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Hosting company: Rise Engineering PLC

Internship Duration: Four months


Abdulfetah Bedru

Melkamu fekadu 6224/19

Advisor : Mr. Belayneh



We hereby declare that all the information and details furnished below are complete and true to
the best of our knowledge. We assure that the report contains actual events and facts that was
observed and performed during our internship practice program.

Signature Date

Approval by supervisor: - ______________ ______________

Approval by mentor: - ______________ ______________



We would like to express our special thanks to Dilla University College of engineering and
technology for arranging this internship program which helps us to know many things, while
working on this project. Our deepest gratitude goes to our advisor Mr. Belayneh for all the
valuable information, suggestions and advice. Next, we wish to register our heartfelt thanks to
the company Rise engineering for positively responding for our request to host us as an intern
and availing this opportunity for us to practice and learn about the practical world of building
construction and project management.

We would also like to thank all the staffs and employees of Rise Engineering PLC especially
gotera site supervisors for answering our questions and guiding us during our internship
experience, and the deputy manager of the company for providing us the information we needed
about the company profile and background.

Finally, we would like to express our sincere appreciation for all individuals, groups and
organizations who invested their time, energy and resources to make the internship program a



It is a clear fact that the knowledge of construction engineering cannot be upgraded without
practical experience in each field of the subject matter. This paper is a written report about
the internship program which was planned to help apparent students grasp practical know-
how of engineering projects, their design, implementation, evaluation and management in

It reports about the back ground of our host company including its history and major
achievements, our overall internship experience, our tasks and the procedures we followed,
the practical and theoretical knowledge we gained including the challenges we faced while
performing those tasks.

The contents of the report have been divided into four chapters and the topics covered
include the company background, our overall internship experience, and the benefits our
gained from the program, our conclusions and recommendations for the company. To help
anyone reading better understand the discussed topics and ideas, figurative illustrations and
samples of works and different report formats are attached at the end of the topics.



Figure 1 beams main bar in AutoCAD

Figure 2 beam stirrup

Figure 3 bar bender

Figure 4 overlap of the beam

Figure 5 Before casting reinforcing slab

Figure 6 Beam before casting

Figure 7 stair case before casting

Figure 8 expansion joint in column & slab

Figure 9 Concrete casting of the whole floor

Figure 10 column before casting

Figure 11 shear wall

Figure 12 Hollow Concrete Block


Table of Contents

Chapter One............................................................................................................................................................................
1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................
1.1. Background of the projects..................................................................................................................................
1.2. main products or service.....................................................................................................................................
1.3. main customer or the end users of its product or service...................................................................................
1.4. over all organization and work flow....................................................................................................................
Chapter Two............................................................................................................................................................................
2. Material and Methodology Used.................................................................................................................................
2.1. Interview and Discussion.....................................................................................................................................
2.2. Observation.........................................................................................................................................................
2.3. Recording data.....................................................................................................................................................
Chapter Three.........................................................................................................................................................................
3. Overall Internship Experience......................................................................................................................................
3.1. How we got into the Company............................................................................................................................
3.2. Sections of our Work...........................................................................................................................................
3.3. work flow in section.............................................................................................................................................
3.4. work piece or work task we have been executing...............................................................................................
3.5. procedure we have been using while performing task........................................................................................
3.6. how good we have been while performing task .................................................................................................
3.7. challenges we have been facing while performing task.......................................................................................
3.8. measures we have taken in order to overcome the challenge ...........................................................................
Chapter Four...........................................................................................................................................................................
4. Overall benefit I gained from this program.................................................................................................................
4.1. Practical skills.......................................................................................................................................................
4.2. Theoretical knowledge........................................................................................................................................
4.3. interpersonal communication skill.......................................................................................................................
4.4. team playing skill.................................................................................................................................................
4.5. leadership skill.....................................................................................................................................................
4.6. understanding about work ethics related issue..................................................................................................


Chapter five.............................................................................................................................................................................
5. Conclusions and recommendations.............................................................................................................................
5.1. Conclusions..........................................................................................................................................................
5.2. Recommendations...............................................................................................................................................





Rice engineering is currently working on two projects. The first one is a residential building. It is
constructed in Addis Ababa in Kirkos kfle ketema around gotera masalecha. The project started
in 2014 in June.It has about 16 Stories including the ground. During excavation it was very
challenging for all employees and the environment. They faced a lot of problems like when bulk
excavation is done neighboring houses became demolished because of high vibration. Afterall,
the company decided to build a house for those who lose their house and they hurried up as much
as possible to build a temporary house. Then the project was able to continue mat foundation. we
joined the company during slab reinforcement of first floor however the site engineer guided us

The second project is bilal mosque project. As it is a religion organization which is a non-
profitable organization so the company only focus on improving the service of the mosque to the
society. The projects had been done slowly.


It is known that every activity has its own objectives or goals. Accordingly, Rise Engineering
PLC. Thus the overall objective of this project is to construct a modern market Centre building
that aims: - the purpose of this project is to create favorable environments to the city of Addis
Ababa it regulates its capacity in terms of resources and other facilities.

 Creates good quality work

 Completes work with in time schedule, economically and with quality
 Being the upmost competent organization inside and outside the country generate
revenue the government and modest profit for the owner.
 To provide modern shopping services for urban society.
 To create a suitable environment in order to give quality services for the customers
in areas.
 To create job opportunities and contribute its part in alleviating unemployment,
which is one of the social problems, which exists in town.
 To reduce shortage of house by constructing real state houses.



Next to the human factor, the most important element for any construction firm is to early out its
work efficiently is the availability of construction machineries, equipment and vehicles
compatible to the magnitude of projects. In this regard, to our hosting company, has given due
attention to the subject and acquired sufficient number of equipment has to be readily deployed
to, construction plants, compounds and construction machineries. Itis market center construction


 To be a very compatible contractor on qualified works across the country

 To have a license of class three contractor
 Give fast service
 Work as consumer need without tired.
 To give comfortable service for the costumer.


The company is committed to provide an excellent and wide range of high quality professional
construction and engineering services in Ethiopia through development of state of the art,
technology and skilled human resource.

Generally mission of the company

 To ensuring the maximum customer satisfaction

 To increase its organizational strength
 To providing quality service to the society and ensuring continuous improvement of
the company in all aspects.
 Creating job for daily laborer



The main services of this company gives

 Construction works

 Structural design
 Construction supervision
 Contract administration and
 Design checking.


This company has so many customers throughout this country including all private sectors some
of them are shown below.

Private Sectors: in the private sector the main customers are investors. In the private sector most
of the buildings are mixed-use buildings, Hotels and main offices.

Sub-contract companies: This Company gives some works to other small companies as
subcontract. Some of the works are Excavation work, bar erection and cutting, Partition work,
plastering and so on.

Consulting companies: This Company has worked with different consulting companies like
Construction Design Company.

Companies which produce or import materials: Company has so many customers of material
(like cements, steels, wall and floor finishing material, Electrical materials and etc…) including
private and government companies.


Students: the company yearly accept civil engineering student from different universities to
practice their theoretical knowledge that learned in class.



Rise engineering is a very huge company with an estimated employee of 400 people.
The entire organizational structure is very large to be put and discussed in our report
therefore, we’ll state the major elements and discuss them as follows;

1. Project manager
Project management is the process of planning, organizing tracking progress, and managing tasks
and resources to accomplish defined objectives, usually within constraints on time, resources, or
cost. Planning is part of project management that helps to forecast work executed in the future in
order to allocate time, scope and budget of the project.

2. Site Engineer

The person who control all the activities in the site and is responsible for the whole construction
work. He/she makes sure that the works executed are according to the specifications and
drawings. He checks the construction of every work and makes necessary reports to the Project
Manager of all the activities on the site. He also strictly follows the given time schedule to avoid
any delay on the project completion time.

3. Office Engineer
The office engineer collects data from the supervisor or data collector about the site. He then
compiles and analyzes these data to prepare payments and takeoffs. He also makes reports to the
project manager and makes detail drawings to be easy for construction and provide it to a
surveyor, a Forman or any concerned section.

4. Sanitary and Electrical workers


Most sanitary and electrical works are carried out by a subcontractor and the engineers conduct
the work as per the drawings on the site. They also suggest or propose constructive ideas to
improve the existing drawing if there is any need to change the drawings.

5. The consultant
The consultant is company with architects and engineers who design and supervise the work the
contractor is currently doing. They work on the client’s side and have the responsibility of
conducting the necessary quality control at every level of construction. MH engineering is the
consulting company of rise engineering plc for all construction works. Contract administration is
a major function of supervision and has the following functions;

Quality control: is the process of making sure the quality of the work accomplished is not below
the required standards. This is obtained by visual inspections before any major activity like
casting of concrete, performing various tests like comprehension test, slump test, steel strength,
silt test etc.
Time control: is the process of making sure that the project is going according to schedule. The
contractor has the obligation of finishing the required work on the required time or else, the
contractor will be penalized as per the contract agreements.
Cost control: preparation of take-off sheets helps in estimating the amount of work
accomplished and consequently the amount to be paid to the contractor. The consultant has the
duty of checking the take-off sheets prepared by the contractor, and it has the responsibility of
making sure that the payments made are in accordance with the bill of quantities from the

1.42 work flow


Work flow in organization is organizational subdivisions that refer to the importance of

systematic arrangement of personnel around the construction company. It begins from the higher
hierarchy or the project manager to the lower level, i.e. daily laborers to maximize efficient
resource utilization, development of effective communication and mechanization for resolving
conflicts among participants and proper coordination and control the entire process.
All members of the company have their own responsibilities and duties which will
be described to them according to the company policy and agree on signing the contract
agreement and performing their own tasks in a way that enables to help and control one another

Rise engineering

Project Manager
MH engineering


Office Engineer
Site Engineer Office

Finance Office Administrator

Time Keeper
Chef Guard
General Foreman Collector/
Shift Leader
Carpentry gang leader Quantity
Carpenters Surveyor Accountant
Masons Cashier
Plasterer s Purchaser
Daily Laborers


Chapter Two

2,Material and Methodology Used

Rise engineering plc is a very huge company with huge projects which is not an easy
task to perform for a student at our level of knowledge at once. To accumulate
knowledge, we used different systems with our supervisors and skilled personnel both
at the office and at site. Such methods are; Interview and discussion, observation, and
recording data both from existing office documents and on my own. The methods I’ve
used will be briefed below.

2.1Interview and Discussion

This technique is the first technique we used when we first got into company. Our first
move was trying to conversate with site engineer Mohammed, engineer Marshal of the
concepts we’ve learned so far at our university and associated them with what they
would be showing us at the site. we asked them questions from what we discussed as a
group of interns and recorded the answers for us to study at home since we’d be
needing that knowledge when we go out to the site. we also used this method to get
more information on office works like contract management and maintenance work

2.2 Observation
After taking notes and revising the concepts we went out to the site and as a group we
observed the practical works and site language. we got to witness many works and got
very important information on the site such as; bending of bars, casting of concrete
works, finishing works and others. we’ve also managed to wonder around the site
houses alone and observe the already completed works to see if we’ve missed any


we’ve learned the office manners and work ethics by observing our supervisors
working and communicating which helped me to understand that we should respect
our work, our seniors at work and our clients very well.

2.3 Recording data

This method is also a crucial methodology of collecting data and information. The existing files
available at the office and site were a very big source of knowledge for me. we’ve been given,
structural and architectural drawings, and other formats for me to take home read, revise and

On the site our technique of recording data was taking photos and videos of the works we’ve
come to witness. we also had a notebook at hand in which we could draw and label the different
components of any work according to the site language we heard them using.

we were also given some drawings of the houses found in rise engineering. This was because
we’ve managed to gain their trust and we’ll also be very careful not to leak this classified
information to others.

In general, we’ve used any method possible to gain vast information from any kind of personnel
we’ve come to meet at work either in the office or at the site.




3.1 How we did join the company

The internship program created by DILLA University, collage of engineering and technology
school of civil engineering has offered a chance to find an internship hosting company. This was
done by writing a confirmation letter for all intern students to search for hosting company
following this we were directly going to submit our internship paper to Rise Engineering P.L.C
in the head office in addis ababa. Then they accepted us after one week. Rise Engineering is one
of the experienced plc that provides construction service throughout the city. When we start our
internship program the first site was on first floor school and the second site was on first
Columns is residence building. During our stay we have seen site work and office work.

3.2Sections we have been working in the company

We have been working in Addis Ababa in Rise Engineering PLC. In this project we had working
in site supervision work and some office work. In addition, to this we have a great opportunity to
introduce ourselves with the working environment and to relate the theoretical knowledge with
the practical one. in site supervision work composed of engineer and Forman that are
responsible for all kinds of activities that are accomplished on the site. Moreover, they make sure
that all kinds of activities are going according to the intended plan. Unfortunately we could not
able to about office work because during our internship program there wasn’t the office work
such as bill of quantities ,take off sheet, contract agreement ,cost estimation, scheduling .
However the site engineer guided us about some office work like how to read drawing, concrete
work that means amount of concrete that needed for the building at a time. We were unaware of
how should apply theoretical skill to practical we had been confused with the all environment
because there is a big difference theoretical engineering knowledge and On the ground.
3.3 How does the flow in the section look like

Different types of workers performing their own tasks in a way that enables to help and control
one another. Work is very important for the project management of any site project. A good
project management will maximize efficient resource utilization, development of effective
communication and mechanization for resolving conflicts among participants and proper
coordination and control the entire process.


3.4 The work pieces or work tasks that we have been executing
During our four month internship program, we have seen working in site supervision work and
some office work. Most of the time we observe the procedure for every works in the site. We
have seen superstructure.

Office work

 Reading drawing
 Concrete work takeoff and cost estimation
 Supervising

Reading and interpreting drawings

Drawings, in construction are tools which are used to convey information and communicate
between different professionals involved in the project. The architect provides architectural
drawings which describe the amount of space each room has with its location on the site. It
shows the final view of the house or project as a whole. Then there’s structural drawing which is
provided by a structural engineer. It gives the detail of the structural members such as beams,
columns, with their detail rebars. There are also sanitary and electrical drawings which provide
the detail of placing the conduits used for their own purposes.

As we mentioned on the above we were unable access about office work in detail however the
site engineer gave us the structural and architectural design of the project B+G+15.we had no
acess about electrical and sanitary design. We tried to study each detail and the site engineer
mohhamed guided as how to interpreted to the ground . It helped us to improve our skill of
understanding the drawing and imaging it as a 3D model. It also helped us to priorly know and
understand what will be constructed at the site. we’ve accumulated a good understanding of them
and I can now communicate using the drawings with the other workers on site.

Concrete work take off and cost estimation


Concrete work takeoff sheet is the amount concrete that needed for the building, based on the
plan specification. It can also be calculated by multiplying the length, width, and height of the
space that we want to fill with concrete then we got the precise quantity of concrete needed for a

1. Beam concrete
When we calculate amount of concrete, we divided by it section for instance we can take
Length=c.c-both of the h.c =2.76-0.8=1.96
Width = 0.3
c.c=centre to centre length of the beam
h.c= half column 1 and 2
volume of concrete=0.5*0.3*1.96=0.294m3

Figure1 beams main bar in AutoCAD

Figure2 beam stirrup

Similarly for column, stair and slab can be calculated according to the above formula.



According to the following form the whole activity is checked by it. due to the numerous
numbers of labors and other stuff if not supervised properly it may cause to many problem to the
the project Such not qualified material, scarce of labors also used to control responsible
person that execute on the site and to be transparent the all performing task.

Table daily monitoring form

Daily Monitoring Date______

No House Current activity Crew Responsible No of days Work that Reasons Remark
number body the task can be why there is
has started executed no activity

Discussing on problems and giving a solution

During my first weeks we continuously discussed with the site engineers on the site drawings
and suggested what would be economical and what would be safer in terms of design and
execution. We also discussed raising hypothetical problems that could occur at the site and what
the solutions of these problems or situations would be.

Site work
When we arrived on the site , they had been working bar arrangement of first floor with
in fourth month we had only saw superstructure the g+15 residence building. however as it was
the first day of our internship program on the site ,we introduce our self to the all community and
we were also guided about equipment, material and general overview about the building
processes from mat foundation up to first floor slab . The list of site works that we’ve
participated during our training are the following;

- Super structure: - Superstructure is a part of a building above the ground level, also is a
structure of building above a sub structure is known as super structure. This


superstructure of the site work includes columns, beams, slabs, and staircase. Therefore,
we have seen each procedure one by one discussed as follows:-

 Arrangement of Reinforcement bar /column, beam, slab, and stair/

 Slab construction

 Concrete work

 HCB For partition wall and plastering

Arrangement of Reinforcement bar /column, beam, slab, and stair/

Is used to record re bar shape, dimension and number, position etc. taken from structural detail
and helps to prepare the work order with minimum wastage, to know the number of 12m re bar
(berga) and manage wastage easily there are 9 criteria should be considered.
 Diameter of the bar
In our site we had been using 7 type of bar such as ⌀6, ⌀8, ⌀10, ⌀14, 16, ⌀20, ⌀24.
 length of bar 12m that produce in akaki kaliti there fore the bar bender(ferayo) manage
the length with minimum wastage based on the design
 weight of the bar (W=D²×L/162kg/m) It used to know the cost when the amount of bar
used on the site is a lot It counted or measured by its weight
 bend deduction and length of the bar should know for instance stirrup bending has four
type depend on bending length such as 45⁰=1d ,90=2d,135=3d ,180 =4d we have to
consider the additional bar length, When we cut the berrga because the total length Is
more than 12m.

Figure 3 bar bender


 Bending of bar and hooks

For footing

 For bending length = 10d to 16d

Take b.L=13d
Total length = n.l+13d+13d

Hooks function /developmental length

 prevent seismic movements

 prevent concrete from splitting outward
 prevent slippage of steel from concrete
 keep longitudinal bar in position
The support condition is depended on environment and type of soil. If developmental length
equal to hooks, It is fixed support. If developmental length /3 equal to hooks, it is pin connection
Pin connection is used for clay soil and it need more amount of bar than fixed and roller
connection we use in that constructed around beach Fixed connection is used for rocky soil and it
need Less amt of bar than roller or pin.

 crank and joggle of bar

Function of crank
 to decrease failurity risk
 to resist negative moment
 to resist lateral load for column
Crank length = 0.42d
joggle for column J=6d

 overlapping of reinforcement
The goal of overlapping of reinforcement is to keep the steel bars connected so that the
load can be safely transferred from one steel bar to the next. Hence the main functions of
overlapping of reinforcement are; To maintain the continuity of steel. To transfer the load
safely from one bar to the next bar.
over lap should along compression zone for beam because bar is not needed on
compression zone
Overlap length =50d



Figure4 overlap of the beam

 no of bar
Length of x (Lx)=(Ly/spacing )+1
Length of y (Ly)=(Lx/spacing )+1

for stirrup = (actual /spacing)+1

Total length of bar = × l.b
2.7 Slab construction
Slab is a flat plate structure of building which is provide a level surface capable of supporting the
occupants of a building, equipment, furniture’s and sometimes internal partitions. It is important
to carry live load and dead load for services in the function of building. When we arrived on the
site , they have been working bar arrangement of first floor slab. In our project we absorb that the
solid slab which is made up from concrete and steel bar. During the solid slab construction, the
main thing to be done was formation of slab formwork or placement of panels and spacer.
Carpenter accomplished this activity. There are two type of spacer concrete spacer and bar

1. Concrete cover (SPACER )

 Spacers are materials (either reinforcement bars or wire-imbedded concrete) which provide
space for the concrete to cover the reinforcement bars in columns, beams, slabs, foundations,

 The cover to reinforcement is required for the following reasons:

 To protect the steel against corrosion

 To provide sufficient bond or adhesion between steel and concrete


 To ensure sufficient protection of the steel in a fire

 For slab – 1.5cm up and down

 For staircase -1.5cm, all side.

 For column – 2.5cm all sides.

 For beams -2.5cm all sides.


The main function of this bar is to separate the top & the bottom bar of the slab to get the design
depth of the slab. It is mostly made with φ8 & φ10 bars
A solid slab consumes more concrete than other type of slab then it is uneconomical but the solid
slab has high strength and durable with comparing ribbed slab.

Concrete spacer

Positive bar

. Negative bar
Figure 5 Before casting reinforcing slab
Before casting

 Woods are prepared to desired height.

 Then the panels were placed on the wood support (props).

 After this bar bender will form the wire, mesh-reinforcing bars ,⌀8 for negative bar, ⌀10
positive bar will be placed.


 Then tied spacers on both side of concrete

 Main bars will be tied to the bottom bars

 This bars will extend up to the level required

 Stirrup will be tied according to the reinforcement detail.

 As we mentioned on the above Showing drawing diameter, spacing, number, lengths, method
of tying and bending dimension of main reinforcement bar in accordance with the drawing

 Cleanliness of all reinforcement bars (free from dirt, paint, oil, rust and other foreign

 Reinforcement overlap’s location and length to be as shown in the drawing

 Proper provision and fixing of electrical conduits and sanitary pipes Approve the work
permit above before placing concrete

2.6 Beams
A beam is a structural element that is capable of withstanding load primarily by resisting bending
The bending force induced into the material of the beam as a result of the external loads, own
weight, span and external reactions to these loads is called a bending moment. Beams generally
carry vertical gravitational forces but can also be used to carry horizontal loads (i.e. loads due to
an earthquake or wind). The loads carried by a beam are transferred to columns, walls, or girders,
which then transfer the force to adjacent structural compression members. Procedure for
Construction of beam The first thing to construct the beam is preparing formwork, in our site
formwork for beams are prepared along with slabs, beams formwork have two side parts and one
bottom part (soffit) the two side part of the formwork is called side sponda and the soffit part is
called phondo. The carpenters call it. They also use Cravat, cravat is a wood nailed with side
sponda used to catch it strongly during the concrete fill and vibrating process.After the formwork
is prepared top and bottom reinforcements bars are placed, and then the stirrups are placed
following their spacing in the drawing and when they finished working on the stirrups the bottom
bars are slide through the stirrups.The reinforcement on the beam are classified into three based
on their place of use, they are


o Positive bars – These kinds of bars are mainly use to resist the positive moment. This
moment is mostly developed at the mid span on the beams and these positive bars are
placed at the mid span.

o Negative bars – these are bars used to resist negative moment .most of the time they are
found at the support of the beams. They are placed at 1/3 of the span length.

o Stirrups: – They are placed to provide diagonal shear resistance.

The uses of stirrups

 To resist shear

 To restrict the growth of diagonal tension cracks

 To tie longitudinal bars

 To improve ductility



Before casting

 Woods are prepared to desired height.


 Conformity of the formwork with approved formwork design

 Check the quality of formwork

 Conformity with the approved formwork design i.e. dimension, shape, strength, method of
fixing, rigidity, bracing detail and method of removing the formwork.

 Reinforcement diameter, number and overlap length should be cheeked

 Stirrup spacing should be checked

 Check provision of spacer (type, shape, dimension, spacing and method of fixing it to
maintain the required concrete cover)

 Check stock balance (volume of the required material for the required concrete volume man
power equipment


Stairs are set of steps leading from one floor to another and are provided in building to afford a
means of communication between the various floors, steps arranged in series and placed in an
enclosure is called stair case.


 Woods for soofit are prepared to desired height supported by props.

 Conformity of the formwork with approved formwork design

 Cut a bar of diameter Ø14 andØ10 to suitable length as per the structural drawing

 Bend the bar to required shapes as per bar bending schedule

 Reinforce the stair by mounting the bars as per the structural drawing

 Place a spacer to provide clear space between the bottom mesh and the top negative
reinforcements at the landings

 Provide nosing reinforcement withØ10 bars

 Tie it with purlin to make it firm


Figure 7 stair case before casting

An expansion joint is used in concrete and steel. An expansion joint allows the concrete or
steel to expand or contrace with daily temperature variations if you don’t allow this, you
may get buckling, or spalling, or total failures.


.4.3 concrte work

Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand, aggregates and water. Sometimes admixture will be added
to enhance workability and setting of concrete.The mix is designed to have the grades of
concrete having the required workability and characteristics strength not less than the appropriate
values Concrete are used in construction for different purposes

- It is less costly compared with other materials.

- Its strength and durability.


It is good compression and used as a complex material with steel.

2.5 Component of concrete

Cement a finely ground inorganic material which has cohesive & adhesive properties which able
to bind two or more materials together into a solid mass. Cohesion is the tendency of a material
to maintain its integrity without separating when subjected to external force, Adhesion is the

1. Tendency of a material to bond to another material. The binding properties of cement is

affected by type of cement used and the amount of water added

2. Corse and Fine aggregate Coarse Aggregate contribute the large portion of the mix, it
contribute more of the total content and contribute a great role in increasing shear strength.Fine
aggregate (sand) Sand is used as a fill between aggregates and this avoids presence of voids
between aggregate materials. Also the presence of sand in concrete mix with a certain ratio is
needed to reduce the quantity of cement to be used.

3. Water has a significant role in making of concrete in mixing and curing process for hardening
concrete. The water used for mixing and curing has to be pure, potable water is generally
considered to be suitable for concreting.

4. Admixtures are additives that are introduced in concrete mix process to modify the properties
of concrete in its fresh and hardened states. The amount of admixture to be added varies in
accordance to the manufacturer specification.

Properties of concrete

Concrete is associated with high strength, hardness, durability, imperviousness and mouldability.
It is a poor thermal insulator, but has high thermal capacity. Concrete is not flammable and has
good fire resistance, but there is a serious loss of strength at high temperatures. Concrete made
with ordinary Portland cement has low resistance to acids and sulphates but good resistance to


Concrete is a relatively expensive building material for farm structures. The cost can be lowered
if some of the Portland cement is replaced with pozzolana. However, when pozzolanas are used
the chemical reaction is slower and strength development is delayed.

The compressive strength depends on the proportions of the ingredients, i.e., the cement-water
ratio and the cement aggregate ratio. Since the aggregate forms the bulk of hardened concrete, its
strength will also have some influence. Direct tensile strength is generally low, only l/8 to 1/14
of the compressive strength and is normally neglected in design calculations, especially in design
of reinforced concrete.

Properties of fresh concrete :- When preparing a concrete mix, the main concern is to produce
a concrete mix having the required properties, which is easy to handle when fresh and serves the
purpose it is intended for.

The important properties are:

 Workability – is the ease with which a concrete can be mixed, placed and finished.

 Consistency – is the term used to denote the degree of wetness or fluidity of concrete

 Segregation – is the separation of coarse aggregate from the paste, which results from
uncontrolled pumping or falling, placing under water and placing concrete in heavily reinforced

 Bleeding – separation of clear water from the cement paste of mortar or concrete. The
concrete surface becomes weak & porous

As we mentioned on the above before casting the concrete the vertical and horizontal
alignment(in construction site name ligna) was checked by using different method such as
tunbi ,wuhalik gemed then it could ready for concrete casting. In our site concrete bought from
asmelash construction plc for the first floor all structural component (column, beam, stair,
slab ,shear wall). For slab c-20
And c-25 for column. The concrete transported by mixing track and fill by elephanter.
During casting the following should be considered

 Check the availability of enough man power and machineries

 The appropriate use of vibrator


After casting

When concrete has gained to the required strength, the formwork is removed. The process of
removing formwork is called dismantling. After dismantling, the removed formwork is reused
their structural element. After casting the following should be considered.
 Check the time frame for the removal of formwork
 colomn,wall and vertical column 16-24 hour
 for soffit formwork to slab 3days(props to be refixed after removal )
 for soffit formwork to beam props 7days (props to be refixed after removal)
 Spinning up to 4.5m 7days
 Spinning over 4.5m 14days
 Footing 16-24 hours
 Staircase 5days

 Proper curing (7days)

 Handling of executed works
 Check if there is segregation
 Check the way of handling the executed works.



Figure 9 Concrete casting of the whole floor

First floor column


we’ve also seen how a column is casted on the site. Based on the above criteria we had been
using, ⌀20 as main bar and , ⌀8 for sirrup .According to the drawing the bars of the column is
prepared and braced . A cracher is placed at the bottom which holds the formwork in the correct
position. The cracher is a wood of 5cm width which is prepared according to the column size. It
also helps to set the centerline of the columns because after casting concrete the slab bar may
move from its center. Two gindilas are prepared to support the formwork at a distance. The
column form work is prepared elsewhere with one side open and is inserted in the cracher around
the column bars. The forth piece of formwork is put and attached with the existing one by using
kerebat. Nails are used in this process since casting dimantling of form work was possible. The
kerebat also helps protect the buckling out of the formwork when concrete is poured and
vibrated. They also use it as a ladder to move up and down on the formwork for work purpose.

A stanga is used to connect the top part of the formwork with the gindila in two sides making
perpendicular to each other. Two nails are put on the top kerebat which will be used to check the
verticality of the formwork by using a plumb-bob. When the verticallity is accurately
perpendicular to the ground, the stanga will be nailed to the gindila to keep it at its place it called
in construction megdel. After both sides of the formwork is cheked by using tubi and the
verticallity approved, the columns will be ready to be casted.

The site photos will illustrate this process as follow are





Center of column
figure 10 column before casting

shear wall
a shear wall is a two-dimensional vertical element of a system that is designed to resist in-
plane lateral forces, typically wind and seismic loads. A shear wall resists loads parallel to the
plane of the wall. Collectors, also known as drag members, transfer the diaphragm shear to shear
walls and other vertical elements of the seismic force resisting system. Shear walls are typically
light-framed or braced wooden walls with thin shear-resisting panels on the framing surface, or
are reinforcing concrete walls, reinforced masonry walls, or steel plates


Figure 11 shear wall


Block work includes identifying the block size to be used. For our case there are two types
hollow concrete blocks (HCB) according to their sizes one (40cm×20cm×20 cm) and another
(40cm×20cm×15cm). The first one is used for external walls, internal wall and common
corridor. in our site hcb casted without the schedule because of at the side of the structure there is
a high energetic electric wire, so they had to been prepare a protection to protect laborer from
the accident


Figure 12 Hollow Concrete Block

Our ability while performing tasks

When we were performing these tasks, it was the first time to see how the plan on the paper
works are put on the ground .so using this knowledge of little practical skills it is hard to perform
some tasks effectively in the first time. So, we had to take this internship program to develop my
practical skills .in the first periods rather performing task we were trying to introduce our self to
real parts of engineering works.
After all these technical developments of our self we tried our best to do the tasks as they told as
to having some additional works I got our self in to the place of doing the tasks as it is
needed to be done. Especially. as time was going by, we want to know more and more, as we
found the work extremely interesting so we tried to visit other site nearby to gather more
knowledge, although most were unfortunately unsuccessful considering shortage of time in our
particular case .so taking under considering my ability to perform works became mildly better
which gave us a good confidence in performing the tasks we had during the time periods of my


As we expected, we faced so many problems during internship program we listed as follow

 Communicate with the coworker, because the word they use on the site (site language) are
new ,and which are totally confusing and hard to memorize in the first few weeks of the
internship period.

 We should had been wake at the morning because of lack transport

 Because of lack of material and the company couldn’t afford for the material specially bars
cost was too high. we had stopped for long time.
 Safety material was not enough such as helmet ,fire extinguisher and the working
environment was expose for thief it was not well fenced




As we have said earlier, we spent the last four months on an internship practice in Rise
Engineering p.l.c. by practicing the theoretical knowledge that we learnt before with compare to
practical knowledge. During the internship period, we have got the chance to upgrading our
theoretical knowledge on construction of different reinforced concrete structures. The other thing
that we have been participated during the internship program was preparing of different take-off
sheet in office. And it helps us upgrading on some office work that we executed. In addition, we
were able to visit other construction site. The internship program was a most valuable time
during which we were able to improve our social and ethical skill, beyond the professional skill.
And we were able to improve our interpersonal relationship on making effective communication,
working with different employers and soon. Finally, we can conclude that the internship time
was totally so nice and we have completed the program efficiently.

For our hosting company:-There are some problems that we try to recommend. These are as
 Sometime the company doesn’t pay a salary on the specified day and also it doesn’t give all
salary at the desired day this creates a conflict between the company and the workers so we
try to recommend the company to pay the salary on time.

 Most of the site workers do not wear safety close, safety shoes and helpmate hence we try
to recommend the company to fulfill the above safeties to the site workers to protect them
from sudden injuries.

 The company has no sufficient store. For instance the re bars are exposed to rain and it
affected by corrosion; the course aggregate and the sand is eroded by rain and moved by
vehicles hence it is near the road. So we recommend the company to prepare sufficient
store to keep the construction material in safe manner.

For my university:-even if my university provides the opportunity of internship program we

recommend the following points:-

 Most of the time the teaching and learning system is theoretical focused this creates
problem when we start our internship program; so we recommend our university if the


course is more practical focused to create professional citizen both in theoretical and in
practical knowledge.

 The supervision and assistant from the department was not sufficient. Therefore we suggest
the department to arrange more frequent contact between the university advisors and the
intern student.


The internship experience was very essential for students to improve both our
practical and theoretical knowledge regarding the construction methods. In addition to
the construction methods we learned we developed different qualities of a
professional engineer like team playing skills, leadership skills, self-confidence and
work ethics Also this program create an opportunity to think, in what way we should
learned and how to applied at engineering work, how we will communicate in the
working environment and gives us job opportunity.

Generally we can conclude that the four months of internship was a very great
experience which gave us an invaluable knowledge regarding the construction
industry and different methodologies of constructions.


▪ Dilla university building construction material Lecture handout
▪ Company profile document
▪ Course related books
▪ Daily site diary


Some Site Languages
Cabeleto-Metal spacer placed between upper (negative bar) and lower (main bar) to keep
space between them.
Crashery: It is a wooden matarial used to support column form work or panels
Grilla: reinforcement bar mesh under footing pad
Tumbi-plumb bob to check vertical alignment.
Panel- steel Formwork
Bohuaka-mixture of cement and water
1Berga -12 m reinforcement bar
Kerebat-tie wood for column formwork
Christ –steel or wooden material to support vertically
Rega-steel or wooden material used for plastering and cement screed(lisho)
Ferayo-bar bender
Kabo-gang chifes


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