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At Post Mahiravani, Trimbak Road, Tal &Dist – Nashik.
Department of Computer Engineering
Academic Year (2023 – 24)


This is to certify that Mr./Ms. Tanishka Pramod Patil From Sandip Polytechnic,
Nashik having Enrollment No: 2111670150 has completed Project Report Planning
Definition / Semester V Project Report/ Final Project Report having title Online
Examination System
individually /in a group consisting of Four candidate under the guidance of the
faculty guide.

…………………………….. ……………………………..

Name & signature of Guide Name & Signature of HOD

At Post Mahiravani, Trimbak Road, Tal &Dist – Nashik.
Department of Computer Engineering
Academic Year (2023 – 24)


This is to certify that Mr./Ms. Pranjal Bhimrao Salve From Sandip Polytechnic,
Nashik having Enrollment No: 2111670135 has completed Project Report Planning
Definition / Semester V Project Report/ Final Project Report having title Online
Examination System
individually /in a group consisting of Four candidate under the guidance of the
faculty guide.

…………………………….. ……………………………..

Name & signature of Guide Name & Signature of HOD

At Post Mahiravani, Trimbak Road, Tal &Dist – Nashik.
Department of Computer Engineering
Academic Year (2023 – 24)


This is to certify that Mr./Ms. Arpita Kailas Lenagre From Sandip Polytechnic,
Nashik having Enrollment No: 2111670138 has completed Project Report Planning
Definition / Semester V Project Report/ Final Project Report having title Online
Examination System
individually /in a group consisting of Four candidate under the guidance of the
faculty guide.

…………………………….. ……………………………..

Name & signature of Guide Name & Signature of HOD

At Post Mahiravani, Trimbak Road, Tal &Dist – Nashik.
Department of Computer Engineering
Academic Year (2023 – 24)


This is to certify that Mr./Ms. Snehal Aambadas Zurde From Sandip Polytechnic,
Nashik having Enrollment No: 2111670161 has completed Project Report Planning
Definition / Semester V Project Report/ Final Project Report having title Online
Examination System
individually /in a group consisting of Four candidate under the guidance of the
faculty guide.

…………………………….. ……………………………..

Name & signature of Guide Name & Signature of HOD

With deep sense of gratitude we would like to thanks all the people who have lit our
path with their kind guidance. We are very grateful to these intellectuals who did their best to
help during our project work planning.

It is our proud privilege to express deep sense of gratitude to, Prof. P.M.Dharmadhikari,
Principal of Sandip Polytechnic, Nashik, for his comments and kind permission tocomplete
this project work planning. We remain indebted to Prof. G. K .Gaikwad, H.O.D, Computer
Engineering Department for their timely suggestion and valuableguidance.

The special gratitude goes my guide Prof. G. K .Gaikwad and staff members, technical
staff members of Computer Engineering Department for their expensive, excellent and
precious guidance in completion of this work planning. We thank to all the colleagues for
their appreciable help for our project work planning

With various industry owners or lab technicians to help, it has been our endeavour to
throughout our work to cover the entire project work planning.

And lastly we thanks to our all friends and the people who are directly or indirectly
related to our project work planning.

1. Tanishka Patil
2. Pranjal Salve
3. Arpita Lengare
4. Snehal Zurde

Chapter No. Particular Page

Abstract 1
1 Introduction and Background of the Industry or User based 2
1. Introduction 2
2 Literature Survey for Problem Identification and Specification 8
2. Topic 8
2. Topic 10
3 Proposed Detailed Methodology of solving the identified 11
problem with action plan
3. Topic 11
3.1.1 Topic 11
3.1.2 Topic 11
References and Bibliography 12

The main objective of the project is to create an Online Examination System This online examination
system helps to take tests of students online and generate results online, by just adding questions
and answers. This online exam software has three modules namely the Admin, Teacher and
Student, admin can login and have access to adding courses, questions and can approve the teacher
, he/she can also view students' results for tests. Another module is student after logging in
students have authority to complete the test. After completing the test, the results are immediately
displayed on screen. The last module is the teacher, who can sign up through the website, which
requests need to be approved by the admin. Once approved, the teacher can login and add courses

and under course teachers can add questions with a weightage of marks . Web service is a
distributed application .The purpose of web service is to achieve reuse of program cross-platform
applications. In this paper, we present a kind of architecture of online examination system based on
technology of web service and COM components, and put forward an implementation of the

Keywords: user login, examinee Examination, Automatically Marketing , Query of Results

Introduction and Background of the Industry orUser based Problem
1.1 Purpose and Motivation
The system's overall goal was concluded by analyzing the target audience of the system, which was
partitioned function module at the perspective of users, and then it built the model of system structure. A.
The examinee role analysis The system users include administrators, examinees and teachers. The system
sets different permissions and operation interface for users with different roles; the users enter into the
different interface, and have different operation according to different permissions . The different roles users
of system. System's ultimate goal is providing online examination service for examinees; therefore, the
examinee is the core of the system. After examinees enter into the system through the correct login
information, their own information could be viewed and the password could be modified. The examinee can
view the test information, which includes exam subjects, exam time, whether it can take the exam, etc.
When the start time of the test has not started, the system will remind that the exam has not started; when
the exam could be conducted, the examinee can start test by selecting subjects click "into the test"; Question
answer is submitted papers at the end of the test, then the examinee check exam results after the marking.
In order to grasp the related learning resources of the system timely, the examinee also can download
resources. The specific function is shown in figure 2. B. The teacher role analysis In order to ensure the
correctness of the information, the teacher can view personal information and change the password after
login system, and then arranges the relevant examination. Teachers download the correct paper template in
the system, then edit and upload the examination paper. In order to ensure that the test is normal, teachers
need to choose the right subjects, start time, test time and other information; When examinees take the
test, then teachers can check the answer of all students taking exams after submittal, and marking, give
corresponding score by looking at the examinee answers. The specific function C. The administrator role
analysis Administrator is the main of system, and the operation authority of system is the highest. That is to
say, administrator can add, modify, and delete target users after entering into system, which could make
sure that the examinees and teachers can login system accurately with the corresponding role and related
operation. Additionally, administrator can also manage the examination and resources, achieve uploading file
and announcement, which is convenient to share resource

1.2 Background
A. Related techniques and development tools The system is a deployment structure based on B/S pattern,
which uses Java modeling language, adopts the IDEA (IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.3), Tomcat, JDK technology, and
combines with the MySQL database. It can support large amount of concurrent test data reception and
distribution, authentication, online examination and test results, and other functions in Web mode. Related
technologies of specific performance are as follows: 2015 7th International Conference on Information
Technology in Medicine and Education 978-1-4673-8302-8/15 $31.00 © 2015 IEEE DOI
10.1109/ITME.2015.96 687
• B/S mode: A three-tier architecture system model [4]. It is the developing mode of multilayer structure
based on Web browser. Compared with the C/S architecture, its main advantage is zero maintenance on the
client. Customers can submit page on the Internet through the browser, which is convenient and flexible.
• MySQL: As database development tool, The MySQL is the most popular relational database management
system, which has high speed, small volume, and low overall cost, for this reason, MySQL becomes the first
choice of small and medium website development database.
• IDEA (IntelliJ IDEA 13.1.3): As the coding tool, IDEA advocates intelligent coding, and reduces a lot of
coding, at the same time, its auxiliary function can generate code automatically, the IDEA also supports
custom layout mode, thus different projects could have different layout.
• Tomcat: this system adopts Tomcat7.0.54 as the server. Tomcat is a lightweight application server, which is
widely used in small and medium-sized system
• JDK: As a Java development kit, it is mainly used for the Java applications on mobile devices and embedded
devices. B. Database design This system use MySQL as a database for data storage and reading. The
implementation of any system depends on the database link; it can perfectly achieve information operation
included reading, writing, deleting, and view through the interaction with the database. Therefore, a
complete database design is particularly important. Database design has six stages: requirement analysis,
concept structure design, logic structure design, physical structure design, database implementation,
operation and maintenance of database. In concept design phase, it mainly built E-R (entity - relationship)
diagram through abstract demand .
The E-R diagram of the system is shown in the figure5. At this stage, in order to prevent redundant links and
redundant data, the optimization of a database table is rather important. The database tables include the
system administrator table, the examinee answer table, the examination table, the scores table, resource
table, the examinee table, the teacher table etc. The data storage and reading become more "portable".
Take the exam table as an example, and its related attribute
Literature Survey for Problem Identification and Specification

Examination, they say is not a true test of knowledge. In our contemporary society, this
axiom holds only in theory but not in practice. Examination that is supposed to be
conducted and evaluated in confidence is now seen with students even before the date and
time the examination is scheduled to take place. History has it that ancient China; was the
first country in the world that implemented a nationwide standardized examination, which
was called the “imperial examination”. The main purpose of this examination was to select
able candidates for specific governmental positions. The imperial examination was
established by the Sui Dynasty in 605 AD and was later abolished by the Qing Dynasty 1300
years later at 1905.

England adopted this examination system in 1806 to select specific candidates for positions
in Her Majesty's Civil Service. This examination system was later applied to education and it
started to influence other parts of the world as it became a prominent standard (e.g.
regulations to prevent the markers from knowing the identity of candidates), of delivering
standardized tests. There are three methods of examination: written examinations, oral
examinations and physical fitness examination. In written examinations we have the
multiple choice questions. Multiple choice questions have two sub categories. The first
category is called True/False. This requires the student to choose all answers that are
appropriate. True/False questions present candidates with a binary choice - a statement is
either true or false. This method presents problems, as depending on the number of
questions, a significant number of candidates could get one hundred percent (100%) just by
guesswork, and should on average get fifty percent Since the traditional have many
drawbacks such as time consuming, Difficulty of analysing the test manually, More
observers are required to take exam of many students, Results are not accurate since
calculations is done manually, The chance of losing exam's result is higher in current
systems, Checking of result is time consuming since it done manually, Limitation of no of
student can give examination at a time. with the development of information technology
and use it in an orderly and properly helps to overcome the existing error in the manual
system . Online examination system saves the exams information in a database, and this
make it an easier way to give exam teachers can add theirs exams rules , and student can
give exam in a totally automated system
Proposed Detailed Methodology of solving the identified problem with
action plan
The modern computerized system is designed to overcome with the drawbacks of existing
system. This new system has got many advantages than the old manual one. People can
register and take exams very easily from different places. It is more personalized and
developed in a way that all the users can understand all the available options in it without
any difficulty. Important matters are not always locked and it is accessible easily at the time
of urgency. Standard level of security has been maintained in this system and important
data has been kept more secured. It is easy to understand, more user friendly and any quick
entries or modification can be done in this system whenever needed. It does not need a
dedicated Administrator. This system is divided into two modules:

1.1 Teacher's Module :- An instructor has to register first and login to the system. After
login, he has full privilege to the system. He is a user who is responsible for preparing the
questions and its answers and upload into the database. He can look for the created
questions and can select the questions for the tests.

1.2 Student's Module :-

An examinee is a user who has to register first and login to the system to take the exam.
After login, he has the option to start the exam, check the result or review it. Every exam
will be having a time limit. If an examinee is not able to finish his exam in the time limit, he
will be directed to the result page immediately after time out. In this system answers can be
received in the three formats: Multiple-choice, Fill-in-the-blanks and Paragraph. Multiple
choice and fill in the blank type answers is checked automatically and produce the results
immediately. However, paragraph type answers needs instructor to deal with and to grade
it. This type of answers cannot produce results immediately and when they are graded,
instructor can upload it on the system and then it is available to the examinee.

Online Examination System is a python based web application that evaluates the listening,
writing and speaking ability of the candidate through different stages. The candidate is
allowed to create an account and login whenever needed. A timer is set to monitor the
exam. The candidate login details, test reports etc. are stored in the database. The test
results and progress will be displayed at the end of the test and in the dashboard too.
Machine learning concepts like natural language processing, exploratory data analysis etc.
are used in this application. 2.1 Listening This will be the first part of the exam. An audio of a
paragraph of contents describing a situation or information will be played. This audio will be
saved in the database. The audio file can be manipulated only by the admin. The candidate
then have to answer for certain set of questions related to that audio. The answers are then
matched with the database and scores are marked. This will give the proper evaluation of
the listening ability of the candidate.

This project will be used by the people all around the india so this website will provide the
basic interaction between them and a device is required to view the website. This makes it
less complicated for the users and vendors to interact with each other as it is easy to use.

1.Technical Feasibility:- There is no such need for technical requirements for this project
because this it is build by different programming languages and some simple tools needed
for development purpose.

2.Financial Feasibility:- Since the system is designed to connect customer and vendor this
system can run on basic hardware and software requirements that can be arranged by
customers and small vendors. Thus the project is financially feasible.

3. Time Feasibility:- As the project is having a well understandable structure and well
understood requirements the team members have understood their role and contribution
towards project. The schedule of the project has been decided so that everything goes at
decided time. The customer and vendor can operate the system anytime anywhere thus the
project is Timely feasible.
4. Operational Feasibility:- All team members have undergone industrial training in Web
development, which includes the use of html, css, javascript, bootstrap, php. So every team
member can contribute in the development process. Thus the operational requirements of
the project are well understood by team members.

Data Flow Diagrams

A data flow diagram (DFD) is used to show a graphical representation of
the flow of data through an information system, modelling its process
aspects. A DFD is also used as a preliminary step to create an overview
of the system, which can later be elaborated.

1. DFD Level 0

2. DFD Level 1

3. DFD Level 2
Use case diagram

Use case diagram is used for describe the function requirements of the system by using the
use cases and the actors. In the Figure user and database are the actors into the system. Use
cases involved into the system.

1. White box testing is very thorough as the entire code and structures are tested.
2. It results in the optimization of code removing error and helps in removing extra lines
of code.
3. It can start at an earlier stage as it doesn’t require any interface as in case of black
box testing.
4. Easy to automate.


1. Main disadvantage is that it is very expensive.

2. Redesign of code and rewriting code needs test cases to be written again.
3. Testers are required to have in-depth knowledge of the code and programming
language as opposed to black box testing.
4. Missing functionalities cannot be detected as the code that exists is tested.
5. Very complex and at times not realistic
Action plan

Sr. No Week Start Date End Date Planned Activity

01 1st 26|07|2023 29|07|2023 Working on Search multiple Topics

02 2nd 2|08|2023 5|08|2023 Working on Search multiple Topics

9|08|2023 12|08|2023 Studying the feasibility of the

03 3rd
searched topics

04 4th 16|08|2023 29|08|2023 Finalization of the topic

23|08|2023 26|08|2023 Study about the requirements for

05 5th
the implementation of the project

06 6th 2|09|2023 6|09|2023 Working on the gathered requirements

9|09|2023 9|09|2023 Study about the additional requirements

07 7th
for the implementation of the project
13|09|2023 16|09|2023 Finalizing the work flow module of
08 8th
the proposed system
20|09|2023 23|09|2023 Searching the multiple platforms for
09 9th
proposed system
27|09|2023 30|09|2023 Working on the multiple platforms for
10 10th
proposed system with their feasibility
4|10|2023 7|10|2023 Finalization of the platform and all
11 11th
relevant information for the proposed
11|10|2023 14|10|2023 Gathering & Integrating all
12 12th
information gathered

[1] Chen Ying-ying. The Design and Implementation of Online Examination System with
Characteristics of Cloud Service [D].

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2013.

[2] Bai Yi-chen. The Design and Implementation of the Online Examination System Based on MVC
Model [D].Shandong

University, 2012.

[3] Zhang Gui-ying. Standardized Online Examination System Design and the Database Construction
[J]. Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University. 2012, 33(5-6):222-225.

[4] Lu Chang, Xu Guang-ming. Application Research of Web Examination System Based on College
[J]. ELSERVER,2012.

[5] Man Yong. The Design and Implementation of Online Examination System [D]. Hunan University,

[6] Wang Shan, Sa Shi-xuan. Introduction to Database System [M]. Beijing, Higher Education Press,

[7] Wang Kun. The Design and Implementation of Online Examination System Based on .NET [D].
Shandong University, 2013.
Capstone Project Planning

Name of Student: Tanishka Pramod Patil Enrollment No:2111670150

Name of Program: Computer Engineering Semester: Fifth
Course Title and Code: Capstone Project Planning (22050)

Title of Capstone Project: Online Examination System.

A. PO’s Address by capstone Project:

a) Problem/opportunity

b) Project goal

c) Project objectives

d) Success criteria

e) Assumptions, risks, obstacles

B. CO’s Address by capstone Project:
a) Write the problem/task specification in existing system related to occupation

b) Select, collect and use required information to solve the problem

c) Logically choose relevant solution.

d) Consider the ethical issues related to project

d) Asset the impact of the project on society

e) Prepare the ‘Project Proposal’ with action plan

f) Communicate effectively and confidently as member and leader team

C. Other learning outcome achieved through this Project:

 Unit outcome:
a) Able to identify the problem in existing system

b) Able to gather information related to problem

c) Able to give the correct solution to problem

 Practical outcome:
a) Able to survey the existing project

b) Able to find problem in previous system

c) Able to plan the project scheduled of project

d) Able to communicate with stack holder confidently

 Affective domain outcome:

• Taking responsibility - setting goals and objectives, defining processes, time
management, task and project management, personal quality reviews and research
• Working in teams to achieve synergy - working with peers, team project
management, managing complex tasks, reviews for learning and quality
improvement, respect for other’s values, decision-making, managing and resolving
conflict, working with peers who have differing values and expectations, peer
assessment, consensus and cooperation, effective project meetings.
• Candid two-way communication - communication with team members, managers
and clients.
Progressive Assessment Sheet(PA)

Activity Name of Activity Marks Marks Guide

No. Obtained Sign N
a 1 Problem Identification / Project Title

m 2 Industrial Survey and Literature e

& Review
3 Punctuality and overall Contribution
4 Project Dairy
5 Report Writing
including 10
6 Presentation

signature of Guide:……………………………..

Capstone Project Planning

Name of Student: Snehal Aambadas Zurde EnrollmentNo:2111670161
Name of Program: Computer Engineering Semester: Fifth
Course Title and Code: Capstone Project Planning (22050)

Title of Capstone Project: Online Examination System.

D. PO’s Address by capstone Project:

f) Problem/opportunity

g) Project goal

h) Project objectives

i) Success criteria

j) Assumptions, risks, obstacles

E. CO’s Address by capstone Project:
e) Write the problem/task specification in existing system related to occupation

f) Select, collect and use required information to solve the problem

g) Logically choose relevant solution.

h) Consider the ethical issues related to project

g) Asset the impact of the project on society

h) Prepare the ‘Project Proposal’ with action plan

i) Communicate effectively and confidently as member and leader team

F. Other learning outcome achieved through this Project:

 Unit outcome:
d) Able to identify the problem in existing system

e) Able to gather information related to problem

f) Able to give the correct solution to problem

 Practical outcome:
e) Able to survey the existing project

f) Able to find problem in previous system

g) Able to plan the project scheduled of project

h) Able to communicate with stack holder confidently

 Affective domain outcome:
• Taking responsibility - setting goals and objectives, defining processes, time
management, task and project management, personal quality reviews and research
• Working in teams to achieve synergy - working with peers, team project
management, managing complex tasks, reviews for learning and quality
improvement, respect for other’s values, decision-making, managing and resolving
conflict, working with peers who have differing values and expectations, peer
assessment, consensus and cooperation, effective project meetings.
• Candid two-way communication - communication with team members, managers
and clients.
Progressive Assessment Sheet(PA)

Activity Name of Activity Marks Marks Guide

No. Obtained Sign N
a 1 Problem Identification / Project Title

m 2 Industrial Survey and Literature e

& Review
3 Punctuality and overall Contribution
4 Project Dairy
5 Report Writing
including 10
6 Presentation

signature of Guide:……………………………..

Capstone Project Planning

Name of Student: Pranjal Bhimrao Salve Enrollment No:2111670135

Name of Program: Computer Engineering Semester: Fifth
Course Title and Code: Capstone Project Planning (22050)

Title of Capstone Project: Online Examination System.

G. PO’s Address by capstone Project:

k) Problem/opportunity

l) Project goal

m) Project objectives

n) Success criteria

o) Assumptions, risks, obstacles

H. CO’s Address by capstone Project:

i) Write the problem/task specification in existing system related to occupation

j) Select, collect and use required information to solve the problem

k) Logically choose relevant solution.

l) Consider the ethical issues related to project

j) Asset the impact of the project on society

k) Prepare the ‘Project Proposal’ with action plan

l) Communicate effectively and confidently as member and leader team

I. Other learning outcome achieved through this Project:

 Unit outcome:
g) Able to identify the problem in existing system

h) Able to gather information related to problem

i) Able to give the correct solution to problem

 Practical outcome:
i) Able to survey the existing project

j) Able to find problem in previous system

k) Able to plan the project scheduled of project

l) Able to communicate with stack holder confidently

 Affective domain outcome:
• Taking responsibility - setting goals and objectives, defining processes, time
management, task and project management, personal quality reviews and research
• Working in teams to achieve synergy - working with peers, team project
management, managing complex tasks, reviews for learning and quality
improvement, respect for other’s values, decision-making, managing and resolving
conflict, working with peers who have differing values and expectations, peer
assessment, consensus and cooperation, effective project meetings.
• Candid two-way communication - communication with team members, managers
and clients.
Progressive Assessment Sheet(PA)

Activity Name of Activity Marks Marks Guide N

a No. Obtained Sign
m 1 Problem Identification / Project Title e
& 2 Industrial Survey and Literature
3 Punctuality and overall Contribution
4 Project Dairy
5 Report Writing
including 10
6 Presentation

signature of Guide:……………………………..
Capstone Project Planning

Name of Student: Arpita Kailas Lengare Enrollment No:2111670138

Name of Program: Computer Engineering Semester: Fifth
Course Title and Code: Capstone Project Planning (22050)

Title of Capstone Project: Online Examination System.

J. PO’s Address by capstone Project:

p) Problem/opportunity

q) Project goal

r) Project objectives

s) Success criteria

t) Assumptions, risks, obstacles

K. CO’s Address by capstone Project:
m) Write the problem/task specification in existing system related to occupation

n) Select, collect and use required information to solve the problem

o) Logically choose relevant solution.

p) Consider the ethical issues related to project

m) Asset the impact of the project on society

n) Prepare the ‘Project Proposal’ with action plan

o)Communicate effectively and confidently as member and leader team

L. Other learning outcome achieved through this Project:

 Unit outcome:
j) Able to identify the problem in existing system

k) Able to gather information related to problem

l) Able to give the correct solution to problem

 Practical outcome:
m) Able to survey the existing project

n) Able to find problem in previous system

o) Able to plan the project scheduled of project

p) Able to communicate with stack holder confidently

 Affective domain outcome:

• Taking responsibility - setting goals and objectives, defining processes, time
management, task and project management, personal quality reviews and research
• Working in teams to achieve synergy - working with peers, team project
management, managing complex tasks, reviews for learning and quality
improvement, respect for other’s values, decision-making, managing and resolving
conflict, working with peers who have differing values and expectations, peer
assessment, consensus and cooperation, effective project meetings.
• Candid two-way communication - communication with team members, managers
and clients.
Progressive Assessment Sheet(PA)

Activity Name of Activity Marks Marks Guide

No. Obtained Sign
1 Problem Identification / Project Title
2 Industrial Survey and Literature
3 Punctuality and overall Contribution
4 Project Dairy
5 Report Writing
including 10
6 Presentation


Name & signature of Guide:……………………………..

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