Howsnunoe 3:25.07 fro ||| Homers 82'809 Pro Ea sass ||] AAT wa Kk T8905 Fathers Name: Negarieonra Rac Faers Narre: $ Shyarnaass'S ‘rusian Nari: Shyam Ra 8S House nunoe 19-2409 NY) age eaconcr Mae || age a8 Gorcer Fora nee foe 97 Gender Ferale ‘valae vaible ‘vaiale 4 ed 25 ZIS5I61997 En ~waria7269 Taro Shai Son sta ‘ame Sith Da Sk ‘ane FRamhLavmP Fata Nant Sra Shy Shih Fater Har Sats yaa Sion Fitna Nae Pci oneuthayP Hobse moe: g-2-€0 1 Proto ||] Foossnumoe :a:2583/ Prot 25-072 Proto ‘eo #28 Cont ‘No ‘oe Baan ‘Fond, ‘ae 55nd Fone Jails oaibla Avsisle ‘Age 98 00 01-10-2023 '4/#1 Modifies as per supplement Date of Pubsication :- 04-10-2028, Total Peges 30 - Page 20 ‘Assembly Constituency No and Name: 49-LAL BAHADUR NAGAR Part No: 569 Section No and Nome'2 Netaji Nogar Colony —_ | Tea a Ta Taos Gato? Tare 0 fama Tame orate Hevchunoersteaee0 ey occoNurber Be 80/01 FotesMnesr' th abewct ‘Age: 36 Gener: Mae “me ‘Age: 89 Gonder : aie “e “Age +50 Gonder :Femae me asec raw pos = Daze a az a vara on row ||} cian poo ||| Rost raesene ate ior Jeti ae 8.25.08 emia 82 arta Sass saan ||| 2057 Soe anaes — i — Tisnnse7 maka resin Senki ek ‘atnceNane Sentara She hiner yas sere Rise ueew 8-2-0805 (tine 5-2-0705 san ||| Soe Sac nae sry {|| Se Boome stonce pee os zen a ZisUreies a ‘House Number + 19-29-#0/105 me ‘House Number : 19-25-80/202,888 " ‘Age #36 Gonder sFemae nee ones, St ‘exter tee vote oi Soe ein ae = Tenn a Tiere a Taser rome ova prow ||| remus "cones rots ||] room sara Prt oun ees omg 82 Pop eoiy sabe voi pas a | Tate aa Taser revtcas ronan ne ||| fon soto ae noe |) fowtaotar eae nee sao rsa pom 3] 7151668475 | En z1S28a5410 a Zisaareasa Taree Taare aon rare gas be prow ||| teases aren prov ||| taste rane Pre nee Ras es te per ss tab von pv evemas saran94 zee Fs te m3 die cons Pie te Poth ae Neat ier coe aise sorte ee eT | 7sas7eee = 71sas7904 rusbends Names Yadaian Nakerkant FFatvers Narre: Yate Nakerbanit FFatnersParne: Weeraish Unern sera onan isda es Poet tae not ot a TrsDeaico a Temes a TZiscszaos Tae aero Tai av vr, Tor aoa Meehan ean Nhat, eee manace eas roo ||] Roasiicee St roo ||| euatanee tars! Prt NE Re Se ae nomena sat st pas ‘Age as on 01-10-2023, 14/481 Modes a8 per supplement Date of Pusat 04-10-2023 Total Pages 39 - Page 21 ‘Assembly Constituency No and Name: 49-LAL BAHADUR NAGAR Part No: 569 Section No and Name 2-Netaji Nagar Colony =] RSIEDST =] FIRED Ea] KEATON Taras van ‘ons Ga Sti Nome ea Svan Houte Number! 13-23-81/1 Photo ||| HowseNunbe: 13-23-80" Proto ||| Howse Nuriber13-28-81/1/58 Proto: gp ten rome poy sae ele ‘age 03 Goro Fema ‘pvatave vaiode veiatle En ZTSe86O09S wi Tise07iTe2 oa 186288250 Ta Yates Ys Parla Te raguina ula ine aad Hoose umber 18-25 60077 Proto ||] Fousshumoe'3-26-0/7T1 Proto ||] Hoosexumbersis-258171/ Preto foo 42 onder Nae foe 18) Gondor Fee Foe Gondor Ma ‘vaiede Joaibla Avsistle = SH265300 zistea7o1 82730882 Tare: Rayne Ouse ‘ane ipa Li Turret ‘ane Foote Tarra Hishends Nameetagha Hintnct Name vaectennar Rao Far hams Veni how 32 Gone Ferale os Gane Feral FocseNumber: 18-23-82 ‘salad unindia | || A9"*22 Gace sree vaitie wi ists? |[] wr ZrsMa05297 a zrseaosan Tava Shabaent ‘an Laahnan ‘are gaat go 98 Goce “Fora poe to moe ae ge 4d ‘Fone ‘Avaiave vaible ‘vsiale r4a03820 a ZBM96570 a Zreeanede Husbonde Namo: Srararabanceps Pati Faere Name: Novoyan Fao deat Husband Nari Veorabhadka Rac Vat Heasenumoer 1-25 60 Photo ||] Foosnuimoe:u-250%/2 Proto ||] Foossumeer 13-25-9972 Proto foo! code Foals Joe Gondor Ma ioe 7 Garde Ferae Jsaiabe oaibla Avsiatle Ea TSMaTOMe Ba 128507 aa INTRA fate Nane! vesoh Keron Faters tee: cnenaaan Fsbenes Name eat ‘Aap eB Geno Nae MT age :e2Gonoor tae MOT ae 24 concer :Fomae me vaia08 vaiaos veiale a is2067703 |] we od a Zis3a76803 Hause number #13:23-89/8 Photo ||| ousohumbe :13:23-80/8" Photo ||| KouseNunber:1323-91 Proto ‘e029 Concer ‘Fonte oe 25 ont tPanae ‘Aa "0rd Male Joaiala alla Avsistle wl 2188407007 Zis306315 _zrssarraas Tare sSrnves ran Gurdwara ‘Name Sher Gurdaerapy ‘an “Gran Meron Sno Fattrs Name! minaret te Fisting Name Seas Shara Frhers me Chercorrsha Saba Sinden roto ||] cunavsraeu row ||] foosenunte:st3:35°2 Pro etse Number £19-23-61 Focsenbe 13-23-91 foe 78) Gordo Male gp 61Conc:+Noe vated ||| A002 O2c0 Fence yale vataie i ZISDs781«0| ca aassie7sn [=] zissave74 Taro Varo Volga ‘av Oran asrSatapel ‘Name =Witan Monan Sohal Faers Name! Srvas Rosey Vega Fates oneeetan Sebo Fars ro cherasrroten Saga ‘Age 29ers :Fomale PT age 79 Gone sFercto " ‘Age 147 Sonar Mae me ails vaible ‘vaiale 4] ‘ist720ne2 ea ZisH873998 33 ZISI79I905| Tare suas Pura Tame Damodar Aud Geta ‘ae aaah P Reuse numoer#13-28-97 Photo ||| Houserwumoer: 13-23-97 Photo ||| House univer :13-25/97 Photo ‘eo #8) Cont “Forae ‘go #9 ond ‘Maio ‘9035 oedor Mla ‘satade oaibla Avsisle ‘Age as on 01-10-2023, 14/481 Modes a8 per supplement Date of Pusat 04-10-2023 Total Pages 30 - Page 22, ‘Assembly Constituency No and Name: 49-LAL BAHADUR NAGAR Part No: 569 Section No and Name’ 2 Netaji Nogar Colony 77 rasta | [a] a “nGanatan Tare Paar Teno Wvetaatm Tne Nova nor Otten nc roe ||| a soon Fora roe 1) oor Na vee See cadens tee ies ele Tiseaeare Fi Trsta010 a zrsasreraa Tere pn amy Teresa Tope awn Neos mow 9 29 0h prow ||] rovsiebe wa sory ||] rovutnbe 0. 8 Pree ‘otab Cone anak soe Cote ae enn Assia ibe tle resaea sstst69 cision Foc ine Stsowrra ty Fiesta an Ftc Nae: erry My Femur 28-16 soo eee 07S St Rona 4g 20nd Fons Aaiao Ania ia a ron a sees a ZiSi66431 eerie Ta patie otnmaps Ta eaoeatrne Kelovcae ‘tena me TNR 3-2-7 ee ||] ayosaoean a ee Avaiable ‘Age +47 Gencer : Mave Avaitble Available a ‘reerzniee a on ai zredsoateh Fame! Sherpa Sa Pao nahn Pes Pree Sue Pos eowhuroers 2-787 proto ||] rowsnuroe:sa.5.0 roto ||] rowsutroe sts 20 Preto tooiebinws ae soe eh ise Sr) Sete Bane Asoiabe nib tale C= Trsaecaaes a isnt a "iscorieee Moereetane: Suess ree ‘ano hane: Sirs caus Gust fearon sams ‘pit cane “rorae roe |) a ezGonc rare roe |) abana vee atave nto tie @ TrSs0097 a Tiss a oa) orm Norra dowels vente Sae Fatale: rey Vs Farwatime:eGoichardcarmaie | prot ||] cancsane roto ||] Rownsnte 2 eTUAT no 204 | oyete Necenvrbe S'S GOP Novsnebe 1 0 162 Seater he ‘av Cote ‘aoe Asciooe ||] ov: 28Cano stoma ‘aioe sale ‘ziso3ee1e0 zrsisoKs4e Zreaesuea? toa thee tsar Pct Sushma Fe Rs Nan Gna ‘Age? 14 Gender ‘Male a me RV APLATAMFLAT.NOIOT me Aaiaoo rains | |] edie iale mi 7isz94 7 7ISI60770 a ZiS60762 ‘House Number : 13-29-126/A FLOTNO me “Age : 81 Gender +Femae " “Age 529 Gender : Male nee “irae sala te ratte a restore a razccaiee a crezostza Tao oa rot arm Tao“ an rar Fedo Pada Tao Gover a Kaa feoanuroe 3 ft proto ||] rosnicoe sw. roto ||] Rouse eve Preto Sesteinc hse SeeebEtesr we SeeSieor te Asolo lb tae ‘Age as on 01-10-2023, 14/481 Modes a8 per supplement Date of Pusat 04-10-2023 Total Pages 30 - Page 23, ‘Assembly Constituency No and Name: 49-LAL BAHADUR NAGAR Part No: 569 Section No and Nome'2 Netaji Nogar Colony —_ risa |[ a] ed a Tiss ‘Soran Ct peava ‘Siete ay Nn ree mn Ke Goce roa nae ||| ota ae noe |) foe oe Car ama vse ate raw pos wi Tiseaee rr Taare a Tore Fee es nao Ne gema Setanta emnrgen caren Se tee prove ||] toast Bs trzacn roo ||] toosuume tren ate saree Bias eet tise eee ie sate von vi mee? arene ears Ps ae Kan ao ren tear eek nn sorta tien eT Sa oe fereiconr e a] zrszzo4e ||] a ZIS8674839 wa Zrss004ez7 or prow ||| evita “aaemei roo || Ba re feceturen 92:29 n0On ro bcc tonae Fon urea 25-190 Sostece Rat — renave {| SoS Rane vine = ronnie a oo = Tossa? Husbende Namo: agravencer Fatvere Nao’ Subba Rao Wachee Fathers Namo" Lingaigh Anarehula ‘sone prow ||] roosuuree “S'o pron ||] rosin as Pre ae 0 See ee moe te fo oe ron sates voi pas a Tae a Tae a Tsai Srowennesesttn air ‘Stone sanenert ‘Shoanate ete mnnm House Numoer:19-23-190 || age 37 Gonder Fomate WN) ge #88;Gonae as se ‘Ag0 +47 Gondor “Fomale avaiapie ‘Avarabie ‘Available 5] “z1sie70207 | ee] Z1S2068089 oo ZIS2S78708 Fathers Name: ingsih Fatvers Mere: Kriatna Rao P Fatners Name Guahaker Reddy Boyepay rare ao prow ||] tease 2's pros ||] tose 0 Pre tee ee te ee tab von pv U0 zeeees zrseora Seen Oe sande a ee Phen re tape St itiGeae tener JoTO Sone se 7 ‘rss |[ a] cisaona ||] asveres ete not ot rr Terasre wi Teas rr oo Tere GAA SASHA YEATA Tame TARGA HOS YL Tare oa Penen cana Tecan eae Meets sae tly See vecconne Naerichany a roo ||] oswitweSebelarctnroon | rn fff ec io Sees Sona eaten 28.2098 ate snnie ||] "22 Sec pas ‘Age as on 01-10-2023, 14/481 Modes a8 per supplement Date of Pusat 04-10-2023 Total Peges 30 - Page 24 ‘Assembly Constituency No and Name: 49-LAL BAHADUR NAGAR Part No: 569 Section No and Name 2-Netaji Nagar Colony ar ISTO Tai Tiss a ZISTIAT Taro VGARWOPAT NAGAUALLESWARA ‘None? GARVOPAT ELTA Nar TAIEBWAR GUNDU VENKATESWARA RAD MPT] rousonsurive :23-00/9/8 MOT Age £28 Gonder sFerte me Howsenumber?29-000/8 ‘oe a oncoPare vaiode vaiode veiatle ‘Ap Scene NS ea TISSESGTIO er Zire a IST 05 Fathora Name: Kuncham Ra Shakar Reedy Fates Narre: VUPPALABHASKAR Fathers Nome: PURUSHGTHAM ADEPU ausehumoer‘23-01 12 SS Proto ||] Foosshumoe 2521 ATNO“ Proto ||] Hoos umber 25-8072 Prete gp tance “Fama sop nae Mls ge 69 Sor No oaiaoa Joaibla Avsistle = oe erro ZISTERSES Tee Tare sr ono ‘ams Pandu Cher ome ‘Sevan T (ae ie aga Fawr rs Puy hac Fr NaN ta eeste pos 60 Gander ha oe 42rd Ma =] i or eauer01 oi sakes Tava: Aion ane Bop ‘ar “FannaaWohicdn Se Famers ame: Shae sm Fstencs hanes hen shok Frere Aan Sha ‘Age = 08 ence Nae PT ge 62 Gone Force " ‘ge 40 Sondra me sails vaible ‘vsiale wi fo 067 et Kaas Huabende Namo: Nhinadsin Sk A Faore Name’ Adam Sk Fathers Namo" Janorchan M Fetnenumowr 23. Du/01 Photo ||] Foosnuimoe #2310201 Proto ||] Hovssiuuntar 25-8202 Preto gp te onde “Fama sgn 23 Gano Nla ge tao Jails oaibla Avsiatle — 7 | TSH wa KSISI00 Hishengs name Sraas ater ee: Vena Psy Fathers ame: Arar eas ‘agp 4OGe0e :Fomale MT aoe :e0Gonver tae Me 11 ae £95 Gander sFera0 me vaia08 vaiaos veiale eS aKs677 JL ee ~aaone6a ea “aKaaeeer2 Faihora Name: Aranda Reso Famers Nore: Lrgar 8 | sbonce Name: Rema Charch Saher ates number 29.08/09 Proto |] Hoosenuimoer 23108205 Proto |] Fousenumeer 25-0205 Preto fori Gence Nae oe 64Goncr Nate Ae Garda Pande Joaiala alla Avsistle 6a 8309 oo ueTBRaT Tar Ala Carre Ft Nae 6 rae an + daar Famer Rarachanda Stee Pttenisine:C. 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