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b8.1, What are
electromagnetic waves ? Are these waves transverse or longitudinal r BSE (AIC)-2011, (AT)-2001
sne waves produced by accelerated charged particles in which there are sinusoidal variations of electric and
magnetic field vectors at right angles to each other os wellos at rioht angles to the direction of propagation or
wave, are called electromaqnetic waves, em
2. ()How are waves are trans verse in nature
(i) What is the electromagnetic waves produced ? Explain.
source of energy of these waves ? CBSE (F)-2017, (AT)-2016,2015
| Ans.(1) Production-of em waves : em
waves are produced by accelerated/
oscillating charges
Acharge oscillating with some frequency. produces an oscillating electric field in
Space,which produces an oscillating magnetic field perpendicular to the electric field,
which in turn iS a source OT
electric tield, this process goes on repeating, producina em waves in sDace
(ii) Source of energy of em waves is the perpendicular to both tields.
3. What oscillates in enerqy of accelerated/ oscillating charge
[Ans. Electric andelectromagnetic waves ? CBSE (DC)-2010
magnetic vectors oscillates in an em wave
4. What is the phase relationship between oscillating electric and
[ Ans. They are in the same phase maanetic fields in an em wave ? CBSE(AIC)-2010
1. What is the frequency of em wàves
produced by oscillating charge of
frequency of oscillating charge = v frequency ?
[Ans. Frequency of em wave = CBSE (AI)-2015,2010
6. When can acharge acts as a
source of em wave ? CBSE (D)-2013,2005, (AI)-2012,(AIC)-2004
[Ans. when charge is either
accelerated or oscillating
7. Write the relation for the speed of electromagnetic waves in
[Ans. Speed of em waves given by the
terms of the amplitudes of electric and magnetic fields.
ratio of the amplitudes of electricand magnetic field vectors. CBSE (AT)-2017
8. Write the expression for speed of electromagnetic waves in a
1 1
medium of electrical permittivity [ and magHetic permeability .
[ Ans. C=
CBSE (F)-2017
9. What is meant by the transverse nature of electromanetic waves ?
f Ans. Transverse nature means, E& B are l to each other as well CBSE (AT)-2016,2015
as I to the direction of propagation of the wave
10. HowW are the directions of the electric and magnetic field vectors in an em
wave are related to each.other and to the
direction of propagation of the em waves?
[Ans. E& B are I to each other as wellas I to the direction of propagation of the wave CBSE (F)-2012
11, In which directions do the electric and magnetic field vectors oscillate in an
electromagnetic wave propagating along th» x-axis?
[Ans. Ealong y-axis and B along z-axis
(Alternatively E along z-axis and B along y-axis CBSE (AI)-2017
12. Write mathematical expression for electric and magnetic fields of an electromagnetic wave propagating along z-axis.
[Ans. E, = Eo sin (Kz- wt) i & B, = B, sin (Kz -wt))
12 DraM a sketch of linearly polarized em waves propagating in
the-direction. Indicate the directions of the oscillating
electric and magnetic fields. CBSE (AI)-2016,2015,2010,(F)-2014,(D)-2009

14. Write the expression for the energy density of an

électromagnetic wave propagating in free space. CBSE (AI)-2015
[Ans. u= ug t ug = E +24o
Drectloa af propagtlo

69. 1, Name the following constituent radiations of electromagnetic spectrum wnici CBSE (AI)-2016,200s
()are used in satellite communication/in radar and geostationary satellite CBSE (D)-2010, 2004
(i) are used for studying crystal structure of solids CBSE (AI)-2007,(F-2012,200R
(i) are similar to the radiations emitted during decay of radioactive nuclei CBSE (AI)-2005, (AIC)-2005
(iV) used for water purification/ are absorbed from sunlight by Ozone layer CBSE (AI)-2007, (F)-200s
[(Ans. (i) microwaves (ii) x- rays (ii) y- rays(iv) UV rays
2. Name the following constituent radiations of electromagnetic spectrum which CBSE (AI)-2016,2005
()has its wavelength range between 390 nm to 770 nm CBSE (AI)-2005, (ATC)-2005
(i) produce intense heating effect/ used in warfare to look through fog CBSE (AI)-2007, (E-2003
(ii) are used for radar systems used in aircraft navigation CBSE (D)-2015,(F)-2012,(AT)-2007
[ Ans. (0) visible light (i) Infrared rays (ii)
3. Name the following constituent radiations of electromagnetic
)are adjacent to the low frequency end of electromagnetic
spectrum which
(ii) produced by nuclear reactions/used to destroy cancer
spectrum CBSE (F-2010
(ii) produced by bombarding a metal target by high speed
cells/treatment of cancer CBSE (F)-2010
electrons. CBSE (AI)-2016, (F)-2009
(iv) maintains the earth's warmth/ used in remote sensing CBSE (F) -2012 ,(AT) -2007
[Ans. () microwaves (i) y- rays (ii) x- rays (iv)
4. Which constituent radiations of Infrared rays
() in Radar
electromagnetic spectrum is used CBSE (F)-2004
(i) in photographs of internal parts of human body/as a diagnostic tool in medicine
(ii) for taking photographs of sky, during night and fog conditions. CBSE (D) -2015
. (iv) has the largest penetratirng power CBSE (D)-2004
Give reason for your answer in each case. CBSE (D) -2010, 2004
[ Ans. () microwaves because they go straight and are not
absorbed by the atmosphere
(i) x- rays because they can penetrate light elements (flesh)
(i) Infrared rays, because they penetrate fog and are not
absorbed by the atmosphere
(iv) y-rays as they have the highest frequency and hence highest energy
5. Electromagnetic waves with wavelengths
()2, are used to treat muScular strain CBSE (Sample Paper)-2009
(ü) A, are used by a F.M. radio station for broadcasting CBSE (D) -2015
(ii) az are used to detect fractures in bones
(iv) y are absorbed by ozone layer of the atmosphere CBSE (D)-2015
Identify the name and partof eletromagnetic spectrum to which CBSE (D) -2010,2004
wavelengths in order of magnitude. these radiations belong, Arrange these
LAns. (i) Infrared rays (ii) radio waves (ii) X- rays (iv) UV rays,
6. IdentiBy the electromagnetic waves whose
wavelength vary as and also write one use for each. CBSE
(i) 10-12 m <a< 10-8 m (i) 10 m<< 10- m (AI)-2017
IAns. (i) X-rays/y -rays used for medical
purposes/ nuclear reactions (i) Microwaves used for rador
7. Identify the electromagnetic waves whose systems
waveiength vary as and also write one use for each. cCBSE CAI)-2017
() 10-1l m<a< 10-14 m (ii) 10-m < < 10- mn
[Ans. (i) X-rays/y - rays used for medical purposes/ nuclear
(i) Infrared/ visible used for muscular treatnent/ visionreactions

12. Show that in the process of charging

a capacitor, the current produced within the plates of the capacitor is
dt CBSE (D) -2016
where og isthe electric flux produced during charging of the capacitor plates.
[ Ans. Electric field between the plates of capacitor, E =
O electric flux, or =EA= A=1
dt -)
dt dt

13. Show that in the process of charging a capacitor,displacement current is always
[Ans. Displacement current between the plates of equal toconduction current.
capacitor, during charging CBSE (AIC)-2010
dt Eo EA) = e dt \EOA dadt -1
01. What is meant by displacement current ?
[Ans. Displacement current : A current which comes in to existence due to time varying electric field, 15 Kriow
displacement current
Ip Eo dt CBSE (AT)-2016
2. Inwhich situation there is a displacement current but no conduction current ?
or in the regions of time varying electric Tield
[Ans. Between the plates of capacitor during charaina/ discharaing
3. The charging curent for a capacitor is 0.25 A. What is the displacement current across its plates ps
[Ans. same asthe convection current,ie, Iy 0.25 A
CBSE (AIC)-2001
4. Why is the quantity Eo doE
is called displacement current ?
current exists in a region between fhe two
[Ans. Because the quantity E0 dt has the dimensions of current and this
there ie, during charging or discharging of capacitor
plates of a capacitor when displacement of charges occurs it is being charged by a battery?
5. How does Ampere-Maxwell law explain the flow of current throuah a capacitor when CBSE (D)-2017
Write the expression for displacement current in terms of the rate of change of electric fix.
capacitor keeps on changing: this results in the production of
[Ans. During charging, electric flux between the plates of
displacement current between the plates
Ib E0 dÙ:dt
charged or discharging a capacitor ? Write
6. Why does a galvanometer show a momentary deflection, at the time of CBSE (AI)-2017,2016
the necessary expression to explain this observation.
displacement current between the plates is set up. Hence circuit
[Ans. During charging or discharging of the capacitor,
becomes complete and galvanometer shows momentary deflection
displacement currents,
capacitor has been charged by a d.c. source. What are the magnitudes of conduction and
7. A CBSE (D) -2013
when it is fully charged ?
[ Ans. when fully charged then both I = I, =0 and during charging I = I E0
8..What does the displacement current Ip = lo dØE
signífy ? CBSE (D)-2012
[Ans. It signifies that the changing electric field can give rise to a magnetic field
9. When an ideal capacitor is charged by a d.c. battery, no current flows. However, when an a.c. source is used, the current flows
continuously. How does one explain this, based on the concept of displacement current ? CBSE (AI)-2017,(D)-2012
[ Ans. In case of d.e. there is no change in electric flux and hence there is no displacement current. Circuit remains
incomplete and capacitor does not conduct and no current flows
In case of a.c. source changing voltage causes change in electric flux and so displacement current (Iy =
set up between the plates of capacitor. It completes the circuit and current flows continuously.
doEy is
10, Acapacitor made of two parallel plates each of plate area Aand separation d, is being charged by an external a.c.
SOurce. Show that the displacement current inside the capacitor is sanme as the current charging the capacitor.
[Ans. Let applied alternating voltage CBSE (AI)-2013
V=Vo sin wt
At any instant, the conduction current

(CV) d: (CV, sin wt) =CVo d (sin wt) =wCV, cos wt =lo cos wt
Displacement current,
Ip = EP=
E dt (E A) = dt \[o A A)==|= I, cos wt
11.Write the expression for the generalzed Ampere's circuital law. Through asuitable example, explain the signifcance
of.timedependent term. CBSE (AI)-2015
[Ans. Generalized Ampere's circuital law ýB.dl = Ho(I + eE)
Significance : Time dependent term i,e, Eot is the displacement current and it signifies that the changing
electric field can give rise to a magnetic field

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