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Sample Paper 13 Solution Class X 2023-24 Science (086) ‘Times 3 Hours ‘Max. Marks: 80 General Instructions: 1. This question paper consists of 39 questions in 5 sections. 2. All questions aze compulsory. However, an internal choice is provided in some questions. A student is expected to attempt only one of these questions. 3. Section A consists of 20 Objective Type au 4. Section B consists of 6 Very Short question rage of 30 to 50 words stions carrying 1 mark each, carrying 02 marks each. Answers to these questions should in the Section C consists of 7 Short Auswer type questions carrying 03 in the range of 50 to 80 words. 6. Section D consists of 3 Loug Atwer type questions carrying 05 marks each, Auswer te these questions should be in the range of 80 to 120 words. 7. Section E consists of 3 souree-based /ease-based units of assessment of 04 marks each with sub-parts, arks each, Answers to these questions should SECTION-A * tg sng coral pcos (a) 2NaCl (ag) +240 (az) — Select and write one most appropriate option out of the 2NaOH (ag) + Clh(g) + H(9) Tour options given for each of the questions 1 ~ 20. 1 (b) 2NaCl(9 + 24,0() — Whi of the following EV graph represents for 2Na0H (I + Cla(9) +HA(9) ohmic conduetors? (©) 2NaCi(ap) +1,0(9 — I 2Na0H (ag) = CL9(9) + HA(9) @) 0) (@)_ 2NaCI(ag) +2420) — ‘aH (aq) + Cls(aq) + H.(a9) (c) 2NaCl (ag) + H0(1) — 2NaOH (a4) + C1,9(9) + Hs(9) Comets 3% In the following circuits, heat produecd in the resistor or combination of resistors connected to a 12V battery will be: I co) a | UU. 0 v o r o 7 0 20 Ans: (a) 1 AI Ry W oO v Page 2 Sample Paper 13 Sol 20 20 “AE nv i) 20S 20 (iii) (@) minimum in ease (i) (D) same in all the (c) maxim in ease (i) (@) maximum in ease ( Ans: (c) maxim 4. If an electron is travelling horizontally towards east, ‘a magnetic field exerts a force on the electron along: a) west (b) east fe) south (a) north, case (ii) in vertically downward direetion Aus: (c) south Fleming's left-hand rule is used to determine the direction of force on electron i.c. in south direction. 5. Carefully study the diagram of human exeretory system with labels A, B and C. Select the option which gives correct function of B. CBSE Science Class 10 (a) carry urine from kidney to urinary bladder (b) contain urine till is released out (c) passage through which urine is excreted out of the body. (@) guard the urethra Ans: (a) carry urine from kidney to urinary bladder Which organism reproduces by the method shown in the given figure? FADD AA (8) Phassmodi (a) Leishm () Amoeba, (¢) Paramecium Ans: (d) Leishmania Dramatic changes of body features associated with, puberty are mainly becuse of secretion of: (a) oestrogen from adrenal gland and testosterone from pituitary gland () oestrogen frou testes and testosterone from (c) testosterone from thyroid gland ani oestrogen from pituitary gland. (@) testosterone from testes and oestrogen from ‘Ans: (cd) testosterone from testes and oestrogen from ovary Observe the diagram of Human digestive system. (i) A, Gi) Page 3 10, Match the labelling referred in column I and correlate with the finetion in column I. ‘Column 1 Column 1 @ (A) | The tength of this depends on food the organism eats, (i) (B) | Initial phase of starch digestion. (ii) (©) | Increases the efficiency of lipase enzyme action. ww) (D) | This is the site of the complete digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. () OA). GB), G-(©), G)-) (©) (CB), (H)-(€), (44}-(D), (v)-(A) (©) @-(B), (i-(D), (id-(C), (iv)-(A) (a) (@-(), ()-(A), (iv)-(B), (V)-(C) Ans: (b) (i)-(B), (ii)-(C), (ii}-(D), (iv)-(A) In the reaction of iron with copper sulphate solution: CuSO, + Fe —+ Cu + FeSO, Which option in the given table correctly represents the substance oxidised and the reducing agent? Option | Substance oxidised | Reducing agent a Fe Fe b. Fe FSO, c Ca Fe a CaSO. Fe Ans: (a) Substance oxidised Fe - Reducing agenl-Fe Oxidation CuSO, + Fe —= Cu+ FeSO, Lest Reduction Substance which is oxidised, reduces the other susbiance. Hence substance oxidised is itself a reducing agent. CH doce not exist but Pb! exists although both Delong te the same group. This is because: (i) size of carbon is much smaller than Pb. (ii) large amount of energy is needed in ease of carbon. Sample Paper 13 Solution un. 12 CBSE Science Class 10 (ii) of inert pair effect. (Ge) nclens cannot held sich a large munher of electrons. ‘The correct statement(s) is/ (@) (i) and ( (b) Only (i) (6) Gi), (it) and (iv) (@) Only Gai) ‘Aas : (a) (i) aud (i) ‘The diagram shows the electrolysis of water. ‘Test tube Oxygen Hydrogen Water be Graphite rod Rubber stopper Anode Switell A few drops of H)S0, are added to pure water Decanse : (a) pure water is a bad conductor of electricity () it does not conduct electricity (@) Both b. and « (d) it makes the reaction faster Ans: (c) Both b. and ¢ my ene s TEL Which of the followin balanced chemical equation’ (a) 3Fe(s) +4H,0(4) — Fe,0,(s) + 4H,0(9) (b)Fo(s) + 4H,0 (g) — Fe,04(6) +410 (9) (6) 3Fe(s) +4H.0(4) — Fe,0.(s) +H.(a) (@) 3Fe(s) +1,0(g) — Fe.0,() +H(9) Aus: (a) BF e (s) + 4H,0(g) — Fes0,(8) +4H.0(9) correctly represents a Page 4 13, Identify gas A in the following experiment. ‘Test tbe Delivery Burning of gas A tube with a pep sound Candle sulharie id sation (a) Hydrogen 6) Carbon diaeide (b) Nitrogen (a) Oxygen Ans: (a) Hydrogen The reaction in the test tube will be as follows Zn(s) + dil H,SO4(ag) —* ZnSO ,(ag) +H So, the evolved gas is hydrogen which burns with pop sound when we take « lighted candle near it 14 A student arranges au clectric circuit as shown in figure HH y ov He gently pats the compass necdle near the thick copper wire XY. He observes that compass neeille shows deflection as soon as key (K) is inserted What does this depict? (a) The compass needle is faulty (b) Thereis a magnetic field around the conductor xY (c) Connections in the cireuit are not proper. (a) ng effect of current cases deflection in needle. ‘Ans: (b) There is a magnetic field around the conductor XY Sample Paper 13 Sol 15. 16. n CBSE Science Class 10 Im human males, all the chromosomes are paired perfectly except one, This/these unpaired Chromosome (i). large chromosome (i) small chromosome (iii) Y-chromosome (ix) X-chromosome (a) Only Gi (co) (ii) nd Ans &) @ iw) (a) Gi (a) (ii) and (iv) ‘The table shown below gives i substances: A, B, C and D, Substance [Metig [ Bketrn! Conus point) [sata Yigal Aaeots fe od [Gont Brno vod [Gant p_[ri6o [ood Por Identify Ionic compounds from the above given substances. (a) Baw c (QA. Cand D Ans: (a) Band © (&) A and B (@) A, BandD Question mo. 17 to 20 are Assertion-Ressoning based questions. 17. Assertion (A): The uterine line in human females becomes thick and spongy every month. Reason (R): The lining breaks and comes out through, the vagina ax blood and m not occur, (a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A), (b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not the cormct explanation of Assertion (A). (6) Assertion (A) is (@)Asseetion (A) is true but Reason (R) is fake. fake but Reason (R) is true. Ans: (b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A) 19, 20, wo resistance having value R each, resistances is Reason (R): Given resistance parallel (a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A) (b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true Dut Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A) (c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is fake (@) Assertion (A) is fake but Reason (R) is true ‘Ans: connected in (a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are imme and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A) Assertion (A): Excretion is the biological process by which harmful wastes are removed from an organism's body. Reason (R): The mode of excretion is sain ‘unicellular and nnlticellular organisms. (a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true ‘and Reason (R) is the correet explanation of Assertion (A) (b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true Dut Reason (R) is uot the correct explanation of Assertion (A), (c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is fake (a) Assertion (A) is fake but Reason (R) is true sn both (c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) fs fake En Ee Assertion (A): White silver chloride tums grey in sunlight, Reason (R): Decomposition of silver chloride in presence of sunlight takes place to form silver metal and chlorine gas, a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A). (b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not the ccrrect explanation of Assertion (A), (c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is fake, (@) Assertion (A) Is fake but Reason (R) is true, ‘Ans: (a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A). Sample Paper 13 Sol CBSE Science Class 10 SECTION-B ‘Question no. 21 to 26 are very short answer questions. 21. Why is Tyndall effect shown by colloidal particles? State four instances of observing the Tyndall effect. Ans : ‘Tyndall effect is shown by colloidal particles because of the phenomenon of scattering of light. Four instances of observing the Tyndall effect: (it can be observed when a fine beam of light enters a room through a small hole. (i) When sunlight passes through the canopy of a dense forest. (iii) Visible beam of headlights in fog is eaused by the Tyndall effect. (is) it is the reason for the blue color of the sky (Why is red used as the stopping light at tratfic ignals? (i) Two triangular glass prisms are kept together connected through thelr rectangular side. A light beam is passed through one side of the combination. Will there be any dispersion? Justify your answer Ans (Tt is hecanse red is least seattered by air molecules and can easily go through fog or mist. ‘or smoke, Therefore, it can be seen in the same calour even from a distant place, (i) No, because the given set-up will behave like ‘a glass slab, Resulting in recombination of the seven colour to produce white light. 22. In the following food chain, vertical arrows indicate the energy lost to the environment and horizontal arrows indicate energy transferred to the next ‘trophic level. Which one of the three vertical arrows (A, C and E) and which one of the two horizontal arrows (B and D) will represent more energy transfer? Glve reason for your auswer t f° Green plants: Deer (Producers) erhivore) ‘ger (Carnivore) ‘A food chain in a forest ecosystem Page 7 ‘Ans Metals like potassium and sodium react with cold water. So. X, is K or Na Magnesium reacts with cold water, so, Y is Mg Metals lke aluminium, trou and zine reacts with stream So, Z is Al, Fe Or Zn Increasing order of Reactivity K > Na> Mg > Al> Za > Fe 28, (i) Under what conditions permanent clectromagnet Js obtained if a current carrying solewoid is used? (ii) A magnetic compass shows a deflection when phiced near a current carrying wire. How will the deflection of tbe compass got alfected I the current in the wire is increased? ‘Ans (i) The condition to obtain permanent electromagnet if a current carrying solencid is used are (a) The current through the solenoid should be direct eurent. (b) The rod inside is made of a magnetic ‘material such as steel. Sample Paper 13 Sol CBSE Science Class 10 Hawk, Rot, Cereal Plant, Goat, Snake, Human Being (i) State the possible disadvantage If the cexeal plant is growing in soil rich in pesticides. (ii) Construct a food web using the organ mcuitioned above. Ans @ nitageons for human it > Human being (i) When inman beings consume this cereal plant then the pesticides would go in their body with the food aud leads to biological magnification, (iii) Food web: Hawk t Shake oe Goat Tat Tiuman being NN { Cereal plant 28. Complete the following flew chart based on ecosystem and its components, je TERRESTRIAL] wat TO Capone w Defiuition Compo (a2 ome? ‘Ans (i) Aquatic (ii) Abiotic (iii) Temperature, rainfall, (iv) Living organisms (pl [v) Au econyste ‘ind, soil (Any one). its and animals). Js the structural aud functional unit of biosphere, comprising of all the living organisms in an area together with the non- ii constitueuts of the environment, (i) From the following group of organismns, create food chain whi ‘the most advantageous for uman beings in terms of energy ‘DOWNLOAD FREEINDIA'S BEST STUDY MOBILE APP 0 Sample Paper with Solitons Chapiorwiee Question Bank of All Subject NCERT and Previous 15 Years Solved Papers Case Study Questions with full Solitons Word Filo of Matorial for Teachers ‘So get Mobile app Link Whatsapp at 89056 29959 Ie is desired to obtain an erect image of an object, using coneave mirror of focal length of 12 em. (i) What should be the range of theobject distance in the above case? Will the image be smaller or larger than the object? Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of lmage in this case (iii) Where will the image of this object be, if it is placed 24 em ia front of the mirror? ‘Ans : (i) (i) Range of object distance should be between 0 to 12cm to obtain an erect image, ‘The image will be larger than the object. Page 8 Sample Paper 13 Solution CBSE Science Class 10 Ray Diagram = (@ [Structure [Arteries have [They do not thick elastic nave thick walls, Since wall because 1 the blood is the blood is no 4 under high [longer under presure | presure CEB ey Valves are| Valves ave y absent present x or if the object is placed 24 em up front of the mirror, ie, at C, then the image will be formed fat the same position, i.e. at C 31. A hydrocarbon molecule has the structure given below: (i) Write the equation for the combustion of this hydrocarbon molecule in oxygen. (il) The given molecule ean be hydrogenated to produce au alkane molecule, Name 1 (ili) Give the reaction conditions for the above ‘Ans (Cella + 6029 —* 4COq) +4109) + heat and light. (il) Butane. (il) Mix with hydrogen ges and heat (180°C) in the presence of nickel or palladium catalyst. Comet 32. List in tabular form three diffcrences between arteries and veins, ‘Ans: Basis of | Arteries ‘Veins Difference (@ | Function [They — are| Veins collect vessels which| the blood carry blood | from different away from|organs and the heart tol bring it back various organs | to the heart of the body Compare the functioning of alveoli in the hungs and nephrons in the kidneys, ‘Ans # ‘The comparison between alveoli in the Iungs and nephrons ia kidney with respect to their stricture ‘and functioning is as follows Alveoli lings _|Nephrous in Kindneys. (3) |Alveoli are ballon-|Nephrous are long. like structures. _| tubular structures, (@ Jit is made up offit is made up of one-called thick | glomerulus. Bowman's wall which contains |eapsule and a loug Jextensive network | renal tube, of blood capil (ii) [Alveoli are the site|Nephrons are the lof gaseous exchange | basic filtration unit of im Tings. Here | kidney. Each nephron jexchange of oxygen |filters the blood and carbon dioxide |and separates — the takes place Leoween | ultrogenous waste in the blood flowing | the form of urine. in capillaries which surround the alveoli and. gases present i the alveoli State laws of refraction of light. }) The power of a lens is +5 diopters. What is the tanture and focal length of this lens? At what distance from this lens should an object be placed so as to got its inverted image of the same size? Aus : Laws of refrection of light = (i) (@) The incident ray, the reaftacted ray and the normal to the interface of two transparent ‘media at the point of incidence, all ie in the same plane. (b) The ratio of since of angle of Incidence to the since of angle of refection isa constant, for the light o id for the ives 5 as Snell's law of refrection, Page 9 (il) Given. P We know that, f= 1/P —100/5 ~+ 200m +f indicates that the lens is convex (converging) in nature. Object should be placed at a distance of 40 em (at 2F,) from the given convex lens ta obtain an Inverted image of same size SECTION-D Question no. 34 to 36 are Long answer questions. 34, (i) Ident the given diagram. Name the parts 1 to 5. (il) What is contraception? List three advantages of adopting contraceptive measures Ans + (i) The given diagram is of human female reproductive system. The labelled parts are Oviduct of Fallopian tube Ovary Uterns Cervix Vagina (i) The method to prevent preguaney at a consequence of sexual intercourse is known as contraception. Advantages of adopting contraceptives: measures are as follows: (i) it helps in controlling the size of the family which can improve the standard of living. (il) it helps in preventing sexually transmitted diseases, (ii) Frequent and unwanted pregnancies can be avoided by using contracepticn. (iv) The general health of the female can be improved as reproduction demands high pressure on the body and mind of the female (©) These apetheds check the population growth of 4 country by controlling child birth rate Sample Paper 13 Solution 35. CBSE Science Class 10 (Write one main difference between asexual and. sexual mede of reproduction. Which species is likely to have comparatively better chances of survival—the one reproducing asexually or the one reproducing sexually? Give resson to Justify your answer (ii) What is carpel? Write the funetion of its various parts, (i) Im sexual mode of reproduction, a single parent is involved but two parents of opposite sexes take part in sexual reproduction. ‘The organism reproducing sexually likely to have comparatively better chances of survival. It is so because sexaal reproduction generates more variations and thus the offsprings are better adapted to the environment and therefore have better chances of survival. (Gi) Carpe! is the female reproductive part of the plant. it is made of three parts (a) Stigma : It is the sticky surface which eollests pollen grains (b) Style : it provides pathway to the pollen grains as it connects stigma to the ovary (©) Ovary + it is the site of fertilisation in a flowering plant. A motal Mf is stored undor keroseno. It vigorously: catches fre, if small piace of this metal is kept open in air. Disolution of this metal in water releases sont amount of energy and the metal catcher fire. ‘The solution so formed turns rel litams blue (i) Name the metal Gi) Write formula of the compound formed when this metal is exposed to air. (ii) Why is metal AP stored under kerosene? of this metal is treated with hydrochloric id, what would he the products? (¥) Write balanced equations for: (a) Reaction of (M" with air. (b) Resetion of ‘M' with water. (c) Revetioa of metal oxide with Lydrochlorie acid, Ans : (i) The metal M is sodium(Na) (i) Formula of the compomd formed is Na,O (Gi) Sodinm reacts with oxygen so fast that it catches fire it kept open. So, itis always kept dmmmersed in Kerosene oil to prevent accidental fire (iv) Sodium oxide reacts with hydrochloric acid to produce sodium chloride and water. (a) Renetion with air: 4Ns-+02—+ 2Na.0 (b) Reaction with water 2Na(s) +2H,0 (l) + 2NaGH (ag) + Ha(9) + Hest energy (c) Reaction of sodium oxide with HCL NasO(s) + 2HCI (ag) > 2NaCI(ag) + Hs0()) (i) Write the steps involved in the extraction of pure metals in the middle of the activity seri from their earhonate ores (il) How is copper extracted fiom its sulphide ore? Explain the various steps supported by chemical equations. Draw labelled digram for the electrolytic refining of copper. Ans (i) The different steps involved in the extraction of pure metal in the middle of the activity se from their carbonate ores are (a) Caleulation : ‘The carbonate ores are changed into oxides by heating strongiv in limited (0) Reduetion : The metal oxide are reduce to comesponding metals by using suitable reducing agents. (©) Purification : The impure metals thus obtained are purified by electroivtic refining. (ii) The sulphide ores are first converted into oxides by heating strongly in the presence of exces ale which is a process known as roasting 2Cu,S (s] + 302(g) “+ 2CusO(s) + 2S02(g) The obtained oxide reacts with remaining CusS to give copper motel 2CusO(s) + CusS(s) > 6Cu(s) +802(0) reaction is known as auto-reduetion. The ned metal is then purified by electrolytic refining, Labelled diagram to show electrolytic refining of copper Copper Anode sulphate (impure nin ‘copper (acidified) strip) Cathode (Pare Amede re cone (purities) Sample Paper 13 Sol n CBSE Science Class 10 36. (i) For the combination of resistors shown in the following figure, find the equivalent resistance between M and N State Joule’s law of heating Why we need a 5A fuse for an electric iron which consumes 1 kW power at 220 V? (iv) Why is it impracticable to connect an electric bulb and an electric heater in series? Ans (2) Ry and Ry ave in parallel connection. book Sae faa ie Now R’,R, and 2, are in series connection, so hoo tee tt pi (ii) According to Joule’s law of heating. Haf nen ine neem Tt inresitane and ts ne in seond (i) P= tkw = 1090, v= 2000 Vv" 2 “ir ABA, So 5A fase is needed, (ix) Ina series cirenit, current is constant throughout the electric circuit. Thus, it is impracticable to connect en electric bulb and an electric heater in series, because they need currents of widely different values to operate properly NODIA Page 11 Sample Paper 13 Sol SECTION-E n CBSE Science Class 10 ‘The table shows some information about compounds in homologoms ser Question. 30 39a easetnsed/datrtase questions [Ramle of |] Molar [Moteur [Bang with 2 to 3 short sub-parts. Internal choice Is provided in ‘omer One ofthese sub-parts. Metimnoic [coon [4s | ion.s°c acid 31. Refer to the gion table regarding results of F Ga.coon eo uss encratin of Mendeian eros Plante with round and yllow colowed] 816 Propanoie [@acoon|a [arc seeds (P) acid Plants with round and green coloured | 108 Butanoie | C,H;COOH|88 163°C seois (9) acid Plants with wrinkled and yellow 101 Pentanoic | C,H,COOH] 102 186°C coloured seeds (R) acid Plants with wrinkled and green| 32 coloured seeds (S) (i) What would be the phenotype of F; generation regarding given data of F, generation? (il) What would be the genotype of parental regarding given result of (iii) If plant with wrinkled and green coloured seeds (S) is crossed with plant having wrinkled and yellow coloured seeds (R). probable phenotype of off (iv) IFYYRR is round yellow, what do the following represent? yyer, yyRR, Ans (i) Plants with round and yellow colonred secs (ii) RRyy and YY (iii) Plant with wrinkled and green coloured seeds (S) (genotype myy) is crossed with plant with wrinkled and yellow coloured seeds (R) (gemptype rrVY or rrYy). If plant with wrinkled ‘and green coloured seeds (rryy) is crossed with plant having wrinkled and yellow coloured seeds of genotype (rFYY), then produced with wrinkled and yellow coloured seeds whereas if plant with wrinkled and green coloured seeds (ryy) is crossed with plant having wrinkled and yellow coloured seeds that has genotype (rYy) then 50% plants with wrinkled and yellow coloured seeds and 50% plants with wrinkled and green coloured seeds are produced. I plants (iv) yyrr represents wrinkled, green seeds yyRR represents round, green seeds, (i) Predict the molecular mass of the compound in. ‘the same series which has six carbon atoms in fone molecule. Write the general formula for a compound in this homologous series. (4) Draw the structural formula of propanoie add. Why ef jc acid is called glacial acetic acid? (il) Deaw the electron dot structure of etlianole acid. (00H = 102414 H.,,,COOH (where the molecular Io @ HE The melting point of pure ethanoie acid is 290K and hence it often freezes during winter in cold climates. Due to 2 Sample Paper 13 Solution CBSE Science Class 10 39, Figure A and B show the ray diagrams related to (i) Cataract is the eye defect resulting due to the defects of vision. Study the diagrams and answer eye lens becomes clondy the questions: (iii) The diagnosed eye defect is presbyopia, Causes : (a) Gradual weakening of ciliary muse. (b) Diminishing flexibility of eye lens. (is) fa) (b) Concave lens A Defect of vision in patient NODIA APP (i) Refer to fig. Band fig. A, showing the defects === B Defect of vision in patient Y All NCERT MATERIAL SOLVED of vision in patients Y and X. Infer the defects which can be diagnosed from the given ray lings? (ii) Identify the eye defect resulting due to the eye lens becoming cloudy. (iii) Based on the spectacles given below, infer the eye defect which can be diagnosed from it. Also List two causes of this detect TW aR) ; 30 Sets Concave Sec s air) Convex Jens (iv) The pationt X needs a leas of power —4.5D for correction of his vision, (a) What is the focal length of the corrective lens? (b) What is the nature of corrective lens? Ans: For patient X, the diagnosed defect is myopia (i) For pationt Y, the dingnosed defect is hypermetropia.

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