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EARTH SCI Q2 LONG TEST  exfoliation – process where exposed

layer continues to weather, allowing the

REVIEWER successive removal of outer rock sheets.
SHUA Thermal Expansion and Contraction – high
temperature causes rock to expand while low
temperature causes rocks to contract.
Weathering – rocks and minerals are broken  Charles’ Law.
down and dissolved on the Earth’s surface. Freeze-Thaw Weathering – water penetrates
 partners with erosion. into rock cracks.
 Disintegration – describes how large  as temperature drops, the water freezes
masses of rocks and mechanically and expands causing the widening of
broken down into smaller chunks or cracks.
 Decomposition – describes changes in Salt-crystal Growth – water that contains
the chemical composition of rocks to dissolved salt penetrates into cracks and
form new products. crevices.
 clasts – broken fragments of rocks.
 quite similar to freeze-thaw.
- transported elsewhere in a process called
 as temperature rise, water will evaporate
leaving the salt inside it.
Hydration – water molecules will attach to
Mechanical Weathering – disintegration of crystalline structure of minerals.
rocks causing it to break while retaining its
 water moves in and out of the mineral
chemical properties.
causing the rock to shrink, swell and
 also called physical weathering and break without changing its chemical
disaggregation. properties.

Chemical Weathering – caused by changes in Types of Chemical Weathering

chemical properties of minerals and rocks.
Oxidation – oxygen (from water) bonds with
 most commonly catalyzed by agents other elements from rock forming minerals.
such as water, carbon dioxide and
Solution and Carbonation
 Solution – dissolving rock-forming
Biological weathering – caused by living
minerals in water.
 lichens and mosses aid in the solution
 can fall to both mechanical and chemical process.
weathering.  Carbonation – decomposes rocks
through the aid of water and carbon
Types of Mechanical Weathering dioxide.
UNLOADING – caused by the expansion of the Hydrolysis – water molecules alone, rather than
upper portion of a block intrusive igneous rock. oxygen and carbon dioxide in it, react with the
components of rock-forming minerals.
 ions from water combine with other MODULE 2:
elements/compounds forming new
Magma – composed of semi-liquid hot molten
rocks located beneath the Earth.
 is fluid—it has the ability to flow.
CLIMATE  volcanoes – magma that reaches the
surface does so by erupting through
- areas that are cold and dry is mostly
physical weathering.
 liquid magma is less dense than
- areas with high temperature and rainfall
surrounding solid rock.
is mostly chemical weathering.
Compositions of Magma
- Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na, K, H, and O
- rock susceptibility on weathering is also
dependent on the rock type.  has a wide range of compositions, but
- Bowen’s reaction series – minerals that silica (SiO2) always dominates the
crystallize first are more susceptible and mixture.
minerals that crystallize last are more Gases Dissolved in Magma
 describe the crystallization sequence of - principal gas is water vapor, which,
common igneous silicate minerals. together with carbon dioxide.
 shows the crystallization temperature for Temperature of Magmas and Lavas
each mineral.
 work of a petrologist named Norman L. - magma temperatures range from 1000C
Bowen. to 1200C, but it can reach 1400C under
some conditions.
Viscosity of Magmas and Lavas
- rate of weathering is affected by the
presence of joints, folds, faults, bedding viscosity – internal property of a substance that
planes through which agents of offers resistance to flow.
weathering enter a rock mass.
 depends on temperature and
TOPOGRAPHY composition.
 the more viscous a magma, the less
- physical weathering occurs more easily it flows.
quickly to highly elevated areas with
steep slope due to the help of gravity. Types of Magma
- areas with gentle slopes, water may stay
(Based on their classification as how they are
longer on the surface which causes
formed, their characteristics and the kind of
chemical weathering to occur more
rocks they are composed of.)
Basaltic Magmas – formed by the dry partial
melting of the mantle.
- length of exposure to agents of
 normally found in oceanic volcanoes.
weathering affects the rate of erosion.
 magma from Hawaiian volcanoes such
Differential Weathering – variability in the rate as Kilauea and Mauna Loa is basaltic.
of weathering in rocks in a landform.
Andesitic magma – formed through the wet  this more gaseous and sticky lava has
partial melting of the mantle. the tendency to violently explode and
cools as andesite rock.
 mantle under the ocean has contact with
water. Mafic Magma
 Magma from Mount St. Helens in
- has relatively low silica content but has
Washington State and Krakatau in
high iron and magnesium content.
Indonesia is usually andesitic.
- this magma both has low gas content
Rhyolitic magma – forms because of wet and viscosity.
melting of the continental crust. - has high average temperature which
results to its low viscosity.
 famous for creating mounds and lava - low viscosity means that this type of
domes. magma is the most fluid.
 when gasses are present, it can become
explosive, resulting in the formation of Ultramafic magma
pumice. - hottest and most viscous magma.
 glasslike obsidian – rock with a
molecular structure so defined that a
broken edge actually is sharper than a
MAGMATISM – process under the earth’s
surgeon’s scalpel.
crust where formation and movement of magma
 magmas erupted from volcanoes that
once were active at Yellowstone Park
 the movement and flow of magma
(Being identified based from the amount of
happen in the lower part of the Earth’s
silica they contain, correlated to gas content,
crust and in the upper portion of the
viscosity, and temperature are mostly
mantle, known as asthenosphere.
Felsic Magma
partial melting – process where magma present
- has the highest Silica content.
in the lower crust and upper mantle of the Earth
- has the highest gas content and
is formed or generated.
- has the lowest average temperature.  addition of volatile materials such as
 low in iron, magnesium and calcium but water and carbon dioxide.
is high in potassium and sodium.  different minerals in rock melt at
different temperature and pressure.
Intermediate magma
- higher silica content than that of mafic
magma Process of Partial Melting
- has higher gas content and higher
viscosity. 1. Partial Melting thru heat transfer
 as a result of the higher viscosity and - conduction in mantle happens when heat
gas content it builds up pressure beneath is transferred from hotter molten rocks
the surface of the earth before it can be to the Earth’s cold crust. (heat transfer)
released as lava. - as magma rises, it is often hot enough to
melt the rock it touches.
- it happens at convergent boundaries, Classification of Metamorphic Rocks
where tectonic plates are crashing
1. Foliated – shows a layered or banded
appearance due to the parallel alignment
of elongated or platy minerals.
- mantle rocks remain solid when exposed
to high pressure.  common foliated metamorphic rocks are
- however, during convection, these rocks slate, phyllite, schists, and gneiss.
tend to go upward (shallower level) and  Gneiss
the pressure is reduced. - (pronounced, nice).
- this triggers the melting of magma. - foliation in gneiss is striking. -light-
- this is known as decompression melting. colored minerals segregate from dark
- this process occurs at the Mid-Ocean ones, forming light and dark layers
Ridge, an underwater mountain system. alternating with one another.
3. ADDITION OF VOLATILES 2. Non-foliated – do not exhibit foliation
- when water or carbon dioxide is added because they are commonly made of
to hot rocks, flux melting occurs. minerals which are neither platy or
- the melting points of minerals within the elongated.
rocks decrease.  Example: Marble, Quartzite
- if a rock is already close to its melting
point, the effect of adding these volatiles
can be enough to trigger partial melting. Types of Metamorphism
- it occurs around subduction zones.
1. Contact – intrusion of hot, molten
magma will change the rock when it
comes in contact. - do not show
Metamorphism – pre-exiting rocks transformed 2. Regional metamorphism – large scale
into metamorphic rocks. movements of Earth's crust cause a vast
region of rock to sink into the Earth
which experiences increased heat and
Factors controlling the mineral assemblage of pressure.
metamorphic rocks;  develop foliation or layered texture.

- Bulk composition of the original rock.

- Attained pressure/temperature during MODULE 3 (DEFORMATION):
metamorphism. Deformation – changes in volume and or shape
- Composition of fluid phase that was present of rocks.
during metamorphism. - squeezed by compressional forces or
stretched by the tensional forces.

Foliation – generally caused by repetitive Stress – force per unit area applied on the rock.
layering of sheet silicates (silica minerals with strain – change in shape or volume of the rock
sheet-like structures) such as clay minerals, mica that experienced stress.
and chlorite.

Types of Stress
Tensional – forces pulling in opposite fold (bend) – happens deep within the crust and
directions. the rocks do not break the way they do at the
earth's surface.
- Divergent
- Stretching and Thinning Types of Folds
- Normal
Hanging wall – block of rocks resting on the
Compressional – involves forces pushing fault plane.
Footwall – block below the fault plane.
- Convergent
- Shortening and Thickening
- Reverse Two Types of Faults
Shear – involves transverse forces that result in Dip-Slip Faulting – movement of blocks of
deformation of material by slippage. rocks mainly in vertical direction, move up and
- Transform Fault
- Tearing Types of Dip-Slip Faults
- Strike Slip
Normal fault – crust is stretched or pulled apart
by forces in opposing directions.
Elastic deformation – reversible after a stress is - hanging wall moves down with respect
released. to the footwall.
ductile deformation – causes changes in shape Reverse fault – crust is squeezed or
and no longer be able to return to its original compressed.
- hanging moves up relative to the
Yield point – point at which elastic deformation
is surpassed and strain becomes permanent.
Strike-Slip Faulting – movement chiefly in the
Brittle deformation – materials respond to horizontal direction (sideways or laterally).
stress by breaking and fracturing.
Kinds of Strike-Slip Faults
Right-Lateral Strike-Slip Fault – sideways
fracture (break) – uppermost part of the crust movement of fault to the right.
which tends to break when subjected to
compressional or tensional forces. Left-Lateral Strike-Slip Fault – other block
moved to your left then the fault is a left-lateral
Two Types of Fractures strike-slip fault.
faults – breaks along when there is considerable
Philippine Fault is an example of Strike-Slip
joints – breaks where there is little or no Fault.

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