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I Fig Llshows (wo identcal botles Pand Qfilled with sand floating stationary in the waier.

Sand Wator

IFig 1.1
Tick () the comect answer in the bOx provided.
(a Bottle Qfloats staionary in the water because,

Weight of the bottle Qis lower than buoyant force.

Weight of the bottie Qis greater than buoyant force.

Weight of the bottle Qis same as buoyant force.
from fig 1.1,
(0) compare dhe weight of both botles Pand Q.

(ii) compare the volume of bottles Pand immersed.

.K2e.O haueame elume. ..[1]

(i) Compare the weignt of water displaced by bottles Pand Q

Based on the answer in l(a), state the relationship between the weight of the water
displaced and
i) the volume of the botle imnersed

.4Eeally.Plepelaual to wat
(i) the weight of the bottle

the ..battle.

(Total :6|
2 in asafety test, acar of mass 1100 kg travels at a speed of 10 m/s and collides with astationary
van of mass 3000 kg.
Affer the collision the car and the van move together with a velocity v

Fig. 2.1 shows the car and van before and after the collision,

car mass =1100kg van mass =3000 kg velocity =v

velocity =10m/s velocity =0m/s

before colision after collision

Fig, 2.1
The total momentum of the car and van is conserved during the collision.

(a)) Define 'momentum".

VMamenim is the was ael


( State the unit of momentum.

(b) Caiculate the velocity v of the car and van after the collision.

(Û? 2. 68m(<
2. 68ms.. (21
(e) ) Calculate the tota! kinetic energy of the car and van after the collision.

4 00 2. 682.
: (4256.l
2 Jales
kinetic energy =...1S6. enba l
(D) State the transfer of energy that occurs in the collision.

kinetic erg *****et*e

Aaindrop of mass 4,2x 10 kg falls from a raincloud 1.5 km in the
air, When the raindrop hits the
ground, it is traveling at 6.5ms
(a) Caicuiate the initial gravitationai potential energy of the
MOH(4.2 kte )x
.064 T
(b} CaBculate the final kinetic energy of the (2}

{c} Hence find the energy that the raindrop loses though friction.

(d). if ali this iost energy is transferred to thermai energy in the raindrop,
caiculate the temperature rise of the
raindrop during its fal. The specific heat capacity of wateris 4200 J / kg°c.
in reality, the raindrops do not increase their temperature by this amount.
Using the ideas of energy
ransfers, expiain why the temperature increase m¥y be Jess. dOplaases

(Total: 8

& Fig 4.l below shows aunifon beam used as abridge and supported synmetrically by two rolers.
Astudent of mass 50 kg stands at a distance of I0 mfrom T.

(a)Calculate the force, F.

(bj Hence, caicuiate the force FR.

(c) Awaiter trips while carrying atray of mugs andthe tray starts to tilt. The white dots indicate the position
of the centre of mass of each mug in Fig4.2.)

Vortical ine

Fig 4.2
(i) Which mug will have started to topple over already ?

(i) Which mug will topple over next if the tray tilted even nore ?
(ii) Which mug would be the iast to topple ?

TotaB: 7
$ (a) Give one example of a scalar and a vector.

Seale Mas>
(b) The iagram shows fwo forces, 600 Nand 450 N, acting on a large stone.
By means of ascaBe diagram, determine the resultant force, F,of the two forces.

600 N

(force due
to lever) 300

k 014880287
450 N(weight of

magnitude of resultant velocity
drection of resultant velocity with the lever

{Total: 6

Fig 6.1

Oe of the characteristics of image, I in Fig 6.1 is virtual.

State other two characteristics of image, i.

uprig. [2!

(1) Compiete the ravdiagram in Fig 6.l and detemine the position ofthe lens and focal point of the lens.
Mark the position of the focal point of the lens with, F. [2]

(i) fthe object is slowBy moved away from the lens, state çhangèsthat might happen to the image without
drawing a ray diagram.

(b) Fig 6.2 shows a patterm of waves form a ipple tank.

Flg 6.2

(i) Narme the phenomenon shown in Fig 6.2.

(ü) Name one physical quantity that change after the wave passing through the slit.
7(a) What is meant by an electric field?

leçirie bielad is
(b} P isapositively charged conductor placed above an earthed metal plate AB.
Draw the lines of force of the field.

Fig 7.!

(c) Calculate the value of the unknown resistance 'x' in the Fig 7.2.


12 s2
292 692

Fig 7.2


3 . s -2 |.?s

(2 resistance X=........
ITotal: 7
The fig 8.1 below showS an electric ketle used to boil water.
On one occasion, steam is escaping at a rate of 0.4 g/s.

ig $.1
(a) 2520 kJof hest energy is required to boil l kg of water and that there is a constant heat loss of 50 per
second through the surface of the water. Calculate the rate which energy is supplied to the filament.



(b) The ketle is connected to an ac mains supply of 220V. Using yqur answer to part (a),
Calcuiate the current from the mains and choose a suitable rating for the fuse in the circuit from
the following: 3A, SA and !3 A.


(c) Explain briefly why the surfac of tse kettle is made of chromed silver.

(d) State wherethe heating filament is positioned and explain why.
at ae Batem e t e ketble, becase tuatt

another longer
fe) If the user wants to increase the power of the filament, should he cut it shorter or use
filament? Explain why.

thohase it uuit padues were beat, [Total: 11]

9 Fig. 9.]
shows an
The iron ring is iron ring suspended by athread. There is abar magnet
attracted to the magnet, close to the ring


bar magnet

Iron ring

Fig. 9.1
Fig. 9:2 shows abrass ring
suspended by athread, close to atar magnet.
bar magnet

brass ng

(a) Expiain why the brass ring is not

attractedyo the magnet, while the iron ring is attracted to the magnet.

...wabet by.OLebiolo dike iap.

(b) When theN-pole of the bar magnet in Fig. 9.2 is
current in the ring and the ring moves away from the barqickly towards the brass ring, there is an induced
(i) Explain why a current is induced in the brass ring.
( bras lieh

(i) Explain why the brass ring moves away from the magnet.
...... imolwebal,
.. pracluees a
wduce the cueut.
(Totai: 6}
10 (a) Table 10.1 gives deiails about some radioaciiv /sotopes.
(d) in a
Caicyiaie he caroe hat ows emited
Uranium-238 alpha-particle 4.5 x 10 ysars
Uranium 235 alpha particle 7.1 x 10 ysars
Carbon-14 beia-partcle 5600 yaars
Stronium-90 beta-particle 28 years
Technetum-99 gamma-ray 6 hours
fToial: 8]

Radioactive sources are used to detect leaks from pipes underground.

Aliquid containing the source is placed in the pipe. Some liquid leaks from he pipe and the radiation it
emits can be detected above ground.

(i) State the most suitable radioactive isotope in Table 10.1 for, thás purpose.
ueasthe.te. hatesauce
(ü) Explain wby half-life of the isotope you have choseni and radiation it emits are suiiable for this purpose.

(b) Nuclei may fuse when they come iogeiher.

(i) Explain why nuclei do not easily come togeher.,

eac e. 2

(ii) Explain why nucleiare able tocorne together in the centre of the Sun.
fheres wge qauetaiauo. farce
the ...(21
[Total: 8|
Astudem hxtets io the sound waves produced by acar siren When the car is stationary, the student
hears constarn freguency sound

iecrihe how the wzvelength and frequency of the sound waves heard by the student change when the
c drrverm awzv from the student


(b Satelines fited with varnous teiescopes orbit the Earth. These teiescopes detect diferent types of
eiectromagnetic radiation

Why are teiescopes that detect different types of electromagneic waves used to observe the Üniverse?
Vat al frequeeles aeloethongol rRdiatla are uile,
weeeel te use duyerent Beusar to cleteet hew.
(cj in 2003 aspace telescope detected astar that expioded 13 billion years ago. The light from the star shows
the biggest red-shift ever measured.

(ij What is red-shif?

he tete then a wane eues tiue,

(u) What does the measurerment of its red-shift kell scientisis about this siar?
Jhe rate t
anel aw allA the'ter

[Total: 7|

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