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Mechanics of Fluids


Chapter 5: Fluid Kinematics

Lecturer : Nazirul Mubin Zahari
Chapter Outline
 Introduction
 Velocity Field
 Uniform and steady flow
 Uniform and Non-uniform Flow
 Compressible and incompressible
 Ideal and Real Flow
 Pathline, Streakline & Streamline
 Flow Dimensionality
 Frame of Reference
 Continuity Equation
 Laminar, transition and turbulent flow – Reynolds Number

 Branch of fluid mechanics which deals with response of fluids
in motion without considering forces and energies in them.
 The study of kinematics is often referred to as the geometry
of motion.

Flow around cylindrical


Car surface pressure contours

and streamlines

Introduction - Fundamental Equations
of Fluid Dynamics
 In order to develop the equations which describe a flow,
hydrodynamicists assumed that fluids are subjected to certain
fundamental laws of physics which are:
 Conservation of mass
 Conservation of momentum
 Conservation of energy

 These principles were initially developed for the use of studying a

solid body.

Velocity Field – Lagrangian vs Eulerian
 Velocity field, V , in general can be represented by :

Velocity Field -Lagrangian Vs Eulerian
Analyzing Fluid Flow - LAGRANGIAN Vs EULERIAN

LAGRANGIAN Viewpoint :
Following the movement of individual fluid particle with time. Many particles followed and
interaction considered.
Control mass Approach
velocity description : u = u(t) = uxi + uyj + uzk : tangent to streamline


Velocity Field -Lagrangian Vs Eulerian
EULERIAN Viewpoint
Focus on certain point in space and describe the motion of fluid particles that pass this point as time
goes on.
Control Volume Approach
velocity description : u = u(x,y,z,t) = function of position along a streamline and time


Steady Flow and Unsteady Flow
 Steady flow: Condition of flow remains constant w.r.t time at a
particular section but the condition may be different sections. eg.,
A constant discharge though a pipe
 Unsteady flow: Condition of flow changes w.r.t time at a particular
section. eg., A variable discharge though a pipe.

Uniform and Non-uniform Flow
 Uniform flow: Condition of
flow remains constant from
section to section. eg.,
Constant discharge through a
constant diameter pipe.

 Non-uniform flow: Condition

of flow does not remain
constant from section to
section. eg., Constant
discharge through variable
pipe diameter

Uniform vs. Non-Uniform Flow

Compressible and Incompressible

 Incompressible fluid flows assumes the fluid have constant

density while in compressible fluid flows density is variable
and becomes function of temperature and pressure.

Ideal and Real Flow

 Real fluid flows implies friction effects.

 Ideal fluid flow is hypothetical; it assumes no friction.

Pathline, Streakline & Streamline
 Physical Observations of Flow Pattern : -
 A few techniques are available to describe flow pattern
 Pathline ~ Lines traced out by individual particles of fluids, Can
be observed by following the path of a marker as it moves in the

If further markers were inserted at A & B and

pathlines were coincident, flow is STEADY
Pathline, Streakline & Streamline

 Physical Observations of Flow Pattern : -

 Streakline ~ Traced observed when a dye or smoke is
continuously injected at a fixed point or points within a flow field

Fluid Flow
Pathline, Streakline & Streamline
Example Streaklines : -
Pathline, Streakline & Streamline
Physical Observations of Flow Pattern : -
Streamline ~ Lines representing the direction of velocity
throughout the flowfield at any instant in time. Thus there is no flow
across streamlines. Snapshot of streaklines

Uniform flow

Non-uniform flow
Tangent = velocity
Pathline, Streakline & Streamline
Physical Observations of Flow Pattern : -
Properties of Streamlines : ~
• velocity components normal to streamlines is zero
• In unsteady flow, shape changes with time
• In steady flow, unchanging with time and coincident with pathlines
and streaklines
• They vary in spacing - indicates the velocity variation
• Follows shape of solid boundaries except when separation occurs
• They cannot intersect
Stream-surface - A surface formed of streamlines
Stream-tube - Stream surface wrap around to form a tube . A
streamtube consists of a bundle of streamlines, much like a communications
cable consists of a bundle of fiber-optic cables.
 In analyzing fluid flow, it is always useful to visualize the flow
pattern first.
 This can be done by drawing lines joining points of equal
velocity or velocity contours.
 These lines are known as streamlines.
 Figure below shows a simple example of the streamlines
around a cross-section of an aircraft wing shaped body:

Figure 5. 13 Streamlines
Pathline, Streakline & Streamline
PathlinesVs StreaklinesVs Streamlines : -
Flow Dimensionality
Flow Dimensionality : the minimum number of space coordinates required to specify it.

Although in general, all fluids flow three dimensionally with pressures and velocities and
other flow properties varying in all directions, in many cases the greatest changes only
occur in two directions or even only in one. In these cases changes in the other direction
can be effectively ignored making analysis much more simple.

a) One-Dimensional Flow - Velocity profile is uniform at any station - e.g. Ideal fluid flow
in pipe or duct.
b) Two-Dimensional Flow - Flow of real fluid in duct with infinite width in cartesian x-y
coordinates - Axi-symmetric flow in circular pipe in cylindrical x-r coordinates
c) Three-Dimensional Flow - Flow of real fluid in duct with end effects in x-y-z cartesian

Flow Dimensionality


Two dimensional flow over a weir

Three dimensional flow over a weir

Frame of Reference
• Frame of Reference :
• The laws of mechanics are still applicable if the frame of reference is
moving at a constant velocity in straight line
• It is easier to analyze Steady flow cf. Unsteady flow
• Sometimes convenient to change frame of reference from a fixed
coordinates to moving coordinates (relative frame)

Continuity Equation
 This principle is based from conservation of mass where
matter cannot be created or destroyed.
 The principle is applied to fixed volumes, known as control
volumes (or surfaces) as shown in figure.

Control volume
Continuity Equation
 For any control volume, the principle of conservation of mass says:
Mass entering per unit time = Mass leaving per unit time + Increase
of mass in the control volume per unit time
 For steady flow there is no increase in the mass within the
control volume, so
 For steady flow :
Mass entering per unit time = Mass leaving per unit time
 This can be applied to a streamtube such as that shown earlier. No
fluid flows across the boundary made by the streamlines so mass
only enters and leaves through the two ends of this streamtube

Application of Continuity Equation
 We can apply the principle of continuity to pipes with cross-
sections which change along their length. Refer to the
following example:
Case 1:
Consider the diagram of a pipe with a contraction below:

Application of Continuity Equation
Case 2:
Case 3:
This is a diffuser, a pipe
which expands or The continuity principle can also be
diverges as shown used to determine the velocities in
below. Derivations of pipes coming into a junction.
equation are the same
as Case 1.

Laminar & Turbulent Flow
 The flow in layers is termed as laminar flow
while the case when fluid flow layers intermix
with each other is termed as turbulent flow.
 Reynold’s number is used to differentiate
between laminar and turbulent flows
𝑣𝐷𝜌 𝑣𝐷 𝜇
𝑁𝑅 = or 𝑁𝑅 = since ν=
𝜇 ν 𝜌
𝑣 = average flow velocity
𝐷 = pipe diameter
𝜌 = fluid density
𝜇 = fluid viscosity
ν = kinematic viscosity
 For practical applications in pipe flow, Reynolds
number is less than 2000, the flow is laminar.
And if it is greater than 4000, it will be Transition of flow from Laminar to
turbulent. Transition range is in between 2000 Turbulent
and 4000.
Laminar & Turbulent Flow

Osborne Reynolds (1842-1912)

performed a famous experiment
which helped characterize fluid
Reynolds Experiment He injected a dye into a flowing
fluid and observed its path as it
27 was carried by the fluid.
Laminar & Turbulent Flow

Laminar & Turbulent Flow

Laminar Flow Turbulent Flow

Laminar Flow
(over a wall)

Example 5.1
Determine whether the flow is laminar or turbulent if glycerine at
25°C flows in a pipe with a 150-mm inside diameter. The average
velocity of flow is 3.6 m/s.

Because NR = 708, which is less than 2000, the flow is laminar.

Example 5.2
Determine whether the flow is laminar or turbulent if water at 70°C
flows in a 1-in Type K copper tube with a flow rate of 285 L/min.
For a 1-in Type K copper tube, D=0.02527 m and A=5.017 x 10–4 m2 (from
Appendix H). Then we have

𝑁𝑅 =

Because NR is greater than 4000, the flow is turbulent.

Example 5.3
Determine the range of average velocity of flow for which the flow
would be in the critical region if SAE 10 oil at 15°C is flowing in a
2-in Schedule 40 steel pipe. The oil has a specific gravity of 0.89.
The flow would be in the critical region if 2000<NR<4000. First, we use the
Reynolds number and solve for velocity:

Then we find the values for n, D, and ρ from the appendix and substituting into the

For NR=2000, we have

For NR=4000, we have

Therefore, if 4.3<v<8.56 m/s, the flow will be in the critical region.

Exercise 5.1
Hot water at 80°C is flowing to a dishwasher at a rate of 30.0 L/min through a
1-in Type-K copper tube. Is the flow laminar or turbulent?

*Conversion Unit – Appendix K in supplementary Booklet

Exercise 5.2
The range of Reynolds numbers between 2000 and 4000 is described as
critical region because it is not possible to predict whether the flow is laminar
or turbulent. One should avoid operation of fluid flow systems in this range.
Compute the range of volume flow rates in L/min of water at 15°C for which
the flow would be in the critical region in a ¾-in Type K copper tube.

 V for Nr 2000 =0.121 m/s

 V for Nr 4000 = 0.242 m/s


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