Chapter 6 - Viscous Flowin Pipes

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Chapter 6: Viscous Flow in Pipes/Conduits

Lecturer : Nazirul Mubin Zahari

Dr. Faizah Che Ros
Dr. Gasim Hayder
Nazirul Mubin Zahari

Bernoulli Equation HA

Bernoulli Equation ( PUMP,

Moody Diagram or
LOSSES Equation

Enlargement & Based on Reference

Contraction Appendix & Equation

Based on Reference
Valves and Fittings
Appendix & Equation

Hazen-Williams Formula
Darcy’s Equation
• General energy equation is
𝑝1 𝑣12 𝑝2 𝑣2 2
+ 𝑧1 + + ℎ𝐴 − ℎ𝑅 − ℎ𝐿 = + 𝑧2 +
𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾 2𝑔
• The term ℎ𝐿 is defined as energy loss from the system.
• One component of energy loss is due to friction in the flowing fluid.
• Friction is proportional to the velocity head of the flow and to the ratio of
the length to the diameter of the flow stream.
• This can be expressed mathematically as Darcy’s equation:
𝐿 𝑣2 1
ℎ𝐿 = 𝑓 × ×
𝐷 2𝑔
𝐿 = length of the flow stream 𝑣 = average velocity
𝐷 = pipe diameter 𝑓 = friction factor
• Darcy’s equation can be used to calculate energy loss due to friction in
long straight sections of round pipe for both laminar and turbulent flow.
• The difference between the two is in evaluation of 𝑓.
Friction Loss in Laminar Flow
• The fluids seems to flow as several layers, one on another in laminar flow.
• Because of the viscosity of the fluid, a shear stress is created between the
• Energy is lost from the fluid action to overcome the frictional forces
produced by the shear stress.
• The relationship between the energy loss and measurable parameters of
the flow system is known as Hagen-Poiseuille equation (only valid for
laminar flow (𝑁𝑅 < 2000):
32𝜇𝐿𝑣 2
ℎ𝐿 = 2
• If equation 1 and 2 are set to equal each other, we can solve for friction
factor value:
𝐿 𝑣 2 32𝜇𝐿𝑣
ℎ𝐿 = 𝑓 × × =
𝐷 2𝑔 𝛾𝐷2
32𝜇𝐿𝑣 𝐷2𝑔 64𝜇𝑔
𝑓= 2 × 2 =
𝛾𝐷 𝐿𝑣 𝑣𝐷𝛾
Friction Loss in Laminar Flow
• Because 𝜌 = ,
• The Reynold’s number is defined as 𝑁𝑅 = 𝑣𝐷𝜌/𝜇. Then we have,
𝑓= 3
• In summary, the energy loss due to friction in laminar flow can be
calculated either Darcy’s equation (1) and Hagen-Poiseuille equation (2)
where 𝑓 = .
Example 6.1
Determine the energy loss if glycerine at 25°C flows 30 m through a 150-mm-
diameter pipe with an average velocity of 4.0 m/s.
𝑁𝑅 =

4.0 0.15 1258

𝑁𝑅 = = 786 (laminar)
9.60 × 10−1

64 64
𝑓= = = 0.081
𝑁𝑅 786
𝐿 𝑣2 30 4.02
ℎ𝐿 = 𝑓 × × = 0.081 × × = 13.2 𝑚
𝐷 2𝑔 0.15 2(9.81)
Friction Loss in Turbulent Flow
• For turbulent flow of fluids in circular pipes, it is most convenient to use Darcy’s
equation to calculate energy loss due to friction.
• Turbulent flow is rather chaotic and is constantly varying thus we rely on
experimental data to find the value of 𝑓.
• Test shown 𝑓 is dependent on Reynolds number and the relative roughness of
the pipe (ratio of the pipe diameter to the average pipe wall roughness ϵ (Greek
letter epsilon).
• Because the roughness is somewhat irregular, averaging techniques are used to
measure the overall roughness value.

Figure 7.1: Pipe wall roughness (exaggerated) as the height of the peaks of the surface irregularities.
Friction Loss in Turbulent Flow
• For commercially available pipe and tubing, the design value of the average wall
roughness has been determined as shown in Table 7.1
• These are only average values for new, clean pipe. Some variation should be
expected. After a pipe has been in service for a time, the roughness could change
due to the formation of deposits on the wall or due to corrosion.
Table 7.1: Pipe roughness – design values
Moody Diagram
• One of the most widely used methods for evaluating the friction factor employs
the Moody diagram shown below.

Figure 7.2: Moody Diagram

Moody Diagram
• Several important observations can be made from these curves:
1) For a given Reynolds number of flow, as the relative roughness is increased, the friction
factor f decreases.
2) For a given relative roughness , the friction factor f decreases with increasing Reynolds
number until the zone of complete turbulence is reached.
3) Within the zone of complete turbulence, the Reynolds number has no effect on the friction
4) As the relative roughness increases, the value of the Reynolds number at which the zone of
complete turbulence begins also increases.
• The Moody diagram is used to help determine the value of the friction factor f
for turbulent flow.
• The value of the Reynolds number and the relative roughness must be known.
• Therefore, the basic data required are the pipe inside diameter, the pipe
material, the flow velocity, and the kind of fluid and its temperature, from
which the viscosity can be found.
• Figure 7.3 is a simplified sketch of Moody’s diagram in which the various zones
are identified
Moody Diagram

Figure 7.3: Explanation of parts of Moody Diagram

Moody Diagram
• Check your ability to read the Moody diagram correctly by verifying the
following values for friction factors for the given values of Reynolds number
and relative roughness, using Fig. 7.2:
Example 6.2
Determine the friction factor f if water at 70°C is flowing at 9.14 m/s in an uncoated
ductile iron pipe having an inside diameter of 25 mm.

𝑣𝐷𝜌 (9.14𝑚/𝑠)(0.025𝑚)(978𝑘𝑔/𝑚3 )
𝑁𝑅 = = −4 2
= 5.56 × 105 (𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡)
𝜇 4.02 × 10 𝑚 /𝑠

From Table 7.1, we find ∈ = 2.4 × 10−4 , thus relative roughness is:

𝐷 0.025𝑚
= = 104
∈ 2.4 × 10−4 𝑚

Locate the Reynolds number on the abscissa of the Moody diagram, Project
vertically until the curve for D/ε = 104 is reached. Because 104 is so close to 100,
that curve can be used.

Project horizontally to the left, and read f = 0.038

Example 7.3
Determine the friction factor f if ethyl alcohol at 25°C is flowing at 5.3 m/s in a
standard 1.5-in Schedule 80 steel pipe.

𝑣𝐷𝜌 (5.3𝑚/𝑠)(0.0381𝑚)(787𝑘𝑔/𝑚3 )
𝑁𝑅 = = −3 2
= 1.59 × 105 (𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡)
𝜇 1.00 × 10 𝑚 /𝑠

From Table 7.1, we find ∈ = 4.6 × 10−5 , thus relative roughness is:

𝐷 0.0381𝑚
= = 828
∈ 4.6 × 10−5 𝑚

From Moody diagram, f = 0.0225.

You must interpolate on both NR and D/ε to determine this value, and you should
expect some variation. However, you should be able to read the value of the friction
factor f within 0.0005.
Example 6.4
In a chemical processing plant as shown below, benzene at 50°C (sg = 0.86) must be
delivered to point B with a pressure of 550 kPa. A pump is located at point A 21 m
below point B, and the two points are connected by 240 m of plastic pipe having an
inside diameter of 50 mm. If the volume flow rate is 110 L/min, calculate the
required pressure at the outlet of the pump.
Example 6.4(cont.)

For turbulent flow, Darcy’s equation should be


We find that because point B is higher

than point A thus, zB - zA = +21 m.
From Table 7.1, roughness is 3.0 × 10−7 m.
The evaluation of the Reynolds number
is the first step. The type of flow, laminar
or turbulent, must be determined.

For a 50-mm pipe, D = 0.050 m and A =

1.963 x 10-3 m2,
Example 6.4(cont.)

Pressure at A can be calculated as follows:

Equation for the Friction Factor
In the laminar flow zone, for values below 2000, f can be found from Eq. 3:
𝑓= 3

The following equation, which allows the direct calculation of the value of the
friction factor for turbulent flow,

𝑓= 4
1 5.74 2
[log( 𝐷 + 0.9 )]
3.7( ∈ ) 𝑁 𝑅

To calculate the value of the friction factor f when the Reynolds number and relative
roughness are known, use Eq. 3 for laminar flow and Eq. 4 for turbulent flow.
Example 6.5
Compute the value for the friction factor if the Reynolds number for the flow 1 x 105
is and the relative roughness is 2000.
Because this is in the turbulent zone, we use Eq. 4,
Exercise 6.1
A 3-in Schedule 40 steel pipe is 1500 m long and carries lubricating oil between two
points A and B such that the Reynolds number is 800. Point B is 6.1 m higher than
point A. The oil has a specific gravity of 0.90 and a dynamic viscosity of 1.9 ×
10−2 N. s/𝑚2 . If the pressure at A is 344.7 kPa, calculate the pressure at B.
Ans : Pressure B= 257 Kpa (± 3 kpa)
Exercise 6.3
Water at 15°C is being pumped from a stream to a reservoir whose surface is 64 m
above the pump as shown in the figure. The pipe from the pump to the reservoir is
an 8-in Schedule 40 steel pipe 762 m long. If 0.113 m3/s is being pumped, compute
the pressure at the outlet of the pump. Consider the friction loss in the discharge
line, but neglect other losses.
Ans : Pressure at Outlet of pump = 980 Kpa (± 3 kpa)

64 m
Minor Losses
Minor Losses

Pipe Friction Moody Diagram or Equation

Based on References of Table &

HL Enlargement & Contraction

Based on References of Table &

Valves and Fittings
Minor Losses (Enlargement & Contraction)



Exit Loss
Enlargement &
Contraction Sudden


Entrance Loss
Resistance Coefficient
• In Chapter 4, you developed the general energy equation, which extended
Bernoulli’s equation to account for energy losses and additions that typically
occur in real flow systems.
• Energy losses are proportional to the velocity head of the fluid as it flows around
an elbow, through an enlargement or contraction of the flow section, or through
a valve.
• Experimental values for energy losses are usually reported in terms of a
resistance coefficient K as follows:
ℎ𝐿 = 𝐾( )
where hL is the minor loss, K is the resistance coefficient, and 𝑣 is the average
velocity of flow in the pipe in the vicinity where the minor loss occurs.
• The resistance coefficient is dimensionless because it represents a constant of
proportionality between the energy loss and the velocity head.
• The magnitude of the resistance coefficient depends on the geometry of the
device that causes the loss and sometimes on the velocity of flow.
Sudden Enlargement
• As a fluid flows from a smaller pipe into a larger pipe through a sudden
enlargement, its velocity abruptly decreases, causing turbulence, which
generates an energy loss.

Figure 7.4: Sudden enlargement

Sudden Enlargement
• The minor loss is calculated from
the equation:
ℎ𝐿 = 𝐾
where v1 is the average velocity of
flow in the smaller pipe ahead of
the enlargement.
• By making some simplifying
assumptions about the character
of the flow stream as it expands
through the sudden enlargement,
it is possible to analytically predict
the value of K from the following

𝐾 = [1 − (𝐴1 /𝐴2 )]2 = [1 − (𝐷1 /𝐷2 )2 ]2

Figure 7.5: Resistance coefficient -Sudden enlargement
Sudden Enlargement
Table 7.4: Resistance coefficient -Sudden enlargement
Example 6.7
Determine the energy loss that will occur as 100 L/min of water flows through a
sudden enlargement from a 1-in copper tube (Type K) to a 3-in tube (Type K). See
Appendix H for tube dimensions.
Using the subscript 1 for the section just ahead of the enlargement and 2 for the
section downstream from the enlargement, we get

To find a value for K, the diameter ratio is needed. We find that

From Fig. 7.5, K = 0.72. Then we have

Example 6.8
Determine the difference between the pressure ahead of a sudden enlargement and
the pressure downstream from the enlargement. Use the data from Example
Problem 7.6.
Write energy equation:

If the enlargement is horizontal, z2 – z1 = 0. Even if it were vertical, the distance

between points 1 and 2 is typically so small that it is considered negligible.
Now, calculating the velocity in the larger pipe, we get
Exit Loss
• As a fluid flows from a pipe into a large reservoir or tank, as shown in Fig. 7.6,
its velocity is decreased to very nearly zero

Figure 7.6: Exit loss as fluid flows from a pipe into a static reservoir

• Therefore, the energy loss for this condition is

ℎ𝐿 = 1.0( )

• This is called the exit loss

Gradual Enlargement
• If the transition from a smaller to a
larger pipe can be made less abrupt
than the square-edged sudden
enlargement, the energy loss is
• This is normally done by placing a
conical section between the two pipes
as shown in Fig. 7.7

Figure 7.7: Gradual enlargement

Figure 7.8: Resistance coefficient-gradual enlargement

Gradual Enlargement
• The energy loss for a gradual enlargement is calculated from
ℎ𝐿 = 𝐾( )
• Data for various values are given below
Table 7.5: Resistance coefficient -Gradual enlargement
Example 6.9
Determine the energy loss that will occur as 100 L/min of water flows from a 1-in
copper tube (Type K) into a 3-in copper tube (Type K) through a gradual enlargement
having an included cone angle of 30 degrees.

Using data from Appendix H and the results of some calculations in preceding
example problems, we know that

From Fig. 7.8, we find that K = 0.48. Then we have

Compared with the sudden enlargement described in Example Problem 7.6, the energy
loss decreases by 33 percent when 30 degrees the gradual enlargement is used.
• Another term for an enlargement is a diffuser.
• The function of a diffuser is to convert kinetic energy (represented by velocity
head) to pressure energy (represented by the pressure head) by decelerating the
fluid as it flows from the smaller to the larger pipe.
• The theoretical maximum pressure after the expansion could be computed from
Bernoulli’s equation,
𝑝1 𝑣12 𝑝2 𝑣22
+ 𝑧1 + = + 𝑧2 +
𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾 2𝑔
• If the diffuser is in a horizontal plane, the elevation terms can be cancelled out.
• Then the pressure increase across the ideal diffuser is
∆𝑝 = 𝑝2 − 𝑝1 = 𝛾(𝑣12 − 𝑣22 )/2𝑔
• This is often called pressure recovery.
• In a real diffuser, energy losses do occur and the general energy equation must
be used:
𝑝1 𝑣12 𝑝2 𝑣22
+ 𝑧1 + − ℎ𝐿 = + 𝑧2 +
𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾 2𝑔
∆𝑝 = 𝑝2 − 𝑝1 = 𝛾[(𝑣12 − 𝑣22 )/2𝑔 − ℎ𝐿 ]
Exercise 6.4
Determine the energy loss due to sudden enlargement from a standard 1-in
Schedule 80 steel pipe to a 3 - in Schedule 80 steel pipe when the rate of flow is
0.003 m /s. ( Ans : HL= 1.58 m)

Exercise 6.5
Determine the energy loss due to a gradual enlargement from a 25-mm pipe to a 75-
mm pipe when the velocity of flow is 3 m/s in the smaller pipe and the cone angle of
the enlargement is 20°. ( Ans : 0.14 m)

Exercise 6.6
Determine the energy loss when 0.04 m3 /s of water flows from a 6-in standard
Schedule 40 pipe into a large reservoir. ( 0.235 m)
Sudden Contraction
• The energy loss due to a sudden contraction, such as that sketched in Fig. 7.9, is
calculated from
ℎ𝐿 = 𝐾( )
where v2 is the velocity in the small pipe downstream from the contraction.
• Figure 7.10 illustrates what happens as the flow stream converges. The lines in
the figure represent the paths of various parts of the flow stream called

Figure 7.9:Sudden contraction

Figure 7.10:Sudden contraction

Sudden Contraction

Figure 7.11: Resistance coefficient-sudden contraction

Sudden Contraction
Table 7.6: Resistance coefficient-sudden contraction
Example 7.10
Determine the energy loss that will occur as 100 L/min of water flows from a 3-in
copper tube (Type K) into a 1-in copper tube (Type K) through a sudden contraction.

For the copper tube,

From Fig. 7.11, we can find K=0.42, thus

Gradual Contraction
• The energy loss in a contraction can be decreased substantially by making the
contraction more gradual.
• Figure 7.12 shows such a gradual contraction, formed by a conical section
between the two diameters with sharp breaks at the junctions.

Figure 7.12: Gradual contraction

Gradual Contraction

Figure 7.13: Resistance coefficient - Gradual contraction with 𝜃 ≥ 15°

Gradual Contraction

Figure 7.14: Resistance coefficient - Gradual contraction with 𝜃 < 15°

Gradual Contraction
• As the cone angle of the contraction decreases below the resistance coefficient
actually increases, as shown in Fig. 7.14.
• The reason is that the data include the effects of both the local turbulence
caused by flow separation and pipe friction.
• For the smaller cone angles, the
transition between the two diameters
is very long, which increases the
friction losses.
• In Fig. 7.15, which shows a contraction
with a 120° included angle and D1/D2
= 2.0, the value of K decreases from
approximately 0.27 to 0.10 with a
radius of only 0.05(D2) where D2 is the
inside diameter of the smaller pipe.

Figure 7.15: Gradual contraction with a rounded end at the small diameter
Entrance Loss
• A special case of a contraction occurs when
a fluid flows from a relatively large
reservoir or tank into a pipe.
• The fluid must accelerate from a negligible
velocity to the flow velocity in the pipe.
• The ease with which the acceleration is
accomplished determines the amount of
energy loss, and therefore the value of the
entrance resistance coefficient is
dependent on the geometry of the
• Figure 7.16 shows four different
configurations and the suggested value of K
for each
• Energy loss at an entrance can be
calculated from:
ℎ𝐿 = 𝐾( )
2𝑔 Figure 7.16: Entrance resistance coefficients
where 𝑣2 is the velocity of flow in the pipe.
Example 6.11
Determine the energy loss that will occur as 100 L /min of water flows from a
reservoir into a 1-in copper tube (Type K)
(a) through an inward-projecting tube and
(b) through a well rounded inlet.
For the tube:

(a)For an inward-projecting entrance, K = 1.0. Then we have:

(b)For a well rounded entrance, K = 0.04. Then we have:

Exercise 6.7
Determine the energy loss for a sudden contraction from a 5-in Schedule 80 steel
pipe to a 2-in Schedule 80 pipe for a flow rate of 500 L/min .(HL = 0.38m)

Exercise 6.8
Determine the energy loss due to a gradual contraction from a 4-in Schedule 80
steel pipe to a 1 -in Schedule 80 steel pipe for a flow rate of 250 gal/min. The cone
angle for the contraction is 76°. (ans : 1.316m)

Exercise 6.9
Compute the energy loss that would occur as 0.003 m3 /s flows from a tank into a
steel tube with an outside diameter of 50 mm and a wall thickness of 1.7 mm. The
tube is installed flush with the inside of the tank wall with a square edge. (ans: 0.08
Minor Losses - Resistance Coefficients
for Valves and Fittings
Valves are used to control the amount of flow and may be globe valves, angle
valves, gate valves, butterfly valves, any of several types of check valves, and many

Figure 7.17: Globe valve Figure 7.18: Angle valve

Minor Losses - Resistance Coefficients
for Valves and Fittings

Figure 7.20: Check valve – swing type

Figure 7.19: Gate valve

Figure 7.21: Check valve – ball type Figure 7.22: Butterfly valve
Minor Losses - Resistance Coefficients
for Valves and Fittings

Figure 7.24: Foot valve with strainer – hinged disc type

Figure 7.23: Foot valve with strainer – poppet disc type

Minor Losses - Resistance Coefficients
for Valves and Fittings

Figure 7.25: Pipe elbows

Figure 7.26: Standard tee
Minor Losses - Resistance Coefficients
for Valves and Fittings Table 7.6: Resistance in valves and fitting expressed as
• However, the method of equivalent length in pipe dimension 𝐿𝑒 /𝐷
determining the resistance
coefficient K is different. The value
of K is reported in the form
𝐾 = ( )𝑓𝑇
• The term fT is the friction factor in
the pipe to which the valve or
fitting is connected, taken to be in
the zone of complete turbulence.
• 𝐿𝑒 is a term for equivalent length.
• Some system designers prefer to
compute the equivalent length of
pipe for a valve and combine that
value with the actual length of
𝐿𝑒 = 𝐾𝐷/𝑓𝑇
Minor Losses - Resistance Coefficients
for Valves and Fittings
Table 7.7: Friction factor in zone of complete turbulence for new, clean, commercial Schedule 40 steel pipe
Minor Losses - Resistance Coefficients
for Valves and Fittings
Procedure for Computing the Energy Loss caused by Valves and Fittings using
𝐾 = ( 𝑒)𝑓𝑇 .
1) Find 𝑒 for the valve or fitting from Table 7.6
2a) If the pipe is new clean steel:
Find 𝑓𝑇 from Table 7.7
2b) For other pipe materials:
Determine the pipe wall roughness ∈ from Table 7.1

Use Moody diagram to determine 𝑓𝑇 in the zone of complete turbulence.
3) Compute 𝐾 = ( 𝑒)𝑓𝑇 .
4) Compute ℎ𝐿 = 𝐾 , where 𝑣𝑝 is the velocity in the pipe.
Example 6.12
Determine the resistance coefficient K for a fully open globe valve placed in a 6-in
Schedule 40 steel pipe.
From Table 7.6 we find that the equivalent-length ratio for a fully open globe valve is
340. From Table 7.7 we find fT = 0.015 for a 6-in pipe. Then,

Using D=0.154 m for the pipe, we find the equivalent length

Example 6.13
Calculate the pressure drop across a fully open globe valve placed in a 4-in Schedule
40 steel pipe carrying 0.0252 m3/s of oil (sg = 0.87)
A sketch of the installation is shown in the figure below. To determine the pressure drop, the
energy equation should be written for the flow between points 1 and 2:

The energy loss hL is the minor loss due to the valve only. The pressure drop is the difference
between p1 and p2. Solving the energy equation for this difference gives

But z1 = z2 and v1 = v2. Then we have

Example 6.13 (cont.)
For the pipe,

From Table 7.6 we find fT = 0.016 and for global valve,Le/D = 340.

For the oil,

Therefore, the pressure in the oil drops by 23.9 kPa as it flows through the valve. Also, an
energy loss of 2.802 m is dissipated as heat from each pound of oil that flows through the
Example 6.14
Calculate the energy loss for the flow of 500 m3/h of water through a standard tee connected
to a 6-in uncoated ductile iron pipe. The flow is through the branch.


(Appendix I)
Exercise 6.10
Calculate the resistance coefficient K for a ball-type check valve placed in a 2-in
Schedule 40 steel pipe(clean, new) if water at 40°C is flowing with a velocity of 3.048
m/s ( K = 2.8)
Exercise 6.11
A new piping system for a pump contains a tee, as shown in figure below, to permit
the pressure at the outlet of the pump to be measured. However, the is no flow into
the line leading to the gage. Compute the energy loss as 0.011 m3 /s of water at 10°C
flows through the tee. (HL =0.098 m)
Application of Standard Valves
• The resistance is heavily dependent on the path of the fluid as
it travels into, through, and out from the valve.
• A valve with a more constricted path will cause more energy
• Therefore, select the valve type with care if you desire the
system you are designing to be efficient with relatively low
energy losses.
Application of Standard Valves
Globe Valve
• It is one of the most common valves and is relatively inexpensive.
• However, it is one of the poorest performing valves in terms of energy loss.
• Note that the resistance factor K is
• If the globe valve were used in a commercial pipeline system where throttling
is not needed, it would be very wasteful of energy.
Angle Valve
• The construction is very similar to that of the globe valve.
• However, the path is somewhat simpler because the fluid comes in through the
lower port, moves around the valve seat, and turns to exit to the right.
• The resistance factor K is
Application of Standard Valves
Gate Valve
• When fully open, there is very little
obstruction in the flow path to cause
turbulence in the fluid flow stream.
• Therefore, this is one of the best types of
valve for limiting the energy loss.
• The resistance factor K is
Check Valve
• The function of a check valve is to allow
flow in one direction while stopping flow in
the opposite direction.
• A typical use is shown in Fig. 10.25, in
which a sump pump is moving fluid from a
sump below grade to the outside of a home
or commercial building to maintain a dry
basement area. Figure 7.29: Sump pump system with
• When open, the swing check provides a check valve

modest restriction to the flow of fluid,

resulting in
Application of Standard Valves
Ball Check Valve
• The ball check causes more restriction because the fluid must flow
completely around the ball.
• However, the ball check is typically smaller and simpler than the swing check.
• Its resistance is
Butterfly Valve
• Closing the valve requires only one-quarter turn of the handle, and this is
often accomplished by a motorized operator for remote operation.
• The fully open butterfly valve has a resistance of
Foot Valve with Strainers
• Foot valves perform a similar function to that of check valves.
• They are used at the inlet of suction pipes that deliver fluid from a source
tank or reservoir to a pump as illustrated in Fig. 7.30.
• The resistances for the two kinds of foot valves shown are
Application of Standard Valves

Figure 7.30: Pumping system with a foot valve in the suction line
Minor Loses - Pipe Bends
• It is more convenient to bend a pipe or
tube than to install a commercially
made elbow.
• The resistance to flow of a bend is
dependent on the ratio of the bend
radius 𝑟 to the pipe inside diameter 𝐷.
• Figure 7.27 shows that the minimum
resistance for a 90° bend occurs when
the ratio r/D is approximately three.

Figure 7.27: Resistance due to 90° pipe bends

Minor Loses - Pipe Bends

If Ro is the radius to the outside of the

bend, Ri is the radius to the inside of the
bend and is the outside diameter of the
pipe or tube:

Figure 7.28: 90° pipe bends

Example 6.15
A distribution system for liquid propane is made from 1.25in drawn steel tubing with a wall
thickness of 0.083 in. Several 90° bends are required to fit the tubes to the other equipment in
the system. The specifications call for the radius to the inside of each bend to be 200 mm.
When the system carries 160 L /min of propane at 25°C, compute the energy loss to each

where Do = 31.75mm, the outside diameter of the tube as found from Appendix G.
Completion of the calculation gives

Compute the velocity to complete the evaluation of the energy loss from Darcy’s equation:

The relative roughness is

Example 6.15 (cont.)
Then, we can find fT = 0.0108 from the Moody diagram in the zone of complete turbulence.

Now the energy loss can be computed:

Hazen-Williams Formula for Water Flow
• The Hazen–Williams formula is one of the most popular formulas for the design
and analysis of water systems. Its use is limited to the flow of water in pipes
larger than 2.0 in and smaller than 6.0 ft in diameter.
• The Hazen–Williams formula is unit specific. In S.I units, it can be written as
𝑣 = 0.85𝐶ℎ 𝑅0.63 𝑆 0.54

Table 7.2: Hazen-William Coefficient

Example 6.6
For what velocity of flow of water in a new, clean, 6-in Schedule 40 steel pipe would
an energy loss of 6.1 m of head occur over a length of 304.8 m? Compute the
volume flow rate at that velocity. Then refigure the velocity using the design value of
Ch for steel pipe.


Note that the velocity and volume flow rate are both directly proportional to the value of Ch.
If the pipe degrades after use so the value of Ch = 100, the allowable volume flow rate to limit
the energy loss to the same value of 6.1 m per 304.8 m of pipe length would be
Other Form of Hazen-Williams Formula
Table 7.3: Hazen-William Coefficient

• Other types of calculations that are often

desired are:
1. To determine the required size of pipe to
carry a given flow rate while limiting the
energy loss to some specified value.
2. To determine the energy loss for a given
flow rate through a given type and size of
pipe of a known length.
• Table 7.3 shows several forms of the Hazen–
Williams formula that facilitate such
Hazen-Williams ( Nomograph)

• For Value Ch=100 only

• For L = 1000ft (304 m) only

• Exercise:
1) Q = 0.12 m3/s, Pipe diameter = 250mm
2) Q = 0.020 m3/s, Pipe diameter = 200mm
3) Q = 0.020 m3/s, Pipe diameter = 200mm

• Calculate HL and V
Exercise (Hazen-William Equation)

Exercise 6.2
A 457.2 mm diameter concrete pressure pipe used to convey a water. Using a Hazen-Williams
equation, calculate energy loss over a 1.6 km length if it carries 0.21 m3 /s of water.
Ans : HL= 8.68 ( ± 0.5) m

Exercise 6.2.1
Using a Hazen-Williams equation, design a diameter of a 2.5 km length concrete
pipe if it carries 0.06 m3 /s of water and energy losses is 5 Nm/N.

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