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This chapter discusses the concept and importance of appropriation in art

Learning Objectives

At the end of the unit I am able to:

1. Identify the concept of appropriation.
2. Determine the significance of appropriation in creating an artwork.
3. Know the effect of appropriation in pursuing originality.
4. Make a parody of commercials that fulfill the concept of soul-making.

Setting Up

Direction: on the box below, draw anything that will represent yourself, and explain how it
represents you?

1. Think a scenario in your life that imitates you to be someone that you admire the most? Explain
why do you imitate that person?
2. What do you think the advantage in imitating a person?
3. Does this imitating affect your life now?
Lesson Proper

Cultural appropriation

o Cultural appropriation happens when an artist borrows ideas, motifs, plots,

technical devices, etc. from another culture to which he/she does not belong.
o As a concept, cultural appropriation is bound to moral and aesthetic questions
o However, the term cultural appropriation should be understood depending on the
narrative context and the perspective.
o History and power relations are important considerations when morally evaluating
an instance of cultural appropriation.

Types of cultural appropriation

 Object appropriation – tangible work of art is appropriated.

It occurs when the possession of a tangible work of art (such as a sculpture or
painting is transferred from members of one culture to members of another culture.

 Content appropriation – intangible work is appropriated

Content appropriation happens when an intangible object (a musical composition,
story, or poem) is reused and expressed in a work by an artist outside the culture
from which it originated.

 Style appropriation – stylistic elements are appropriated.

Style appropriation occurs when stylistic elements common from one culture are
taken and expressed by an artist who belongs to another culture.

 Motif appropriation – motifs is appropriated

Motif appropriation occurs when motifs from one culture are taken and expressed
by an artist who belongs to another culture.
Tattoo motif are often appropriated
Tattoo motifs can be appropriated without knowledge of where these are coming
from, and what important symbolic meaning they have for the culture from which
they are taken.

 Subject appropriation- another culture or come of its people is appropriated.

Subject appropriation occurs when subject matter, namely another culture or some
of its members, is represented by an artist who belongs to another culture in
his/her work.

 The problem with Bagani (Ching. 2008)

o What does Bagani mean?
“Warrior chief” – mandaya
“Warrior priest” – manobos
“The Bagani is not recruited but anointed by Mondaangan, (a revered spirit) and is
sacred to the Manobo peoples”
o So when you use the term Bagani for a teleserye that is devoid of historical and
cultural context, you are actually lambasting the memoirs and integrity of our
o Cultural appropriation: when is it problematic?
Some acts of cultural appropriation can be considered ad theft.
Cultural appropriation could harm members of culture by misrepresentation,
thereby producing discrimination and inequality in terms of economic, educational,
or other opportunities.

 Reasons why BAGANI appropriating the culture of indigenous people and the cultural
heritage of the country

o There was a scene when Enrique Gil’s character “Lakas” presumed dead and a
healer (babaylan) named Gloria recites a chant that is not suited for the indigenous
people culture
o “mekeni mekeni tugtug do re mi” a chant that heal the character of Enrique Gil as
“Lakas” in which some expert see this an embarrassment to the indigenous heritage.
This might affect for the imagination of a child which is based fiction rather than
actual facts
o This cultural appropriation might lead to misinterpretation and exploit of the
cultural heritage of the indigenous people

 Why do artists appropriate?

o Morally sound cultural appropriation can lead to the production of valuable works
of art.
o For example, Akira Kurosawa borrows from Shakespeare; classic literary pieces and
incorporates them into their work.
o The arts and culture are dynamic. Cultures naturally interact with each other.
o The completely banning cultural appropriation will lead to cultural stagnation.
o Nevertheless, sensitivity and care should be exercised when appropriating from
another culture.

Ching, Marrian Pio Roda (2018), “is bagani culturally appropriating indigenous peoples?” CNN
Philippines. retrieved last 27 may 2019. Retrieved from
Young, J. O. (2008). “what is cultural Appropriation?” Cultural Appropriation and the arts. Blackwell
Publishing Ltd., Malden, USE pp. 1-31.


This chapter discusses the concept of improvisation and be familiar in creating and
performing an art without any preparation.

Learning Objectives
At the end of the unit I am able to:
1. Identify the concept of improvisation
2. Make a story that tells the Filipino heritage through puppet show
3. Create a dance improvisation using the song “the coconut”

Setting Up
Motive Activity

Name:_____________________________________ Score:______________
Course/Year/Section:____________________ Date:_______________

Direction: on the space below, take a picture of yourself dressed like your favorite anime character
using things available in your home. Submit the picture with the description of the anime you are

Lesson Proper
What is improvisation?

Improvisation highlights creativity, immediacy, innovation, and spontaneity as part of its

product and activity. Improvisation exists not only in the arts but in many other fields. It is more
likely innate in art because in art you need to make an alternative to make the artwork more
aesthetic. In a general sense, improvisation is spontaneous, unplanned or otherwise free-ranging
creativity. Certain performances or products of artistic activity are referred to as improvisations
when they have been produced in a spontaneous originative way.

Philippines and improvisation

The Culture of improvisation in the Philippines (Antolihao, 2004)

 Since the Philippines is situated in the “Typhoon Belt” and the “Pacific Ring of Fire,” natural
calamities are a common occurrence.
 Filipinos have learned to be resilient, resourceful and innovative.
 A house that was built for years can be easily destroyed in one night, thus our early
ancestors never erected permanent residential structures.
 The structures constructed were adaptable, something that could be built and rebuilt in a
short period of time.

An example of cultural improvisation is the bahay kubo (nipa hut)

 Bahay kubo is common as a house in the country because of its versatility and easy to
construct most of the house in the rural community consists, a bahay kubo.
 Geography and climate, available natural building, materials, and local construction skills
influenced the design and construction of the bahay kubo.
 When peasants move to the city, they bring with them their ability to make use of whatever
is available.
 In the urban setting, the bahay kubo evolves into a barong-barong.
 Like the bahay kubo, the barong-barong is built with speed not only to avoid unfavorable
weather, but also to evade landowners and authorities.
 Rebuilding of the barong-barong is just as easy once it is damaged by natural calamities, or
in most cases, destroyed by demolition drives.

Dance Improvisation

Dance Improvisation makes use of the body as the center of experience (Khulmann, 2004).
All experiences are made through our bodies. The body is the focus and experience and perception.

History of dance improvisation

As a postmodern art form that developed in the 1950s, it is reflective of itself. Thae
Improvisational performance examines the body as the medium of art in the form of dance. It puts
into question what are the boundaries of dance performance.

Theater improvisation
What is An Improv Theater? (Rappler, 2017) Improv is a form of theatre and performance
where everything is unrehearsed and unscripted. All the scenes and stories are created on the spot.
Silly People’s Improv Theater (SPIT) is an improv theater company that originated in the
Philippines in 2002. Third World Improv offers classes in improv.

Principles of Improv

 “Yes, and….” This pertains to the acceptance of the situation or idea, no matter how weird it
is, and build on it.
 Making your partner look good - this means putting your partner in the best light possible.
 “walang Laglagan.” - This builds an atmosphere of trust and support so the team can work
together harmoniously.
 Be average - This means never hogging the spotlight, or talking over other improvisers, or
pressuring yourself to be brilliant all the time. It means just doing your part genuinely and
honestly, letting the scene take off on its own.
 Active listening The only way to move any story on stage forward is if you pay attention to
what your scene partner in saying.
 Everything is a gift On an improve stage, everything said or done is an offer if the performer
chooses to accept it. If he/she is listening actively enough, there are openings to create
everywhere – be it creating drama, comedy, or intrigue.

Improv vs. stand-comedy

 Stand up is scripted; done alone, and the material and jokes that comedians hone to
 Improv has structures but the content is always on the spot and unscripted. It is also often
done with at least two people, often with a group.
 Certain performances or products of artistic activity are referred to as improvisations when
they have been produced in a spontaneous originative way.
 Improvisation is part of Filipino culture.

Antolihao, Lou. (2004). Culture of Improvisation. Institute of Philippine culture, Ateneo de mnila
university, Quezon City. Pp. 83-84
Bresnahan, Aili W. (2015). Improvisation in the arts. Philosophy of Faculty Publications. 7.
University of Dayton. Retrieved last 18 march 2019 from
Kuhlmann, Heike. (2004). What are the Specific values of dance improvisation in performance.
Retrieved last 28 may 2019. Retrieved from
Unknown Author. (2017). 5 improv principles that create good leaders. Rappler. Retrieved last 28
may 2019. Retrieved from

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