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Internship Report

Darya Khan Sugar Mill
Darya Khan

Muhammad Waqas


Industrial Training Report

Name: _________________________________________________
Student Roll No: _________________________________________
Industrial Training Course: _________________________________
Training Period: __________________________________________
Training Organization: _____________________________________
Internal Examiner: ________________________________________
External Examiner: ________________________________________

Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology

Govt. College University Faisalabad (Layyah Campus)


All the acclaims and appreciates for our All-powerful Allah who empowered me to total and type
in the internship and internship report on Darya Khan Sugar Plants Ltd. Darya khan.
I need to information to all of those who made a difference me to total my report and to pick
up information almost activities all through the period of my internship in Darya Khan
Sugar Plants Ltd. Darya khan. I need to pay awesome much obliged to staff in Darya Khan
Sugar Plants Ltd. Darya khan that guided me and made a difference me during my internship
over there. Too, I need to much oblige to Darya Khan Sugar Plants Ltd. for giving me this great
opportunity to do internship.


To memorize in down to earth side is to some degree that cannot be compared with
books information. To fulfill the commonsense requirement as a understudy of mechanical designing.
I effectively completed an internship report on Darya Khan Sugar Plants Ltd.It
was incredible opportunity for me to apply hypothetical information and get down to earth introduction.
I have gone by almost all the offices and examined work of each division.
I have attempted to display the outline of company and its operations and the assignment that are carried
out amid internship. In spite of the fact that is the little time to completely get it the method of company,
but at slightest one gets a great outline approximately it. This report includes Darya Khan
Sugar Plants Ltd. Darya khan. working way outs, data almost their department’s capacities and working.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................................iii

Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... iv

Table of Figure .............................................................................................................................................. x

Chapter No 1.................................................................................................................................................. 1

Introduction of Sugar Industry in Pakistan ..................................................................................................... 1

1.1 History: ................................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Mission of Darya Khan Sugar Mills Limited............................................................................................ 2

Chapter No.02 ................................................................................................................................................ 3

Mills House ................................................................................................................................................... 3

2.1 Pressure Feeder........................................................................................................................................ 3

2.2 Mill ......................................................................................................................................................... 3

2.3 Feeding Table: ......................................................................................................................................... 3

2.4 Main Carrier: ........................................................................................................................................... 4

2.5 Leveler: ................................................................................................................................................... 4

2.6 Cutter: ..................................................................................................................................................... 4

2.7 Cane Shredder: ........................................................................................................................................ 5

2.8 Shredded Cane Elevator: ......................................................................................................................... 6

2.9Magnetic Separator:.................................................................................................................................. 6

2.10 Nuts and bolts: ....................................................................................................................................... 6

2.11 Milling Tandom:.................................................................................................................................... 6

2.12 Old Tandom: ......................................................................................................................................... 6

2.13 New Tandom: ........................................................................................................................................ 6

2.14 Turbines: ............................................................................................................................................... 7

2.15 Block Flow Diagram: ............................................................................................................................ 7

2.16 Trash Plate:............................................................................................................................................ 8

2.17 Characteristics of a Mill: ........................................................................................................................ 8

2.18 Imbibitions: ........................................................................................................................................... 8

2.19 Bagasse Elevator: .................................................................................................................................. 8

2.20 Rotary Screen: ....................................................................................................................................... 9

2.21 Mixed Juice Tank: ............................................................................................................................... 10

2.22 Juice Supply Configuration to Process House: ..................................................................................... 10

2.23 Mills Drive by Steam Turbine .............................................................................................................. 10

2.24 Gears ................................................................................................................................................... 11

hapter No 3 .................................................................................................................................................. 12

Power House ................................................................................................................................................ 12

3.1 Turbines (Expanders)............................................................................................................................. 13

3.2 Steam Turbine: ...................................................................................................................................... 13

3.3 Way of Working: ................................................................................................................................... 13

3.4 Types of Blades: .................................................................................................................................... 14

3.5 Defects of Steam Turbine ...................................................................................................................... 15

3.6 Generator: ............................................................................................................................................. 15

3.7 Working Principle: ................................................................................................................................ 16

3.8 Synchronous Generator Construction: ................................................................................................... 16

3.9 Excitation: ............................................................................................................................................. 16

3.9.1 Through slip Ring and brushes: ........................................................................................................... 16

3.9.1 Through Brushless Exciter: ............................................................................................................... 17

3.10 The Speed of Rotation of a Synchronous Generator: ............................................................................ 17

3.11 Protection of Synchronous Generator from Faults: ............................................................................... 17

3.12 Generators Used in LSM: .................................................................................................................... 18

3.13 New Power House: .............................................................................................................................. 18

3.14 New Power Turbines: .......................................................................................................................... 18

3.15 Turbine Generator: .............................................................................................................................. 19

3.16 26 MW Indian Turbines: ...................................................................................................................... 19

3.17 Generator:............................................................................................................................................ 19

3.18 Gear Box: ............................................................................................................................................ 19

3.19 AEG Germany Turbine: ....................................................................................................................... 20

3.20 Gear Box: ........................................................................................................................................... 20

3.21 Old Power House:................................................................................................................................ 20

3.22 3MW Turbine: ..................................................................................................................................... 21

3.23 6MW Turbine: ..................................................................................................................................... 21

Chapter No.04.............................................................................................................................................. 21

Boiler House ................................................................................................................................................ 21

4.1 Types of boiler: ..................................................................................................................................... 21

4.1.1 Water Tube Boilers: ............................................................................................................................ 21

4.2 Fire tube boiler: ..................................................................................................................................... 22

4.3 Boiler Parameter .................................................................................................................................... 23

4.4 Main Parts of Boiler: ............................................................................................................................. 23

4.4.1 Boiler shell: ......................................................................................................................................... 23

4.4.2 Combustion chamber: .......................................................................................................................... 23

4.4.3 Gate: ................................................................................................................................................... 23

4.4.4 Furnace: .............................................................................................................................................. 23

4.4.5 Heating surface: .................................................................................................................................. 24

4.4.6 Mountings: .......................................................................................................................................... 24

4.5 Force Draft Fan (FDF) ........................................................................................................................... 24

4.6 FDF Specifications ................................................................................................................................ 24

4.7 Induced Draft Fan (IDF): ....................................................................................................................... 24

4.8 ID FAN Specifications: ......................................................................................................................... 24

4.9 ID FAN Accessories: ............................................................................................................................. 24

4.10 Super heater specifications:.................................................................................................................. 26

4.11 Economizer specifications: .................................................................................................................. 26

4.12 Description: ......................................................................................................................................... 26

4.13 Cooling Towers: .................................................................................................................................. 27

4.14 Cooling Tower Specification: .............................................................................................................. 27

Chapter No.05.............................................................................................................................................. 28

Process House .............................................................................................................................................. 28

5.1 Steps Involved at Process house:............................................................................................................ 28

5.2 Juice Flow: ............................................................................................................................................ 28

5.3 Primary Heaters: .................................................................................................................................... 29

5.4 Secondary Heaters: ................................................................................................................................ 29

5.5 Lime Mixing Tank: ................................................................................................................................ 30

5.6 Flash Tank ............................................................................................................................................. 30

5.7 Coagulant Solution: ............................................................................................................................... 31

5.8 Juice Clarifiers: ..................................................................................................................................... 31

5.9 Clarification Process: ............................................................................................................................. 31

5.10 Vacuum Filter: ..................................................................................................................................... 31

5.11 Pre Heater:........................................................................................................................................... 32

5.12 Evaporators: ........................................................................................................................................ 32

5.13 A- Continuous Pan: ............................................................................................................................. 33

5.14 B- Continuous Pan: .............................................................................................................................. 33

5.15 C- Continuous Pan: .............................................................................................................................. 33

5.16 Talo Clarification: ............................................................................................................................... 34

5.16.1 Buffer Tank: ...................................................................................................................................... 34

5.16.2 Supply Tank: ..................................................................................................................................... 34

5.17 Reaction Tank: .................................................................................................................................... 34

5.18 Talo Clarifier: ...................................................................................................................................... 35

5.19 Pressure Filter: ..................................................................................................................................... 35

5.20 Polish Liquor Tank: ............................................................................................................................. 35

5.21 Refine Crystallization: ......................................................................................................................... 35

5.22 Drying Grading and Packing: ............................................................................................................... 36

Chapter No 6................................................................................................................................................ 37

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 37

Reference: .................................................................................................................................................... 38

Table of Figure

Figure 1 Darya Khan Sugar Mills, Darya Khan District Bhakkar. ..................................................................................... 1
Figure 2 Feeding Table .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Figure 3 Main Carrier ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 4 Leveler .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Figure 5 Cutters ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 6 Types of Knives ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Figure 7 Cane Shredder ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 8 Tandom Mash .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 9 Block Flow Diagram .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 10 Trash Plate ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 11 Bagasse Elevator .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 12 Rotary Screen .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 13 Juice Tank Process ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 14 Steam Turbine ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 15 Gears ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 16 Steam Turbine ............................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 17 Router ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 18 Blades ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 19 Water Tube Boiler ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 20 Fire Tube boiler ............................................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 21 Lime Mixing Tank ......................................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 22 Vacuum Filter ................................................................................................................................................ 31
Figure 23 Talo Clarification ........................................................................................................................................... 34

Chapter No 1
Introduction of Sugar Industry in Pakistan
Sugar is the important sector of the Pakistan’s economy. Sugar industry plays a vital role for
development of any country’s economy. In Pakistan this industry play significant role for
economic development.
Its share in the large scale industry is 18% and in GDP is 1.9%.sugar industry
Contribution to the government exchequer in Federal excise duty is 11.2%.

Figure 1 Darya Khan Sugar Mills, Darya Khan District Bhakkar.

1.1 History:
The sugar industry, which is endowed with a strong base of sugarcane, had started its journey from almost
non-existence in 1947. The industry has gone through a long way and now possesses 77 sugar mills in all
over the country. The Sugar industry not only fulfills the entire local requirement but also sharing out the total
foreign exchange earnings. At present Pakistan’s sugar industry is facing lot of problems like lesser demand
of sugar in the country due to recession in the economy, declining prices into the domestic as well as
international markets & huge unsold stock of sugar. Government role in R & D for developing the sugarcane
varieties is not very significance; only few private institutions are doing some research in R & D in
developing various varieties with higher yield. Pakistan sugar industries still have 34% un-utilized capacity.
Which can be utilized by further developing the 13224 hectares area along the main feeder canal
from Indus River in Sindh? By which we can increase our export to 50000 ton. (This export to
Arab World can be exchange of half million barrels of crude oil for Pakistan. In Pakistan present
sugar cane varieties are not yielding reasonable production and led to the prevailing sugar crisis.

1.2 Mission of Darya Khan Sugar Mills Limited

We aim to be a leading producer and supplier of quality sugar by adopting the most
technological advancement. We intend to play a pivotal role in the economic development of

Chapter No.02
Mills House
Mill is a machine which is used to extract the juice from shredded cane. It consists of two major
2.1 Pressure Feeder
Pressure feeder consists of three rolls stacked together to form a shape of triangle and its lower
roller is driven through steam turbine. Objective of pressure feeder is to feed the shredded cane
at high pressure to the mill inlet in order to facilitate the cane milling operation for proper juice
extraction and in order to avoid shredded cane back coming effect.
2.2 Mill
Mill itself also consists of three rolls for juice extraction. The rolls of a mill are stacked together
to form a triangle shape and its upper roller is driven through steam turbine. Objective ofa mill is
to extract the juice from shredded cane.
In reality pressure feeder and mill both are integrated to each other in order to form a six roll
stack for easier cane handling. There are five mills are used in series, each mill have a pressure
feeder associated with it. About 80% juice is extracted in mill-1. Feed to each pressure feeder is
introduced by inclined cane carrier. So every mill`s pressure feeder has an inclined cane
carrier associated with it and it precedes to mill.
2.3 Feeding Table:
There are four (4) Feed tables in the industry. The purpose of feed table is to transfer the sugar
cane on the cane carrier. Conveyer belts and impellers are mounted on the feed table.
They help in transportation of cane from feed point to cane carrier.

Figure 2 Feeding Table

2.4 Main Carrier:
Purpose of giving an angle to the main carrier is evenly distributed and compact feeding.

Figure 3 Main Carrier

2.5 Leveler:
As the name implies it function is to level the cane in carrier and to provide evenly feedto

Figure 4 Leveler
2.6 Cutter:
Cutters are driven by backpressure Impulse Turbine 650 Kw. Bush coupling is uses to join the
driver shaft to the driven shaft. It cuts the cane into small Pieces.

Figure 5 Cutters

Figure 6 Types of Knives

2.7 Cane Shredder:

The main function of the shredder is to rapture the structure of cane in order to open the cells of
the cane .It is driven by Impulse Turbine 2100 Kw. This Shredder is covered by anvil plate
.It is below the Shredder. It has very low spacing in mm with hammers. Shredder has Mild steel
hammers with beadings. Shredder gets feed from below and takes it above .that is why its anvil
plate is below.

Figure 7 Cane Shredder

Shredder Turbine Specifications:

Steam Turbine Peter Brother Hood

Power 2100 Kw
Speed 6662 rpm
Steam Pressure 230 kg/cm2
Steam Temperature 340 co
Exhaust Pressure 1.5kg/cm2

2.8 Shredded Cane Elevator:

It is basically inclined cane carrier which transports shredded cane vertically as well as
horizontally to pressure feeder of mill 1.

2.9Magnetic Separator:
Magnetic separator is used to remove e the iron particles which become the part of cutter cane of
other iron particles which are already present. The commonest one object is pieces of knife
blades, sling hooks, broken pieces of sling.
2.10 Nuts and bolts:
If iron pieces are not removes then they jam the mills and pressure feeder, end so it is required to
remove them before cane feeding to mills is very expanses due to the mills rollers.
2.11 Milling Tandom:
There are two milling tandem in Darya Khan Sugar Mills.
2.12 Old Tandom:
There are 6 mills in old tandom.
2.13 New Tandom:
There are 5 mills in new tandom ,
Ordinary 3 rollers mills=4
Mill Max 2

Figure 8 Tandom Mash

2.14 Turbines:
It is a device which is used to convert the pressure energy of the superheated steam into
mechanical work.
2.15 Block Flow Diagram:
The feed handling and juice extraction steps are shown in the diagram below

Figure 9 Block Flow Diagram

2.16 Trash Plate:
Trash plate is a plate with teethes on both sides and it is used among mill rollers. It fulfills
two basic functions:
1- It provides a tight fitting between rollers which improves the crushing and so juice
Recovery is improved.
2- Its teeth clarify the space between roller disks to some extant which prevent mill choking.

Figure 10 Trash Plate

2.17 Characteristics of a Mill:

It possesses a surface especially constructed to permit it to grip the cane or pieces of cane which
are fed to it, in the best possible conditions.
This surface must at the same time be designed in such a way as to break, tear up, And crush the
cane, in order to permit the mills to get to work immediately and effectively on the broken up
material, which is already of the nature of Bagass rather than cane.
2.18 Imbibitions:

Even when Bagass is subjected to high and repeated pressures, it never gives up all the juice
which it contains. It approaches to minimum moisture in the most favorable cases: that is, it
retains a high proportion of juice, amounting roughly to half its weight.
In order to extract as much as possible of the sugar which it retains, it is therefore necessary to
move to some mechanism of more juice removal known as imbibitions.
2.19 Bagasse Elevator:

Bagasse elevator is a type of inclined carrier which transports the Bagass from last mill outlet
to all boilers inlet as well as towards the additional Bagass storage point.

Figure 11 Bagasse Elevator

2.20 Rotary Screen:

It is a rotary screen filter used for the separation of suspended Bagass particles from
extracted juice. Rotary screen size is 0.5 ~ 0.7 mm.

Speed Ratio 1/37

Note: Only one filter operates at a time.

Figure 12 Rotary Screen

2.21 Mixed Juice Tank:
It is a tank which stores extracted juice for further processing in process house.
2.22 Juice Supply Configuration to Process House:

Figure 13 Juice Tank Process

2.23 Mills Drive by Steam Turbine

Mills are driven by steam turbines. There are five mills in the industry so there are five
steam turbines installed for each mill. A figure of a typical steam turbine is shown below:

Figure 14 Steam Turbine

New mill House:

Turbine Specifications
Turbine Steam Power Inlet Inlet P Outlet P No. of
Used Rotations
Turbine- 10 650 340°C 23 1.15 5250 rpm
tons/hr kW
1 of kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2
Turbine- 9 650 340°C 23 1.15 5250 rpm
tons/hr kW
2 of kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2
Turbine- 10 650 340°C 23 1.15 5250 rpm
tons/hr kW
3 of kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2
Turbine- 9 650 340°C 23 1.15 5250 rpm
tons/hr kW
4 of kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2
Turbine- 9 650 350°C 23 1.15 4030 rpm
tons/hr kW
5 of kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2

2.24 Gears
From turbine specification table it is clear that each turbine operates at very high rpm and
The requirement for milling is 5 rpm so turbine rpm should have to be reduced in order to meet
the requirements of mills. For this purpose large size reduction gears are used. In order to reduce
so high rpm to very low rpm very large size single gear is required.

Figure 15 Gears

hapter No 3
Power House
3.1 Turbines (Expanders)

Turbine is a device which converts internal energy of the fluid to mechanical work.
There are two fundamental types of turbine:
1- Hydraulic Turbine (Turbine driven by incompressible fluid)
a) Water Turbine (Turbine driven by water)
2- Pneumatic Turbine (Turbine driven by compressible fluid)
a) Steam Turbine (Turbine driven by superheated steam)
b) Gas Turbine (Turbine driven by any other dry gas)
In industrial power house steam turbine is used, so major focus of attention will be steam
3.2 Steam Turbine:
Steam turbine is a device which converts pressure energy of the superheated steam into useful
Note: It is only a prime mover like as an electric motor.

Figure 16 Steam Turbine

3.3 Way of Working:

The expansion of a gas in a nozzle to produce a high velocity stream is a process which Converts

internal energy into kinetic energy, which in turn is converted into shaft work when the stream
impinges on blades attached to a rotating shaft. Thus a turbine (or expander) consists of alternate
sets of nozzles and rotating blades through which vapor or gas flows in a steady state expansion
process. The overall result is the conversion of internal energy of a high pressure stream into shaft
work. When steam provides the motive force as in a power plant the device is called a turbine;
when it is a high pressure gas, such as ammonia or ethylene in a chemical or petrochemical plant,
the device is called an expander Turbine consists of a casing in which a turbine router is fitted in
such a way that it can rotate about its axis of rotation. Turbine router has blades on its surface.
Superheated steam is introduced from the inlet pipe line at high pressure and temperature which
strikes the router blades and imparts its pressure energy to it. This pressure energy rotates the
turbine router which generated shaft work. The shaft work produced by the turbine router is then
used to rotate shaft of any equipment. Turbine’s other rotational parts have oil assembly which
decreases friction in order to improve the efficiency. The oil by circulating continuously inside
the equipment got heated during operation. So, an oil cooling mechanism is required. With the
turbine a shell & tube heat exchanger is used as cooler, for cooling the hot oil; with water as
coolant in the shell side.

Figure 17 Router

3.4 Types of Blades:

3.5 Defects of Steam Turbine

In the steam turbine defects arise when saturated steam is used instead of superheated steam. As
from the knowledge it is clear that saturated steam have water droplets in it. When saturated
steam is used in the turbine, its water droplets causes pitting to turbine blades. This pitting
phenomenon is the process, in which very small liquid particles at high pressure and temperature
strikes to a surface, causes its momentum transfer to it in such a way that; this momentum transfer
is only to certain points of the blades, instead of even momentum transfer to turbine blades, so the
turbine blades got damage from improper momentum distribution on blades. In order to save
blades and other turbine inside parts from this type of mechanical damages, it is strongly
recommended that superheated steam is used instead of saturated steam. Calculation of Shaft Work
Produced by Turbine

3.6 Generator:
In electricity generation, an electric generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to
electrical energy. The reverse conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy is done by a
motor; motors and generators have many similarities. A generator forces electrons in the
windings to flow through the external electrical circuit. It is somewhat analogous to a water pump,
which creates a flow of water but does not create the water inside. The source of mechanical energy
may be a reciprocating or turbine steam engine, water falling through a turbine or waterwheel, an
internal combustion engine, a wind turbine, a hand crank, compressed air or any other source of
mechanical energy.
Like motor, a generator also has stator and rotor. Rotor winding is field winding because main
magnetic field is produced in Rotor and stator winding is armature because main emf is induced
in stator.
3.7 Working Principle:
Generator works on the principle of Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic induction. According to
law, Supply is given to rotor which produces rotary magnetic field. This field induces e.m.f in
stator winding.
3.8 Synchronous Generator Construction:
A DC current is applied to the rotor winding, which then produces a rotor magnetic field. The
rotor is then turned by a prime mover (e.g. Steam, water etc.) producing a rotating magnetic
field. This rotating magnetic field induces a 3-phase set of voltages within the stator windings of
the generator. “Field windings” applies to the windings that produce the main magnetic field in a
machine, and “armature windings” applies to the windings where the main voltage is induced.

For synchronous machines, the field windings are on the rotor, so the terms “rotor windings” and
“field windings” are used interchangeably. Generally a synchronous generator must have at least
2 components: a) Rotor Windings or Field Windings a. Salient Pole b. Non Salient Pole b) Stator
Windings or Armature Windings. The rotor of a synchronous generator is a large electromagnet
and the magnetic poles on the rotor can either be salient or non salient construction. Non-salient
pole rotors are normally used for rotors with 2 or 4 poles rotor, while salient pole rotors are used
for 4 or more poles rotor.
3.9 Excitation:
An electric generator or electric motor that uses field coils rather than permanent magnets will
require a current flow to be present in the field coils for the device to be able to work. If the field
coils are not powered, the rotor in a generator can spin without producing any usable electrical
energy, while the rotor of a motor may not spin at all. Thus a DC supply is given to rotor to produce
magnetic field. This method is called excitation.
There are three methods of excitation
 Through slip Ring and brushes
 Through Brushless Exciter
 Through Pilot Exciter.
3.9.1 Through slip Ring and brushes:
In this method excitation is done by giving DC supply to rotor through brushes. In rotor, a slip

ring is mounted. DC supply is given to that slip ring through brushes.
Slip rings are metal rings completely encircling the shaft of a machine but insulated from it. One
end of the dc rotor winding is tied to each of the 2 slip rings on the shaft of the synchronous
machine, and a stationary brush rides on each slip ring.
A “brush” is a block of graphite like carbon compound that conducts electricity freely but has
very low friction; hence it doesn’t wear down the slip ring. If the positive end of a dc voltage
source is connected to one brush and the negative end is connected to the other, then the same dc
voltage will be applied to the field winding at all times regardless of the angular position or speed
of the rotor.
Small synchronous machines
3.9.1 Through Brushless Exciter:
A brushless exciter is a small ac generator with its field circuit mounted on the stator and its
armature circuit mounted on the rotor shaft. The 3-phase output of the exciter generator is
rectified to direct current by a 3-phase rectifier circuit also mounted on the shaft of the generator,
and is then fed to the main dc field circuit. By controlling the small dc field current of the exciter
generator (located on the stator), we can adjust the field current on the main machine without slip
rings and brushes. Since no mechanical contacts occur between the rotor and stator, a brushless
exciter requires less maintenance.
3.10 The Speed of Rotation of a Synchronous Generator:
Synchronous generators are by definition synchronous, meaning that the electrical frequency
produced is locked in or synchronized with the mechanical rate of rotation of the generator. A
synchronous generator’s rotor consists of an electromagnet to which direct current issupplied.
The rotor’s magnetic field points in the direction the rotor are turned. Hence, the rate
of rotation of the magnetic field in the machine is related to the stator electrical frequency by:
3.11 Protection of Synchronous Generator from Faults:
The generating units, especially the larger ones, are relatively few in number and higher in
individual cost than most other equipments. Therefore, it is desirable and necessary to provide
protection to cover the wide range of faults which may occur in the modern generating plant.
Some of the important faults which may occur on an alternator are.
 Failure of prime-mover
 Failure of field

 Over current
 Over speed
 Overvoltage
 Unbalanced loading
 Stator winding faults
3.12 Generators Used in LSM:
In LSM, Turbo generators are being used. Turbo generators are those generators in which
steam turbine is used as a prime mover. There are four high tension and one low tension
generators. There is also one low tension diesel generator available which is used at time of

Needed. There is also a biogas plant whose installed capacity is 9.248 MW. In ETP eight biogas
engine generators are installed and power rating of each generator is 1.156 MW.
The power rating of HT generator is 6MW and LT turbo generator is 2MW. The power rating of
Diesel generator 1641.2 KW.
The total installed capacity in SML is 36.848 MW.
3.13 New Power House:
Power House is established to provide electricity not only to Sugar production department but
also to all the departments of mill and it also supplies electricity to colony of mill. Power house is
under control of Electrical & Instrumentation Department (E&I) containing highly qualified
engineers. The new house contains three steam turbines. A turbo generator is a generator in
which steam turbine is used to run the rotor. The ratings of two ST are16MW and rating of ST is
The two ST are condensing back pressure.LT other is backpressure condensing type.
There is also a diesel generator whose power rating is 1.6MW. The total installed capacity of power
house is 27.6 MW. There is also a new power plant (ETP) whose installed capacity is
9.248 MW.ETP has eight biogas generators. The rating of each generator is 1.156MW.
The main function of power house is to supply the power to different houses .Power housealso
supplies 8MW power to WAPDA.
3.14 New Power Turbines:
16 MW Chinese HTC turbine specifications
 Normal Speed 6532 rpm
 Tripping Speed 7000 rpm

 Inlet Pressure 64 bar
 Exhaust Pressure 1.5 bar
 Inlet Temperature 480 C0
 Steam Consumption 5.5 kg/Kw

3.15 Turbine Generator:

 Normal Speed 1500 rpm
 Exciter type Brushless
 Insulation Class F

3.16 26 MW Indian Turbines:

 Inlet Temperature 480 C0
 Inlet Steam Pressure 64 bar
 Exhaust Pressure 0.07 bar
 Speed Range 6694~6817
3.17 Generator:
 Rated Output 32500 Kva
 Rated Voltage 11000 v
 Rated Current 1706 A
 Rated Frequency 50 Hz
 Power Factor 0.8
 Rated Speed 1500Rpm
 Over Speed 1800 Rpm
 Direction Clock Wise
 Weight 56000 Kg
 Pole 4
3.18 Gear Box:
 Rated Power 27075 Kw
 Input Speed 6141 Rpm
 Output Speed 1500 Rpm
 Speed Ratio 4.093

 Number Of Teeth Gear/
Pinion 131/32
 Lube Oil Grade Iso46
 Lube Oil Flow 550Lpm
 Lube Oil Pressure 1.5~2 Kg/cm2
 Weight 15000Kv
3.19 AEG Germany Turbine:
 Power 16 MW
 Stages Multistage (12)
 Built in 1972
 Steam consume 6.6 kg/Kw
 Speed 8000 rpm
 Inlet Steam temperature 480 c
 Exhaust Steam temperature 170 c
 Max steam flow rate 130 kg/hr
 Inlet Steam Pressure 23 bar
 Exhaust Pressure 1.5 bar

3.20 Gear Box:

 Input S output Speed 1500 Rpm
 Number Of Teeth Gear/
Pinion 168/28
 Lube Oil Grade Iso46
 Lube Oil Flow 550Lpm
 Lube Oil Pressure 1.5~2 Kg/cm2
 peed 8000 Rpm
 Weight 15000Kg

3.21 Old Power House:

Two turbines are installed in old power house:One
turbine is 3MW

Other is 6MwSwitched off. The detail of each component used in power house is given below.
The rating of each turbine and generator is given under
3.22 3MW Turbine:
 Inlet Temperature 480 C0
 Inlet Steam Pressure 23 bar
 Exhaust Pressure 1.07 bar
 Speed Range 9000
 Steam consume 10.6 kg/Kw/hr
 No Stages 3
 Trip speed 10350 rpm
3.23 6MW Turbine:
 Power 6 MW
 Stages Multistage (12)
 Built in 1969
 Steam consume 9.9kg/Kw
 Speed 9000 rpm
 Inlet Steam temperature 365 c
 Exhaust Steam temperature 170 c

Chapter No.04
Boiler House
The boiler is the main part of any thermal power plant. It converts the fuel energy into steam
energy. The fuel may be furnace oil, diesel oil, natural gas or coal. The boiler may be fire from
the multiple fuels. The types of boiler use in the T.P.S phase#2 is "water tube type"
4.1 Types of boiler:
1. Fire tube or smoke tube boiler
2. Water tube boiler
4.1.1 Water Tube Boilers:
In water tube boilers, boiler water passes through the tubes while the exhaust gasses remain in the
shell side, passing over the tube surface, since tubes can typically withstand higher internal
pressure then the large chamber shell in a fire tube, water tube boilers are used where high steam
pressure (as high as 3,000Psi) are required.

Water tube boilers are also capable of high efficiencies and can generate saturated or
superheated steam. The ability of water tube boilers to generate superheated steam makes these
boilers particularly attractive in applications that require dry, high-pressure, high-energy steam,
including steam turbine power generation

Figure 19 Water Tube Boiler

4.2 Fire tube boiler:

In fire tube steam boilers, the flames and hot gases, produced by the combustion of fuel pass
through the tubes which are surrounded by water. Fire tube boilers are generally used for
relatively small steam capacities and low to medium steam pressure. As a guideline fire tube
boilers are completive for steam rates up to 12000kg/h and pressures up to 18 kg/cm².Fire tube
boilers are available for operation with oil, gas or solid fuel.

4.3 Boiler Parameter

Specification Lp Boiler
Capacity 80 T/H
Furnace Area 37 m2
Out Let Pressure 25 Bar
Out Let Steam Temperature 350c0
Furnace Temperature 1200~1400 c0
Out Let Flanges Temperature 170c0
Before Economizer Water Temp 100 c0

After Economizer 1 the Temperature was 150c0 and then Passes 2nd Economizer the
Temperature is 200 c0.

The 135 t/h was installed by FEBCON.

The two 80 T/H was installed by HMC.
4.4 Main Parts of Boiler:
4.4.1 Boiler shell:
It is made up of steel plates bent into cylindrical from reverted or welded together. A boiler shell
should have sufficient capacity to contain water and steam.
4.4.2 Combustion chamber:
It is the space generally below the boiler shell, meant for burning fuel in order to produce steam
from the water contained in the shell.
4.4.3 Gate:
It is the platform in the combustion chamber, upon which fuel is burnt. The gate, generally
consist of cast iron bars which are spaced a part so that air can pass through them. The surface are
of the gate over which the fire takes place is called gate surface.
4.4.4 Furnace:
It is the space above the gate and the boiler shell in which the fuel is actually burnt the
furnace is also called fire box.

4.4.5 Heating surface:
It is that part of boiler surface which exposed to the fire.
4.4.6 Mountings:
There are the fittings which are mounted on the boiler for its proper

4.5 Force Draft Fan (FDF)

The force draft fan sucks the air from atmosphere which is used in the furnace for
burning. The air from the atmosphere is passed through the filter to remove the dust and other
particles from the air. The air from the FDF is then fed to the regenerative heaters.
4.6 FDF Specifications
 Type and Quantity Electric Motor Driven 1 Set
 Maximum Capacity 2112 m3/min
 Air Temperature 30 co
 Motor Power 160 kw
 Speed 1000 rpm
 Motor Type Squirrel Cage
4.7 Induced Draft Fan (IDF):
ID fan sucks the flue gases from the boiler and exhaust through chimney Functioning. A
boiler cannot function safely without mountings. Through there are many types of boiler
mountings yet the following are important from the subject point view.
4.8 ID FAN Specifications:
 Type and Quantity Electric Motor Driven 1 Set
 Maximum Capacity 5800 m3/min
 Air Temperature 200 co
 Motor Power 300 kw
 Speed 1000 rpm
 Motor Type Squirrel Cage
4.9 ID FAN Accessories:
a. Water level indicator
b. Pressure gauge
c. Safety valves
d. Stop valve
e. Blow off cock

f. Feed check valve
g. Fusible plug
h. Blow down valve
(a) Water indicator: It is an important fitting which indicate the water level inside the boiler to
an observer.
(b) Pressure gauge: A pressure gauge is used to measure the pressure of the steam boiler. It is
fixed in front of the steam boiler.
(c) Safety valves: There are the devices attached to the steam chest for preventing explosions
due to excessive internal pressure of steam. There are four types of safety valves.

i. Lever safety valve

ii. Dead weight safety valve
iii. High steam and low water safety valve
iv. Spring loaded safety valve
(d) Stop valve: It is the largest valve on the steam boiler. It is used to control the flow of steam
from boiler to the main stream pipe.
(e) Blow off cock: It is fitted to the bottom of a boiler drum and consists of a conical plug fitted
to the body or casting. Its function is to empty the boiler whenever required and to discharge the
mud, scale or sediments which are accumulated at the bottom of the boiler.
(f) Feed check valve: It is a non-return valve fitted to a screwed spindle to regulate the lift. Its
function is to regulate the supply water which pumped into the boiler by the feed pump.
(g) Fusible plug: It is fitted to the crown plate of the furnace or the fire. Its object is to put off the
fire in the furnace of the boiler when the level of water in the boiler falls to an unsafe limit and
thus avoids the implosion which may take place due to overheating of the furnace plate.
(h) Blow down valve: It is fitted to the lower side of the boiler. Its function is to reduce the
impurities of the boiler.
2. Accessories: These are the devices which form an integral part of a boiler but are not mounted
on it. It may be noted that the accessories help in controlling and running the boiler efficiency.
Though there are many types of accessories yet the following are important from the subject
point of view.
a. Feed pump
b. Super heater

c. Economizer
d. Air pre heater
(a) Feed pump: A feed pump needed to deliver water to the boiler. The pressure of feed wateris
20% more than that in the boiler. The feed pump may be classified as simplex, duplex, triplex
pumps according to the number of pump of cylinder.
(b) Super heater: A super heater is an important device of a steam generating unit. Its purposeis
to increase the temperature of saturated steam without raising its pressure. It is generally an
integral part of a boiler and is placed in the path of hot flue gases from the fluency. The heat
given up by these flue gases is used in super heating the steam.
4.10 Super heater specifications:

 Type Pendent type

 Heating Surface 220 m2
 Steam Evaporation Pressure 80000 kg /h
At Outlet
 Size 50mm dia
 No of Coils 50

(c) Economizer: An Economizer preheated is used to recover heat from the exhaust flue gases. It
is installed between the economizer and chimney. The air required for the purpose of combustion
is drawn through the air preheated where its temperature is raised. There is an increase of about
2% in the boiler efficiency for each 35-40% raise in temperature of air.
4.11 Economizer specifications:
 Type Plain Tube
 Heating Surface 200 m2

 Tube Size 50mm dia

4.12 Description:
At first, the gas supply from the gas pipe and air supply from the blower with the help of
motor. The air and gas mixed by the ratio of 4:1 in the servomotor. Then the mixture of air and gas
enter into the tube of the boiler. In the tube there are electrode and a fire glass. The fire produced
by the sparking of air gas mixture and electrodes. The fire remains stable by photocell. The voltage
produce in the electrode in electrode is 11000 V. There are about 198 tubes and the fire heated the

tubes to steam the water. The required steam pass through the pipe and the unexpected steam pass
through the chimney. There one pipe line is connected output to the reservoir tank. In reservoir
tank water is preheated and there is a preheated and there is a softener tank, which contain
normal water, filler water. This tank is used to reduce the hardness of water. The preheated water
passes through the feed pump and to boiler. Here some chemicals are mixed

With the water. In the furnace oil is used as fuel than there is a connecting pipe from oil tank to
servomotor. If the economizer is used then the water is not preheated in the reservoir.
4.13 Cooling Towers:
Cooling towers are heat removal devices used to transform process waste heat to the
atmosphere. Cooling tower may either use the evaporation of water to remove process heat and
cool the working fluid to near the wet-bulb air temperature or relay solely on air to cool the working
fluid to dry –bulb air temperature. Common application includes cooling the circulating water used
in oil refiner, chemical plants and power station
4.14 Cooling Tower Specification:

 Temperature 285 c0
 Speed 1350 Rpm
 Frequency 50Hz
 Pressure 100 Pascal
 Current 0.7 A
 Flow Rat e 5000 m3/h
 Power 370 W
4.15 Block Diagram

Economizer Air
Boiler Preheate
To super heater

Water FD Air

Chapter No.05
Process House
5.1 Steps Involved at Process house:
1. Primary Heating
2. Liming
3. Secondary Heating
4. Subsidization
5. Mud Filtration
6. Evaporation
7. Crystallization
8. Purging
9. Liquor Clarification
10. Refine Sugar Crystallization
11. Drying
12. Packing
13. Storage
5.2 Juice Flow:

The cane juice from the juice tank of milling house come to process house where it is
further purified and crystalline sugar is obtained from it. First of all cane juice in process house
flowing from flow meters comes into the heater, which heaters the juice. There are nine (9) heaters
in number. They are classified as:-
1. Primary Heaters
2. Secondary Heaters
Among nine heaters four are primary heaters and five are secondary heaters.
5.3 Primary Heaters:
First of all juice comes into the primary heaters where the temperature is maintained at
65-70 oC.
There are shell and tube vertical heaters having tubes of specifications given below
No. of tubes 576

No. of passes 8
Inner Dia 32mm
Outer Dia 35mm
Length 4100mm
Juice inlet temperature 42 oC
Juice outlet temperature 65 oC
Heating Surface 250 m2
Heating media is vapourIst&2nd of temperature 110oC & 100oC respectively. After
passing through the primary heater the juice is then sent to Lime mixing tank.
5.4 Secondary Heaters:
These heaters are same in structure as primary heaters and also serve the same purpose.
But the temperature of Juice is raised to 106 oC.
No. of tubes 688
No. of passes 8
 Juice inlet temperature 60-65 oC
 Juice outlet temperature 102-105oC
 Heating Surface 300 m2
 After Secondary Heaters, juice is sent for Clarification. Before entering Clarifier Tank, juice
is passed through Flash Tank.

5.5 Lime Mixing Tank:
In this tank, Slaked Lime Ca (OH) 2 is added to the heated cane juice. This slaked
is formed by the following reaction and then brought to the lime mixing tank. The reaction
CaO + H2O. Ca (OH) 2
The purpose of Lime Dozer is to maintain a PH of 7.5 Lime mixing tank is used to:-
1. Remove the impurities
2. Remove the trapped air
Now this juice, mixed with Lime, obtained from Lime mixing tank is passed through
Defecation Retention Tank there is 12-15 min retention time. Then the defecated juice is pumped
to Secondary Heaters with the help of centrifugal pumps.

Figure 21 Lime Mixing Tank

5.6 Flash Tank

It helps in removing vapors and to avoid bubbling of heated juice in clarifier. When juice
is passed into the Clarifier from the Flash Tank, an Polyelectrolyte is mixed with the juice. As a
result of which the particles of heavy weight settles down in Clarifier and clear juice comes

5.7 Coagulant Solution:
The coagulant used is a high molecular weight, branched-long chain polyelectrolyte.
Water is mixed with it to make a saturated solution.
5.8 Juice Clarifiers:
There are two types of clarifiers:-
1. Dorr Clarifier
A. Old Dorr
 Height 18ft
 Dia 24 ft
 Capacity 278 m3
B. New Dorr
- Height 18ft
- Dia 32 ft
- Capacity 475 m3

5.9 Clarification Process:

Polyelectrolyte is added. Impurities are stricken with polyelectrolyte and settle down in form of
mud. Mud and other material is separated from the mixed juice, from here juice passes to Clear
juice screens. On top of screens heavy particles are settled, juice is collected down in clear juice
In Clarifying Tanks, the coagulant solution with the heavy and mud particles settles down in the
base of the Clarifier whereas the Clear juice comes at the top of it. This clear juice is then
separated from the Mud and sent to storage tanks From Clarifier there are two outlets, one for clear
juice that takes it to the clear juice storage tank and the other for the mud mixed juice which is sent
to Vacuum Filter.
5.10 Vacuum Filter:
In Vacuum Filter Tank where Mud is completely separated and removed. Vacuum Filter is a
rotating drum containing tubes having vacuum of 15-17 inch of Hg. This drum rotates at a very
slow speed i.e. 0.5 rpm. When it is rotated, mud become attached with the walls and at the same
time mud is treated with hot water from the top. The sweetness which is called POL is 75%. The
waste makes a layer outside the drum called as MUD CAKE. It contains only 2.5% sweetness. The
waste is collected on carrier which takes it to the Compost Plant.

5.11 Pre Heater:
Clear juice is pre heated before feed to the Evaporator.
 Juice inlet Temperature 90-96 oC
 Outlet temperature 100-110 oC
 No of Tubes 564
 Heating Surface 300 m2

5.12 Evaporators:
Evaporator is equipment that is used to concentrate the solution by evaporating thesolvent
There are two types of evaporators are used in the industry. Which are following?
1- Falling Film Evaporator (FFE)
2- Multiple Effect Evaporators (MEE)
This is the system where the water is evaporated and the juice is concentrated at the same time.
First of all the juice comes into an Evaporator which is called as Vapor Cell. Exhaust steam from
mill house is used to start the working of Vapor Cell. Vapors are condensed after passing the last
evaporator. There are sets of 5 evaporators after the Vapor Cell through which the juice passes.
This method of boiling is called Quadruple Effect or Quintuple Effect. All of the evaporating
cells contains a large number of tubes arranged longitudinally having a vacuum of

60-65 cm of Hg. The juice enters from the bottom of the evaporator and comes with the help of
these tubes. After heating it bubbles and comes back down through down take. And then it enters
into the next evaporator. In this way it passes through five of the evaporators by the same
Inner Dia of tubes 39 mm
Outer Dia of tubes 42 mm
Vacuum is created in the last Evaporator of 23-25 inch hg.
 Temperature of 1stvapours 110 oC
 Temperature at 2ndVapours 100 oC
 Temperature at 3rdVapours 90 oC
 Temperature at 4thVapours 75-80 oC

 Temperature at 5thVapours 60-65 oC

From Quad juice is sent into Syrup bottle and then to Syrup storage tank where syrup is
stored. From syrup storage tank it is send to Raw Pan-A.

5.13 A- Continuous Pan:

Syrup and A grain is added in it. A- Massecuite is formed in pan-A.
Purity A-Massecuite: 84%
Bricks Degrees: 94-96

Then A-Massecuite is send to A-Pug mill. And by here it is send to A-Centrifugal

machine, it consists of screens and separate out two things.
1. A-Heavy
2. Raw sugar

A-Heavy purity: 67-68%

A-Heavy bricks: 85-86

5.14 B- Continuous Pan:
A-Heavy and B grain is send into Pan-B. In it B-Massecuite is formed.
B-Massecuite purity: 70-71%
B-Massecuite bricks: 98-99
B-Massecuite is send into B-Crystallizer, its purpose is for growth, and enhancement and time is
given for cooling. From here it is carried into B-Centrifugal machine. It also consist of screens
and separates out two things.

1. B-Seed
2. B-Heavy
B-Heavy purity: 47-48%
B-Heavy bricks: 92-94

5.15 C- Continuous Pan:

B-Heavy along with C grain enters into Raw Pan-C.
C-Massecuite is formed in it.
C-Massecuite purity: 55-56%
C-Massecuite bricks: 98-99
C- Massecuite is then sent into Vertical Crystallizer, where water moves in no. of pipes
continuously to cool syrup. From there C- Massecuite is sent into Cassette Crystallizer. C-
Massecuite is sent into Re-heaters, where it is heated. It is heated to saturate syrup. C- Massecuite
from there is send into C-Pug Mill. It is flowed into C-Centrifugal machine, which consists of
screens and separates out Final Molasses and C-seed (single cure).
Final Molasses purity: 32%
Final Molasses bricks degrees: 92
5.16 Talo Clarification:

Figure 23 Talo Clarification

5.16.1 Buffer Tank:
A-Melt separated from A-Centrifugal machine comes into it. It is used as a storage tank.
5.16.2 Supply Tank:
It is also used as a storage tank. This storage is done at different sections and is helpful to start
process of sugar when continuity process is stopped at some.
From Supply Tank, Liquor is sent to Liquor Heater where its temperature is increased to 85-
88C.Melt is heated so that it may be reacted efficiently and to get optimum condition. After this,
Liquor is ready to be refined further.
As stated earlier, A-Melt is transformed to liquor. This liquor is purified by Talo clarification for
production of refined sugar as this liquor still contains impurities mainlycoloring and colloidal
matters. It is sent to reaction tank.
5.17 Reaction Tank:
Tank contains stirrers in it, mixing takes place. After it, we add in it phosphoric acid and lime
secrete are used .Tanks contain stirrers in them and by stirring reaction are completed. Liquor is

now send to Aeration Bottle, init air is injected to melt by force then we add talofloc in it.
5.18 Talo Clarifier:
Before entering in it we add Talo float in it. Talo float is light molecular weight; it sticks
impurities with itself and floats at the top. This floated material is removed from top and is called
Scum. Scum is send to Surplus tank. The clear liquor is removed from bottom of flotation clarifier.
The liquor is passed through a circular coil. From there it goes into pressure filters.
5.19 Pressure Filter:
It is a large tank that contains longitudinal plates. These plates are covered with a heavy canvass
clothes. Then liquor is passed through it under high pressure of about 1 kg/cm2It enters from one
side and exit from other side. Small particles which act as impurity are removed in it.
5.20 Polish Liquor Tank:
The filtered clear liquor is send for final polishing and melting in Polish melt tank and it is send to
Pan Station.
5.21 Refine Crystallization:
This process of crystallization is same as Raw Crystallization process. The decolorized liquors
stream directed to crystallization and finishing processes is white to pale yellow in color with
solid contents of 60 to 65 degree bricks.
The decolorized liquor is sent to vacuum pans for production of refined sugar. In refined sugar
production usually the boiling system used is three to four strike systems. When the liquor in the
pans reaches the desired level of super saturation seed is added to initiate the formation of sugar
Crystallization is further preceded to form Massecuite with high crystal contents. At this point
the strike is discharged in crystallizers from where it is sent for centrifuging.
The white sugar is retained in inner basket and mother liquor passes through the basket
perforation and again sent to vacuum pans for future exhaustion of sugar retained in it. The white
sugar retained in centrifugal is washed with hot water and steam. There is such machine used for
the purpose of centrifugation.
1. New called as Silver Seibel:

The separated sugar and other impurities are called as RUNOFF. This is sent back to
Massecuite (A). sugar is added according to the color changing by refinery.

There are R1, R2 & R3 refine sugar. We also made powder sugar & caster sugar. During
this process of grading purity is not affected. It remains same while its color changes only. These
crystals are termed as “Refined Sugar Crystals”

5.22 Drying Grading and Packing:

The separated white sugar crystals discharged from the centrifuges still contain up to 1%
moisture. This is removed by passing the sugar into a dryer, through which filtered, heated air
given by radiators is passed.
The moisture level of the sugar is reduced to about 0.02%. Fluidized bed dryers are used for
sugar drying. Hot air is used for drying the refined sugar in a cross current flow in fluidized bed
dryers. Sugar after drying is cooled. And then is sent to Elevator and Grader. After grading the
finished refined sugar is sent to bins prior to packaging. This sugar is then packed according to
the grades i.e. R1 is known as the ultra white sugar. It is packed in double polythene plastic bags.
While R2 and R3 simple bags having weight of 50kg.

All this process is done in Bag House. After the packing in sugar bags, sugar is stored inGo-

Chapter No 6

In DKSML, this internship has been an excellent and rewarding experience. I can
conclude that there have been a lot I’ve learnt from my work at DKSML. Needless to
say, the technical aspects of the work I’ve done are not flawless and could be
improved provided enough time. Whatsoever I believe my time spent in research and
discovering it was well worth it and contributed to finding an acceptable solution to
build a fully functional web service. Two main things that I’ve learned the
importance of time-management skills and self-motivation.

 Profile of Fecto Group of Industries on Business Recorder (newspaper) Published 28 July
2016, Retrieved 21 November 2019.
 Role of energy efficiency measures and hybrid PV/biomass power generation in designing
100% electric rural houses: A case study in Morocco
 Particulate-filled polymer composites: By Roger Roth on. Longman Scientific and
Technical, Longman House, Burnt Mill, Harlow, Essex, CM20 2JE, England. 1995. Xii +
375 pp. price £85. ISBN 0-582-08782-1. Hardback
 Tourism analysis: A handbook: Stephen L.J. Smith. Longman (Longman House, Burnt
Mill, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE, UK), 1995, 2nd ed., x + 326 pp. (tables, figures, references,
name and subject indexes), £24.99. ISBN 0-582-25160-5
 An in-house built code incorporated into CFD model for the simulation of
boiler's convection section
 Failure analysis of boiler economizer tubes at power house.
 Fracture and wear in shredder hammer tungsten carbide tips in the sugar cane shredding
 The physiochemistry of sugar mill effluent pollution of coastlines in Pakistan Ecological
Engineering February 2015.Mohammad Amin Qureshi Ghulam Murtza Mastoi.


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