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God has appointed a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in
righteousness by Jesus Christ; to whom all power and judgment is given of the Father
(Act. 17.31). God is the ultimate righteous judge of mankind. He has, however, delegated
the work of judging to Jesus Christ. The father judges no one, but he has given all
judgment to the son. (John. 5.22). He has given him authority to execute judgment
because he is the son of man. (John 5: 27), all persons that have lived upon the Earth,
shall appear before the Tribunal of Christ to give an account of their Thoughts, Words,
and Deeds, and to receive according to what they have done in the body, whether good
or evil (2 Cor. 5.10. Eccles. 12 14. Mat. 12.36. Rom. 14.10.12. Mat. 25: 32)

The end of God’s appointing this Day, is for the manifestation of the glory of his Mercy,
in the Eternal Salvation of the Elect, and of his Justice in the Eternal damnation of the
Reprobate, who are wicked and disobedient (Romans 9:22,23) for then shall the
Righteous go into Everlasting Life, and receive that fulness of Joy, and Glory, with
everlasting reward, in the presence of the Lord, (Mat. 25.21. 34. 2 Tim. 4.8) but the
wicked who know not God, and obey not the Gospel of Jesus Christ, shall be cast into
Eternal torments, and punished with everlasting destruction, from the presence of the
Lord and the glory of his power (Mat. 25.46. Mark. 9 48. 2 Thes. 1.7,8,9,10).


The majority of the authors of the difficult aspects believe that the following do not give
challenges in understanding. Visible and bodily body shall and have not left the learners
and the author in doubts. The resurrection of all the people of age. The judgment of the
people of all age and at the period of premillenialism, there had been the following
events. The final judgment and the end of the world from the apostles had been present
to dates, the following have had been views still from various authors about the kingdom

The Jews been on the center of the controversy will be restored to their own land and
that their kingdom will be the greatest kingdom, wonderful and prosperity shall follow
them. A thousand years and the understanding of that is what is called millennialism
which is the general resurrection of the dead.

1. When He comes the saints who sleeps in him shall be raised from the dead and
associates with him in earthly kingdom.
2. The coming of the messiah would establish glorious earthly kingdom at
Jerusalem and that those that had died in Christ would share with him blessings
at his reign as this is one among the expectations of the Jews at premillennial
advert according to Hengstenberg the Apostles saw the souls of Martyrs in
heavens enthroned and this was their first resurrection . There can be no doubt ‘’
he says, by the first resurrection we are primarily to understand that stage of
blessedness john does not say that the bodies martyrs are to be raised from the
dead. He says, ‘’I saw souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Christ
Jesus ‘’. There is sense in which the martyrs are said to live again, but nothing is
said their rising again from their graves. The common millennium doctrine is
that there is to be literal resurrection when Jesus will come to reign in person
upon the earth a thousand years before the end of the world and risen saints are
to dwell here and share with him in the glories of his reign.

Paul says’’ now this I say to you brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the
kingdom God this in the earlier statement seems to be inconsistent with what is taught
in 1 Corinthians 15:50 can clearly shows at that at an inauguration our bodies will not
adapt to the state of thing that shall exist.

There is an argument on the understanding among rationalist, romanist and protestant

in the church doctrine. Realizing that judgment implies future event (not a protracted
process) the eternal destiny and of angels shall be final determined and public
manifested that there is biblical evidence in the scriptures such as Mathew 11:24
Mathew 13:30. That the first one shall more tolerable for the land Sodom in the day of
judgment than the second scripture that says let both grow together until harvest and in
time of harvest I will say to the reaper, gather year together first , tares and bind in
bundles, but gather the word into barn, v 39. The harvest I this case implies the end of
the world angels shall come ‘’forth and never wicked from the among the just ‘’. John
12:48. In acts 18:31 God has appointed a day in which he is going to judge the
righteousness. The day of wrath and the revelation of the righteous judgment of God
imply event and circumstances with which the judgment is connected shows the period
and not a protracted dispensation is intended by the term. The appearance of Christ,
resurrection the dead and the gathering of the nation are not events which are to be
protracted through years or centuries. The clear less difference then between historic
and dispensation premillennial are on the views seen as different as Israel and its
relationship to the church where as historic premillennialism sees the church to be
spiritual , which then implies that Gods people in the old testament were Israel while in
the new testament these are the church.


Rev David Brown clearly gives his interpretation on revelation 20:3-6 in titled Christ
second coming there is a future state of reward and punishment in which inequalities
and anomalies shall be adjusted. There should a general understanding of the final
assumes it to be a process now in progress for it spoken as last day. In the Old
Testament the last, the end of days therefore those who give such interpretation to the
old prophecies hold the day of judgment covers the whole period between the first and
second advert of Christ. it is then clear that the day of judgment is protracted future
dispensation to commerce with the second advert of Christ and it will continues during
the thousand year his person reign upon the earth and this theory is connected to the
doctrine of premillennial advert of Christ.

MR DAVID N LORD in his argument he says, the earth is to continue forever and that
mankind are to occupy in the endless motion. This will be sign of the reign of Christ
Jesus and everlasting kingdom. Yet Dr Duffield of prince stone say that the above
statement was signed to sustain the doctrine of the premillennial advert of Christ he
Added to say he didn’t support the doctrine of millennial error of universal
righteousness and peace on earth. Dr Cumming and Dr Seis say that they wish no better
heaven than this earth, free from curse and sin. He says his faith is that these very hills
and valleys shall be yet made glad with songs of a finished redemption.

Dr Mc Neile and Rev Bicillersteth confirm Mr. Browns writing too. Therefore much
clearer points about the second coming of Christ were not always leading to the fulfilled
promises, but, that the messiah and establishment of the kingdom was greatly
anticipated by the people of God from the beginning of the world. For the ancient saints
are now described as Christians now.

When all believers exclusive the Old Testament saint will go to heaven to celebrate with
Christ 1thesalonians 4:13-18. The marriage feast of the lamp for the period of seven
years will see the purpose of God on Israel resurfacing again followed various events
here on earth. 1. The Jewish worship will be set and later the seven years period will
occur in the Jewish temple. These shall be driven by anti-Christ. 2. Much suffering
therefore will occur here on earth, ‘tribulation so to say’. And the word of God shall be

The other evidence about the correct interpretation is that the day of the lord was not to
come until a great happening take place. A thousand years are with God as one day and
a day as a thousand years.

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