JEC Civil 7th Sem CIEs

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— CIE-1, 7" Sem, September, 2023 Marks : 20, Time : | hour River Engineeting( Program Elective -2) (CE1817PE22} [QNo.]| Questions Marks | CO UW | Distinguish between - Himalayan and Peninsula river 15 | 1 2 | Drawa sketch showing different stages of a river, Explain the characteristics | 1543) 1 | of rocky stage. 3.__| Explain the characteristics of a river flow at bend with neat sketches a] 3/ | Distinguish between ---a) Contact load and saltation load 3 b) Suspended loait and Wash Load 4. | Derive the functional relation using Shield’s analysis and hence draw the| 7 4 Shield’s diagram, Ode . . ClE -1l¥, 7* sem fob 2095 River Engineering( Program Elective -2) (CE1817PE22] Marks : 20, Time : 1 hour [QNo. Questions Marks | CO | 1. | Flood frequency computations for a river, by using Gumbel’s method, yielded the following results --- Return Period: (T years):: I 25 {_50 \ \ \ [Peak flood (cumec.) \ \ 28,580 | 33,850 4 \ Estimate the flood magnitude in this river with a return period of 200 years. | 2. [Name different methods of peak flood estimation 32 | Explain- Prediction of flow regimes as Garde & RangaRaju’s approach | 75. | Explain the formation of different flow regimes in alluvial rivers with sketches / River Engineering ( Program Elective -2) [CE1817PE22] CIE -III, 7" Sem, November, 2023: | Marks : 20. Time: 1 hour Qo. | Questions Marks | CO | Explain different types of sediment deposition. | 3 1. 2. 3. 4. | State the advantages and dis-advantages of marginal embankment | Distinguish ~ Deflecting groyne and repelling groyne Design the launching apron of a Guide bund including stone pitching for the following data -—- Maximum flood discharge = 11,500 cumec, HFL 180.0 m, River bed level = 173.5m Top width of cross-section = 6.0 m, average size of silt = 0.25 mm 7™ SEMESTER B.Tech. (CIVIL)* 2022 SUBJECT: Environmental Impact Assessment (CE18170E12) CLASS TEST -01 DATE: 15/09/2023 MARKS: 20 TIME: 1HR QNo} Questions Marks CO BL | 1 Describe the stages of prior environmental clearance Process for new projects6 CO] 12 \_as per EIA notification, 2006. | | | 2 Discuss the organizational approach to establish, implement and improvement off CO] L2 duality management system as per ISO 9001:2015 (E). | — f f 3 Explain how Mass Balance Model represent the behav ‘system? ior of an environmentals+5= CO2 L2 10 | ; 2 - 3 . | A completely mixed lake with constant volume of 2x10° m? receives tw outflow: 1. Natural stream flow0.1m?/s with 1mg/L NH3-N 2. wastewater discharge 0.054m?/s with20mg/L NH3-N and ‘Bacteria in the lake convert NH3 to NO; by a process called nitrification. tr= K*Cy i where , K a first-order rate constant=0.03day’ Cn= concentration of NH3-N mg/L Using Steady-state, Non-conservative mass balance model find : Lake and outflow NH3-N> Ammonia is very toxic to fish (standard=1me/L NH3-N). Does ea natural nitrification in the lake allow wastewater discharge of 20mg/ 3° CIE-Il, B.TECH 7"! SEMESTER, 2023 SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT [(CE18170E12] TIME: 1 HOU = 1 HOUR MARKS: 20 No. | Questions CO Marke \ \ What are the objectives of national forest policy. 2016? C03 6 Write short notes on Carbon Neutrality . co3 + om | _ 3 What are the different types of environmental audit? Expleind’ § CO+ i environmental due diligence sudit =3 8 environmental compliance audit and 8 tiger i = Explain briefly scope of an audit and Pre-audit meeting 10 the audit Ci process ae | CIE-III, Environmental Impact Assessment(CE18170E12) Sem: 7", B.Tech Date: 11- - Time: 1 Hr, Max, Marks: 20 Q.No | Question 1 | How do you help in minimizing the waste? How the proper management of | will benefit the society? Municipal solid waste (MSW), becoming a major polluti problem for the society, how these problem can be solved by converting them resource? Draw a flowchart to show various Steps in solid waste man: agement. Recently “very poor’ quality air continued to engulf the Delhi-NCR region. What are the different preventive steps need to be taken to improve the air quality? oO wn BULCIETS SEM, September, Lhour J Question SAWhot are ihe frctors te be considered hile Preparing a Detaded Botinate? a Phat Root RO © Residential Hailing: shoving position of Colunnns, Basses, Wass i gaven beloss fe Poth Herhtrs 07 and heighten evchating panypet sual of height 0.7 © Consider Pull Frick Wall up to Plinth Level from the Tie 6% ram © 380 nm, the top surface of the Ground Level and resting over flat brick soling of 75 mm. Consider Half Brick Wall for Supersteucture above Plinth. I = 250 mm and Half Brick Wall = 125 tnilding, above plinth as 3.3 4m, of 250 Columns of Size: 250 mm * 250 mm; Roof Beam size = 250 min « 350 mm, Slab thickness = 125 mm; Lintel size = 125 mm 7 150 mm Doors and Windows frame sizes: Di = ll mx 2.1m; 9m «2.1m; mx 15m; W2= 1.0m x15 W3 = 0.6 m* 0.6m Footing size for each column = 1.6m » 1.4 m Take Depth of Bottom Portion D; = 300 mm; and Overall depth Dz a 600 mm Depth of footing = 1.5 mi Consider flat brick soling of 75 mm and Cement Concrete (1 mm underneath cach fo | Estimate the following Quantities — a. Brick Work in Plinth bb. Brick Work in Supersiructure ¢, Earthwork in Excavation 4. Plastering Works on Inside Wall «. R.C.C. works in Footing, Columns and Beams 6) of 100 Maris | 3 3 3 3 3 2) ALIIECE Quantity Sucre ping Col Code Ch AZNIOL) Full Marks: 20 ay co2| 8875 -—— rt w= 2000 —1-3500 ——— ti | ws 023 SUBJECT: Quantity Surveying (Sub-Code: CE181701) Full Mark: [ Marks [ Cl s 107.0 m and the road is in downward ge-13 then the gradient changes to | in 150 downward further ahead. Formation width of the road is 10.0 m and side slopes of 2H:1V for banking and 1.SH:1V for cutting, Prepare the estimate for the Quantity of | Earthwork and the Quantity of Turfing or Pitching. Chainage Length = 30.0m. | R.L. of the existing ground for the longitudinal profile are given below: Chainage | RL. | Chainage | RL. | Chainage | _R.L. | Chainage | R.L. YW 106.60 13 106.80 15 105.90 10 | 106-60 12 106.90 14 106.60 16 105.80 t ) 2 | Analyse the rate for the following items: (any two of the following) a Question 1 | The formation level at the chainage-10 i gradient of 1 in 200 up to a chaina ] 20] 0 | 10 | CO2 uw (excluding centering and shuttering works) b. I-class brick work in Superstructure considering HALF BRICK WALL with “ CcO3 cement sand mortar 1:3 25 mm thick Cement Concrete (1:2:4) Flooring with Neat Cement Punning \ 3 [a 12 mm Plastering Works over brick wall with 1:3 mortar in proportions \ 5 \ V. 2023, B. TECH 7"" SEM, SUBJECT: Quantity Surveying (Sub-Code: CE181701) our Full Mark: Uestion | Marks | CO | How is the p A Property consists of a house and yields a Gross Rent a Rs. 20,000 per month. | tis €XPected that the Property will produce gross rent of Rs. 18000 per month | 20 Tice of Commodity is determined by Supply and Demand? | 5 |co4 If the land to a depth of 30 m in the locality js found to have been valued at Rs, 1800 / sq. m. Estimate the value of the plot of land stating all assumptions. The face AG is ona roadway: 2 afer 20 years, for 15 years and then Rs 15000 per month for 10 years. Cost of 7 } cos land is €xPected to remain constant at Rs 10,00,000.00. Considering 7 % Rate of Interest estimate the present value of the ilding. Assume Salvage Value at 10% of the present value of the building. The coordinates of a plot of land ABCDEFGA are given below. | Coordinates [| A B Cc D F G 4 X-axis 30 30 10_| 120 | 120 | 60 | 60 Y-axis 0 | 30 | 100 | 100 | 75 | 75 | 0] The tank filled land within the plot are given by the coordinates PQRS 4 Coordinates P Q R s 8 cos X-axis 70 90 90 70 Y-axis 90 90 80 80 Date: 14-09-2023, ‘Vim 1 lr, Marks: 20 7 Questions _ = Illustrate briefly various deep compaction techniques vis.-a-viz.; Dynamic Compaction, Terra Probe, MRC and Vibro-floatation etc. Illustrate the various design considerations associated with the process of dynamic compaction. CIE NO. 02 (DATE: 17.10.2023, 7"! SEMESTER, CIVIL GROUND IMPROVEMENT TECHNIQUES [ CE1817PE13] Marks: 20 Time: 60 minutes watering Systems that are used as (CO 2, Level 11) (10) ed for the field monitoring of the 11) (10) 1) Illustrate the various design steps associated with the De Ground Improvement Techniques. 2) Illustrate, with neat sketch; the various instrumentations us' compression in an embankment type of preloading. (CO3,L Continuous Internal Evaluation -I (2023-2024) Course Title: Principles of Management | Course code: HS181704 | 4 Total Marks: 30 | Sk Questions Marks 1 | Define management. What are the characteri "s Of management? t 14253 2-_| Explain the different functions of management. | 5 3] Explain any four principles given by Henry Fayol 7 4 | Whatis a financial planning? What are its objectives? 123 rc 5 | Whatis a working capital? Explain any 7 faciors affecting the working capital requirement. Wa [2 | Assume that you are the finance manager of ABC Ltd. Your company urgently requires funds to 6 | sect is short-term liabilities and pay bonus to its employces. What sources of finance are most 3 | suitable in the above scenario? State and explain any three sources, | From the following balance sheet of XVZLTD. as on 31¥ March 2022 and 2025, you ae required / to prepare a statement of changes in working capital | Batance sheet Liapuitie FY ai rao a wan ] FY wr 7 | | Equity Share Capital_| 70,000 | 95,000 | Cashat bank 30,000_|_ 47,000 6 Preference Share 70,000 | 95,000 | Bills payssio““ | 60,000 | 53,000 Stes 40,000 | 20,000_| Closing stock 40,000_ [45,000 Bills payable 30,000 25,000 _| Short-Term Loans | 40,000 | 45,000 [Long Term Loans 10,000 | 23,400 _| Building 50,000 66,000 220,000 | 2,58,000 220.000 [.58,000 ig_| Capitals required ina Business to carry out its operations, How dozs the business estimate its . a\4 | capital requirement? Total Marks: 30 me 23-2024) | urse Title: Principles of Manageme” Ls] Questions ark. Co | BL A company banigets Tor a production for 1,50,000 units ina faaneial eer Mi vaiable Cot Pe ot units is Rs, 4 and fixed cost per unit is Rs. 2. The company fixes its Selling P p 15% on total cost a) What is the profit-volume ratio? 1 b) What is the Break-even point? 10 | CO3 | 3.6 °) reduces its selling price by 5%, what will be the affect on break even point and the profit-volume ratio? 4) Ifa profit increase of 10% is desired more than the budgets What should be the sales per unit at the reduced price? A company produces a total of 15,000 units for the FY2023, The following information is gives Raw materials used Rs. 73,000 Direct labour hours 9,500 hours Direct labour rate Rs. 5 per hour Factory overheads Rs. 24,000 Office and administration overheads 10% of Work cost Finished goods stock on 01.04.2022 1,500 units valued at Rs. 10 per unit. 2 | | Finished goods stock on 31.03.2023 2,000 units 10 | CO3) 3 Selling and distribution overheads Rs.2 per unit sold ‘Sales Rs. 15 per unit sold | ‘You are asked to prepare a cost shect and determine the following: a) Prime cost b) Work cost ©) Cost of production d) Cost of goods sold per unit €) Profit per unit. 3 | What is motivation? Explain the different financial techniques of motivation. 14 [COS | 1,2 4 | What is leadership? Explain the different styles of leadership, 243 | CO4| 1,2

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