Class 12 English Core Sample Paper 07

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Sample Paper 7
Class XII Exam 2023-24
English-Core (301)
Time Allowed : 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions:
1. 15-minute prior reading time allotted for Q-paper reading.
2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections READING, WRITING and LITERATURE.
3. Attempt question based on specific instructions for each part. Write the correct question number in your
answer sheet to indicate the option/s being attempted.


I. Read the passage given below. 10

1. Online teaching is evidently different from that in a classroom teaching. It may seem difficult to envision
not teaching the way in which you would in your standard classroom setting, however, remote education
is an alternate arrangement with benefits, which requires a different teaching methodology. In order to
make the most of this time, help your students with a variety of written texts from existing sources or
online course readings, articles, websites, recordings from trustworthy resources. Teachers can also
make their own content, including lengthy discussions, visually appealing slideshows, or other course
materials. Since all of this can be reused, the effort required presently will pay off in future years.
2. Another way to maximise on written content is to point out the significant parts of your static content.
And then in the video lessons later, you could feature things you need your students to concentrate on
in a concentrated manner. In asynchronous teaching, quizzes and other assignments assist students in
connecting with the course content and show off their learning skills. Also, ensure whether the students
have understood the written material, give immediate feedback, or even organize more tests with a
limited time setting.
3. An all-around planned online-teaching session makes solid social interaction among students as well
as encourages and extends their learning. Prepare questions that are debatable to urge them to relate
new ideas to their own lived experiences or give clear guidelines, agendas, or topics with the goal that
students know what you need them to do, when, and how. Get into conversations with them on one-to-
one or non-to-many levels every week, so you can encourage their co-development of information with
more questions, explanations, and understanding.
4. When you are teaching in a traditional classroom setup, you do a great deal of things to assist students
with feeling welcome and pleasant. You welcome them. You grin. You look. You even answer questions.
You show your help in innumerable manners. And when the physical classroom is not appealing
anymore, you do a great deal to improve the atmosphere to make it progressively pleasing again and,
in this manner, it increasingly helps in learning. Apply that equivalent rule to your online classes. A
conscious effort to make them more welcoming is probably going to bring out the best in both you and
your student. Make education more inspiring so that students can prevail with the assistance of visuals,
media, intuitive apparatuses, and learning exercises.

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Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below.

i. Complete the sentence by choosing appropriate and all-inclusive options.

Online teaching is different from classroom teaching primarily in the way _____.
1. it requires effective use of technology
2. it uses static content more effectively
3. it requires richer content and visually appealing slideshows
4. it is a better way of learning if implemented well
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 4 (d) 1 and 3

ii. Comment on the writer’s inference that collating online teaching materials and personal course content
made by a teacher are investments with dividends even in the future.

iii. List the two ways in which a teacher can make the most of their time preparing and collating online
1. __________
2. __________

iv. Select the option that conveys the opposite of ‘asynchronous’, from words used in paragraph two.
(a) concurrent
(b) chronological
(c) digital
(d) relative

v. The writer would not agree with the given statements based on paragraph two, EXCEPT _____.
(a) only static content can be maximized while teaching
(b) static content can be supplemented with online resources
(c) teachers should treat dynamic content as having more potential
(d) static and dynamic content can complement each other

vi. Online teaching sessions help in extending the learning of students in different ways. Based on your
understanding of paragraph 3, list another major advantage that these have for both teachers and learners.

vii. Why is it fair to say this about regular interactions between teachers and students- ‘The more you
converse, the better is the depth and graph of their learning.’

viii. Complete the given sentence with an appropriate inference, with respect to the following.
A teacher puts _____ class to hold the interest of the pupils.

ix. How can the solutions, suggested in paragraph four best be described?
(a) ordinary (b) extraordinary
(c) doable (d) far-fetched

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x. Select the most suitable option that substantiates the statement: Apply that equivalent rule to your online
(a) grinning and pleasing
(b) appealing and smiling
(c) welcoming and inspiring
(d) helping and answering

II. Read the passage given below. 10

1. The Bermuda Triangle, a region of the Atlantic Ocean defined roughly as the area between Florida,
Puerto Rico, and Bermuda, is a hotspot of legend and mystery for navigators and writers alike. Countless
airplane and ship disappearances have been credited to the ominous forces of the Bermuda Triangle. Long
before the Triangle even had a name, William Shakespeare was inspired by the stories of this Caribbean
mystery when he wrote one of his most famous plays, The Tempest. Despite the long history of wrecks and
disappearances in this patch of ocean, story and myth persist around the reason why the Bermuda Triangle
claims so many tragedies. Few can decide which tale to believe. One rather explosive theory points to the
geochemical action of methane gas on the seafloor. When soils on the seafloor shift, methane gas that was
trapped underneath can erupt in a flurry of bubbles. Some theorize that the “bubbly” ocean water from
such a release could decrease the density of the water, making it harder for a passing ship to stay afloat. If
the highly flammable methane gas could rise into the atmosphere, some believe that a passing plane could
explode from the interaction of the plane engines with the methane.
2. This theory would explain why so many ships and airplanes seem to disappear without a trace in the
Bermuda Triangle. Unfortunately, the enormous distances the methane gas would have to travel from
seafloor to atmosphere cast doubt on the feasibility of this theory. Some blame the Bermuda Triangle’s
turbulent history on the perilous Sargasso Sea that lies within the Triangle’s boundaries.
3. This sea is unique in that its borders are defined not by land, but by the powerful currents that surround it.
In the middle of these currents, the still nearly windless waters harbour dense mats of floating seaweed.
It’s no wonder that even today, abandoned ships are found trapped by coiling plants. With no winds to
move ships safely onwards, the Sargasso Sea has long posed a danger to ships that rely on the power of
the winds for propulsion and steering.
4. While the Sargasso Sea may explain some of the dangers ships face when navigating the Bermuda
Triangle, it fails to account for the dozens of planes and ships that have disappeared without a trace.
Skeptics claim that the disappearances of the Bermuda Triangle are unremarkable when the physical
and weather-based challenges travellers face in this portion of the ocean are considered. The Triangle is
prone to storms and hurricanes that can confuse navigators and cause equipment to malfunction. Some
parts of the Triangle are full of sharp coral that can rip holes in ships and cause them to sink. Deep
pockets and trenches in the ocean floor may hide the remains of wreckages that are commonly believed
to have disappeared without a trace. Whatever the true cause of the Bermuda Triangle tragedies, this area
will indisputably be a source of lore and intrigue for years to come.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below.
i. Choose the most appropriate statement to complete the sentence.
Story and myth persist around the countless reasons _____.
(a) why the bermuda triangle originated in this part of the ocean
(b) why it claims lives at sea and not on land
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(c) why Shakespeare wrote about the Caribbean mystery

(d) Why the Bermuda Triangle claims so many lives

ii. What is the general consensus of opinion about the Bermuda Triangle?

iii. Select the option that conveys the idea of an aeroplane above the Bermuda Triangle.
(a) such a plane would sink downwards with the methane gas exploding in the air
(b) such a plane would suck up the methane gas rising into the atmosphere
(c) such a plane could explode in mid air with the methane gas from the sea bed here, rising into the
(d) such a plane would provide a horrifying experience for the passengers in the plane

iv. Complete the sentence based on the following statement.

Some blame the Bermuda Triangle’s turbulent history on the _____.

v. Select the option that defines the perilous conditions in the sea bottom of the Bermuda Triangle.
(a) The windless waters of the area are the homes of dangerous seaweeds.
(b) The windless waters within the surrounding currents contain dense mats of floating seaweed.
(c) The windless waters within the surrounding seaweed contain enormous amounts of shipwrecked
(d) The windless waters contain enormous amounts of currents from the Sargasso Sea.

vi. Give one favourable explanation about the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle and the disappearance of

vii. The explanations provided about shipwrecks at the Bermuda Triangle include _____.
(a) the presence of sharp edged coral and the remains of shipwrecks
(b) the presence of deep seated reefs rising to the surface
(c) the presence of floating masses of shipwrecks that wreck havoc on passing vessels
(d) the presence of a combination of debris from shipwrecks, dead coral and dense seaweed

viii. What is the major takeaway from the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle?

ix. Complete the sentence appropriately.

William Shakespeare was inspired _____.
(a) by this Caribbean accident when he wrote the famous play, ‘The Tempest’.
(b) by the Bermuda Triangle and began to imagine it in a play about tempests
(c) by this Caribbean mystery when he wrote the famous play ‘The tempest’.
(d) by this Caribbean Mystery and decided to make it eternal in his plays.

x. State a point to challenge the given statement.

The Bermuda Triangle is a hotspot of legend and mystery for navigators and writers alike.

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All the names and addresses used in the questions are fictitious. Resemblance, if any, is purely
1. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5
A. You are Manak/Meera, the Head Boy/Girl of St. Giri Public School, Mathura. Write a notice in about 50
words informing the students about the debate competition in the school on the topic ‘School Uniforms
Should be Banned’.
B. You are Health Secretary, Students Council Citizens Public School, Ram Bagh, Varanasi. The Council
has decided to start from the second of October a week-long cleanliness drive around the school. Draft
a notice in about 50 words asking the Class XI students to enrol for the drive.

2. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5

A. Sakshi, the secretary of the English Literature Society of St. Francis Convent Senior Secondary School,
Gurugram, has to organise as Interschool Extempore competition for students of classes IX—XII. You
wish to invite Rajat Sharma, the eminent media personality to preside over the function to be held on 30
September, 20xx, at 11:00 a.m. Write the letter of invitation in 50 words.

B. Mr and Mrs Tiwari want to invite all their friends and acquaintances to the wedding of their granddaughter
Deepika. Design an invitation card for the wedding inventing the necessary details, in 50 words.

3. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5

A. Sunflower Public School, Jaipur, requires 2 sports coaches (one male and one female). Each should be a
degree holder in Physical Education as well as an SAI certified coach in athletics. Write an application
in 120-150 words along with your resume. You are Prateek/Payal, House No. 109, Azadpur, Delhi.

B. You are Rajat/Raveena, a resident of Gwalior. You feel students should use the Internet mostly for
gaining knowledge rather than wasting time merely on entertainment. Write a letter in 120-150 words to
the Editor of The Economic Times pointing out how schools can control students net surfing at school
and enable them to use the Internet fruitfully.

4. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5

A. As a newspaper reporter, write a report of a train accident, the site which you visited. Your report should
be in 120-150 words.
B. You are Preeti/Pranay. You feel that India, with its rich and varied heritage, linguistic and cultured
diversity, is an excellent destination for tourism. Promoting tourism will surely promote our economy.
Write an article titled, ‘Promoting Tourism is Promoting Ourselves’, in 120-150 words, specifying the
advantages of promoting tourism and how it can be accomplished.
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IV. Read the given extracts to attempt the questions with reference to context.
1. Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. 1#6 = 6
1.A For once on the face of the Earth
Let’s not speak in any language
Let’s stop for one second,
and not move our arms so much.
It would be an exotic moment without rush,
without engines we would all be together
in a sudden strangeness.
(Keeping Quiet)

i. What is the tone of the poet in the above lines?

1. appeal
2. urge
3. request
4. command
Choose the most appropriate option.
(a) Only l (b) 1 and 2 both
(c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 3

ii. Identify the line from extract that advocates, Tor ceasing of words to emit a state beyond the domain of
language itself.’

iii. Which word the poet has used to employ the collectiveness in the poem?
(a) let’s
(b) we
(c) let’s and we
(d) Let’s, we and our

iv. Complete the analogy correctly. Do not repeat from used example.
Without rush : without engines :: Repetition : _____.

v. On the basis of the extract choose the correct option with reference to (1) and (2) given below.
1. The result of keeping quiet will be that there will be togetherness
2. Togetherness will foster harmony and brotherhood
(a) 1 is true 2 is false.
(b) 2 is true 1 is false.
(c) 2 is the result of 1.
(d) Both 1 and 2 cannot be concluded from the extract.

vi. Now count to twelve ; here twelve implies to _____.

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1.B And realised with pain

that she was as old as she looked but soon
put that thought away, and looked out at Young
Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling
out of their homes, but after the airport’s
security check, standing a few yards away,
I looked again at her, wan, pale.
(My Mother at Sixty-six)

i. What does the ‘Sprinting Trees’ signify?

ii. The poet has written the poem in free verse and does not use fullstop to _____.
(a) unbreak the thought process in the middle
(b) express the notion
(c) write in patterns of rhyme and meter
(d) enjoy the freedom of writing

iii. ‘_____ standing few yards away, I looked again at her wan pale,’ this displays Das’s persona of _____.

iv. ‘Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground’. The poetic device used in this line matches with

(a) Trees sprinting : personification

(b) Merry children spilling : simile
(c) That thought : Alliteration
(d) Young Trees. : Metaphor

v. The tone of the poet in the above extract is _____.

(a) Confessional
(b) Sorrowful
(c) Obliged
(d) Affectional

vi. On the basis of the extract choose the correct option with reference 1 and 2 given below.
1. The poet feels utterly bereft.
2. The poet was alarmed by the sudden realisation that old age had crept upon her mother.
(a) 2 is true 1 is false.
(b) 1 is true 2 is false.
(c) 2 is the reason for 1.
(d) 1 and 2 cannot be inferred from the extract.

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2. Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. 1#4 = 4

2.A Watching him she wondered if the stories they heard sometimes of the sufferings of prison were true.
They came like flickers of rumours told by the word of mouth and always contradicted. In the newspapers
the reports were always that whereever the Japanese armies went the people received them gladly, with
cries of joy at their liberation. But sometimes she remembered such men as General Takima ,who at
home beats his wife cruelly, though no one mentioned it now that he had fought so victorious in a battle
of Manchuria. If a man like that could be so cruel to a woman in his power, would he not be cruel to once
like this for instance?
(The Enemy)

i. Select the suitable word from the extract to complete the following analogy.
Kind : courteous :: Flash : _____.

ii. Which truth about General Takima is unknown to the people?

(a) Fought victoriously in the battle
(b) Beats his wife at home
(c) Won the battle of Manchuria
(d) Received cries of joy

iii. Based on the extract choose the option which is true for Hana.
1. She appreciates Japanese army
2. She is empathetic about women
3. She points the biased feature of newspaper
4. She wonders about the sufferings of prisoners
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 3, 2 and 1
(c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) none of the above

iv. Rewrite the sentence by replacing the underlined word with its inference in the extract.
‘... would he not be cruel to once like this for instance?

2.B Right at the ‘start, it is imperative to disclose a matter of vital importance about the Tiger King. Everyone
who reads of him will experience the natural desire to meet a man of his indomitable courage face to
face. But there is no chance of his fulfillment. As Bharat said to Ram about Dasarath, The Tiger King
had reached that final abode of all living creatures. In other words the Tiger King is dead.
(The Tiger King)

i. Complete the sentence appropriately with reference to the extract.

‘_____ As Bharat said to Ram about Dasarath that _____’.

ii. ‘_____ A man of his indomitable courage.’ is a satire on _____.

(a) people
(b) animals
(c) birds
(d) the conceit of those in power
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iii. The narrator says, ‘it is imperative to disclose the matter of vital importance about the Tiger King
_____’, The matter which the narrator wants to reveal is _____.
Choose the correct option in reference with context.
(a) The death of Tiger King
(b) The reason of death of Tiger King
(c) The lineage of incidents after the death of Tiger King
(d) None of the above

iv. Replace the underlined phrase in the following sentence from the phrase used in the extract. My
Grandmother passed away yesterday.

3. Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. 1#6 = 6

3.A My last French lesson! Why. I hardly knew how to write! I should never learn any more! I must stop
there, then! Oh, how sorry I was for not learning my lessons, for seeking birds’ eggs, or going sliding on
the Saar! My books, that had seemed such a nuisance a while ago, so heavy to carry, my grammar, and
my history of the saints, were old friends now that I couldn’t give up. And M Hamel, too; the idea that
he was going away, that I should never see him again, made me forget all about his ruler and how cranky
he was.
(The Last Lesson)

i. Select the proverb that best outlines the moral in the above extract.
(a) Procastination is the thief of time, Collar him ‘
(b) ‘Both positive and negative thinking are contagious.’
(c) An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
(d) The grass is always green on the other side of the fence.

ii. List the objects which seem intimidating to Franz.

iii. ‘My books that had seemed such a nuisance a while ago _____ were old friends now that I couldn’t give
up.’ In these lines Daudet has cited an example of _____.
(a) Irony : Verbal irony
(b) Irony : Situational irony
(c) Irony : Dramatic
(d) Irony : Conditional irony

iv. Complete the sentence appropriately with reference to the context.

The narrator has not learnt the lessons for seeking birds’ eggs because _____.

v. ‘_____ I should never learn anymore... .’ Protagonist of the story is repented for _____.
(a) Not learning the French Language
(b) Not paying attention in class
(c) Not listening to teacher
(d) Not going sliding on the Saar

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vi. The story in the extract matches with the cherishable fable _____.
(a) The Thirsty Crow
(b) The Hare and The Tortoise
(c) The Greedy Fox
(d) The Fox and The Crow
3.B ‘When I leave,’ Sophie said, coming home from school, ‘I’m going to have a boutique.’
Jansie linking arms with her along the street; looked doubtful.
‘Takes money, Soaf something like that.’
‘I’ll find it,’ Sophie said, staring far down the street.
‘Take you a long time to save that much.’
‘Well I’ll be manager then-- yes, of course.... to begin with, Till I’ve got enough. But anyway, I know
just how it’s all going to look.’
‘They wouldn’t make you manager straight off Soaf’
‘I’ll be Mary Quant,’ Sophie said. I’ll be a natural. They’ll see it from the start. I’ll have the most
amazing shop this city’s ever seen.’
Jansie, knowing they were both earmarked for the biscuit factory, became melancholy. She wished
Sophie wouldn’t say these things.
(Going Places)
i. Select the option which is best fit to Sophie and Jansie in the extract.
(a) Sophie : day dreamer, Jansie : pragmatist
(b) Sophie : down to earth, Jansie : status-pro
(c) Sophie : mature, Jansie : ambitious
(d) Sophie : smart, Jansie : timid
ii. Which of the following would NOT be the example of satire used in the extract?
(a) ‘_____ Well I’ll be the manager then...’
(b) ‘_____ I’ll be Mary Quant...’
(c) ‘_____ they were both earmarked for the biscuit factory’
(d) ‘_____ looked doubtful...’
iii. Write the word from the extract which is synonym of ‘desolation’.
iv. ‘_____ She wished Sophie wouldn’t say these things _____’ What was the significant thing which Jansie
might have wished that Sophie would not say as per the extract?

v. Sophie and Jansie are discussing _____ in the extract.

(a) About the Mary Quant
(b) About overcoming the struggle of their life
(c) About the future plan
(d) About the biscuit factory
vi. Identify the textual clue (phrase) that allows the reader to infer that Jansie is empathetic towards her
friend Sophie.
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V Answer ANY FIVE of the following in about 40-50 words each. 2 # 5 = 10

i. Why were M. Hamel’s words like a thunderclap to Franz?

ii. Mention the hazards of working in the glass bangles industry.
iii. What impression do you get of Douglas from the chapter ‘Deep Water’?
iv. Interpret the symbols found in the poem ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’.
v. What, according to Pablo Neruda, would be the ultimate end of man if the present scenario of wars
vi. Keats feels that Nature binds us to the Earth. How does he justify this statement?

VI. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50 words each. 2#2 = 4

i. What do you infer from Sam’s letter to Charley?

ii. Comment on the ending of the play ‘On the Face of It’.
iii. How did the Dewan manage to get the hundredth tiger for the Maharaja?

VII. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 120-150 words. 1#5 = 5

i. The peddler believed that the whole world is a rattrap. How did he himself get caught in the same?
ii. “The order from Berlin aroused a particular zeal in the school.” Comment.

VIII. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 120-150 words. 1#5 = 5

i. Both Derry and Lamb are victims of physical impairment, but much more painful for them is the feeling
of loneliness. Comment.
ii. In India, the so-called lower castes have been treated cruelly for a long time. Who advised Bama to fight
against this prejudice, when and how?


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Class 11 Statistics (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Biology (CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Mathematics (CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Physics (CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Chemistry (CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11Micro Economy (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist


Class 11Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Accounts (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Business Studies (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Psychology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Economics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Chemistry (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 English (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Biology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Biology Shorts (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 12 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Chemistry (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Biology(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Macro Economy (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12Economic (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Accountancy (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Business Studies (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Biology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Chemistry (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 12 CHEMISTRY (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Business Studies (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
NEET Biology in 1 min Click here for Playlist
Class 12 History (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Political Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Biology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 : Accounts (CBSE) Click here for Playlist

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