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If the length of the string is increased, then the time period of the pendulum
swing (T) will also increase.

Explanation: The length of the string affects the distance the pendulum bob travels
during each swing. A longer string means a greater distance to travel, requiring
more time for the pendulum to complete one oscillation. This aligns with the
principle of potential energy converting to kinetic energy and vice versa. When the
pendulum is raised, it gains potential energy due to its height. As it swings down,
this potential energy is converted to kinetic energy, causing the bob to move
faster. The longer the string, the more potential energy needs to be converted,
resulting in a longer period for the swing.

Independent Variable: Length of the string
Dependent Variable: Time period (T)
Controlled Variables:

Mass of the pendulum

Angle of displacement
Air resistance

Suspend the pendulum from an iron stand and position it as described.

Mark the origin point on the pendulum bob and a fixed reference point on the stand.
Measure the initial length of the string (L1) using a meter stick.
Displace the pendulum to a specific angle (e.g., 15°) and release it to swing
Start a stopwatch when the bob passes the origin point and stop it when it passes
the origin point again in the same direction (one complete swing).
Record the time period (T1) on a data table.
Repeat steps 4-6 five times for consistent measurement.
Increase the length of the string by a predetermined amount (e.g., 5 cm) and repeat
steps 3-7 with the new length (L2).
Continue increasing the length of the string and repeating the measurements until
you have a sufficient dataset for analysis.
Results Table
Length of String (L) Time Period (T)
L1 (cm) T1 (s)
... ...
Ln (cm) Tn (s)
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Graph: Plot T^2 on the y-axis and L on the x-axis.

Gradient: The gradient of the graph represents the constant of proportionality

between L and T^2. A positive and non-zero gradient indicates a direct relationship
between the square of the time period and the length of the string.


If the graph shows a positive and non-zero linear relationship between T^2 and L,
the hypothesis is verified.
If the graph deviates from linearity or shows no significant relationship, the
hypothesis is falsified.
The equation for the time period of a simple pendulum is:

T = 2π * √(L / g)


T is the time period

L is the length of the string
g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2)
This equation demonstrates that the time period is directly proportional to the
square root of the length of the string. This aligns with the observed relationship
in the experiment and confirms the hypothesis.


The intercept of the graph should be zero. A non-zero intercept would indicate
additional factors affecting the time period besides the length of the string.
The percentage error can be calculated by comparing the experimental values of T
with the values calculated using the theoretical equation.
Sources of Error:

Measurement errors in length, time, and angle of displacement.

Air resistance affecting the pendulum's swing.
Friction at the suspension point.
Temperature variations affecting the tension in the string.
Impact on Results:

Measurement errors can lead to inaccurate data and distorted relationships in the
Air resistance and friction can cause the pendulum to slow down over time, leading
to underestimation of the time period.
Temperature variations can slightly affect the length of the string, impacting the
accuracy of T^2 and L relationship.
Future Improvements:

Use electronic timing devices for more precise measurement of time period.
Conduct the experiment in a controlled environment to minimize the effects of air
resistance and temperature variations.
Use lighter strings to reduce the impact of friction.

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