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Sample Paper 3 Solution Class X 2023-24 Science (086) Time: 3 Hours General Instructions: 1, Thi 2 ‘question paper consists of 39 questions in 5 sections, ‘Max. Marks: 80 All questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice is provided in some questions. A student is expected to attempt only one of these questions. 3. Section A consists of 20 Objective Type questions carrying 1 mark each. 4. Section B consists of 6 Very Short questions carrying 02 marks each. Auswers to these questions should in the range of 30 to 50 words ge of 50 to 80 words, Section C consists of 7 Short Auswer type questions carrying 03 sarks each. Answers to these questions should 6. Section D consists of 3 Loug Atwer type questions carrying 05 marks each, Auswer te these questions should b the range of 80 to 120 words. 7. Section E consists of 3 souree-based /ease-based units of assessment of 04 marks each with sub-parts, SECTION-A Select and write one most appropriate option out of the four options given for each of the questions 1 ~ 20. 1. A student determines the focal length of a device X, ly focusing the lmage of a far off object on the sereen positioned as shown in figure The device X Sereen (a) Convex lens (B) Concave tens (©) Conver mirror (@) Concave mirror Ans: (d) Concave mirror A concave mirror alone can form real image of distant object on the screen held in position, as shown in figure A.student traces the path of a ray of light through ‘a glass prisin for different angles of incidence. He aualysis each diagram and draws the following ‘conclusion: I. On entering pris its base, II Light ray suffers refraction at th incidence aud point of eamerge throngh the prism. II, Emergent ray bends at certain angle to the dicotion of the incident ray IV. While emerging from the prism, the light ray bends towards the vertex of the prism. Ont of the above inferences, the correct ones are: (a) 1, Wand I (>), Wand Vv (0, Mandy (a) Tandv u, the light ray beuds towards point of ice while passing Ans: (a) 1, Wand 111 Incident ray and the emergent ray on passing through the prism follows the different path. On relraction of a ray of light through the prisua, dhe emergent ray always bends at an angle with the incident ray called angle of deviation, Light ray suffers refraction at the poiut of in il point of emergence while passing through the prisi. The reaction that differs from the rest of the 5. given fae (a) formation of calcimn oxide from limestone (D) formation of aluminium from aluminium oxide (c) formation of sodium carbonate from sodium hydrogen carbonate (@) formation of mercury from merearic oxide Ans: (b) formationof aluminium from aluminium oxide (a), (c) and (¢) are the example of thermal decompesition. When Tinestone (CaCO,) is heated strongly. Tt forms calcium carbonate and carbon dioxide. CaCO3 > Cad + COz Like this, when (2NaHCO;) sodium hydrogen cathonate is heated, it form sodium carbonate carbon dioxide and water, When mercuric oxide is heated, mereury and oxygen is formed 20 > 2Hg +0, ‘DOWNLOAD FREE INDIA'S BEST STUDY MOBILE AFP 30 Samele Paper with Solutions CCheptervise Queston Bank of All Subject NCERT and Previous 16 Years Solved Papers Cate Study Questions with fll Sobtions Word File of Material for Teachers ‘So get Mobile app Link Wnatsapp at 89056 29969 Consider the following table : . Substance pH Lemon 28 Battery acid = Sea water 85 ‘Apple 3 ‘The value of & hi above table is fa) 0 (b) 13 fo) 25 (@) 19 z Aus: (a) 0 The value of 2 is 0. The value of pH of battery acid is zero. pH may be defined as a number by which negative power of 10 has to be raised in order to express the concentration of hydrogen ion of solution, Sample Paper 3 Solution CBSE Science Class 10 Which of the following structures is involved in gascons exchange in woody stem of a plant as shown in the figure? “4 (a) Stomata (>) Guard eat (©) Lenticel (@) Epidermis Ans: (c) Lentice! In woody stems, there is a special organ called lenticels which helps in the respiratory exchange of gases. Lenticels are the tissne which consists of large intercellular spaces in the periderm layer. ‘The tissues are porous in nature and functions as a pore which helps in direct exchange of gases in the ‘woody stems. A feature of reproduction that is common to Amocha, Spirogyra and yeast is that (a) they reproduce asexually (b) they are all unicellular (c) they reproduce only sexually (@) they are all multicellular ‘Ans: (a) they reproduce asexually Amocha, Spirogyra, and Yeast all reproduce by ‘the asexual method. Amocha reproduces by binary fission, Spirogyra by fragmentation, and Yeast by the budding method. All are unicellular organisms. Ethane (C:Hi) cn complete combustion gave CO, and water. Tt shows that the results are in accordauice with the lav of conservation of mas ‘Then, the coeficient of oxygen ix equal to (@ 7/2 (b) 3/2 © 32 @ 92 Page 3 Ans: (a) 7/2 Balanced chemical equation wnt, law of 10, conservation of mas. 1H, +40, — 200, + 31,0 The coefiat of Ct, 1, J for 04,2 for CO, tnd 3 or HO When white light passes through the achromatic combination of prisms, then what is observed ? (a) Deviation (b) Dispersion (c) Both deviation and dispersion (@) Atmospheric refraction ‘Ans: When white light passes through a prism It disperses into band of seven colours, But when two prism are combined in such a way that sum of angular dispersions of erown glass prisin and flint glass prism is zero then such a combination is achromatic combination of prisms. When white light passes through achromatle combination of pris intemally dispersed components of white light irom crown glass prism refract and mect together at the outer surface edge of Hint glass pris, so the refracted light from the achromatic combination of prisms become white light again with deviation only ‘without any dispersion (a) Deviation Magnesium reacts with hot water and steam both, Husuan body stores eacrgy in form of (a) Glucose (b) Insulin (c)elycogen (a) Fructose ‘Ans: (¢) glycogen Carbobydrates, such as sugar and starch, are readily broken down into glucose, the body's principal energy source. Glucose ean be used immediately as fuel, or can be sent to the liver and museles and stored as glycogen. No matter how far you stand from a mirzor, your Jmage appears ercct. The mirror is likely to be: (a) Plane (b) Concave {c) Convex (@) Either plane or convex Ans: (d) Bither plane or convex No matter whatever is the position of abject, a convex mirror always forms a virtual, erect and diminished image of the object placed in front of it whereas a plane mirror always formas a virtual, erect Sample Paper 3 Solution u. 2. 13. CBSE Science Class 10 and of the same size image as that of the object Phhoed in front of it. Therefore, the given mirror could be either plane or convex. What must be preserved in an ecosystem, if the system needs to be maintained? (a) producers and carnivores (b) producers and decomposers (c) Carnivores and decomposers (@)_Herbivores and carnivores ‘Ans # ‘The most important characteristics of any ecosystem are energy flow and eycling of materials. Producers and decomposers are indispensable for any ecosystem. Producers trap solar energy and convert it (b) producers and decomposers ito usable form as carbohydrates which are passed on to successive levels through food chains and food webs. The other important characteristic of the ecosystem is eyeling of materials. This is called ‘as biogeochemical eycles, in which decomposers ‘are most important because they will relesse the mineral nutrients back to the euviroument. Posture and balance of the body is controlled by (a) cerebrum (») cerebellum (@) medulla (@) pons Ans: (b) cerebellum, Cerebellum is the region which plays a major role in coordination of voluntary motor movement, balance ‘and equilibrium and muscle tone. Cerebellar damage canses disorder in coordination, speed, posture and motor learning, Magnesium ribbon is rubbed with saad paper before making it to burn, The reason of rubbing the ribbon is to: ‘Magnesium Ton ribbon “ Wateh-glass Bumer Page 4 4 15, (a) remove moisture condensed over the surface of ribbon. (D) generate heat due to exotheric reaction (c) remove magnesium oxide formed over the surface of magnesiuu. (€) mie silicon from sand paper (silicon dioxide) with magnesiom for lowering ignition temperature of the ribbon. Ans: (c) remove magnesium oxide formed over ‘the surface of magnesium When magnesium is exposed to air, a layer of oxide is formed on its surface and it gets corroded. So. as to remove the layer of axide formed (MgO). ‘magnesium ribbon is rubbed. Mineral acids are stronger acids than carboxylic acids because (i) mineral acids are completely ionized. (ii) carboxylic acids are completely ionized (iil) mineral acids are paztially ionized liv) carboxylic acids are partially ionized la) @and (iv) (b) (i) and (ii) fo) (a) (iit) and (iv) Ans: and (ii) (a) () and (iv) Mineral acids are stronger acids than carhocylic acids because mineral acids are completely ionised whereas carboxylic acids are partially ionised. Which among the following statements is incorrect {for magnesium metal? (a) Te bums in oxygen with a dazzling white flame, (b) Te reacts with cold water to form magnesium ‘excide and evolves hydrogen gas. (c) Te reacts with hot water to form magnesium hydroxide and evolves hydrogen gas. (a) Te reacts with steam to form magnesium hydroxide and evolves hydrogen gas. Sample Paper 3 Solution CBSE Science Class 10 Ans: (b) It resets with cold water to form magnesium oxide and evolves hydrogen gas. Magnesium does not react with cold water to give magnesium hydroxide and lydrogen Mg(s)-+ H,0 0) — Mg(OH).+ Hh(g) t 16. Exposure of silver chloride to sunlight for a long duration turns grey due to ae Sunlight China dish Silver chievide Which among the following statement(s) is(are) true? 1. the formation of silver by decomposition of silver chloride, 2. sublimation of silver chloride, 3. decomposition of chlorine gas from silver chloride, 4. oxidation of silver chloride. (a) Only 1 (b) Land 3 () 2anda (a) Only 4 Ans: (a) Only 1 Silver chloride decomposes to silver in presence of sunlight hence turns grey. Question no. 17 to 20 are Assertion-Reasoning based questions. 17, Assertion : Photosynthesis is cousidered as an endothermic reaction. Reason : Energy gets released in the process of photosynthesis, (a) Both Assertion and Reason are True and Reason is the corrcet explanation of the Assertion, (>) Both Assertion and Reason are True but Reason is not the Correct explanation of the Assertion, Page 5 18, 19, (c) Assertion is True but the Reason is False [d) Both Assertion and Reason are False. ‘Ans: (c) Assertion (A) is true but season (R) is false. Photosynthesis is considered as an endothermic reaction because energy in the form of sunlight is absorbed by the green plants ‘DOWNLOAD FREE INDIA'S BEST STUDY MOBWE AFP 30 Samele Papar with Solutions CCheptervise Queston Bank of All Subject NCERT and Frevious 1 Years Saved Papers Case Study Questions with fll Soutions Word File of Material for Teachers ‘So get Mobile app Link Whatsapp at 89056 28969 Assertion : Our body maintains blood sugar level Reason : Pancreas secretes insulin which helps to regulate blood sugar levels in the body: (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A). (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A). (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false. (a) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true. Ans: (@) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) fare true and reason (R) is the correct nation of assertion (A). Pancreas secretes insulin which helps to regulate blood sugar levels in the body. If the sugar level In blood rises, they are detected Ly the cells of the pancreas which respond by producing more insulin As the blood sugar level falls, insulin secretion seduced. Assertion : Artificial kidney is a device used to remove nitrogenous waste produets from the blood through dialysis. Reason : Reabsorption does not occur in artificial kidney (a) “Beth Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion, (D) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion. (c) Assertion is true but Reason is false. (a) Assertion is false but Reason is true, Ans: (c) Assertion is true but Reason is false. Sample Paper 3 Solution CBSE Science Class 10 Kidney failure can be ed b ial kidney. Tt is 2 device used to remove nitrogenous waste products fiom the blood througis dia Artificial kidney is different from natural kidney as the process of reabsorption dos not oceur in artificial kidney. Assertion : The product of resistivity and conductivity ofa conductor depends on the material of the conductor Reason : Because each of resistivity aud conductivity depends on the material of the conductor. (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are trae and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A). (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are trme Dut reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A). (6) Assertion (A) i (a) Asseetion (A) ‘Ans # ‘true but reason (R) is false false but reason (R) is true, (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is fale. Conduetivit Conductivity x resistivity SECTION-B Question no. 21 to 26 are very short answer questions. 21, What prevents the metals such as magnesium, aluminium, zine and lead from oxidation at ordinary ‘temperature ? ‘Ans : At ordinary temperature, the surface of metals such as magnesinm, alumininm, zine and lea, ete., are coverel with a thin layer of oxide. The protective oxide layer prevents the metals from further oxidation. Explain why sodium hydroxide solution cannot be kept in aluninium containers ? Write equation for the reaction that may take for the same. ‘Ans # Aluminium is an amphoteric metal, It reacts with NaOH to form NaAlO,. So, NaOH cannot be stored inan aluminium container. 2A1+2NaQH — 2NaAlO.+ H.(g) Page 6 22, 23, 2 25, If you keep the potted plant horizoutally for 2-3, days, what type of movements would be shown by the shoot and root after two ar three days. Why ? ‘Ans If we keep the potted plant horizontally for 2-3, days, shoots may grow upwards and away from the earth while roots always grow downwards. It happens because shoots are negatively geotropic and positively phototropic while roots are positively geotropic. On the basis of his experiments, Mendel established some rules which are called the rules of inheritance. They are (3) Law of Dominance, (il) Law of Segregation and (ili) Lave of Independent Assortment. What is meant by pollination? Name and erentiate between the two modes of pollination. in flowering plants. ‘Ans: Pollination : Is the process of transicr of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of flower. If this transfer of pollen occurs in the same flower oF flowers of same plant, it i referred to as self pollination whereas if the pollen is transferred from one flower to another of same species, it is known as cross pollination, State two positions in which a concave mirror produces a magnified image of a given object. List ‘wo differences between the two ‘Ans (i) When the object is placed infront of the mirror: (a) between tie pole and focus. (b) between the foeus and centre of curvature. (ii) In case (a) the image is virtual and erect [ifi) In case (b) the image is real and inverted. What is the difference between virtual images produced by concave, plane and convex mirror ? ‘Ans Virtual image produced by concave ‘magnified, that produced by plane mirror is of the same size and the virtual image produced by convex: iminvor is diminished. Sample Paper 3 Solution CBSE Science Class 10 26. Give two examples each of producers, consumers and decomposer. Ans : Producers : Green plants such as sugarcane plant, wheat plant, ete, Consumers : Animals sich as cow, goat, ete. : Certain saprophytie bacteria and fingi. ‘The microorganisms comprising bacteria and fimgi breakdown the dead bodies inte simpler forms and recycle nutrients in environment. These microorganisms are called decomposer. SECTION-C Question no. 27 to 33 are short answer questions. 27. An organic compound with molecular formula C.H,O reacts with sodium metal to produce hydrogen gas. Deduce the possible structure of the compound. Write the balanced chemical equation of the reaction. Ans : 2CH,CH,CH.OH | 2Na —+ 20H1,CH.CH,O° No +(e) ‘The possible structure of campound is propanol HOH a toi ot H=C—C—C—O-H HOW OH 28. Explain the following chemical changes, giving one ‘example in each ea (i) Displacement or substitution, (i) Dissociation (iii) Isomerisation reaction. ‘Ans: (i) Displacement or substitution reaction : The renction in which on atom or a group of atom: in the molecule is replaced by another atom or a group of atoms is called displacement ‘or substitution reaction, For example displaces copper from its sulphate solution. CuSO.+ Zn — Z080.+ Cu 20, 30, (ii) Dissociation reaction : When a substance breaks up into positive and negative ious water, it is called dissociation reaction. For example, acetic acid in water dissociates into CH.COO- CH.COOH + H.0 —=CH.COO + #.0" (iii) Isomerisation reaction : When a compound changes into another compound by simple wement of atoms, it is called an ‘tion reaction. Far example, NH.CNO + NH.CONH, and A ions Our government lauuches campaigns to provide information about AIDS prevention, testing and treatment by putting posters, conducting radio shows and using other agencies of advertisements. To which category of diseases AIDS belongs ? Name and explain, What is its causative organism 7 Also give two more examples of snch diseases. Ans: AIDS belongs to STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases). The diseases which are spread by sexual contact with an infected person are called sexually transmitied disease. Its causative organism is a virus Some examples are: (i) Gonorrhoea caused by bacteria lii) Syphilis caused by bacteria (iii) Wares HIV, Distinguish between pollination and fertilisation, Mention the site and the product of fertilisation in a flower. 1. The transfer of pollen grains from anther of n to the stigma of a earpel is called pollination whereas fertilisation is the process when the male gamete present in pollen grain joins the female gamete present in ovule, anism whereas ‘an internal mechanism which takes place inside the flower, Site of fertilisation in flower is ovary. Product of fertilisation In flower is zygote. a sta Why docs a ray of light passing through the centre of curvature of a coneave mirvor after reflection, reflected back aloug the sain Ans: path ? It is because the incident ray falls on the mirror along the normal to the reflecting surface. Hence Sample Paper 3 Solution CBSE Science Class 10 ‘the angle of incidence is zero and according to law of reflection, angle af incidence is always equal to angle of reflection. Therefore the reflected ray back along the same path. SENET 31. (a) A compound lens is made of two lenses in eontact having powers +12.5D and —25D. Find the focal length and power of the combination (b) The magnification produced by mizzor is +1 What does this mean ? Ans (a) P=PtR 125+ (-2.5)= 1D aia 5 =t=q-01m (b) sign means image is virtual and erect 1 means it is of the same size. 32. Inthe given cnet, find 42 22 in 30 ees tht —G@)*—( ov (a) Total resistance of the network of resistors (b) Current throagh ammeter A Ans (a) In the given cirenit diagram 49 and 20 resistances are connected in series combination and 30 and 30 resistance are also connected in the series combination. RB =4+2=62 3+3=60 Now the equivalent resistance of cirouit The values of eurrent I flox 1g in a given resistor for the corresponding values of potential difference V across the resistor are given below J (ampere) [os [10 [20 vot) fis |34_ [67 Plot a graph between V and J and resistance of the resistor, a. O5A1A A 3A 4A X Carreat (4) = From the graph, we can take values of V and 1 Vv =(7-34) 1 =(20-10) =104 3.3 Volt Vv _33 r= -33 -330 ance — 3.3. (ohm) Coretta 22, (a) How many cggs are produced by either of the ovaries in a human female 7 Where does fertilization take place in the female reproductive system ? (b) What happens in case the eggs released by the ovary are not fertilized? every month Sample Paper 3 Solution CBSE Science Class 10 ‘Ans : (a) One egg is produced every month by one of the ovaries. Fertilization takes place in the fallopian tube. In case the egg released by the ov fertilized, it lives for about one day. Since the uterus prepares itself every month to receive fs fertilized egy wg becomes thick and spongy and sinee it is not required anymore, this, ning slowly breaks and comes out through the vagina as blood aud mucous, This is knows as menstruation, % Tin SECTION-D Question no. 34 to 36 are Long auswer questions. Discuss the physical properties of non-metals. ‘Ans # Physical properties of non-metals are follo % (®) Non-metals are brittle : They break into pieces ‘when hammered or stretched, ic., they are uot aw (al) ‘als are bad conductors of heat and cletricity : Nommetals do uot have fires electrons. There is one exception graphite, which is a good conduetar of heat and electricity. (ix) Non-metals are non-lustrous and cannot be polished : The exceptions iodine which are lustrous. (v) Non-metals are generally soft : Except diamond (allotropic form of carbon) which is the hardest substance known, non-metal are soft (vi) Non oiling points : Exeept graphite which has high melting point, non-metals have weak intra- moleenlar force. (vii) Non-metals have low densities metals are light, are graphite and metal generally have low melting and Most _non- Discuss the exceptions in the properties of metals ‘and non-metal Ans + @ All metals except mercury exist as solids at room temperature, Metals have high melting points but gallium and caesium have very low melting points. These two metals are kept on palm, Page 9 36. (ii) Todine is a non-metal but it is lustrous. (iif) Carbon is a non-metal that can exist in different forms. Each form is called an allotrope. Diamond, an allotrope of carbon, is the hardest natural substance known and has a very high melting and boiling points. Graphite, another allotrope of carbon, is conductor of electricity. (iv) Alkali metals (lithium, sodinm, potassium) are so soft that they can be cut with a knife. They have low densities and low melting points. Suggest three contraceptive methods to control the size of human population, Meation two factors that determine the size of population. ‘Ans: (a) Three contraceptive methods to control the size of hnman population (i) One category is the use of a mechanical barrier, e., condoms. (ii) Another eategory of contraceptive acts: by changing the hormonal balance of the body so that eggs are not released and fertilization doesn't occur, e.g, oral pills. (ii) Use of intranterme device like copper-T to prevent pregnancy, (b) Two factors that determine the size of population: (i) Rate of birth; (ii) Rate of death. How do the following organisms reproduce by asexial methods ? (a) Euglena (D) Spirogyra (c) Ginger (@) Chrysanthemum (c) Strawberry (f) Mango Ans (a) Euglena — Binary fission. (b) Spirogyra — Fragmentation. (c) Ginger tural vegetative propagation by stems. (@) Chrysanthemum Artificial propagation by catting, (ec) Strawberry — Artificial vegetative propagation by layering. (f) Mango — Artificial vegetative propagation by fing. vegetative Sample Paper 3 Solution CBSE Science Class 10 36. A household uses the following clectrie appliances (i) refrigerator of rating 400 W for 10 hours exch day. (Gi) two electric fans of rating 80 W each for 6 hours dai (iii) six electric tubes of rating 18 W each for 6 hours daily. Calenlate the electricity bill for the honsehold for ‘month of June, if cost of electri is €3.00 per unit. Ans: Energy cousumed per day by refrigerator =OAKW x 10h Powerof refrigerator = 400 W = #00 ew = 0.4 kW =T000 =4kW Energy consumed per day by fans = 2x OO8KW x 6 ; #0 : Power of each = 80 W = 7505 = 0.08 KW 0.96 kWh Energy cousumed by lights 6 x OOISKW x 6h = 0648 kWh ‘Total energy consumed per day = 440.96 +0.648 5.608 kWh Energy cousumed in 30 days 30 x 5.608 = 168.24 kWh Cost of 168.24 units @% 3.00 168.24 x 3 =8504.72 SECTION-E Question no. 37 to 39 are case-based /data-based questions ‘with 2 to 3 short sub-parts. Internal cholee is provided in ‘one of these sub-parts. 37. Acids, bases and salts are three main categories of chemical compounds, These have certain definite properties which distingnish one class fram the other. ‘The acids are sour in taste while bases are bitter substance is not a good way of finding out if it is an acid or a base! Acids and bases can be better distinguished with the help of indicators. Indicators are substances that undergo a change of colour with a change of acidic, neutral or Page 10 Sample Paper 3 Solution CBSE Science Class 10 basic medium, Many of these indicators are derived loop] systoue | piastonic fom ca ten hs sta pressune | wom ae ea lower petals and barrier. Litmus, a purple dye category | (Une ‘laws extracted from the lichen plant. Some indicators are =) patent prepared artificially, For example, methyl orange - sau and pheaolphthalein, Given below is a table of High Blood | 140 or higher [90 or higher indicators and their colour change in acidic and Pressure asic mesinm, (Hypertension) Stage 2 Tadisator | Colour in | Colour ia Higher than | Higher than Acid Alkali crisis (consult | 180 120 Litmus Red Blue your doctor Methyl Piakish ved | Yellow Phenolphthalein [Colourless | Pink TableB (Give two examples each of natural and artificial Time of Blood Pressure indicator Measurement (ii) An aqueous solution turns red litmus solution ratio tie blue. Excess addition of which solution would Patient X Pationt reverse the changeammonium lydracide Morning 755 85-125, solution oF hydrochloric acid? “Afeernoon 79-192 30-120 (ii) What will be the change in colour when a few drops of phenolphthalein ie added to a solution Evening 82.132 75110 (i) Natural Indicators : Turmeric and red cabbage. Artificial Indicators : Methyl red and methyl orange (il) Hydrochloric acid because adding excess acid to the base would turn blue litmus solution red. (ii) Te changes into pink (iv) Universal indicator is @ mixture of dyes that changes colour gradually aver a range of pH and is used in testing for acids and alkalis. 38. Questions are based on the two table given below Study these tables related to blood pressure level and answer the question that follow Table A BLOOD | sysTOLIC | DIASTOLIC PRESSURE | mmHg mm Hg CATEGORY | (Upper (ower number) number) Normal 120 80 Elevated 120-129 Les than 80 Blood | 130-139 80-90 Pressure (Hypertension) Stage 1 39. (i) In the table B, at which time patent Y have ideal normal blood pressure 7 (i) Tdentify the patient, which have hypertension stage-I blood pressure ? (ii) Which Diet is the best for high blood pressure patient ? (ix) What is the ideal blood pressure measurement ofa human ? Ans (i) Afternoon (80-120) (ii) Patient x (82-132) Evening (ii) Grain and frnits (iy) 80-120 mm Hg Ee After coming from playground, Tanu feck very hungry, But still some more time was required by hher mother to cook food. While waiting on dining table Tauu was playlag with her spoon, All of sudden she observed two different orientations of hher face when she looked her face from both sides of spoon, She was confused why the orientation of her face ‘changed in two eases. She was carious to know why hher reflected image appears upside down in the one surface of a spoon but the corect way up in the ‘opposite surface (i) Which type of image is formed on the both surface of spoon? (ii) As tanu move concave surface of spoon towards her face, again she find that there comes a polt (provided the spoon is hig enough) where her image flips from inverted to upright. State the condition under which it happens ? Is this age real or virtual? (iii) The given ray diagram depict the correct explanation of the image formed by one surface bf the spoon, Name the surface which can form the image as depicted in given ray diagram? (iv) Tana was trying to form using a concave mirror, She got an inverted and zeal image of same size of the object. Given figure shows four possible positions of the image formed. Figure out the correct position and justify it Sample Paper 3 Solution CBSE Science Class 10 convex surface and inverted (2) Breet imag image in concave surface. (i) When object is place between focus and pole of the malrror, it formas virtual and erect image. So las we move concave surface of spoon towards ‘our face as son as our face comes between pal focus aud pole we observe erect aud of our face. (iii) Convex surface of the spoon will form the image as depicted in the given ray diagram. (ix) Image A is the correct image as concave mirror forms real and inverted image of the same size ofthe object when object is placed at centre of curvature of the mirror. All NCERT MATERIAL SOLVED Tae Lae R LL) Ee Sample Papers Solved

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