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TPA 413 (Thesis in Public Administration 3)


1. Read each item carefully.
2. Write your answers on the answer sheet provided.
3. Strictly NO ERASURES of answers.
4. Each item is allotted one point.
5. You are only given 100 minutes to finish the exam.

For items 1-3, write the letter of your best answer.

1. A literature review technique where the writer repeats what was stated by the other writer on previous
A. Departure C. Resonation and Echoing
B. Inventory D. Debunk
2. This literature review technique enumerates as many previous studies conducted related to the topic under
A. Attribution C. Converge and Diverge
B. Comparison and Contrast D. Inventory
3. This literature review technique gathers together similar ideas about the topic.
A. Inventory C. Debunk
B. Reinforce D. Departure

For items 4-7, read each passage and decide the literature review technique used.
4. There have been several views that explain the causes of poverty in the Philippines. There are those who
argue against the government’s neoliberal economic policies which impede, rather than promote, economic
growth. Others are very specific on the factors that reinforce the country’s poverty - foreign intervention and
foreign debt (Constantino, 1979 & Simbulan, 1982), religion (Garcia, 1993), population (Concepcion, 2004),
elitism (Bello et al., 2004), the lack of education (David, 2005) and corruption. While these views have
grounds on their own, this study would like to highlight the extent… of corruption to the country’s well-being.
A. Inventory C. Echoing
B. Resonation D. Converge
5. Some forms of social capita networks emerge as comparable features: bridge, aison, star and isolate
(Allen, 1976); coalition, clique and factions (Boisssevain, 1978) hub, gatekeeper and pulse taker (Stephenson,
1998); knot and knotwork, subnet and core group (Nardi et all, 2000); dyad, triad, subgroup (Prell, 2002); and
spoke (Krebs, 2004). But these forms and structures move in contrasting fashion when it comes to their
sources of power, specifically in terms of morphological power and interactional power (Mitchell, 1969); strong
ties and weak ties (Granovetter, 1973, 1978); strength, reciprocity, symmetricality, multiplicity, and
appropriateness of behavior (Waldstrom, 2001); and betweeness and closeness (Krebs, 2004).
A. Reinforce C. Compare and Contrast
B. Departure D. Attribution
6. The consensus among many researchers and by the British Dyslexia Association is at a conservative
estimate of 4% of the British population is severely and another 6% have mild to moderate dyslexia. Until
recently, most researchers reported a ratio of about three boys to every one girl with dyslexia (Riddick, 1996).
Similarly, Marshall (2004) averred that one out of five learners in the classroom setting may be affected by
dyslexia. However, these two previous findings were contradicted by Spaffped and Grosser (2005) who
claimed that current researches about ratio of dyslexia learners inside the classroom are inconclusive.

A. Inventory C. Resonation
B. Diverge D. Reinforce and Debunk

TPA 413 Midterm Examination Ariel E. San Jose, PhD 1

7. Networks and associations are the foundations of social capital, widely accepted and upheld of its value
that yields to beneficial effects - known as the social good - to society (Granavetter, 1973, 1982; Bossevain,
1974; Bourdieu, 1985; Coleman, 1990; Putnam, 1993, 2000). However, many advanced the idea of a different
kind of social capital, one that is detrimental to society - know as the social bad - that goes against the very
intent of its beneficial value to society (Henderson, 1999; Bertrand, 2000; Zimicki, 2000; McGuire, 2000;
Carroll; 2001). Thisis Putzel’s (1997) concept of the dark side of social capital.
A. Converge and Diverge C. Attribution
B. Departure D. Echoing

For items 8-20, write the letter of your best answer.

8. What is the purpose of a literature review?
A. to entertain the readers of the previous studies conducted
B. to learn about the current studies and debates on a specific subject
C. to identify the superior study
D. to maintain the scholarly nature of the research paper
9. A type of literature review which summarizes different primary studies from which conclusions may be
drawn into a holistic interpretation supplemented by the author’s own experience, theories, and/or models.
A. Systematic literature review C. Traditional literature review
B. Meta-synthesis literature review D. Internal literature review
10. Which of the following literature sources is considered as “gray literature?”
A. journals C. blogs
B. books D. biographies
11. What is the difference between research design and research method?
A. Research design is a plan to answer the research question while a research method is a strategy used
to implement the plan.
B. Research design is used in qualitative while research method is used for quantitative.
C. Research design dealt with data while research method dealt with information.
D. Research design answers the research statements while research method the objectives of the study.
12. What is the main difference of qualitative and quantitative research?
A. Qualitative research obtains data about live experiences while quantitative research gathers numerical
B. Qualitative research looks into global phenomenon while quantitative research deals with the specific.
C. Qualitative research is longitudinal while quantitative is short term.
D. Quantitative research is superior to qualitative.
13. Which type of quantitative research is considered as the most basic instrument for all sorts of quantitative
research techniques?
A. Descriptive research C. Correlational research
B. Experimental research D. Survey research
14. Which type of quantitative research usually uses the scientific method to establish the cause-effect
relationship among a group of variables that make up a study?
A. Correlational research C. Survey research
B. Experimental research D. Descriptive
15. This type of qualitative research involves the researchers embedding themselves into the daily life and
routine of the participants. Either as an active participant or an observer, the researcher experiences their
customs, traditions, mannerisms, and reactions to situation etc.
A. Phenomenology C. Case Study
B. Narrative D. Ethnography
16. In this type of qualitative research, the research gathers data or facts from one or two subjects through
interviews, documents, etc over a period of time. Based on a theme, these are then pieced together to derive
answers and suggestions.
A. Case Study C. Phenomenology
B. Narrative D. Ethnography
17. What makes case study different from phenomenology?
A. Case study looks into the personal lives while phenomenology on objective reality.
B. Case study deals with the insights while phenomenology on the lived experiences.
C. Phenomenology has smaller scope than case study.
D. Phenomenology is more focused than case study.
18. How grounded theory and ethnography similar?
A. Both use similar theory. C. Both require quantitative data.
B. Both take longer period of time. D. Both involve a phenomenon.

TPA 413 Midterm Examination Ariel E. San Jose, PhD 2

19. How grounded theory and ethnography different?
A. Grounded theory requires saturation of information while ethnography observes the pattern of
B. Grounded theory starts with a question while ethnography starts with a phenomenological inquiry.
C. Grounded theory forms new theories while ethnography creates new tribes.
D. Grounded theory deals with a recent phenomenon while ethnography deals with past experiences.
20. This qualitative method used in-depth and detailed information about a subject, which could be any entity,
organization, event or something larger like a country. The nature of this qualitative research method can be
explanatory of exploratory.
A. Case Study C. Phenomenology
B. Narrative D. Ethnography

For items 21-30, decide the most likely appropriate research method to be used in the following titles.
A. Quantitative C. Mixed method
B. Qualitative D. Undetermined
21. We Survived: The Voices of COVID 19 Survivors
22. Teachers’ Mathematical Abilities and Teaching Motivations
23. The Moderating Effect of Engagement to the Relationship between Motivation and Academic Performance
24. The Effects of Thinking Approach to Tasked-Based Teaching
25. Mothers as Teachers: The New Role of Mothers during the Pandemic
26. Learning Arabic in the Workplace: Anecdotes of Filipino Language Lecturers
27. Congruence of Human Core Faculties: An Inquiry on the Philosophies of Local Officials
28. Environmental Communication Campaign: The Practices of Macro- Businesses on Earth Hour Advocacy
29. Building skills for Employability through Training: Gains and challenges
30. Translating Theory into Practice: The Gender and Development Training Evaluations using the
Kirkpatrick’s Model

For items 31-50, choose the letter of your best answer.

31. In simple term, sampling is about ________ a sample from a population.
A. adding C. selecting
B. including D. excluding
32. A sample frame is a useful tool to ________ a target population.
A. approximate C. assimilate
B. assess D. verify
33. Ideally, samples for qualitative research should follow the concepts of ________.
A. interpretivism C. sampling
B. saturation D. generalizability
34. The level of certainty that samples actually include the true population parameter is known as ________.
A. confidence interval C. confidence level
B. confidence range D. probability level
35. Samples for quantitative research get ________ as the confidence level increases.
A. bigger in size C. faster to writer
B. harder to determine D. difficult to attain
36. It refers to a techniques of selecting individual members or a subset of the population to make statistical
inferences form them and estimate characteristics of the whole population.
A. research method C. sampling
B. research design D. theoretical framework
37. Why researchers use various sampling techniques?
A. to test each type of sampling appropriate for their study
B. to manage time and cost hence basis of any research design
C. to verify whether the existing findings are appropriate to the study at hand
D. to make good findings and conclusion
38. A sampling technique where a researcher starts with a complete sampling frame of all eligible individuals
from which they select the sample.
A. Probability sampling C. Systematic sampling
B. Non-probability sampling D. Non-systematic sampling

TPA 413 Midterm Examination Ariel E. San Jose, PhD 3

39. What is the advantage of probability sampling over non-probability sampling in terms of results of the
A. Using probability sampling, the researcher can conduct another study to verify the results.
B. Using probability sampling, the researcher can generalize the results.
C. Using probability sampling, the researcher can stop the study to have better results.
D. Using probability sampling, the researcher is exempted from ethics.
40. How probability sampling different from non-probability sampling in terms of time?
A. Probability sampling used in shorter period whine non-probability sampling used otherwise.
B. Probability sampling takes less than 60 days to complete while non-probability takes 12 months to
C. Probability sampling requires different steps while non-probability deals with single procedure.
D. Probability sampling tends to be more time-consuming and expensive than non-probability sampling.
41. In this sampling technique, a researcher chooses the respondents for the study by chance and each
member of the population has an equal chance of being selected.
A. Purposive C. Stratified
B. Quota D. Cluster
42. In this sampling technique, a researcher selects individuals at regular intervals from the sampling frame.
A. Purposive C. Quota
B. Snowball D. Systematic
43. Stratified sampling helps with achieving a reasonable level of ________.
A. Predictability C. prestige
B. Precision D. Generalizability
44. In this sampling technique, the population is first divided into subgroups who all share similar
A. Cluster C. Stratified
B. Systematic D. Quota
45. What is the disadvantage of convenient sampling?
A. It is time consuming.
B. It is difficult to find possible population for the study.
C. It is appropriate only for quantitative method.
D. Results are prone to significant bias.
46. Snowball sampling can be useful when it is hard to identify __________.
A. the appropriate method C. confidence level
B. target populations D. theoretical lens
47. Pedrito is deciding which sampling technique is appropriate for his study entitled, Academic Integrity
among College Students during the Pandemic. Dito suggested to Pedrito to use probability sampling
technique. Dito is suggesting to Pedrito to use _______.
A. Snowball sampling C. Non-random sampling
B. Random sampling D. Purposive sampling
48. Which of the following concern is MOST likely to become a problem is Prof. Z uses purposive sampling
technique in her study entitled, The Economic Role of Mothers during the Pandemic?”
A. Generalizability from the sample of the population.
B. Gathering of information from the participants.
C. Selection of the participants who are articulate, and had experienced the phenomenon.
D. Nobody is willing to read the research because everyone experienced the pandemic.
49. Prof. Y wanted to study the lived-experiences of the front-liners who are dealing with the COVID patients.
He wanted to create a hypothesis for another possible study. What sampling technique you will advice Prof. Y
to use?
A. Purposive C. Systematic
B. Stratified D. Random
50. Prof. AB is studying the use of individualized instruction with elementary school pupils. He is particularly
interested in understanding what problems are encountered and how those problems are resolved when
teachers switch to this approach. Which sampling strategy he will likely use in selecting his participants?
A. Stratified C. Systematic
B. Snowball D. Purposive


TPA 413 Midterm Examination Ariel E. San Jose, PhD 4



Name: _______________________________________________ Section: _________________________

1. ________ 11. ________ 21. ________ 31. ________ 41. ________

2. ________ 12. ________ 22. ________ 32. ________ 42. ________

3. ________ 13. ________ 23. ________ 33. ________ 43. ________

4. ________ 14. ________ 24. ________ 34. ________ 44. ________

5. ________ 15. ________ 25. ________ 35. ________ 45. ________

6. ________ 16. ________ 26. ________ 36. ________ 46. ________

7. ________ 17. ________ 27. ________ 37. ________ 47. ________

8. ________ 18. ________ 28. ________ 38. ________ 48. ________

9. ________ 19. ________ 29. ________ 39. ________ 49. ________

10. ________ 20. ________ 30. ________ 40. ________ 50. ________

TPA 413 Midterm Examination Ariel E. San Jose, PhD 5

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