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Introduction to Climate Change

• Definition: Climate change refers to significant, long-term changes in the global climate.

• Key Components:

• Global Warming: Increase in Earth's average surface temperature.

• Changes in Weather Patterns: More extreme weather events (e.g., hurricanes,


Note: Climate change is different from weather. Weather is short-term; climate is long-term.

II. Causes of Climate Change

• Natural Causes:

• Volcanic Eruptions: Can cool the Earth temporarily.

• Solar Radiation: Changes in solar energy can affect global climate.

• Human Causes (Anthropogenic):

• Greenhouse Gas Emissions: CO2, methane from industries, vehicles, agriculture.

• Deforestation: Reduces Earth's capacity to absorb CO2.

Side Note: Majority of scientists agree that recent changes are mostly due to human activity.

III. Greenhouse Gases and the Greenhouse Effect

• Greenhouse Gases (GHGs): Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere.

• Main GHGs: Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide (N2O).

• Greenhouse Effect:

• Natural process warming the Earth.

• Human activities have intensified this effect, leading to more warming.

IV. Impacts of Climate Change

• Environmental Impacts:

• Ice Melt: Polar ice caps and glaciers melting.

• Sea Level Rise: Causing coastal flooding.

• Loss of Biodiversity: Species unable to adapt to rapid changes.

• Societal Impacts:

• Agriculture: Changes in crop yields, affecting food security.

• Health: Increased heatwaves, spreading of diseases.

• Economic: Costs related to damages from extreme weather, adaptation measures.

V. Mitigation and Adaptation

• Mitigation: Efforts to reduce or prevent emission of GHGs.

• Renewable Energy: Solar, wind power.

• Energy Efficiency: Better insulation, LED lighting.

• Adaptation: Adjusting to actual or expected climate and its effects.

• Building Flood Defenses.

• Developing Drought-Resistant Crops.

Interesting Fact: The Paris Agreement is a global pact to reduce GHG emissions and limit global
VI. Conclusion

• Climate change is a complex but critical issue.

• Requires global cooperation and individual action.

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