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~~Who is translator?

@@a specialist who translates texts or live speech from one language to another
@@a specialist who reads texts from one language to another
@@a person who concentrates primarily on a particular subject or activity
@@a specialist in psychometric testing
@@none of them

~~Who is interpreter?
@@ a person who performs line-by-line analysis, processing and execution of the
source code of a program or query
@@a person who translates orally from one language into another
@@a person who studies languages, their history, structure
@@all of them
@@a person who concentrates primarily on a particular subject or activity

~~Find the definition of word "translation"

@@the scientific study of language and its structure, including the study of
grammar, syntax, and phonetics
@@detailed examination of the elements or structure of something
@@the process of reworking text from one language into another to maintain the
original message and communication
@@the activity or process of learning about something by reading, memorizing
@@all of them

~~ Find the correct definition of the phrase "professional pride"

@@a set of certain duties and norms of behavior that support the moral prestige of
professional groups in society
@@the duty to obey public morality
@@no right answer
@@a positive emotion that includes self-reflection or evaluation and attitude
toward one's own occupational group
@@information obtained by representatives of certain professions due to the
performance of their professional duties and protected from disclosure by law

~~ According to what, at the dawn of human civilization, all people spoke only in
one language?
@@The Legend of Gilgamesh
@@The Book of the Dead
@@Diamond Sutra
@@The Sinai Codex

~~In what year the first device for synchronous (simultaneous) interpretation was

~~Where the first device for synchronous (simultaneous) interpretation was

@@Great Britain

~~What was developed in 1926 in America for synchronous (simultaneous)

@@the first book
@@new type of interpretation
@@the first device
@@new magazine
@@no right answer

~~What is synchronous interpretation?

@@this is a kind of literary creativity, involving the recreation of the artistic text
of one language by means of another
@@a way of orally translating short or medium-length speeches, after a break by
the speaker
@@no right answer
@@when an interpreter translates the message from the source language to the
target language in real time
@@translation of texts with scientific topics

~~What is consecutive interpretation?

@@when an interpreter translates the message from the source language to the
target language in real time
@@none of them
@@translation of texts with scientific topics
@@this is a kind of literary creativity, involving the recreation of the artistic text
of one language by means of another
@@a way of orally translating short or medium-length speeches, after a break by
the speaker

~~ Find the correct definition of "target language"

@@the language into which a text, document, or speech is translated
@@a kind of language that is used as a means of communication between people
connected by one territory
@@these are words, the use of which is peculiar to people who form separate
social groups
@@all of them
@@these are words that are common in colloquial speech

~~ Find the correct definition of "source language"

@@the branch of linguistics dealing with the clarification of the most common
patterns of different languages, not necessarily related by common origin or mutual
@@the language in which a text appears that is to be translated into another
@@the highest form of the national language used in the press, science, public
institutions, education, radio, television
@@a stable phrase peculiar to a certain language, the meaning of which is not
determined by the meaning of the individual words that make up it
@@a kind of language that is used as a means of communication between people
connected by one territory

~~For which translators context is especially very important?

@@legal translators
@@referents translators
@@technical translators
@@sign language translators
@@translators of fiction

~~What means "context"?

@@an action or process of solving a problem
@@the reason for which something is done or created or for which something
@@the quality of being worthy of attention
@@a single self-valuable fragment of written or oral speech, the general meaning
and style of which makes it possible to clarify the understanding of individual
words, phrases and logical constructions included in it
@@none of them

~~In ancient Egypt what animals were sacred?


~~What factor is very important in translator’s work?

@@sense of humour

~~ What is translation memory software?

@@the external and internal devices and equipment that enable you to perform
major functions
@@a database of sentences, or segments of texts and their translations that can be
automatically reused when translating similar or identical content in your
translation projects
@@space where you put things when they are not being used
@@no right answer
@@a flexible online platform that helps small businesses and teams simplify work
and get more done

~~What is freelance?
@@development, maximum effective use and control of socio-economic systems,
the ability to manage, own
@@a branch of web development and a type of design whose tasks include
designing user web interfaces for websites or web applications
@@doing particular pieces of work for different organizations
@@writing text for the purpose of advertising
@@none of them

~~ TM software also only works with texts that you receive in …

@@analog form
@@paper form
@@all of them
@@digital form
@@no right answer

~~Find the meaning of "OCR"

@@this is a trail distance from 5 to 30 km with a lot of artificial obstacles
@@this is a site for checking for anti-plagiarism
@@it is a text translation app
@@this is a photo processing program
@@the technology of automatic text analysis and turning it into data that a
computer can process

~~ In what year did digital computers spread?

@@in 1980 s
@@in 1960 s
@@in 1990 s
@@in 2000 s
@@in 1950 s
~~In what year did Internet spread?
@@2000 s
@@1990 s
@@2010 s
@@2020 s
@@1980 s

~~What files many agencies now regularly send their freelancers to translate?

~~ By what percentage does the translation productivity with TM software

@@5-10 percent
@@1-2 percent
@@10-15 percent
@@20-25 percent
@@25-30 percent

~~What is translation ethics?

@@the ability to speak and write fluently in at least two languages
@@this is the ability of a person to adapt to new circumstances, to find effective
solutions to problems in crisis situations
@@this is a set of joins that provide a valid request path
@@all of them
@@the set of accepted principles according to which translation should be done

~~Find the meaning of "sworn translation" (куәландырылған аударма)

@@a translation that has been verified and authenticated by a translator who has
sworn to its accuracy, usually in a notary public office
@@translation of texts to communicate or transmit scientific content in another
language, culture and, perhaps, context
@@a type of translation where the source documents are fiction
@@the translation of materials dealing with scientific and technical subject
@@a type of translation in which the text is translated after listening not entirely,
but in parts, by phrases and paragraphs

~~Find the synonym of the word "connotation" (қосымша мағына)


~~What a certified translator use to authenticate official translations?

@@exclamation point

~~ The genre of interpretation includes


~~ The translation performed by a computer is called?

@@manual translation
@@mixed translation
@@proven translation
@@traditional translation
@@machine translation

~~ The translation performed by a person called?

@@traditional translation
@@machine translation
@@binary translation
@@proven translation
@@mixed translation

~~ What should a translator know?

@@the language that will translate
@@both languages perfectly
@@the language in which the text is written
@@translation rules

~~ How many types of interpreting are there?


~~ Depending on the form of speech , there are two main types of translation:
@@sequential and synchronous
@@artistic and informative
@@literal and free
@@written and oral
@@none of them

~~Find the definition of term "technical translation"

@@type of translation involves the reproduction of only a small part of the
information contained in the original
@@a type of translation in which the main content of the source text in one
language is compressed by means of another, translating language
@@the translation of texts to communicate or transmit scientific content in
another language, culture and, perhaps, context
@@none of them
@@translation used for the exchange of special scientific and technical
information between people speaking different languages

~~ Every how many minutes should interpreters change in simultaneous

@@20 minutes
@@5 minutes
@@30 minutes
@@15 minutes
@@60 minutes

~~ For what groups whispered interpreting is suitable?

@@big groups
@@small groups
@@middle group
@@all of them
@@no right answer

~~The most appropriate definition of literary translation was given by …

@@Eugene Nida
@@Hurtado Albir
@@Peter Newmark
@@John Catford
@@Edward Sepir

~~How many literary translation techniques professor Amparo Hurtado Albir


~~ Which texts are characterized by polysemic word play?

@@technical texts
@@legal texts
@@certified texts
@@scientific texts
@@literary texts

~~What means "assonance" (Звучение, Үндестік)

@@the repetition of vowel sounds in words that are close together in a sentence or
@@the repetition of the same consonant sound in rapid succession anywhere in
the word or sentence
@@the repetitive use of the same sound near the beginning of several words
@@exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally
@@understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of the

~~Find the meaning of word "alliteration"

@@exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally
@@when two or more words that start with the same sound are used repeatedly in
a phrase or a sentence
@@the repetition of the same consonant sound in rapid succession anywhere in
the word or sentence
@@understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of the
@@a literary device that places opposite words, ideas, or qualities parallel to each

~~Find the definition of word "asyndetons"

@@is repetition at the beginning of a sentence to create emphasis
@@is a rhetorical term for an unfinished thought or broken sentence
@@rhetorical devices that omit conjunctions
@@is a figure of speech in which words, phrases, clauses, or sentences are set
next to each other so that each element is equally important
@@the arrangement of a sentence in which the main clause is built upon by
phrases or subordinate clauses

~~Find the definition of term "cultural difference"

@@awareness of a person's belonging to a particular cultural community by self-
identification with its cultural patterns
@@allows humans living in one part of the world to learn how other people
experience life
@@when all members of a group are categorized as having the same
@@the various beliefs, behaviors, languages, practices and expressions considered
unique to members of a specific ethnicity, race or national origin
@@the coming together of other cultures

~~What means idiom "on the fly"

@@to do something pointless
@@a good thing that seemed bad at first
@@better to arrive late than not to come at all
@@you don't notice how long something lasts when it's fun
@@you do it quickly or automatically, without planning it in advance

~~What is a synonym of word "memorization"


~~ How many parts do experts divide memory into?


~~ Memory experts distinguish (ажырату) between what?

@@declarative memory and procedural memory
@@declarative memory and representational memory
@@representational memory and procedural memory( бейнелеу жады және
процедуралық жады)
@@sensory memory and working memory
@@long-term and short-term memory
~~ Representational memory records what you ..
@@being able to write with pen and paper as an adult
@@being able to sing a song that you have listened to since high school
@@going through the first 5 stages of a video game quickly because you have
played the game forever
@@had for breakfast this morning
@@making a pot of coffee, just as you have done every morning for 10 years

~~ Procedural memory helps you to do what?

@@to know the birthdates of your parents
@@to remember what you and the love of your life said to each other the first time
you met
@@to describe the thoughts and feelings you had the first time you tasted an
exotic dish in a foreign country
@@to remember the parts of the brain involved in reading comprehension
@@to drive to work

~~ Representational memory might help a student to …

@@reproduce a translation rule on an exam
@@ride a bike
@@play the drums
@@solve a puzzle
@@none of them

~~Procedural memory might help a student to …

@@to remember what it felt like the first time riding a roller coaster
@@use that rule in an actual translation exercise
@@to eat lunch at time
@@to know the birthdates of his parents
@@all of them

~~How procedural memory helps the translator to translate?

@@rapidly (жылдам)
@@all of them

~~ What is the name of a self-employed specialist whose main activity is aimed at

generating income from the provision of translation services?
@@Freelance translator

~~In what context field-dependent learners learn best?

@@none of them

~~ In what context field-independent learners learn best?

@@irrelevant не имеющий отношения
@@all of them

~~What is another name of "irrelevant" context?

@@artificial (irrelevant)

~~Who has been exploring the multiplicity of intelligences since the early 1980s?
@@Eugene Nida
@@Howard Gardner
@@Peter Newmark

~~Since what year Howard Gardner director of Project Zero at Harvard University
has been exploring the multiplicity of intelligences?
@@1950 s
@@1960 s
@@2000 s
@@1980 s
@@1990 s

~~What was Howard Gardner director of Project Zero at Harvard University has
been exploring since the early 1980s?
@@paradigms of literary creativity
@@theory of dynamic equivalence of Bible translation
@@grammatical transformations
@@the concept of linguistic typology
@@the multiplicity of intelligences

~~How many intelligences at least does Howard Gardner defined?


~~How else can we call "personal intelligence"?

@@logical intelligence
@@emotional intelligence
@@mathematical intelligence
@@spatial intelligence
@@musical intelligence

~~ People who have linguistic intelligence whom can they work?


~~ People who have personal intelligence whom can they work?


~~ The ability to learn foreign languages, and to hear, sort out, produce, and
manipulate the complexities of transfer among them what intelligence is it?
@@spatial intelligence
@@emotional intelligence
@@no right answer
@@bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
@@intelligence of translators and interpreters

~~How many general ideas are there in which individual learning styles differ?

~~How independent learners learn best?

@@in team
@@in pairs
@@in group
@@in class

~~ What kind of intelligence is high in independent translators?

@@mathematical intelligence
@@logical intelligence
@@intrapersonal intelligence
@@spatial intelligence
@@musical intelligence

~~ How dependent learners learn best?

@@all of them
@@at home
@@on his own
@@in pairs (жұппен)

~~ What kind of intelligence is high in dependent translators?

@@spatial intelligence
@@musical intelligence
@@mathematical intelligence
@@none of them
@@interpersonal intelligence

~~Through what visual learners learn?

@@watching film

~~People that are visual learners what memory they have?

@@sound memory
@@photographic memory
@@taste memory
@@emotional memory
@@verbal-logical memory

~~Through what auditory learners learn?

@@listening,responding orally

~~What kinesthetic-tactile learners need to do?

@@reading books
@@seeing pictures
@@hearing sounds
@@hold things in their hands
@@listening audios

~~ Through what kinesthetic-tactile learners learn?

@@no right answer

~~How else can we describe contextual-global learners?

@@tennis players
@@figure skaters
@@basketball players

~~What is escort interpreting?

@@is a special type of interpreting that can only be performed by people with
relevant credentials
@@used to bridge the gap between people who do not share a common language
@@is to enable full and equal access to the law to those suspects and defendants
who are not proficient in the language of proceedings, thus ensuring their right to a
fair trial
@@is providing an intermediary to aid communication between two or more
people who do not share a common language
@@is a form of sign language interpreting that allows people who are deaf or hard
of hearing to communicate with a hearing person at the same site via
videoconferencing instead of live, on-site interpreting

~~What is court interpreting?

@@is a special type of interpreting that can only be performed by people with
relevant credentials
@@is providing an intermediary to aid communication between two or more
people who do not share a common language
@@is to enable full and equal access to the law to those suspects and defendants
who are not proficient in the language of proceedings, thus ensuring their right to a
fair trial
@@is a form of sign language interpreting that allows people who are deaf or hard
of hearing to communicate with a hearing person at the same site via
videoconferencing instead of live, on-site interpreting
@@used to bridge the gap between people who do not share a common language

~~ How else can we call sequential-detailed learners?

@@concrete learners
@@abstract learners
@@concrete learners
@@linear learners
@@conceptual learners

~~ How else can we call linear learners?

@@global learners
@@concrete learners
@@abstract learners
@@conceptual learners
@@sequential-detailed learners

~~ How else can we call conceptual learners?

@@abstract learners
@@sequential-detailed learners
@@global learners
@@linear learners
@@concrete learners

~~ How else can we call abstract learners?

@@global learners
@@conceptual learnerst

@@concrete learners
@@linear learners
@@sequential-detailed learners

~~How many types of response filter exist?


~~ What was the official title of the Prince of Elephantine in the sixth-dynasty of
@@golden horus
@@son of Ra
@@mighty bull
@@overseers of dragomans
@@arising in Thebes

~~ In what year was de Gaulle's speech delivered?


~~In what year one translator did an attempt to improve de Gaulle’s speech?

~~Who are professional translators?

@@a person studying languages, their history, structure
@@applied linguists whose ability to work with language, write well and to
operate a business represents their source of income
@@the one who conducts the research is engaged in scientific research
@@a writer who creates works in verse, the author of poetic, poetic works
@@a specialist in any scientific field who has made a contribution to science

~~What degree at least professional translators should have?

@@Master’s degree
@@Bachelor’s degree
@@Postgraduate study

~~What is Privacy agreement?

@@the act of applying to a particular purpose or use
@@a document containing a certified statement especially as to the truth of
@@a statement made by a person with authority that tells someone to do
@@is a legally binding agreement that regulates how a party uses their collected
customer data
@@no right answer

~~What ensures the protection of the documents translated and presented by

@@privacy agreement

~~What is an essential part of being a professional translator?

@@providing information
@@give advice
@@all of them
@@showing emotions
@@discriminate your client

~~What refers to setting the rules for each job?

@@being friendly
@@making agreements
@@making friends
@@dress expensively
@@no right answer

~~After the translation is finished,and approved by agency,what translator must do

with translation?
@@all of them
@@send a screenshot to the client
@@keep the file on his hard drive
@@throw out
@@none of them

~~Like whom translators should treat their clients?

@@puppy dogs

~~What translator should know about his clients?

@@know their salary
@@know their family
@@know their children
@@know their character
@@know their limitations

~~What means "overseers of dragomans"

@@translator in the Middle East
@@writers in the Middle East
@@poets in the South East
@@linguists in the North East
@@mathematics in the Middle East

~~Did the first written references to translation mention translators?

@@All of them
@@No right answer

~~Who listed Biblical references, mention not the history of translators, but the
history of the kings, princes and priests for whom translations were carried out?

~~Where sworn translators are authorised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?

~~ Translation studies generally involve two texts:
@@The source language text and the target language text
@@Narrative texts
@@Argumentative texts
@@An expository text
@@Descriptive text
{@ А@}

~~ Which translator was closely related not only to formalism, but also to
linguistics, anthropology and psychoanalysis?
@@Yu. Naida

~~R.Jakobson is known as being one of the founders of the…….

@@Semantics Linguistic circle
@@Italian Linguistic Circle
@@Prague Linguistic Circle
@@English Linguistic Circle
@@Inflexion Linguistic Circle

~~ Interpretation of a verbal sign according to Roman Jakobson can happen in

three ways:
@@Simultaneous interpreting ,Consecutive interpreting ,Whispered interpreting
@@Simultaneous interpreting,interlingual interpreting,whispered interpreting
@@Consecutive interpreting,intralingual interpreting,simultaneous interpreting
@@Whispered interpreting,intersemiotic interpreting
@@Intralingual, interlingual and intersemiotic

~~What is the intralingual translation?

@@A verbal sign (word) belonging to a particular language is replaced by another
sign (word) belonging to the same language
@@is the other hand can be seen as replacing a verbal sign with another sign but
belonging to a different language
@@is instead of paying attention to the verbal signs, concentrates more on the
information that is to be delivered
@@Covers a wide range of very different documents
@@May use their signature to authenticate official translations
~~What is the Interlingual translation?
@@the interpreter translates at the same time as the speaker and does not require
any special equipment
@@Covers a wide range of very different documents
@@instead of paying attention to the verbal signs, concentrates more on the
information that is to be delivered
@@A verbal sign (word) belonging to a particular language is replaced by another
sign (word) belonging to the same language
@@the other hand can be seen as replacing a verbal sign with another sign but
belonging to a different language

~~What is the intersemiotic translation?

@@any form of translation that uses at least two different semiotic codes, such as
the translation from words to images, to numerical codes, or to non-verbal sounds
@@A verbal sign (word) belonging to a particular language is replaced by another
sign (word) belonging to the same language
@@the other hand can be seen as replacing a verbal sign with another sign but
belonging to a different language
@@the interpreter translates at the same time as the speaker and does not require
any special equipment
@@instead of paying attention to the verbal signs, concentrates more on the
information that is to be delivered

~~Find the meaning of the word “linguistic”

@@the science of human beings
@@a treatment based on studies of the conscious and unconscious human mind
@@the scientific study of language and its structure, including the study of
grammar, syntax, and phonetics
@@the study of the use of symbolic communication
@@a newly coined word or expression

~~ Find the meaning of the word "anthropology".

@@the science of human beings
@@a treatment based on studies of the conscious and unconscious human mind
@@the study of the use of symbolic communication
@@a newly coined word or expression
@@instead of paying attention to the verbal signs, concentrates more on the
information that is to be delivered

~~Find the definition of the word“psychoanalysis”

@@the science of human beings
@@the scientific study of language and its structure, including the study of
grammar, syntax, and phonetics
@@the study of the use of symbolic communication
@@a treatment based on studies of the conscious and unconscious human mind
@@a newly coined word or expression

~~Find the explanation of the word “semiotics”

@@a treatment based on studies of the conscious and unconscious human mind
@@the study of the use of symbolic communication
@@the science of human beings
@@a newly coined word or expression
@@the scientific study of language and its structure, including the study of
grammar, syntax, and phonetics

~~Find the definition of the word “neologisms”

@@a newly coined word or expression
@@a treatment based on studies of the conscious and unconscious human mind
@@the science of human beings
@@the scientific study of language and its structure, including the study of
grammar, syntax, and phonetics
@@the study of the use of symbolic communication

~~Find the sense of the word “circumlocutions”

@@the other hand can be seen as replacing a verbal sign with another sign but
belonging to a different language
@@the changes take place within the same language.
@@a newly coined word or expression
@@the study of the use of symbolic communication
@@a way of saying or writing something using more words than are necessary
instead of being clear and direct

~~ In the essay, Roman Jakobson also deals with the problem of …..
@@loan words

~~ Show difficulties in semantics

@@standard varieties and stylizations.
@@marked syntactic patterns
@@derived and composed neologisms
@@polysemy, semantic range
@@how the text would sound

~~ Name the difficulties in phonetics

@@how the text would sound
@@nonsense texts
@@different word formation patterns across languages
@@the structure of grammatical categories
@@tense agreement

~~Find of the troubles with inflexion

@@the impact of word order
@@marked syntactic patterns
@@ structure of grammatical categories and their values.
@@foregrounding and backgrounding
@@in-text relations

~~What is the Source language?

@@the language of the first document, the language from which the text must be
@@is effectively anything that is not formal, often described as ‘spoken’ language
@@emerge like dialects, but within a specific class or culture, instead of a region
(though they can be further developed to fit
@@a common language used between people who speak different languages
@@simplified version of a lingua franca, where people trying to communicate
across different languages develop their own form of communication

~~Find the definition of the word “Psychological”

@@None of the them
@@the other hand can be seen as replacing a verbal sign with another sign but
belonging to a different language
@@the structure of grammatical categories
@@of, affecting, or arising in the mind; related to the mental and emotional state
of a person
@@All of the them

~~ “The scientist who came to the conclusion? “For psychologists - translation

presents an activity with specific psychological mechanisms of perception,
understanding, memory, imagination, specific motivation, and operation of
reformulating” .
@@A. Shiryaev
@@B. Belyaev
@@B. Artemov

~~ Is translation related to psychological aspect?

@@the study of the translator's functioning as a complex individual, as well as
their interactions with their professional environment and other agents involved in
the translation process
@@psychology of translation which concentrates on the study of specifics
@@it entails deep concentration that also involves the different psychological
aspects of humans
@@the presence of an object, a product, results
@@units, means, and ways of realization

~~ What is psychological approach to translation?

@@based on the manner in which thought is shaped and formulated by means
@@implies thought reformulation
@@characterized by different degrees of consciousness
@@occurring at different points
@@the study of the translator's functioning as a complex individual, as well as
their interactions with their professional environment and other agents involved in
the translation process

~~ Show the factors influence the psychological state of translator during the
@@The translator's own educational level, practical experience, cognition ability,
knowledge structure and even his or her physical state can influence translation
@@the presence of an object, a product, results, units, means
@@translator’s psychological
mechanisms of perception, understanding, memory, imagination
@@analysis and evaluation of student’s psychological competence
@@perception and attention

~~ What is the profession of translator?

@@positive and negative emotion categories
@@ a learner holds a fixed mindset
@@the algorithm is based on statistical models
@@convert information from one language to another
@@Improper use of tone, incorrect use of slang and idioms, and wrong placement
of words

~~ Which are the psychological aspects of language?

@@if a learner holds a fixed mindset
@@someone who has a comprehensive knowledge of both source and target
@@positive and negative emotion categories
@@faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance
@@Interpreters and translators

~~ What are the psychological aspects of language learning?

@@Interpreters and translators
@@if a learner holds a fixed mindset
@@convert information from one language into another language
@@translators work in written language
@@have good cultural knowledge of both your target and source languages

~~ What does psychology mean translation?

@@the study of mind and behavior in relation to a particular field of knowledge or
@@compilers,interpreters assemblers
@@faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance
@@cognitive , affective , and psychomotor
@@Interpreters and translators

~~ What are the three 3 main types of translators?

@@the degree to which a translation meets predefined standards or requirements
@@necessary for the spread of information, knowledge, and ideas
@@Translating Word for Word
@@Results and discussions
@@compilers,interpreters assemblers

~~ Who makes a good translator?

@@someone who has a comprehensive knowledge of both source and target
@@faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance
@@the degree to which a translation meets predefined standards or requirements.
@@Results and discussions
@@psychological skills and habits

~~ What are the principles of translation?

@@necessary for the spread of information, knowledge, and ideas
@@using role plays, case studies
@@faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance
@@the degree to which a translation meets predefined standards or requirements
@@Fails to convey the meaning of the original text

~~ Why are translation skills important?

@@being a translator can be very stressful
@@necessary for the spread of information, knowledge, and ideas
@@most professional translators are not paid well
@@translation can be very gratifying and come with many benefits
@@Translating Word for Word
~~ What is perfect translation?
@@Ineffective Communication
@@Using Incorrect Words
@@Exaggeration of Word Meanings
@@to understand what the client needs
@@exists as an ideal

~~ Find the 3 psychological aspects of communication?

@@cognitive , affective , and psychomotor
@@Keep the language simple
@@Using Incorrect Tone and Style
@@cognitive, translation, physical
@@physical, language and affective

~~ What are 4 psychological barriers to effective communication?

@@nervousness, conference,mistakes,effective communication
@@ jealousy, communication, fear,translation
@@fear, nervousness, confusion, mistrust and jealousy
@@cognitive , affective , and psychomotor
@@physical, language and affective

~~ What is psychological importance of communication?

@@Using Incorrect Tone and Style
@@Working in a Language you’re not proficient In
@@Accepting More Work than you Can Handle
@@helps relationships get off on the right foot, navigate problems, and change
over time
@@Using Incorrect Words

~~ What is the most important aspect of psychology?

@@An incorrect translation can cost you in customer satisfaction
@@you are obviously exposed to different cultures and ways of thinking
@@Their work is important for making legal
@@It is not common for translation work to require frequent travel
@@describe, explain, predict, and improve human behavior

~~ Which 4 aspects of psychology are there?

@@someone doesn't feel good, they will likely speak less or negatively
@@entails deep concentration that also involves the different psychological
aspects of humans
@@cognitive, forensic, social, and developmental psychology
@@They consider language as a cultural, social and psychological phenomenon
@@Culture influences psychological processes

~~ How do psychological barriers affect communication?

@@If someone doesn't feel good, they will likely speak less or negatively
@@accurately communicating meaning from one language
@@A good translator is, indeed, often a good researcher
@@reproduces a non-literal rendition of the original text
@@Develop Your Research Skills

~~ Is translation related to psychological aspect?

@@Don't translate your target language
@@a translation job is a challenging task that is very demanding cognitively
@@it entails deep concentration that also involves the different psychological
aspects of humans
@@multilingual professionals who can accurately convert writing from one
language to another
@@requires a lot of dedication and investment in time and resources

~~ Is language a psychological function?

@@Culture influences psychological processes
@@Translation focuses on written content
@@promote communication across borders and cultures
@@They consider language as a cultural, social and psychological phenomenon
@@phonological, lexical, syntactic and textual

~~ Is language development psychological?

@@Culture influences psychological processes
@@An incorrect translation can cost you in customer satisfaction
@@Mistranslated content can be misinterpreted by your target audience
@@ All of them
@@Both genetic and environmental factors contribute to language and
psychosocial and emotional development

~~ Can culture impact psychological processes?

@@Both genetic and environmental factors contribute to language and
psychosocial and emotional development
@@describe, explain, predict, and improve human behavior
@@cognitive, forensic, social, and developmental psychology
@@Culture influences psychological processes
@@Using Incorrect Words

~~ What are the responsibilities of a translator?

@@A Translator reads and researches material, translates text and audio
recordings, proofreads and edits translations
@@Writing skills in translation
@@provide service of the highest quality in their professional practice
@@None of them
@@All of them

~~ Eugene Nida has written about the transition:

@@A translation shall always be made on the sole responsibility of the translato
@@None of them
@@All of them
@@“Translation, being an intellectual activity, the object of which is the transfer
of literary”
@@“translators are links in the communicative chain”

~~ What are the roles and responsibilities of interpreters in communication?

@@shall exert their influence on public authorities in the preparation
@@enables communication between people who speak or sign a different
@@shall strive to maintain permanent relations with organizations
@@deliver your complete message precisely
@@All of them
~~ Interpreters/translators shall always thoroughly and faithfully render the source
language message, omitting or adding nothing, giving consideration to linguistic
variations in both source and target languages
@@Cultural Sensitivity Courtesy
@@Accuracy (дәлдік, точность)

~~ Interpreters/translators shall be culturally competent, sensitive, and respectful

of the individual(s) they serve.
@@Cultural Sensitivity Courtesy

~~ Interpreters/translators shall not divulge any information obtained through their

assignments, including but not limited to information gained through access to
documents or other written material.
@@Cultural Sensitivity Courtesy

~~ Interpreters/translators shall not publicly discuss, report, or offer an opinion

concerning matters in which they are or have been engaged, even when that
information is not privileged by law to be confidential.
@@None of them
@@Disclosure (ақпаратты жария ету)
~~ Interpreters/translators shall meet the minimum proficiency standard by passing
the required certification examination or screening evaluation.
@@None of them

1.~~ Interpreters/translators shall not accept additional money, compensation, or

favor for services reimbursed by the department.
@@Conflict of Interest
@@Ethical Violations
@@None of them

~~ Interpreters/translators shall not discriminate on the basis of gender, disability,

race, color, national origin, age, socioeconomic or educational status, or religious
or political beliefs.
@@ None of them

~~ Interpreters/translators shall accurately and completely represent their

certifications, training, and experience.
@@ Self-evaluation
@@Impartiality - Conflict of Interest

~~ Interpreters/translators shall disclose any real or perceived conflict of interest

which would affect their objectivity in the delivery of service
@@None of them
@@All of them
@@Impartiality - Conflict of Interest

~~ Interpreters and translators shall be punctual, prepared, and dressed in a manner

appropriate and not distracting for the situation.
@@Scope of Practice:
@@Professional Demeanor
@@ Self-evaluation
@@ None of them

~~ Interpreters/translators shall not counsel, refer, give advice, or express personal

opinions to individuals for whom they are interpreting/translating, or engage in any
other activities that may be construed to constitute a service other than
@@Scope of Practice
@@None of them

~~ Interpreters/translators shall develop their skills and knowledge through

professional training, continuing education, and interaction with colleagues and
specialists in related fields.
@@Professional Development
@@Ethical Violations
@@ None of them

~~ What is translation as an industry?

@@Translate written material. Provide interpreting from one language to another
@@The language industry has an estimated market size of USD 26.6b
@@collaboration between human intelligence and AI-powered machine
@@makes a lot of a difference in the translator's performance and work
@@All of them

~~ Is translation a growing industry?

@@qualification to translate any subject matter
@@look for any word or sentence you may have had difficulty while translating
@@believed that there are translators and then there are professional translators
@@collaboration between human intelligence and AI-powered machine
@@In 2021, the global translation industry rose to $56.18 billion USD

~~ What is the future of translation industry?

@@collaboration between human intelligence and AI-powered machine
@@could be an arduous process but it sure makes a lot of a difference in the
translator's performance
@@might assume that translators have formal academic training as writers
@@None of them
@@ All of them

~~ What is the role of translators in the language industry?

@@Make it a serious commitment
@@to ensure that your original message comes across to the reader exactly as it
was intended, without any distortion
@@more developments in speech-to-speech and speech-to-text translation
@@knows how to conduct business,
@@ All of them

~~ What is the translation industry in 2023?

@@more developments in speech-to-speech and speech-to-text translation
@@If there is a consistent demand for translation services in your target market
@@Provide interpreting from one language to another
@@international conference organisation
@@ All of them
~~ What is the future of language industry?
@@Working as a freelance translator gives you the freedom to determine your
@@Evolving neural networks and AI-inspired translation models will continue to
drive up quality standards in 2023 and beyond
@@more developments in speech-to-speech and speech-to-text translation
@@Their focus will gradually shift from translating source content to correcting
and augmenting machine-generated translations
@@ All of them

~~ How does AI affect translation industry?

@@AI will never replace human translators
@@bringing exciting new job prospects and career opportunities for translation
@@AI translation tools may also be able to learn and adapt to the writing style of
individual writers
@@ All of them
@@ None of them

~~ How good is AI at translating?

@@The more AI is used in translation projects, the more accurate it becomes over
@@They are very curious, very busy, easily distracted
@@The translation industry is very small and tightly knit
@@All of them
@@ None of them

~~ What are the tools for translation?

@@Literary Translation
@@direct and indirect translation
@@Google Translate, DeepL, Microsoft Translator, Yandex, and Amazon
@@Translating Idioms and Expressions
@C@ All of them

~~ What is the hardest part of translation?

@@Translating Idioms and Expressions
@@direct and indirect translation
@@word-for-word translation, literal translation
@@ All of them
@@ None of them

~~ How many methods are used in translation?


~~ What technology is used for translation?

@@The process of globalization and the technological revolution
@@Computer-aided technology and machine translation
@@the growing tendency to adopt the digital format for textual production
@@ All of them
@@ None of them

~~ What type of communication is translation?

@@a type of communication – not only interlingual, but also cultural
@@the same tools designed to assist translators are also affecting many aspects of
how their work is regarded
@@The source-target correspondence has been a debatable issue f
@@verbal, non-verbal, and visual
@@ All of them

~~ What is communication process in translation?

@@the literature on translation memories
@@translator's interpretation of the source material
@@discussion on commonly used approaches to machine translation a
@@translation is used to express "in different languages the same text content"
@@ None of them
~~ What is communication approach in translation?
@@If there is no denial translation practice has to evolve
@@attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the source language so that
both content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the
@@coincide. synchronize. exist side-by-side
@@ All of them
@@ None of them

~~ What is translating in communication?

@@the process of reworking text from one language into another to maintain the
original message and communication
@@your roommate, and a cat all live in an apartment together
@@the opposite of coexistence is persecution
@@of the same or equal age, antiquity, or duration
@@ All of them

~~ What is communication methods?

@@comparable. compatible. consistent. proportionate. sufficient
@@to exist together or at the same time
@@The coexistence of one thing with another is the fact that they exist together at
the same time or in the same place
@@verbal communication, non-verbal communication, listening, written
communication and visual communication
@@ All of them

~~ Why is translation important in communication skills?

@@Enable the Spread of Ideas and Information
@@recognition in the existence of the other group with its differences
@@Mutually exclusive is a statistical term describing two or more events that
cannot happen simultaneously
@@of the same age or existing at the same time as another person or thing
@@ None of them

~~ Find of the three communication strategies?

@@your roommate, and a cat all live in an apartment together
@@verbal, non-verbal, and visual
@@coincide. synchronize. exist side-by-side
@@ All of them

~~ Show the 4 tools of communication?

@@coincide. synchronize. exist side-by-side
@@verbal, non-verbal, written, and visual
@@your roommate, and a cat all live in an apartment together
@@ All of them
@@ None of them

~~ How does communication help professionally?

@@of the same or equal age, antiquity, or duration
@@comparable. compatible. consistent. proportionate. sufficient
@@boosts employee morale, engagement, productivity, and satisfaction
@@All of them
@@ None of them

~~ Find the benefits from effective communication?

@@improves relationships, both with employees and in your personal life with
friends and family members
@@of the same age or existing at the same time as another person or thing
@@The correspondence reads like one between coevals, each taking the same
things for granted
@@interrelation, analogy, association, communion, connection, and correlation
@@ All of them

~~ What technology is used for translation?

@@Use of Digitalised Networks to Communicate
@@excellent language and writing skills
@@Computer-aided technology and machine translation
@@ All of them
@@None of them

~~ How technology is used in communication?

@@anything which allows us to get information, to communicate with each other
@@Communication today is instantaneous with the help of social media, emails
and text messaging
@@All of them
@@ None of them
@@Use of Digitalised Networks to Communicate

~~ How technology has made life better speech?

@@Communication today is instantaneous with the help of social media, emails
and text messaging
@@Technology has taken its place as indispensable, wherein it has resulted in
economic benefits, better health care, time-saving, and better lifestyle
@@made communication easier.
@@All of them
@@ None of them

~~ What is the basic communication skills of a professional translator?

@@facilitating more advanced features.
@@Increased productivity and efficiency
@@made communication faster and more convenient
@@excellent language and writing skills
@@ None of them

~~ What is the role of communication in translation?

@@made communication faster and more convenient
@@helps communication become easier and faster
@@It refers to the process of communication between the translator and the author
of a certain text that is to be translated
@@ All of them
@@ None of them

~~ Find the basic communication and language skills?

@@listening, speaking, reading and writing.
@@ listening, speaking, vocabulary, reading
@@reading,listening, grammar
@@grammar, speaking
@@ listening, vocabulary, grammar

~~ Show the communication process in translation?

@@language, art, mobility, education, and religion
@@the process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, opinions
@@translation is used to express "in different languages the same text content"
@@ All of them
@@ None of them

~~ Why is translation important in communication skills?

@@Enable the Spread of Ideas and Information
@@helps communication become easier and faster
@@Different cultures may have different preferences
@@Technology has changed the language and the meaning of once-common
words has experienced a noteworthy change
@@ All of them

~~ What is translation in business communication?

@@a series of actions or steps taken in order to successfully communicate
@@communication that is based on respect and builds trust and collaboration
@@translating various texts into multiple target languages, such as legal and
corporate communication and product descriptions
@@by the means of its affectivity on the people itself
@@ All of them

~~ Is translation a type of communication?

@@a process of transferring a message from the source language (SL) into the
target language (TL)
@@Advancements in technology have enabled people to advance from quill to ink
to pencil
@@Pollution - Air, water, heat and noise pollution can all be caused by producing
and using technology
@@the flow of official information through proper, predefined channels and
@@ All of them
~~ Why translation is important in communication and media?
@@The general idea is that, when applying technological tools such as machine
translation programs
@@impression is that the machine is the one that does the translation work
@@ensures that information is accessible to people of all linguistic backgrounds
@@ All of them
@@ None of them

~~ What is the basic communication skills of a professional translator?

@@ speaking and listening skills
@@listening skill
@@ reading and writing skills
@@language and writing skills
@@ All of them

~~ What is importance of technology for translation?

@@the literature on translation memories
@@provide a wide variety of solutions to common translation struggles
@@comprises descriptive
@@comparative analysis of the efficiency of the programs available in the market
@@ All of them

~~ What is the importance of communication and translation to a media

@@translator has compiled terminological options into a database as a result of
previous work commissioned directly by clients or through translation agencies
@@Just as in translation machine applications
@@Without translation, the audience is limited only to the people that understand
that particular language
@@interpretation of the source material
@@ None of them

~~ How technology has changed translation perspectives?

@@interpretation of the source material
@@choices made in the formulation of the translated text might interfere with
content management
@@reusing stored translation segments
@@It has greatly enhanced translation speed and creatively helped to assure
translation quality
@@ All of them

~~ What are the advantages and disadvantages of translation technology?

@@allows us to stay in touch with friends and family from anywhere in the world
@@Communication today is instantaneous with the help of social media
@@allows people to remain in contact and communicate
@@share information easily and on regular basis.
@@it's faster and cheaper

~~ What is the importance of communication media and technology?

@@act as the driving factors for the global technology advancements
@@helps us build relationships by allowing us to share our experiences
@@helps us connect to others
@@ All of them
@@ None of them

~~ What is translating in communication?

@@helps us build relationships by allowing us to share our experiences
@@facilitating more advanced features
@@made communication faster and more convenient
@@they have also led to a decrease in face-to-face communication
@@the process of reworking text from one language into another to maintain the
original message and communication

~~Give the example of communicative translation method?

@@SL) Awas ada anjing! (TL) Beware of dog!
@@the translation of “西游记” is “Journey to the west
@@is “Pilgrimage to the west” in communicative translation
@@All of them
@@ None of them

~~ What are the techniques of communicative language teaching?

@@spreading new information, knowledge, and ideas across the world.
@@role play, information gap, language exchanges, simulation, discussion, game,
pair work and group work
@@telegraph, telephone, television and teleprinter
@@ All of them
@@verbal, non-verbal, written, and visua

~~ Who developed communicative approach?

@@ A.Neubert
@@Michael Halliday and Dell Hymes
@@ Albil

~~ Who is the father of Communicative Language Teaching?

@@A. Neubert
@@I. Retsker
@@A. Fedorov
@@Noam Chomsky

~~When was machine translation used for the first time?


~~ Conference interpretation is divided between two markets:

@@ the institutional and private
@@ direct and indirect translation
@@ kinesthetic and visual
@@ editing and translating
@@None of them
~~When translating a product manual from Kazakh into English, the
___________ is English.
@@None of them

~~There are ___________ very visible ways in which translation studies has
become more prominent.

~~A _____________ is the overall orientation of a translated text (e.g. literal

@@None of them

~~What is conference interpreting ?

@@ it is the interpretation of a conference, either simultaneously or
@@it is when an interpreter translates the message from the source language to the
target language in real-time
@@it is done by the interpreter when the speaker finishes his/her
@@the interpreter sits or stands next to a small target-language audience and
whispers a rendition of the message simultaneously
@@When a hearing person speaks, an interpreter will render the speaker's
meaning into the sign language used by the deaf party

~~What is Marketing Interpreting (Focus Group)

@@it is liaison interpreting
@@ an interpreter sits in a sound proof booth or in an observer's
room with the clients
@@When a hearing person speaks, an interpreter will render the speaker's
meaning into the
sign language used by the deaf party
@@this interpreting has to be conducted in the simultaneous mode
@@this interpreting has to be conducted in the simultaneous mode

~~What is Sign Language Interpreting?

@@When a hearing person speaks, an interpreter will render the speaker's
meaning into the sign language used by the deaf party
@@ an interpreter sits in a sound proof booth or in an observer's room with the
@@ it is when an interpreter translates the message from the source language to
the target language in real-time
@@ the interpreter sits or stands next to a small target-language audience and
whispers a rendition of the message simultaneously
@@ it is the interpretation of a conference, either simultaneously or

~~What is Escort Interpreting?

@@ When translating a text within the field of law, the translator should keep the
following in mind
@@ is the type of interpreting occurring in fields such as legal, health, and local
government, social, housing, environmental health, education, and welfare
@@ When a hearing person speaks, an interpreter will render the speaker's
meaning into the sign language used by the deaf party
@@ an interpreter sits in a sound proof booth or in an observer's room with the
@@ an interpreter accompanies a person or a delegation on a tour, on a visit, or to
a meeting or interview

~~What is Public Sector Interpreting?

@@ an interpreter accompanies a person or a delegation on a tour, on a visit, or to
a meeting or interview
@@ it is when an interpreter translates the message from the source language to
the target language in real-time
@@ is the type of interpreting occurring in fields such as legal, health, and local
government, social, housing, environmental health, education, and welfare
@@ it is the interpretation of a conference, either simultaneously or Consecutively
@@ When a hearing person speaks, an interpreter will render the speaker's
meaning into the sign language used by the deaf party

~~What is Media Interpreting?

@@ it is the interpretation of a conference, either simultaneously or
@@ It is provided particularly for live television coverage such as press
@@ an interpreter accompanies a person or a delegation on a tour, on a visit, or to
a meeting or interview.
@@ is the type of interpreting occurring in fields such as legal, health, and local
government, social, housing, environmental health, education, and welfare
@@ is the type of interpreting occurring in fields such as legal, health, and local
government, social, housing, environmental health, education, and welfare

~~One of the most important aspects of the translator's job is…

@@ the management of terminology
@@ the management of vocabulary
@@ the management of lexicology
@@ the management of marphology
@@the management of graphology

~~What is Abstraction?
@@ it is the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in
a language
@@ it is the study of words
@@ it is the study of written and printed symbols and of writing systems
@@ it is a shorthand that saves enormous amounts of time
@@ it is where most practical problems lie in technical and scientific translation
~~One of the levels translation quality?
@@updating old translations
@@ editing and translating text
@@ raw translation
@@editing and translating text and making the layout
@@oral gisting

~~Raw translation means…

@@ translated fully and the translated text is grammatically correct and
reasonably fluent
@@a translation which conveys the central meaning of the original text
@@ corresponds roughly to the translations of old
@@ implies that the translated text is both fluent and idiomatic
@@ a free form of translation technique

~~Normal quality is…

@@ translation corresponds roughly to the translations of old
@@ a free form of translation technique
@@ a translation which conveys the central meaning of the original text
@@ implies that the translated text is both fluent and idiomatic
@@ None of them

~~ Extra-quality translation is…

@@ implies that the translated text is both fluent and idiomatic
@@ translated fully and the translated text is grammatically correct and
reasonably fluent
@@ translation corresponds roughly to the translations of old
@@ a free form of translation technique
@@ a translation which conveys the central meaning of the original text

~~ Adaptation of original text is…

@@ a translation of a technical manual
@@ the resultant text is expected to be fluent language
@@ not actually the direct translation of text but the production of new text based
on foreign language original(s)
@@ the translation should be assimilated completely to the cultural context of the
target language.
@@ recognize the translated text as a translation

~~ This statement means going through a translation done by another person for
possible errors and stylistic reasons
@@ updating old translations
@@ proof-reading and grammar checking
@@ editing and translating text
@@ editing and translating text and making the layout
@@ oral gisting

~~ Updating old translations means…

@@ translating only those parts of the text which have changed in the original
@@ doing the translation from scratch
@@ going through a translation done by another person for possible errors and
stylistic reasons
@@ oral gisting
@@ updating old translations

~~ Type of translation organization?

@@ translation service
@@ domestic company
@@ subsidiary of an international company
@@ international company
@@ translation company

~~ What is the background of people doing the translation?

@@full-time professional translators
@@domain experts
@@non-translator support personnel (secretaries etc)
@@combination of above

~~ Size of translation organization.

@@Amount of employees
@@full-time translators
@@part-time translators
@@support personnel
@@ combination of above

~~ What is the business of the company?

@@domestic company
@@domestic public organization
@@subsidiary of an international company
@@international company
@@international public organization

~~ What is the official language of an organization?

@@national language as official language
@@foreign language in common use
@@foreign language as official language
@@several languages other than national language in common use
@@multilingual as a matter of principle

~~What is the relationship between language and culture in translation?

@@ foreign language as official language
@@ language is inseparable from the cultural context in which it is used
@@ Behaviors and believes
@@Language plays a key in defining culture
@@ Cultural transference

~~What is translation as communication?

@@ Assertive communication style
@@a type of communication – not only interlingual, but also cultural
@@a type of translation
@@ it is a group of specialized words and respective meanings in particular field
@@None of them

~~What is the role of language and culture in translation?

@@language is inseparable from the cultural context in which it is used
@@ Assertive communication style
@@ Non-Verbal communication style
@@ Linguistic differences
@@None of them

~~What element of culture is connected to communication?

@@ Dictionary
@@ language
@@ Using Tone
@@ Behaviors and believes
@@None of them

~~What are the challenges in cross cultural translation?

@@ Terminology
@@ Word for word translation
@@Cultural transference
@@ Linguistic differences
@@ None of them

~~What is cross-cultural translation?

@@ Cultural transference
@@ Assertive communication style
@@ is a property of a text, or of any utterance in one language
@@an act of communication across cultures
@@ Linguistic differences

~~What is the best communication style?

@@ Visual communication style
@@ Verbal communication style
@@ Assertive communication style
@@ Non-Verbal communication style
@@All of them

~~One of the kind of cultural communication?

@@Using Tone
@@ Indirect Style
@@ Contextual style
@@ Affective style
@@All of them

~~What is the most common barrier in cultural communication?

@@Behaviors and believes
@@ Customs
@@ Land

~~What are the common mistakes in the translation process?

@@ translating metaphorical meaning as a non-metaphorical
@@ syntactic
@@ Linguistic differences
@@ inconsistency in the tone or style
@@Translating Word for Word

~~What is the most difficult type of translation?

@@ General translation
@@Literal translation
@@ Professional translation
@@Medical translation
@@All of them

~~What are the challenges faced by translators in the field of media and
@@Linguistic differences
@@ Untranslatable Words
@@ numerous medical terms involve the use of eponyms
@@ Specialized Community Or Audience
@@ equivalence

~~What are the lexical challenges of translation?

@@ General translation
@@translating metaphorical meaning as a non-metaphorical
@@ Literal translation
@@translating terminology
@@None of them

~~What makes translation difficult?

@@different structure of languages
@@all of them

~~What is Untranslatability?
@@is a property of a text, or of any utterance in one language
@@ it is a word or phrase borrowed from another language by literal word-for-
word or root-for-root translation.
@@ it is a technique of translation in which elements of the source text that have
been lost while translating are recreated in the target text in some other
@@ the study of the internal structure of words
@@ the study of the form, meaning, and behaviour of words.

~~What is Calque?
@@ is a property of a text, or of any utterance in one language
@@it is a word or phrase borrowed from another language by literal word-for-
word or root-for-root translation.
@@ it is a technique of translation in which elements of the source text that have
been lost while translating are recreated in the target text in some other
@@ the study of the internal structure of words
@@ the study of the form, meaning, and behaviour of words.

~~What is Compensation?
@@ it is a word or phrase borrowed from another language by literal word-for-
word or root-for-root translation.
@@ is a property of a text, or of any utterance in one language
@@ the study of the internal structure of words
@@ the study of the form, meaning, and behaviour of words.
@@it is a technique of translation in which elements of the source text that have
been lost while translating are recreated in the target text in some other

~~Chinese culture belongs to eastern culture, while English culture belongs to

@@ western culture
@@None of them

~~ Generally, there are three types of translator:

@@consecutive, simultaneous, whispered
@@ compilers. interpreters. assemblers
@@written, simultaneous, whispered
@@oral, compilers, interpreters
@@None of them

~~ Who invented translate?

@@ Lívio Andrônico
@@ René Descartes
@@ Saint Jerome
@@ Alexander Lapshin
@@ The Babylonians

~~ How many theories are of translation?


~~ What is target language in translation?

@@ he language from which the text must be translated
@@ the language into which text is being translated
@@ the translation of the source text
@@ from which information or ideas are derived
@@None of them

~~ What is necessary for translate?

@@ Anticodon
@@ Ligase
@@ a good degree of accuracy
@@ bacteria and archaea
@@ Initiation

~~ What is human translation?

@@ when a human translator—rather than a machine—translates text
@@ ranslation in a specialized subject domain
@@ the translation of materials dealing with scientific and technical subject
@@ process of using artificial intelligence to automatically translate text from one
language to another without human involvement
@@None of them

~~ What makes translation different?

@@ Memory
@@ focuses on written content
@@ terminology
@@ different grammar
@@ None of them

~~What is Terminology?
@@ it is a group of specialized words and respective meanings in particular field
@@ he study of the internal structure of words
@@ the study of the form, meaning, and behaviour of words
@@ a type of research paper based on your original research
@@None of them

~~One of the most important aspects of the translator's job is…

@@ memory
@@ vocabulary
@@ communication
@@ None of them
@@ management of terminology

~~ Legal translation may involve:

@@ management of terminology
@@ a good degree of accuracy
@@ law dictionaries
@@Litigation Documents
@@All of them

~~Translators of legal texts often consult with…

@@ Litigation Documents
@@ management of terminology
@@law dictionaries
@@All of them
@@None of them

~~Updating old translations means…

@@translating only those parts of the text which have changed in the original
@@ degree to which a translation meets predefined standards or requirements
@@ the result of inferential processes that take place during reading
@@ the ability to understand, produce, and caricature bodily states and actions
@@ the process of retrieving information necessary to perform learned skills

~~What is Quality of translation?

@@ translating only those parts of the text which have changed in the original
@@ degree to which a translation meets predefined standards or requirements
@@ the process of retrieving information necessary to perform learned skills
@@ the ability to understand, produce, and caricature bodily states and actions
@@ the result of inferential processes that take place during reading

~~Why is translation quality important?

@@ maintaining homeostasis, controlling cell proliferation, growth and
@@it is necessary for the spread of information, knowledge, and ideas
@@to communicate effectively with their audience
@@they enable us to collaborate and learn from one another
@@ it allows people to communicate and understand each other's thoughts and

~~What is Representational memory?

@@ use the word effectively in a translation
@@None of them
@@ to translate rapidly
@@ the process of retrieving information necessary to perform learned skills
@@ the result of inferential processes that take place during reading

~~What is Procedural memory?

@@ the result of inferential processes that take place during reading
@@ the process of retrieving information necessary to perform learned skills
@@ use the word effectively in a translation
@@ to translate rapidly
@@None of them

~~ Translators and interpreters need representational memory when they…

@@ use the word effectively in a translation
@@ to translate rapidly
@@ need to remember a specific word
@@All of them
@@None of them

~~How does a translator help Representational memory?

@@ use the word effectively in a translation
@@ need to remember a specific word
@@ to translate rapidly
@@ need to remember a specific word
@@Non of them
~~ How does a translator help Procedural memory?
@@ use the word effectively in a translation
@@None of them
@@All of them
@@ need to remember a specific word
@@ to translate rapidly

~~ What is musical intelligence?

@@ the ability to understand, produce, and caricature bodily states and actions
@@ the ability to track, sort out, and articulate one's own and others' emotional
@@ the ability to hear, perform, and compose music with complex skill and
attention to detail
@@ the ability to discern, differentiate, manipulate, and produce spatial shapes
and relations
@@ the ability to perceive, sort out, and manipulate order and
relation in the world of objects

~~ What is spatial intelligence?

@@ the ability to discern, differentiate, manipulate, and produce spatial shapes
and relations
@@ the ability to learn foreign languages, and to hear, sort out, produce, and
manipulate the complexities of transfer among them
@@ the ability to hear, sort out, produce, and manipulate the complexities of
a single language
@@ the ability to perceive, sort out, and manipulate order and relation in the world
of objects
@@ the ability to track, sort out, and articulate one's own and others' emotional

~~What is bodily-kinesthetic intelligence?

@@ the ability to track, sort out, and articulate one's own and others' emotional
@@ the ability to perceive, sort out, and manipulate order and relation in the world
of objects
@@ the ability to understand, produce, and caricature bodily states and actions
@@ the ability to hear, sort out, produce, and manipulate the complexities of
a single language
@@ the ability to discern, differentiate, manipulate, and produce spatial shapes
and relations

~~ What is personal intelligence?

@@ the ability to hear, perform, and compose music with complex skill and
attention to detail
@@ the ability to discern, differentiate, manipulate, and produce spatial shapes
and relations
@@ the ability to learn foreign languages
@@ the ability to hear, sort out, produce, and manipulate the complexities of
a single language
@@ the ability to track, sort out, and articulate one's own and others' emotional

~~ What is logical/mathematical intelligence?

@@the ability to track, sort out, and articulate one's own and others' emotional
@@ the ability to perceive, sort out, and manipulate order and relation in the world
@@ the ability to discern, differentiate, manipulate, and produce spatial shapes
and relations
@@ the ability to hear, perform, and compose music with complex skill and
attention to detail
@@ the ability to learn foreign languages

~~ What is linguistic intelligence?

@@ the ability to hear, perform, and compose music with complex skill and
attention to detail
@@ the ability to perceive, sort out, and manipulate order and relation in the world
@@ the ability to track, sort out, and articulate one's own and others' emotional
@@ the ability to hear, sort out, produce, and manipulate the complexities of a
single language
@@ the ability to understand, produce, and caricature bodily states and actions

~~ Where do flexible-environment translators prefer to work?

@@ at an office, at home, and in a client's conference room
@@ in absolute silence, or with a TV or radio on
@@a single work station, at the office or at home
@@None of them
@@All of them

~~Visual-internal learners learn...

@@natural situations in the foreign culture
@@new foreign words and phrases
@@ conversational contexts and language labs
@@None of them
@@All of them

~~Contextual-global learners are sometimes described as…


~~One of the types of response filter:

@@Auditory-external learners
@@Visual-internal translators
@@externally and internally referenced
@@Contextual-global learners
@@Kinesthetic-tactile learners

~~Who wrote Modern Translation Theories?

@@Peter Newmark
@@J.C. Catford
@@Edward Taylor
@@Liu Biqing

~~What does the word “kang” mean in translation from Chinese

@@heated brick bed
@@a kind of traditional Chinese boxing
@@a system of deep breathing exercise popular in China
@@temple enshrining Guan Yu, a well worshipped ancient Chinese hero
@@ very clever and capable

~~An “adaptation”also known as…

@@ word for word translation
@@free translation
@@keeps a word or expression from the source te[t in the target language
@@ replacing cultural elements
@@None of them

~~The meaning of English “uncle” include such Chinese words as…

@@mother’s brother(舅舅)
@@mother’s sister‟s husband(姨父)
@@father’s younger brother (叔父)
@@father’s elder brother(伯父)
@@All of them

~~What is Paraphrase?
@@it is as extended synonym and inevitably an expansion and a diffusion of the
original text
@@ it is the study of the internal structure of words
@@ the study of the form, meaning, and behaviour of words
@@ he technical or special terms used in a business, art, science, or special subject
@@None of them

~~ What is Historical culture?

@@study of people, actions, decisions, interactions and behaviours
@@ a field of science devoted to the study of the lands, features, inhabitants, and
@@The history of a nation is the record of the social development
@@ science and study of quality, structure, space, and change
@@None of them

~~“Low” means
@@ pale skin, light in color and justice
@@ humorous use of a word that has two meanings or of different words that
sound the same
@@ science and study of quality, structure, space, and change
@@short in height and low social status
@@None of them

~~“Fair” means
@@pale skin, light in color and justice
@@ short in height and low social status
@@ humorous use of a word that has two meanings or of different words that
sound the same
@@ science and study of quality, structure, space, and change
@@None of them

~~What is Alliteration?
@@ the process of translating words or text from one language into another
@@it is using the same letter or sound at the beginning of the two or more words
in succession
@@ the study of words, how they are formed, and their relationship to other words
in the same
@@None of them
@@All of them

~~The word “Pun” means…

@@ humorous use of a word that has two meanings or of different words that
sound the same
@@ a system of communication used by a particular country or community.
@@ the exchange of ideas and thoughts within two or more individuals
@@ a member of a government or law-making organization
@@No correct answer

~~Who is presents a rich source of information about the problem of loss

in translation?
@@ Peter Newmark
@@ Edward Taylor
@@ Liu Biqing
@@ J.C. Catford

~~Who is "multitaskers"
@@ who like to work on many things at once, jumping from one problem to
another as they grow bored with each and crave a change
@@ professionals who can accurately convert writing from one language to
@@ a person who promotes an organization's products and services
@@ it is the one who gives knowledge to the students
@@No correct answer

~~ Who is Dependent learners?

@@ a person who promotes an organization's products and services
@@ people high in interpersonal intelligence, learn best in pairs, teams, other
@@ who like to work on many things at once, jumping from one problem to
another as they grow bored with each and crave a change
@@ professionals who can accurately convert writing from one language to
@@ it is the one who gives knowledge to the students

~~ Who says that “were anthropology no more than translation, it would lead to a
dead end in which cultural difference would vanish and this would be to ignore the
complex problems that anthropology raises”
@@ Kirsten Hastrup
@@ Edwin Ardener
@@ Benjamin
@@ Liu Biqing
@@ Peter Newmark

~~ What is the name of the beginning translation step?

@@ initiation
@@ elongation
@@ termination
@@none of them

~~ What is the name of the middle translation step?

@@ termination.
@@ elongation
@@ initiation
@@ conclusion
@@ none of them

~~ What is the name of the final translation step?

@@ elongation
@@ initiation
@@ conclusion
@@ termination
@@ none of them

~~ What to do before translation?

@@ Calls to Action
@@ Terminology
@@ Review content with the target audience in mind
@@ Style guide
@@All of them

~~ What are the 4 Most Common Types of Translation?

@@ Literary Translation
@@ Technical Translation
@@ Administrative Translation
@@ Financial Translation
@@All of them

~~What are the machine translation tools for translations?

@@ Google Translate, DeepL, Microsoft Translator, SDL Trados, and MemoQ
@@ Linguee
@@ ProZ
@@ The Free Dictionary
@@ OmegaT

~~What is the importance of translation?

@@spreading new information, knowledge, and ideas across the world
@@ Vocabulary
@@ To know style of translation
@@ All of them

~~What are the different types of translating cultural terms?

@@ literal
@@All of them

~~What is the aim of translation?

@@ creates an understandable substitute language in the place of a native
@@ the process of translating words or text from one language into another
@@ to find the equivalent meaning of the source language expression in the target
@@ spreading new information, knowledge, and ideas across the world
@@None of them

~~Why is translation important in multicultural society?

@@ spreading new information, knowledge, and ideas across the world
@@ it allows people to communicate and understand each other's thoughts and
@@ help us to collaborate and learn from each other
@@creates an understandable substitute language in the place of a native language
@@No correct answer

~~ What are the methods of translation skills?

@@ Advanced language knowledge
@@ direct and indirect translation
@@ direct translation techniques and oblique translation techniques
@@ n-depth cultural knowledge
@@No correct answer

~~ What is the most common type of learning?

@@ Aural
@@ Verbal
@@ Logical
@@ Social
@@ Visual learners

~~One of the types of learners?

@@ Social
@@ kinesthetic
@@ Logical
@@ Aural
@@ Verbal

~~ What is visual learning style?

@@ learners respond to images and graphics
@@ learners prefer verbal presentations
@@ learners prefer a physical, hands-on approach
@@None of them
@@All of them

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