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93. How can the teacher best begin in developing a lesson plan design? A. High level open-ended question 8B. General learning . Vision-mission statement of the school D. Clearly defined outcomes ‘94. Among unit pian components, to what cluster do projected competencies-outcomes belong? ‘A. Resources and materials C. Evaluation procedures 8, Objectives D. Content 95. Classroom routines from the backbone of daily school activities, but which of the following is not covered by such routines? A. Submission of work . Distribution of papers B. Lesson content D, Sealing arrangement ‘96, Which of the following is an acceptable teacher-effectiveness practice? A. Salting of obj B. Directions gi C. Classroom D. Planning do ‘97. In the History to determine champions in idenliying people, places, “ To genin gheehniene ‘does she aim to achieve? A. Aaplcaton Knowledge 98, Which of the folle A. Drill B. Verbal sym ‘99. When classes began, Teacher Dan asked student in paits to interview and introduce each other to the class. How will this activity be classified according to Edgar Dale's cone of experience? A. Purposeful experionce C. Dramalize experience B. Verbal symbols D. Demonstration 100, With closeness to direct experience as standard, which one should a teacher choose? A. Contrived experiences C. Dramatize experiences B. Study tip D. Demonstration 401. What provides the most direct type of learning, but is difficutt to supply in the traditional classroom? A. Real-life experionce B, Compuler-assisted learning & Few students pauserte pas ied a ). Most students performed poorly 179. ‘Which is true when the standard deviation is big? A. Scores are spread out B. Scores are not extremes C. The bell curve shape is sleep . Scores are concentrated 180. ‘What does it mean to state the cifficulty index of a test item is one (1)? A. The tost item is extromely easy B. The test item is not valid C. The test item is very good and should be retained D. The test item is very difficult 181. ‘What does the test mean if the difficulty index is 1? ‘A. Missed by everyone ©. Very ditricut B. Very easy Pig ers pecsttan nas? 184. A positive correlation is to direct relation: to what relation is negative correlation? A. Indefinite relation C. Definite relation B. Inverse relation D. Neutral relation 185, ‘What is the meaning of a negative correlation between amount of pracl.¢ anu rium bor of error i tennis? A. The decrease in ne amount of practice sometimes afecs the number of erors B. The increase in the amount of practice does not at all affect the number of errors C. Decrease in the amount of practice goes with decrease in the number of errors D. As the amount of practice increases, the number of errors decreases 186. ‘What is the graphic illustration for the relationship between two variables? ‘A. Normal curve C. Frequency polygon 8. Histogram D. Scatter diagram Visit Far more: P Pato D. Respected position in society a1. Of the following, which is not a characteristic of the Joumal that reflects observations and interpretations of the student, such as on a reading ora field visit? A. Encourage risk taking C. Open and factual 8. Literary and grammatical —_D. Non-threatening 172, ‘What is the criterion-referenced test designed to determine? A. Performance level on a specific skill B. Performance on a wide content of coverage G. Attaining a personal target D. Performance higher than other members of the group 173. In interpreting assessment results, which is described when the results are consistent? A. Roliability B. Subjectivity 474, Since Te: jowing should he adopt? A. Makea test that a rt the, nee for more plete B, Make the test ana Bae $ ae €. Increase number D. Restrict rang 175. ‘Which m central tend vost reliable when ‘extremely high and low? D aan be identified unless individual scores are given 176. ‘Which is a characteristic of the following score distribution: 98, 93, 93, 93, 90, 88, 87, 85, 85, 70, ‘51, 34, 34, 34, 20, 18, 15, 12, 9, 8, 6, 3, 1. ‘A. No discemible pattern C. Skewed to the right 8B, Tr-modal D. Bimodal Wi. ‘What is the normal curve in the grade distribution of students in a class? ‘A. Allhave average grades B. Most got average grades, few high and low C. Most get high grades D. Most get low grades 178. ‘What can be said of student performance in a negatively skewed class score distribution? A. Most students performed well B, Allstudents had average performance 187. Among standardized tests, Desai reveals serati ‘and weaknesses for purposes of placement and formulating an appropriate instructional program? ‘A. Achievement tests G. Diagnostic tests 8. Competency tests D. Personality tests 188. Whatkind of assessment helps teachers determine gaps in learning a subject matter? A. Formative assessment C. Summative assessment B. Diagnostic test D. Placement examination 189. Anentering student in college would like to determine which course is best sulted for him. Which test is appropriate for this purpose? A. Achievement test C. Intelligence test B. Diagnostic test D. Aptitude test 190, Tests should be non-threatening, but which of the following actual threatens students? A. Selt-record C. Sched B. Surprise D. 191. Inprepar }om tests, wh ul isthe last among the steps in tests, preparation? How are the test scor ibulaled? A. Hoi é elemereee (Spekaingt PS S How is the o 192, With whi the assessi items be aligned? A Monitoring c tnaroctona media D. Content and process 193. Principal Rodriguez introduced machine-scored tests in his school, What factor in scoring does this add to make tests more reliable? A, Objective scoring C. Ease in checking B. Cost-saving D. Time-economics 194. The tests questions in Teacher Dante's test were confusing and were subject to wrong understanding, especially to poorer students. What was wrong with the lest? ‘A. Test items inappropriate for outcomes being measured B. Inappropriate level of difficulty of items C. Unclear directions D. Ambiguity Pato 195. For easier correction of his test, Teacher Edward prepared the True and False items in altemating 1, 3, 5, 7 ete. True, and 2, 4, 6 etc. False. What is wrong with the test in terms of Usability? A. Improper arrangement of items 8. Identifiable pattem of answers ¢, D. Poorly constructed test items 196. ‘What is wrong with test items that give clues to answers to questions? A. Undear directions C. Ambiguity 8. Tests brevity 1D. Poor construction 197. Inher tests, Teacher Dorie made tests that were elther too difficult or too easy. What was wrong, with her tests? Senn el ee ee C. Unclear direc D. Ambiguity 198, In using & sis Susceptible lo, such as to make them less reliab 3: Tine eansuing LE Seo PASS 199. What pi nse factor y questi A. Wide: B. Factual ir C. Originality D. Less time for constructing and scoring ‘the opportunities for Essay questions, which of the following does not provide high-level or inking epperuniy ‘A. Analysis C. Synthesis: B. Evaluation D. Memorization Visit Formore Pat's Books Patboesksforum cer 11. jong cognitive fevels of thinking, what cognitive level is stressed by the Essay question: “In the ign ote ts presented, ‘what Is most lkety to happen when..." ‘A. Inferring 8, Classifying C. Applying D. Analyzing 12, Of skills teachers should understand and students need to acquire, which is the ability to monitor ‘and modify thinking, as well as deal with ambiguous or unclear information without getting frustrated? ‘A. Focusing B. Sharpening C. Tolerance D. Narrowing 113. Among categories of thinking skills, which is the ability to breakdown complex information into Parts for understanding? A. Focusing 8, Namowing GC. SharpeningD. Analysis 114, Which aspect of mult-inteligence is enhanced by asking students to work on a physical mode! of the atom after a teacher's discussion on the subject of the atom? A. Interpersonal! B. Kinesthoti 115, In his Lite i ¥ ito write poetic verse, drawn from sensible ir 7 = or is he trying to develop in students? A. Curiosity B. wieoniooke: vente FxdainSombad SS 3S 116, ‘Whatis t ry advantage techniques In, role play, gaming, etc.) in instruction? A. Highor B. Student eng C. Problem solving D. Focuson. queso not answers v7. Among thinking skills in learning, what includes fluent, flexible, original and elaborate thinking? ‘A. Divergent thinking C. Critical thinking B. Convergent thinking D. Problem solving 118, In his speech class, teacher Rod uses poetry dramatic reading by students, using movements (gestures, facial expressions, creative movements, etc.). What leaming objectives or outcome is he looking for? A. Non-discursive communication c. easy movements B. Reflex movements D. Characterization A. Permissive C. Uninvolved B. Authoritative D. Authoritarian ‘69, Among teaching styles, how do you classify teachers who are control oriented and impose rutes without explanation? ‘A. Authoritative C. Pemmissive 8. Authoritarian ©. Uninvolved 70. Values are subjective. Your value may not necessatily be my value. What subscribe to this thought? |. Progressivist II. Pragmatistsill. Essentialist A. Mandl C. land I B. 1H, and D.tandit 71, Students must be taught self-+responsibilty is the desire of the teacher, A. Existentialist C, Constructivist B. Pragmatic D. Utilitarianist 72. Of the follawing, emful @ [goodness outside the school system? A. Government B. Nature: 73. Of the following, which is thelbesf way nga sdppoft théeatting development of their children? A. Buying mater ers a ic. i 74. Teacher Erie essential subject i While treating them sufficiency B. Making calls C. Interest and D. Checking or in-dept. What guiding principle is he following for lesson preparation? A. Balance ©. Significance 8. Feasibilly D. Sel-sufficiency %. ne a the following is a quality of an engaging learning environment most 1vective of =¢ucation Fos ‘A. Improvised 4 enhance lenming forall types of earners 8 Goon comrntheston beex aine pare students 76. What is the main focus of the Schools Mean Success(SMS) concept for lifelong learning? Se ocean saree (k scaes £ ‘Tapping student's potential for success. C. Pillars of instruction, research and outreach for success 61. Of subcategories of teacher movement behavior, what Is happening when the teacher bursts into settles without assessing student readiness and gives orders, statements, or questions that confuse students? ‘A. Stimulus-bounded C. Thrust 8. Truncation D. Dangle 62. The class has become uncontrollable, and so teacher yen decided to have some undisciplined students ‘out of the room to the counselor's office. What did teacher Yen apply by way of preventive approach to discipline? ‘A. Removing seductive objects C. Antiseptic bouncing B. Direct appeal D. Physical restraint 63, Teacher Anna deal eflectvely wih 2 minor infarction of whispering 9 sudent to a neighbor during dass. ngidid she do? 8. Teacher grabs, slaps students C. Stands or sits that shows D. Teacher frowns, sneers 66. The following are examples of non-verbal behavior. Which one is restricting or not acceptable mannerism by teachers? ‘A, Teacher suggests approval for students and continues with “um-hm* B. Teacher moves toward student C. Teacher slouches to suggest being carefroo D. Teacher's intonation shows support 67. Among teaching styles, how do you classify teachers who clearly and fairly communicale standards for and performance to student? ‘A. Authoritarian C. Permissive B. Uninvolved D. Authoritative 68, Among teaching styles, how do you classify teachers who lack confidence in enforcing and demanding compliance to rules? D. Mission-vision of schools for success. 77. Of the following interventions, which is directly aimed at responding to the transitional gap between academic achievement and employment? ‘A. Deregulation of tuition fees B. Voluntary accreditation of schools €. School networking with business and industry ©. Identification of centers of excellence 78. Leaming is influenced by social interaction and interpersonal relations. What must a teacher do? A. Make students work collaboratively B. Motivate students to reflect on how they learn G. Make students feel good about themselves D. Give more: independent study 79. Which of the following refer to teamwork among teachers in classroom teaching? A. Peer evaluation ©. Peer discussion B. Peer teaching D. Peer assessment 80. Of goals of ed ‘A. Autonomy B. Enculturation) 81. In the implementation of the oe eae: the as ere het ineffective strategies are called “Red”. Which of the following belongs tothe Pa ‘A. Authoritarian role of the teacher B. Collective discipline C, Value for ii D. Rigid system of grading 83. Among unit plan components, to what cluster do models, replicas, charts, yrapiia, at specimens belong? ‘A. Resources and materials C. Evaluation ion procedures B. Learning activities D. Object 84. Among the following terms in technology, which has the broadest concept of technology for the whole educative system? A. Campuler technology C. Instructional technology B. Audiovisuals D. Educational ‘85. In the process of integrating technology in instruction, which of the following points to the highest kind of cognitive skilis desired? * ‘Nurturing of class teamwork &. Groening moa reat leaming 86. While there is modernity and progress through the use of technology in instruction, what is the greatest danger along the domain of learning that is posed by technology? ‘A. Using technology to fill in lesson gaps B. Using technology to lighten up lessons C. Daveloping passivity and uncritical minds D. Developing visual and audial orientation 57-Of the tfng, which the most racional ekarpe of "Yectnicogy- I Oe Ried sense of. tock for lucal A. Moving fim ¢. CD-ROM 8. Chalkboard D, Graphs and photos 88, Which of the fol vision) A. TV viewing fc D. TV viewing to 89. In e-teaming, which is iii idan sped! learfiing fhrough tfie electronic media? A. Virtual imagi B. Technology ¢C. Enthusiasm — D. Digital piatto asic haa dramatic educat in what is known as “cliff A. Relevance . Satisfaction B. Significance BD. 91. Of the following effects on leaming, what is the effect of assigning various sections of the newspaper, and allowing choice depending on the leamer’s choice? A. Changing attitudes and feelings B. Reinforcing learning C. Allowing differont intorosts . Encouraging participation ‘82. According to Nagel's Acronym PPFF, what is important to Follow Up in the proper use of instructional materials? A. Student interest C. Lesson objective B. Student expectations D. Media and materials Visit Far moce Pat Patbookforum cam C. Modify lesson D. Skip whole fesson unit altogether ‘53. Teacher Jose talks to students about their interests, whal they did over the weekend, their progress in ‘school work, etc, What positive approach to classroom management did Teacher Jose apply? ‘A. Trusting students, 54, Each teacher has a role as a behavior reinforcing agent. Which of the follawing should not be encouraged among teachers? A. Positive relationship B. Throats G. Reward appropriate behavior D. Constant reinforcement 55, Hawai ‘and when should teachers most effectively deal with misdemeanor for class management and ‘A. Atthe beginn| 8 Bee B. When heads 56. Which of the following best rm a the gnaynee apoE in dassroom management? A. Persist, enforce, don't give up B, Calmness, 7 Cc. Work, procedures D. Control, sanctions '57. Which of the following classroom climate is less threatening? A. Cooperative C. individualistic B. Competitive D. Autocratic ‘58, In the 5°S Formula to create a conducive learning environment, which S stands cleanliness of the work place? A. Shine —-B. Sweep G. Systematized D. Sort ‘59, Among the components in the instructional framework for learning strategies, which is demonstrated by teacher Ana who assigns homework for students to do on their own? A. Independent practice & B. Review ‘D. Modeling 60. What mistake is teacher Benny trying to avold when he never drops a topic belore itis completed? ‘A. Dangling topic C. Bounded topic B, Non-directional topic D. Non-assessed tople PDFBOOKSFORUM.COM Profed Final Coaching 1. Which is true of LET passers? A very LET paneer stilt stn renitved to take tie Feremetonel neh Store practicing ane Professional Teacher & rn the Professional Oath before practicing as a Professional Teacher is optional for LET passer ‘The Professional Oath can be taken before any Professional Teacher b ‘The taking of oath must be within one month from passing the LET 2. Cana failed examinee qualify for a position of parateacher? A No B. Yes G. Yes, if his LET rating is below 75 D. Yes, if his LET rating is 70 and above 3, In order to assist new teachers, which is the most effective way to clarify the schoot's goals and responsibilities early in the first year? C. Principal's memorandum D. mM pei ‘good peti D. Sho tase co paide in the teeshing profession 6. When should teachers support one another ‘A. Atall times for whatever cause B. When they dialogue with administration G. When there is rift among teachers D. When the best interest of learners is at stake in a controversy 7. Name the skills relevant to the teachers looking at prablems as opportunities: 1. Responsiveness to problem solving ll, Alertness for possibilities il, Strong defense for tradition IV. Capacity to forget problems A. 1,11 I, and Iv C.N, U, and IV B. tand It D.1, 1, and ill 8. Which of the following is not relevant as immediate expectations for BEED and BSEd graduates? it For me PDFBOOKSFORUM.COM Profed Final Coaching 1. Which is true of LET passers? A very LET paneer stilt stn renitved to take tie Feremetonel neh Store practicing ane Professional Teacher & rn the Professional Oath before practicing as a Professional Teacher is optional for LET passer ‘The Professional Oath can be taken before any Professional Teacher b ‘The taking of oath must be within one month from passing the LET 2. Cana failed examinee qualify for a position of parateacher? A No B. Yes G. Yes, if his LET rating is below 75 D. Yes, if his LET rating is 70 and above 3, In order to assist new teachers, which is the most effective way to clarify the schoot's goals and responsibilities early in the first year? C. Principal's memorandum D. mM pei ‘good peti D. Sho tase co paide in the teeshing profession 6. When should teachers support one another ‘A. Atall times for whatever cause B. When they dialogue with administration G. When there is rift among teachers D. When the best interest of learners is at stake in a controversy 7. Name the skills relevant to the teachers looking at prablems as opportunities: 1. Responsiveness to problem solving ll, Alertness for possibilities il, Strong defense for tradition IV. Capacity to forget problems A. 1,11 I, and Iv C.N, U, and IV B. tand It D.1, 1, and ill 8. Which of the following is not relevant as immediate expectations for BEED and BSEd graduates? it For me 46. Under R.A. 7722 or Higher Education Act of 1994, which agency has direct supervision and management of teacher education institutions or colleges of education in the country? A. Commission on Higher Education 8. Professional Board of Teachers ©. Teacher Education Council D. Department of Education 417. Under R.A. 7722 or Higher Education Act of 1994, which agency identifies supports and develops centers, of excellence among higher education institutions in the country? A. Department of Education B. Professional Regulation Commission C. Commission on Higher Education D. Teacher Education Council 48. Which of the following has greatly influenced the introduction of K-to-12 reform in basic education? A. Need to employ more teachers B. Need to conform to international standards &. Need fo allt for more funding gion in public schools? . Outside of schoo! hours only D. Upon writton permis ‘ PASS 20. What is the ti is solely for aliens in the Philippines? C. Religious or 1D. Schools for children of diplomats and their dependents 21. To whose responsibility is assigned by Philippine Constitution to the establishment, maintenance and support of complete, adequate, and Integrated system of education? A. The citizens B. The legislators C. The stato D. The local govemment 22, Among rights of the schools, which is not provided by the law? for basic education to subjects of study B. Right to provide proper governance C. Right to enforce administrative systems 0. Right for institutions for higher learning to determine academic grounds for admission 23. Among categories of time in classrooms and schools, which refers to the number of days and hours in the school calendar specified by the school and government agencies? i For meee A. Acting as an agent of change C. Prinopled understanding of te arin process D. High literacy and critical thinking 9, Among the following, which direcily qualifies the teacher candidate to be registered at par with other professions like medicine, aw, nursing, and the ike? C. Continuing professional education D. Membership in professional education 10. What does “once a teacher, forever a student” imply for the professional teacher? A. Teachers affinity with the student B, Student-centered instruction C. Post-graduate studies for teachers D. Lifetong 41. What is the: 1m for educatio A. Merit and pr B. Lifelong 12. In essence, what is the new PerfSimahce' Appraisal Syste a (Past? A. Competency B. Skil-based 13, What is known: weakness and st ‘and useful for recognizing A. Solf-evaluation C. Master teacher's evaluation B, Student's evaluation —_D.. Principal's evaluation 14, Self-evaluation can be done in various ways, but this is not one of them. A. Whitten reflection B. Self-videotape of class performance CC. Use of an evaluation instrument D. Peer feedback session 15. What problem is given focus by research studies which show low rate of work absorption among technicallvocational graduates? ‘A. Highly protected formal sector B. mismatch For more Patho A. Contoxt clues C. Semantic clues 8B, Syntactic clues D. Graphophonic clues 720. seq Ure Govel's Readng Ske Ladder. which Isat he very bottom and needed i move up to the sequential ladder of reacing skits? ‘A. Vocabulary building C. Basic sight words 8. Phonetic analysis D. Structural analysis 130. In Grace Godell’s Skills Ladder, which step should come last and only when needed? A. Using contextual clues €. Using the dictionary B._ Using parts of a book D. Using phonetic analysis 131. How will you make a child memorize the table of multipication from the point of view of Paviov? A. Make them understand the meaning of multiplication B. Call the child's attention every time you recite the table for thom , Mote te tease oft ae of reson D. Reward the ev e 132. ‘What disorders? like attention-deficit A we é &: shia mom ta: T'S PASS 133. Of the fol which te f regen we a Last splurge mm 134. In Piaget's stages of Cognitive Development, what is the pre-school age in which the child's intelligence is intuitive, able to make mental representation, and close to the use of symbols? ‘A. Formal operational stage C. Sensory motor stage B. Concrete operational stage. Preoperational stage 135. __In Piaget's Concrete-Operational Stage in cognitive development, wh'si zee tt ba antity to ‘order or arrange things logically on dimensions such as weight, volume, of siz: A. Conservation C. Decentering B, Reversibility D. Seriation 136. _InPiaget’s | Stage in cognitive development, which refers to the ability of the Concrete-Operational Child to perceive different features of objects and situations, e.g. toughness in stone, elasticity in rubber, etc.? ‘A. Decentering C. Reversibility 8. Sefialion D. Conservation sit For more B. Guided practice D. Review 146. Principal Ted thinks uses free and open dialogue, event confrontation, so that teachers and leamers can learn to discard old habits and altitudes. What is his general view about learning? A. It requires school resources 8. {tis attimes a painful process €. It is a consequence of experience . Its primarily a fun experience: 147. ___ John Dewey said, “An ounce of experience is better than a ton of theory.” To which does this statement point? A. The need for theory Tho primacy of experience B. The need for experience D. The precy oes 148, Someon: intellectual play.” A. Theory and. B. Theoryis mi ©. Experience is a D. One can stand without aires other 149. ira depenicent var varie canbe =) to test the Fie poles, “The more a teacher knows about 150. In the school, who is the key to the success or failure in teaching-and-learning, being the link between the child and the curriculum? A. The teacher ©. The student B. The parent D. The principal 151. In outcomes based education, which of the following are not considere: wutcuviies ? A. Products C. Portfolios B. Procedures D. Performances 152. ‘What is the erroneous concept of outcomes in Outcomes-Based Education? A. Performance ——-B. Products. C. Results. D. Content 153. Ina Problem-Based Learning Group, who take notes, join discussion and review materials? A. Facilitator C. Team members B. Team leader D. Recorder A. Withdrawal C. Revenge seeking 8. Power seeking D. Attention getting 39. To manage behavior, the teacher needs to be able to identify the mistaken goals of the students. What is the hidden goal of students whe become violent? ‘A, Goal is to seek power C. Goal is to isolate self B. Goal is to get attention D. Goal is to got revenge 40. To what problem type do students belong, who have short attention span, unable to sustain concentration by being easily affected by sights, sounds or speech? A. Withdrawn, C. Low achiever B. Defiant D. Distractible 41, Of the approaches to classroom management, which involves a variety o techniques and methods of Fanging simple rewards to elaborate reinforcement, e.g. praise or rewards’ A. Behavioral modification approach 8. Group management anroach . Business-academic approach ~ I AT PA 42. Among styles of casscorh naraenent Sas expects So to specify rules of behavior, clearly? ‘43, Of the approaches to classroom management, which emphasizes the organization and management of studentsas they engage in academic work? A. Assertive approach B. Group managerial approach Behavioral modification approach D Business-academic approach 44, If threat or punishment is necessary on erring students, how should this be done? A. First a waming before the threat B, Make the threat with immediate punishment C. Make the threat and reinforce with warning 0. Warn and threat at the same 45. If threat or punishment is necessary, which of the following expressed the threat with LEAST severity? ‘A. “Lill work for your removal from class and you are shame to your classmates.” B. “Iwill send you to principal's office, or else also ask your parents to confer with the principal.” Visit For moxo Patbookste 119. Under the affective domain of learning, what includes active attention to stimuli such as acquiescence, willingness to answer, and feelings of satisfaction? A. Organization G. Responding 8. Valuing D. Characterization 120. Of the following, which is the effective way to advance practical oral proficiency of students? ‘A. Give more group work compared with individual work. B, Request the construction of a school speech laboratory C. Engage students in conversational activities D. Give stress to correct. grammar 121. What kind of literary works are very creative by way of descriptive language and dramatic episodes? A. Fiction novels C. Biography B. Historical account D. Autobiography 122, ‘Where can students find critical views on current event in newspapers? A. Entertainme B. Opinion pag 123. ‘What is af 0 0 ‘of the very young readers? A. Romeo and B. Diary of Anne Frank D. Les “tt 124. What desirable thinking L Eales is aimed at in B ry in B th ling activity? A. Interest B. 125, at orci ‘oben ven she read back and forth, A. Down-top 8. Interactive C. Top-down D. Bottoms-up 126. Sequence the following events on the historical development of reading: Greek letters and the Roman alphabet were developed Il, Through the Semite's ingenuity, sounds and symbols gave rise to the Phoenician elphabet iil, People used pictures and characters to convey messages IV. Researchers showed the process of reading. comprehension. and inter .etabun. A. Lt IM, and IV C. Hil, I, , and IV B, I, 1V, and iit IV, 11,1, and itt 127, What is known as leaming a new word by studying its roots and affixes? ‘A. Morphology C. Structural anatysis 8, Phonetic analysis . Contextuatization 128. What Is known as getting the meaning of a new unfamiliar word by looking for hints from surrounding words in a sentence or paragraph? 137. __In Piaget's Formal-Operational Stage in cognitive development, which of the following is not ‘among the characteristics of the child's thinking ability? A. Logical thin! 138, _In Erickson’s Stages of Theory of Development, which affirmation belongs to the stage of Identity versus Role Confusion? ‘A. When people look at what have done, | feel embarrassed B. I get a good deal of pleasure from working C. Iwonder what sort of person | am D. Ifeel competent 139. _In Erickson's Stages of Theory of Development, which of the following needs to be developed from the child (1 to + years old)? ‘A. Autonomy B. Initiative C. industry. Trust 140. Following! 9's Theory of of joy who alk ssmate to co A. Social apy 8, Punishment 141. Of the following quesjonggeten: relate to mag? 6 A. How is this done? C. What facts did | know? 8. Am | leamingWellienough’ e it oc=ur? 142. 9 0 fot applicable to mel ‘A. How will | knowifl/amieaming at riate rate? B. Did | understand what | just hear, read or saw? C. Dol know what | need to now? D. What factual information have | retained? 143, ‘Which of the following does not belong to the metacognitive reading activities? A. Predicting B. Testing C. Sampling D. Perceiving 144, Among examples listed, which does not represent teaching strategies to develop metacognition? ‘A. Have the students develop questions about what is going on araund them B. Have toachers the free hand to monitor and rate learning achievement C. Have students to monitor their own learning and thinking 0. Have students make predictions about what is to be represented 145. Among componenis in the instructional framework for Jearning strategies, which is demonstrated by teacher Jny who worked logether wih her students on a sil r task and igure out how to apply the 3 A. Independent practice C. Consolidation C. Verbal symbolism D. Multisensory instructional aids 102. ‘Of the following, which is a form of direct learning experience? Village interview D. Preparation of learning materials 103. On clusters of meaningful leaming activities, which does not belong to bodily-kinesthetic learning activities? A. Storytelling ©. Dance B. Hands-on demonstration D. Role-playing 104. How can lessons be made more meaningful by way of learning continuity? A. Add value to content B, Introduce new content C. Stress retention of facts D. Relate past lesson 2: aig dah andy ow PASS &- Bansaing ro 106, ‘Of the fol best relate to chil learning and development? A. Drawing an reading B. Singing and i and sports 107. _In cognitive learning, what are firmly established and thoroughly tested principles or theories? A. Hypothesis. = B. Facts €.Laws —D. Concepts 108. Among cognitive objectives, what refers to the transfer of knowedge from one concept to another? A. Synthesis C. Analysis 8, Application 'D, Comprehension 109. __Inthe taxonomy of learning objectives or outcomes, which relates to judging in terms of intemal evidence or logical consistency, or extemal evidence consistent with fact? ‘A. Evaluation —-B. Receiving C. Valuing. Application 440. Under the domains of leaning, to what domain do comprehension, analysis, and evaluation A. Reflective B. Cognitive C. Affective D. Psychomotor A. To practice reading with competence B. To improve the speed of reading competence C. To appreciate reading competence 1D. To understand the concept of reading competence 162. Among recording devices during assessment, which can the student use to describe behavior ‘and context which observations may be forgotten or remembered incorrectly? A. Portfolio C. Anecdotal record B. Checklist D. Self-assessment 163. ‘What is a scoring guide that lists the criteria and their levels of quality on which evaluation will be focused? A. Portfolio Cc. Stem B. Joumal D. Rubric 164. Which is an alternative assessment tool that consists of a collection of work artifacts or in progress ‘accomplishment by a targeted clientele? A. Portfolio B. Evaluation 165. Which of reliable dete: ant’s ability to write? A. Portfolio as Inte o B. Scoring rubric ‘Self-assessment Dang Rubrics to assess dsFeeanit Presentations of duds. which criteria from the follawing livery sequencing that seeks to assess high, Moderate, or low imaginative thinking? A. Aesthetic 8. Creativity C. Appeal —_D. Craftsmanship 168. Which of the following best describes creativity? A. Imaginative B. Positive C. Resourceful D. Inspired 169. Amongwritten categories of assessment, what instruments did Science teacher Julian use when he prepared a list of behavior that make up a certain type of performance in the use of microscope? ‘A. Observation of self-report. Product raring skill 8. Whitten response instrument —_D. Performance test 170. Using extrinsic motivational assessment, what could be the noblest motive in students pursuing a lifetime work and mission for the teaching profession? iS rere ate car are nied ‘Social service to upcoming generations: e Economic security and welfare ist For more Pats Books G. “You will get shortened recess or receive more severe punishment.” 0. “You will report early to school tomorrow or you wil be marked absent.” 46. Of the following, which is a non-threatening style of disciplining unruly students?” ‘A. Stand under heat ef the'sun . Do pusheu S. Sand to guidance office D. Squat before the class 47, Judging the relative severity of common classroom management strategies, which of the following is least Severe if applied on erring students? A. Surprise quiz B. Lowering school mark C. Throwing students out of class 1D. Summons to principal's office 48. For problems of discipline that cannot be resolved in class, which of the following should not be done as, itreduces the authority of the teacher? A. Rely on oth B. Analyze your . Give student D. Communi 49. Which of the fo! b chronic 8 in the classroom? ° we creme ils = PAS s ations for Not a disciplinarian, the following did she avoid ‘A. Being consistent with disciplinary pattern B, Establish and enforce simple rules C. Relax discipline early in the first weeks, being more tight lator D, Establish pattern of disciplinary early in the first weeks of Schoo! 511. From classroom management strategies applied on esting on students, which of the following should not be done? A. Surprise quiz B. Parent-principal conference ._ Communicating problem to parents D. Shaming erring student before the class . AS preventive measure for classroom discipline, the teacher may restructure the program. How Is this not be done? A. Teach again lessons difficult to understand B. Remove tension level before processing with lesson Visit Far moro Pathooknforum 154. In assessment for Problem-Based Leaming, who are responsible in judging student performance? A. Teacher-and-peers B. Teacher-and. C. Teachor-and-students 1D. Teacher-students-supervisors 155. Following a model procedure, how is the process in Problem-Based Learning sequenced? L List action for what we need to know uN Explore the issues ML ‘Write solution with supporting document IV. Develop and write problems statement A. LIN and Ill B. ti, 1,1V, and Il 156. Which is jim in having p A. Focused att B. Sharing ide: 157. What is the active lai tegy to promote friendly competition and an atmosphere of fun in Jearning? ET P as e A. Library c c. study B. Solving real-world problems _D. Panel discussion 159. Of the following, which is the most conducive for authentic assessment? ‘A. Complex multiple-chaice test B. Performance dri C. De-contextualized setting D. Real world application 160. Which of the following are alternative assessments? ‘ Portfolio, exhibits, journals B. Paper-and-pencil test, demonstration, reports CC. Multiple choice, structured observation, sentence completion D. Self-assessment, authentic assessment, surveys 161. In order for assessment to have clarity of learning targets, outcomes must be stated in behavioral terms so that this can be measured. Which of the following shows this desired clarity? it For Fs Books ‘A. Allocated time C. Engaged time 8. Mandated time D. Instruction time. 24.01 the following, which needy and qualified students are most deserving of government funding assistance (scholarships, grants-in-aid, etc. )? A. Students from cultural communities B. Students who show high learning skills C. Poor transferees from private schools D. Students from sub-urban areas 25. Former DepEd Director described her humble early schooling: a silong (ground floor of a house) converted into a classroom, Which best characterizes the situation? A. Church-schoot . Schoal-home connection B. City schoo! facility D. Rural village schoo! 26. The world has become a global village. What sound practice is expected of teachers? A, Ethnocentrism C, Ethnic cleansing Dxena« culture 27. What observation tests to the fact B. Garetc endowments may show giied endonmont the young C. Brains of boys are bigge: ented har boseoleraens : D. Children from low-income household mest more les in learning iccording to socio-cultural ing D. Taking pleasure in helping others 29. What best describes “puwede na’ mentally vs. excellence in workservice? ‘A. Arduous preparation C. Committed work B. Resignation to mediocrity _D. Striving to be the best, 30. What is the cultural trait of conflicting values that aims to please people in differ ot venues ard situawon= rather than abide by principles? A. Bahala na mentality ©, Split-personality B. Crab mentality 1D. Kanya-kanya system 31. Among components of a morally mature person, which demonstrates that a teacher seeks peaceful resolution of convicts? A. Fulfiling commitments B. Working for peacelreconciliation . Doing community work D. Accepting responsibility for choices Visit Faro Pdtoooknforum cam

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