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Adalah bentuk tense yang dapat digunakan untuk menjelaskan sesuatu atau
menyatakan aksi yang sedang berlangsung selama waktu tertentu pada masa
sekarang (present). yang menjadi ciri khas dari present continuous tense adalah
penambahan –ing di akhir kata kerja

Rumus Present Continuous Tense

1. Affirmative / Kalimat Positif

Subject + To be (Is,am,are) + Verb-Ing + Complement

Example :
 I am writing a letter to my friend.
 She is reading a book in the park.
 They are playing football on the field.
 He is cooking dinner for us.
 We are studying for the exam tomorrow.

2. Negative / Kalimat Negatif

Subject + To be (Is,am,are) + Not + Verb-Ing + Complement

Example :
 I am not watching TV right now.
 She is not listening to music at the moment
 They are not playing video games tonight.
 He is not eating lunch right now.
 We are not swimming in the pool this morning.

3. Interrogative / Kalimat Tanya

To be (Is,am,are) + Subject + Verb-Ing + Complement ..?

Example :
 Are they playing basketball in the park?
 Is he listening to music right now?
 Are we going to the party tonight?
 Is the baby sleeping right now?
 Are we going to the beach this weekend?

Adverb of Time dalam Present Continuous Tense

 Now
 Right now
 At the moment
 At present
 This morning
 This afternoon
 This evening
 Today
 This month
 This week / this weekend
 This semester
 This year
 Tonight
Fungsi Present Continuous Tense

1. Things that are happening now (menunjukkan sesuatu yang sedang terjadi atau
sedang berlangsung)
Example :
 She is reading a novel right now.
 They are not eating the cake.
 He is not dancing on the stage.
 Is mom cooking now?
 Are you crying right now?

2. Temporary event (menyatakan tindakan yang lebih lama terjadi, namun hanya
dalam waktu sementara saja)
Example :
 He is studying a new language at the moment.
 She is upgrading her computer skill at the moment.

3. Talk the action around the time of speaking (membicarakan aksi yang terjadi di
sekitar waktu pembicaraan)
Example :
 Rara is taking three classes this semseter.
 Arnold is spending a lot of his money this week.

4. A new pattern or habit (menyatakan kebiasaan baru)

Example :
 These days, people are writing emails a lot less than they used to a few
years ago.

5. Future plans (menceritakan sesuatu yang sudah dibahas atau

direncanakan sebelumnya dan akan terjadi dalam waktu dekat)
Example :
 When we arrive at the airport, we are taking a private car direct to the
 My manager is promoting Putri to be the new lead team

Kata Kerja yang Tidak Bisa Digunakan dalam Present Continuous Tense

Tidak semua kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris bisa digunakan dalam present continuous
tense. Ada banyak kata kerja yang tidak menggambarkan suatu aksi atau tindakan,
sehingga tidak bisa ditambahkan -ing pada akhir kata. Nah, kata kerja ini bisa dikenal
sebagai stative verbs atau kata kerja statis (lawan dari kata kerja dinamis). Berikut
contoh kata kerja statis:
 Perception and sensation (kata kerja yang menunjukkan indera manusia):
hear, taste, smell, see, sound
 Cognition, emotion, attitude (kata kerja yang menunjukkan kognisi, emosi, dan
sikap): love, hate, adore, doubt, like, forget, agree, disagree
 Having and being (kata kerja yang menunjukkan kepemilikan): be, have, have
to, cost, require, belong, include
 Stance (kata kerja yang menunjukkan pendirian): sit, stand, lie, live, face
 Kata kerja statis lainnya: weigh, contain, involve, contain, consist

Notes: Sebetulnya, tidak ada cara yang benar untuk mengklasifikasikan apakah
sebuah kata kerja masuk ke dalam kategori statis atau dinamis, karena beberapa
kata di atas bisa saja berubah bentuk tergantung konteks kalimat atau

NAME : ………………………………………
CLASS : ………………………………………

Complete the sentences with is, am, are!
1. They ……….watching TV
2. He ……..taking photos
3. We ……drinking coffee
4. I ……running very fast
5. My Sister ………..washing dishes
6. Father ……….reading the newspaper
7. Mother …… soup
8. I ……..eating pizza
9. My Brother ………cleaning his teeth
10. We ……..studying English right now

Create a sentence in the present continuous tense!
Example : She / eat / fried rice  She is eating fried rice this morning
1. We / plan / our work  …………………………………………….
2. I / study / English right now  …………………………………………….
3. The children / play / football  …………………………………………….
4. The baby / cry  …………………………………………….
5. Mother / bake / a bread  …………………………………………….
6. He / water / the flower  …………………………………………….
7. Father / sit / on the sofa  …………………………………………….
8. The farmers / plant / in the field  …………………………………………….
9. The train / come  …………………………………………….
10. The boys / greet  …………………………………………….

Complete the sentences with the present continuous tense!
Example : We ..….(Watch) a movie tonight  We are watching a movie tonight
1. They ……………………..(talk) to each other on the phone.
2. He …………………(fix) his bike in the garage
3. The birds ………………….(fly) in the sky
4. I ………………….(eat) my lunch now
5. They ……………………(play) basketball in the park
6. My sister ……………………….(paint) a picture right now
7. She ……………(read) a book in the library now
8. The baby ……………………(sleep) on the bed
9. He ………………(run) in the park this morning
10. I ……………………..(listen) to the music
Write the following sentences into Positive, Negative and interrogative sentence!

No Positive Sentences Negative Sentences Interrogative

1 The children are playing
in the park
2 She is not reading a novel?

3 Is Boby listening to the

music ?
4 They are laughing loudly

5 The are not playing tennis.

6 Is the sun shining

7 Mom is serving food for
our lunch
8 Father is not drinking a cup
of tea
9 Are they running back
10 Raisa is sweeping the

Write the sentences with the present continuous tense by the word given!
1. Dance  ……………………………………………………………
2. Study  ……………………………………………………………
3. Run  ……………………………………………………………
4. Cry  ……………………………………………………………
5. Walk  ……………………………………………………………
6. Buy  ……………………………………………………………
7. Swim  ……………………………………………………………
8. Sleep  ……………………………………………………………
9. Write  ……………………………………………………………
10. Clean  ……………………………………………………………

Complete the following sentences with correct word!
Example : Are the boys playing basketball ? No, they are not
Is he drinking a cup of coffee? Yes. He Is

1. ……he running fast? No, ………………….

2. …….the dog barking loudly? Yes, ………………….
3. …….they laughing at you? No, ………………….
4. …….they planting a flower? Yes, ………………….
5. …….Father giving some money? Yes, ………………….
Read the text carefully and answer the questions!

In the Park
The Bryan family is in the park today. The sun is shining and the birds are singing.
It’s beautiful day. Mr. Bryan is reading the newspaper. Mrs. Bryan is listening to the
radio. Sarah and Clara are studying. Tommy is playing the guitar. The Bryan family is
very happy today. It’s beautiful day and they are in the park.

1. Where is the Bryan Family today? …………………………………
2. What is Tommy doing? ………………………………………..
3. Who are studying? ………………………………………..
4. What are the birds doing? …………………………………
5. Is Mrs. Bryan reading the newspaper? …………………………………..

Find Verb-Ing in the box bellow!

1. …………………….. 11. ……………………..

2. …………………….. 12. ……………………..
3. …………………….. 13. ……………………..
4. ……………………..
5. ……………………..
6. ……………………..
7. ……………………..
8. ……………………..
9. ……………………..
10. ……………………..

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