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Text1. This text is for questions no 1 to 5. Business travelers usually find they have little time to exercise, especially when their schedules are suddenly changes by late meeting or late flights. But everyone should get some exercise. There are ways to make exercise part of your day, even when you cannot make it to the hotels exercise room. Experts suggest stretching your neck, arms, back and shoulders while sitting in your airplane seat. At your hotel, you can stretch your legs and abdominal muscles. Then, you can turn in place for a good aerobic workout. Exercise is not just for your body; it is for your mind s well. The mind-body connection has long been established by professional medical associations. People who exercise regularly perform more efficiently at work and perform more effectively than their colleagues who dont exercise everyday, even when traveling. 1. Who would be likely to read this article? A Overweight people B Frequent vacation-goers C Business people who take trips D Pilot and flight attendants E experts

According to the report, why should one exercise? A To keep healthy B To lose weight C To feel younger D To be better a sports E To perform better at work

Text2. This text is for questions no 6 to 8. SALES MANAGER Multi national company seeks sales manager for its office products division. Candidate must have 10 years experience in sales development and management in the field and the ability to motivate and train incoming sales staff. Good salary and benefits package. Qualified candidates should send their resumes to: The daily news, Box 8552, 1627 Elm street, Adelaide, Australia.


Which segment of the business is looking for a sales manager? A The office product division B The multinational company C The personal division D The overseas staff E The manager What type of experience is required for the job? A Product development B Expanding sales C Ten years in office management D Research in the field E Improve the management Where should applicants send their resume? A To the human resources staff B To the company C To the division manager D To the vice-president of sales E To the news paper



Why is it difficult for traveler to get exercise? A Their schedule may change unexpectedly B They work too hard C There are no places to exercises D They dont want to exercise E They are very busy Where can you exercise if you cant go to the exercise room? A In the fitness centre B In your airplane seat C In your meetings D In your car E In the bus How can you get aerobic exercise in the hotel? A Take the stairs B Work your abdomen C Stretch your arms D Run in place E walking



Text 3. This text is for questions no 9 to 12. My friend Iwan is not very practical person. Driving a long a main road one dark night, He suddenly had a flat tire, even worse, he discovered that he did not have a spare wheel in the back of his car. Iwan waved to passing car and trucks, but not one of them stopped. Half an hour passed and he was almost despair. At last he waved to a car just like his own. To his surprise, the car actually stopped and a well-dressed, extremely pretty girl got out. Iwan was terribly disappointed. How could a person like this possible helped him?.


The young lady, however, offered him her own spare wheel, but Iwan had to explain that he never changed a wheel in his life. She smiled, and then set to work at once. She fitted the wheel in a few minutes while Iwan looked in admiration. 9. Iwan was rather impractical because he .... A Couldnt had any help from this passing cars B Didnt know that his tire was flat C Couldnt even change a tire D Didnt have a spare wheel E Sudden got a flat tire Which of the following statements is true? A Iwan had to buy a new wheel for his cr B The girl fitted her spare wheel to Iwans car C Disappointed, Iwan waited for an other car to help him D Attracted by Iwans appearance, the girl stopped her car E Iwan was pleased when he saw the girl getting out of her car We may conclude that the girl . . . . A Was reluctant to help Iwan B Used to work as a mechanic C Laughed at Iwans awkwardness D Asked Iwan to help her fit the wheel E Although lady-like was a practical person What did make it worse at that night? A Iwan has never changed the wheel B Iwan didnt bring a spare wheel C Iwan and a girl were waiting for help D Only a truck was stopped E After waving his hand ,someone came and helped him

control fortune, he can use him to return to the casino and the challenge the God of fortune. Together they begin in journey of initiation, a succession of ever more strange and difficult tests in which the highest bet in the lucky of others; luck, which in this game captured in a simple photograph. Everything goes well until Sara, a policewoman who survives a car accident which kills her family, becomes obsessed with discovering what is behind these clandestine games in which death and luck become enmeshed. In which only one can remind intact. This film is really worth watching



The purpose of the text is . . . . A To describe a film B To describe how the film is made C To inform readers by telling a story D To entertain readers by telling a story E To review a film for a public audience After reading the review, how would you judge this film? A Bad B Fair C Not bad D Mediocre E Excellent What does the writer suggest to the audience? A The film is forgettable B They should watch the film C They should neglect the film D They should make another film E The writer should promote the film How can use him to return to the casino and challenge the God of fortune? A By thinking that he has found in Tomas B By capturing a simple photograph C He teaches him to control fortune D Together they begin a journey E Taking him to control the journey The film is really worth watching It means . . . . A The film is in great selling B The film is the most expensive of others C Watching this film is very priceless D We should watch the film for it is a very good film. E We must not see this film because the film is not cheap./






Text.4 This text is for the question no 13 to 18 FILM INTACT 2002 Juan carlos Fresnadillo. Federico and Sam are who lucky men, Federico survived an earthquake and has the power to wrench fortune from those around him: he has the gift. Sam is a survivor of the jewish holocaust and manage a casino in the middle of a lava desert. One day Federico challenges Sam, who expels him from paradise, taking gift from him. Years later, Federico thinks that he was found in Tomas, He only survivor of an air accident, the instrument of his vengeance. By teaching him to



in which death and luck became enmeshed. The underlined word has closely meaning to . . . . A Trapped B escaped C Denied D Admired E Inoculated


What is the thing that Twains mend wanted? A Borrow some money B Borrow lawn mower C Borrow he book D Lend him a book E Ask for help What did Twain said to his mend when he wanted to borrow lawn mower? A He did not allow him to borrow it B He allowed him without any condition C He was not perfectly welcome to borrow it D He may borrow but he must lend Twain the book E He allowed him to borrow but he must use it in the same way when Twain wanted to borrow his book

23. Text 4. This text is for the questions no 19 to 24. ark Twain a famous American writer, once wanted to borrow a certain book from a friend. However, the friend told him that he never permitted anyone to take his books from his house. If mark Twain wanted to use the book, he was perfectly welcome to do so. But he must to use it in friends house. He could not take it home with him. A few months later, the same friend wanted to borrow Twains lawn mower in order to cut his own grass. This was just the opportunity that Mark Twain had been waiting for. Twain told his fried that he was perfectly welcome to use the lawn mower, but he couldnt take it home with him. Twain said that he never permitted anyone to take his lawn mower from his home. If the fried wanted to use the lawn mower, he was to use it on Mark Twains own lawn. 19. What is Mark Twains occupation? A Poet B Writer C Politician D Journalist E Gardener Did the Twains friend allow him to borrow the book? A No, he didnt B No, he has perfectly welcome to do so C Yes, But Twain must use it in friends house D Yes, without any condition E Yes, obviously What does it mean with this was just the opportunity that Mark Twain had been waiting for? A He wanted to make his friend borrow his tools B He just waited for his friend to come to his house C He wanted his friend to borrow his book D He wanted to make revenge to his fried for the thing that his friend already done for Twains about the book E He wanted to make opportunity


What is the purpose of the writer in this text? A Give the reader an advice B Describe Twains mend C Report the event of the day D Inform the reader about Mark Twain E Amuse the reader by content of the text

Text 5. This text is for the question no 25 to 30 Uday and Qusay are killed and the delighted British and America government suggest that Iraq will be a safer place. Yes, The Iraqis may be well feel safer. And with the dictators brutal sons out of the way forever more confident about continuing the resistance against the American occupiers. Shortly before their deaths were announced, Richard Gephardt, Democrat presidential hopeful, delivered a blistering attack on a bushs foreign policy which was driven, he said, by machismo and arrogant unilateralism. Bush, he continued, had treated U.S. allies like so many flies on Americas Windshield. He added: Foreign policy isnt a John Wayne movie. The attack on the villa where Saddams sons were hiding might be seen as driving home the point. Instead, the announcement that they had been killed by U. S. troops in a shoot-out is welcomed by Tony Blair as great news. 25. The text mainly discusses about . . . . A Uday and Qusay who killed U.S. troops. B Uday and Qusay who are killed by U.S. troops. C Richard Gephardt who attacked Bush domestic policy




The attack on the villa where Saddam Husein was hiding Tony Blair who is welcomed by Saddams sons, Uday and Qusay.



The main idea of paragraph 3 is that . . . . A U.S. troops killed Saddam in the attack on the villa. B Uday and Qusay had killed U.S. troops and Tony Blair. C Tony Blair attacked the villa where Saddams sons were hiding D Saddam was killed by Tony Blair and U.S. in Saddams sons villa E The announcement of Saddams sons death is welcome by Tony Blair. Which statement is correct according to the text? A John Wayne movie was presented to Bush arrogantly B Tony Blair received the great news of Bush and Gephardts death C John Winy was a movie star who attacked the villa of Saddams sons D Richard Gephardt attacked Bushs foreign policy after Uday and Qusays death E The news of Uday and Qusays death made the British and American government pleased

the attack on the villa where Saddams sons were hiding might seen as driving home the point The word attack has similar meaning to ... A withdraw B Defend C Shield D Resist E raid . . . . had killed Uday and Qusay. A The Iraqis B Tony Blair C U.S. troops D John wayne E Richard Gephardt shortly before their deaths were announced . . (Par. 2) The word their refers to . . . . A The American occupiers B The dictators brutal sons C Uday and Qusay D Richard Gephardt E The Iraqis


30. 27.

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