Summary of The Teachers'/School Heads IPPD Priorities Based On Objectives Set

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Summary of the Teachers/School Heads IPPD Priorities based on objectives set

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Aguilar, Margarita H. Ang, Maria B. Anoba, Cristabel C. Baconga, Jerlyn S. Barona, Victoria R. Dapitilla, Jean J. Deligero, Bernadette M. Golingay, Aida E. Gonzaga, Mildred C. Hijosa, Nida R. Jagolino, Domingo F. Labarejos, Jenny S. Leonor, Nicolas R. Leonor, Rosanna E. Malinao, Lucy M. Matricular, Veronica T. Muga, Eleazar V. Olitres, Emily C. Palces, Estelita M. Perez, Luz Q. Pinote, Evelyn C. Rogon, Luzminda L. Royo, Deborah S. Royo, Mary Fe L. Serino, Cerila T. Silverio, Mylen C. Soguillon, Angela A. Sulatario, Merrlyn M. Vicente, Kristine J. Totals

IPPD Objectives Set Based on Competency Domains/Strands

1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 O3 2.4 2.5 3.1 O2 4.1 4.2 4.3 O3 O2 O3 O1 O1 4.4 4.5 4.6 O2 4.7 O1 O1 O1 O2 O2 O3 O1 O2 O1 O3 O3 O3 O2 O3 O2 O1 O1 O2 O1 O2 O2 O1 O1 O1&2 O3 O2 O1 O2 O2 O2 O3 O3 O2 O2 O3 O2 O2 O1 O1 O1 O1 O2 O3 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6.1 7.1 7.2 7.3


O3 O1




O3 O3 O3 O2 O3


Directions: (1) List the names of teachers/school heads who accomplished their IPPD. (2) Write the competency number identification corresponding to the objectives set in the IPPD, on the top row of the succeeding columns. (3) Enter the 3 prioritized objectives of each teacher/SH in the proper column. Label the entries with O1, O2, O3 indicating the IPPD objective of an individual teacher/SH based on set objectives in the IPOD form. The number does not indicate prioritization. (4) Count the number of entered objectives per column and write this in the totals. This information will be useful for the planners of the School Plan for Professional Development (SPPD).

Directions: (1) List the names of teachers/school heads who accomplished their IPPD. (2) Write the competency number identification corresponding to the objectives set in the IPPD, on the top row of the succeeding columns. (3) Enter the 3 prioritized objectives of each teacher/SH in the proper column. Label the entries with O1, O2, O3 indicating the IPPD objective of an individual teacher/SH based on set objectives in the IPOD form. The number does not indicate prioritization. (4) Count the number of entered objectives per column and write this in the totals. This information will be useful for the planners of the School Plan for Professional Development (SPPD).

FORM 1: IPPD PROCESS OBSERVATION GUIDE SCHOOL Observe:________________________________ NAME OF PROCESS OBSERVER: _____________________________________ DATE: ______________________ VENUE: _____________________ PARTICIPANTS NAME: (Attached Attendance Sheet) DIRECTION : Observe the process involved in the activities associated with the development of the IPPD. If the activity is accomplished, write YES in the appropriate column, if not, write NO. Rate the level of collaboration between participants in completing the various activities using the rating scale below: RATING SCALE: (2) Moderate (3) Average (4) High ACCOMLEVEL OF COLLABORATION PLISHED ACTIVITIES 1 2 3 4 Yes or No I. Development of an understanding of the IPPD and its purpose a. Conduct of a warm up activity to start the session b. Discussion on how to further develop oneself as a professional to improve performance of ones duties and responsibilities. c. Presentation of the objective of the IPPD workshop and explanation of the meaning of IPPD, its purpose and guiding principles. d. Explanation regarding the accomplishment of the IPPD being a vital responsibility of all professionals for the development of the school and improvement of learners II. Completion of the IPPD a. Analysis of the information such as TDNA, AIP, School assessment reports based on the recommended documents and/or other relevant available documents. b. Formulation of the IPPD goal f. Deriving the objectives from the goal by reviewing the list of priority needs and specific competency areas i. Identification of the strategies/methods and activities for pursuing ones professional development goal and objectives j. Establishment of the timeframe for the various activities identified in the IPPD k. Identification of possible resources that can support the implementation of the IPPD m. Review of the IPPD n. Signing of the IPPD Do you have any comments regarding the IPPD process? (1) Low

Do you have other comments/suggestions/recommendations for the improvement of the IPPD process?

Process Observer:

Signature Over Printed Name


FORM 2: End of IPPD Planning Evaluation Name: Please rate how you feel about the IPPD planning session relative to the following processes involved in the accomplishment of the IPPD. Please tick the appropriate column for your rating using the scale below. Rating Guide: Numerical Rating 4 3 2 1

Interpretation Very High Extent High Extent Low Extent Very Low Extent IPPD Accomplishment Rating Scale

Description In a very significant way In a meaningful way In a limited way only Not in any meaningful way

To what extent do you feel: 1 the following documents were used in the analysis and development of the context of your IPPD? a. TDNA results: NCBTS-TSNA/NSHPI

b. SIP/AIP c. Student Performance Data the formulation of IPPD overall goal was based on the results of the analysis of the current development needs of the school and learners? the IPPD goal was taken into consideration in formulating the objectives? the formulation of program objectives was based on your own professional need and the learning needs of your school learners? decisions about the strategies, methods and activities were based on the objectives to be achieved and the competencies to be enhanced? various funding sources were identified to support the implementation of the different programs? you have considered development priorities and the one-year coverage in setting the timeframe for the different professional activities? you have appropriately identified the success indicators for your: a. professional competencies enhanced? b. student learning competencies improved? you have enhanced your knowledge and skill in professional development planning? you will be able to apply the learning gained in future similar activities? you are able to transfer the technology learned to others?

3 4

6 7

9 10 11

Do you have other comments/suggestions/recommendations for the improvement of the IPPP process?

FORM 3: Review of the Accomplished IPPD This form has been developed to support a Review Process of the accomplished Individual Plan for Professional Development (IPPD). The School Head and Department Heads/Coordinators should review the IPPD completed by the teachers while the TDWG Chair/ES1/PSDS should review the IPPD of SHs to evaluate the extent standards were followed in its accomplishment. Rating Guide: Numerical Rating 4 3 2 1

Interpretation Very High Extent High Extent Low Extent Very Low Extent

Description In a very significant way In a meaningful way In a limited way only Not in any meaningful way

Use the scale above to evaluate the extent to which the accomplished IPPD adheres to the following standards: To what extent .. 1 does the IPPD focus on the mandated functions, competency standards for the profession and the development priorities of the school, national goals and thrusts? 2 does the IPPD goal focus on improvement of school effectiveness and learning outcomes? 3 does the IPPD adhere to the following SMART standards: Specific and focused on learners and school priorities? 1 2 3 4

Measurable progress and accomplishments through a monitoring and evaluation scheme? Attainable and results-oriented? Relevant strategies appropriately connected to goals and objectives?

Time-bound within targets but flexible to afford revisions and updates? 4 do the IPPD reflect andragogical (adult learning) methodologies/acvities that are known to be effective in attaining the IPPD goal and objectives? 5 does the IPPD reflect a process that is embedded in the job, i.e. inherent to the practice of the profession, and a continuing course of action.

Name: _____________________________________

Position: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________________________


School Year : 2011 - 2012 ESP - I BERNARD K. MALLORCA Position: Region KIMAMON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STO.TOMAS EAST District: Division DAVAO DEL NORTE To enhance the teaching competencies of teachers in providing activities to diverse learners in implementing quality education through innovative and creaive methods by improving teachers skills in ICT Professional Development Goal:
Name of School Head: School: Objectives
(What competencies will I enhance?)

(What professional activities will I undertake to achieve my objective?

(What will I do to access resources?)

Time Frame
(When do I expect to have accomplished the activities?)

Success Indicator
What NCBTS competencies would I have enhanced? What learners performance would have been improved?

A.To improve the teaching competencies in using ICT in teaching Conduct school base training in ICT diverse learners

In service training Resource person

during MPRE

D 4.7

teachers learn how to manipulate ICT teachers learn how to manipulate ICT Teachers determine, understand and accepts learners diverse background

B.To determine, understand and accepts the learners' diverse background knowledge

Make a Teachers' schedule for ICT mentoring Conduct school base training in diverse background knowledge

Year Round Resource person

during MPRE


C. To delivers accurate and updated Conduct school base training, Coaching and content knowledge using appropriate Mentoring, Class Observation methodologies, approaches, and strategies

Master teacher, School Head Resource person, materials

Year Round

D 4.1

Teachers can deliver accurate and updated content knowledge using appropriate methodologies, approaches, and strategies

Reviewed: Name and Designation

Committed to Implement:



Name of School Head

District Supervisor

Name of School Head



menting quality

learners performance would have been improved?

hers learn how to ipulate ICT

hers learn how to ipulate ICT

eachers determine, erstand and accepts learners diverse background

hers can deliver rate and updated ent knowledge using opriate hodologies, oaches, and egies


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