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Name: Shyla Mae P.

Del Rosario
Course & Section: BSE 3A

A Letter to My Future Self

As I sit down to write this letter to my future self, I can't help but ponder on the emotional
roller coaster that the last few years have been. It was, without a question, a bittersweet
event that will live on in my memories. It was as if the universe had decided to slap me hard
in the face, waking me up to the harsh reality looming ahead of me. I am writing this letter in
the hopes that in the future, when it's God's perfect time, you'll be able to read this. To my
future self, I hope you're done doubting your abilities, questioning your purpose, and feeling
overwhelmed by the uncertainty that life has thrown at you.

I'm writing this letter to you as the sun sets, an ethereal lullaby lulling the day to sleep. The
dying day is whispering its goodbye in fiery hues. My surroundings are serene, which is the
polar opposite of how I am feeling on the inside. To you, my dearest future self, I hope
you've already embraced your flaws and imperfections. I am certain you still make errors. I
am aware that you continue to have doubts, concerns, and vulnerabilities. I know you still
have scars on your body and heart, as well as inner demons. All I can hope for is that you've
grown to accept and embrace them, flaws and all. There will be instances when you are
extremely sensitive, fragile, and emotional, like you are right now. Please maintain your
fortitude throughout those trying times. There will be times when you feel inadequate, but
please remember that you can always do something to improve yourself. Remember and
draw strength from all the times you've overcome hurdles in the past. Keep pushing forward
and never forget why you began this journey in the first place. Please keep in mind that this
is all for Mama and Papa. Let me remind you that you are not giving up until you have given
them the finest life possible. Regardless of your goal, I hope you're resting and nurturing
yourself more. You spent your entire youth longing to be an adult, breathlessly awaiting the
rite of passage that would provide you the maturity you craved. Now that you're an adult, I
hope you're not overburdened by the duties that come with adulthood.

You're fantastic at overthinking everything. Stop doing that. Have fun with your life. Be
responsible and cautious, but not to the point of sacrificing your happiness. Stop fretting
because you will have plenty of opportunities to do whatever you want. Step outside, take a
deep breath, and enjoy the lovely fragrance of the flowers around you. Close your eyes
when you feel the sun on your skin and thank God that it never fails to shine down on you.
Take a bite and sip of something delicious and relish every moment without worrying about
gaining weight. Are you still concerned about gaining belly fat and bulky arms? Don't be
overly concerned with societal expectations. You'll become even more wonderful when you
get older. Increase your physical activity! Don't be a slacker. Do you get enough sleep? I
hope you've been able to improve your sleeping habits because you're not getting any
younger. Enjoy as you treat your family with your own bank account that you hopefully
acquired by now. You’ve earned it. I am proud of you.

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