BS5489 Amendment No 1

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Guidance on Amendment 1 to BS5489-1:2003 Code of Practice for the Design of Road Lighting This guidance note is authored by Alistair

Scott who is the new Chairman (since Aug 2006) of the BSI committee CPL 34/08 Road Lighting Introduction BS 5489 and BS EN 13201 were published on 11th December 2003, and have now established themselves as well structured, well used standards which provide competent Lighting Engineers with the guidance and tools to design good quality, safe lighting schemes. Corrigendum number 1 to BS 5489-1, issued in March 2004, corrected an error whereby part of Table B2 was missing from the first published version. The amendment number 1 to BS 5489-1 was issued in April 2006 and does warrant further explanation. BS5489-1:2003 Amendment No 1 Amendment 1 comprises of changes to Annex B Selection of Lighting Classes, and Section 10.7.3 Outdoor Car Parks Annex B Selection of Lighting Classes 25% Uniformity Recommendation for S class roads BS 5489-1 contains 10 informative annexes, one of which, Annex B - Selection of Lighting Classes contains the following Table B4

An additional Note 3 was added to this table as part of Amendment No.1 and states: It is recommended that the actual overall uniformity of illuminance Uo be at least 0.25 There are a number of reasons for desiring a minimum level of uniformity as it is a measure of the quality of the lighting installation. The clause was introduced because it was recognised that some newly installed lighting schemes had poor uniformity

despite being designed to comply with BS EN 13201. It is important however to look at this recommendation in context: 1. BS EN 13201 as a European Standard is the over-riding normative reference, and Part 2 Table 3 contains the relevant performance requirements for the S series of lighting classes. BS 5489-1 is a national Code of Practice which contains application guidance and recommendations intended to support BS EN 13201 BS 5489 in Informative Annex B provides guidance on which lighting class is applicable in a given situation; based on traffic flow, crime rate, environmental zone and the Ra value of the light source.

2. 3.

Based upon the above information, it is clear that if a scheme is to comply with the standards, then it should be designed and installed to ensure that the relevant performance requirements of the chosen S class are achieved. The Lighting Engineer should show the methodology by which the selected class was chosen. The recommendation for 25% uniformity is over and above the requirement stated in BS EN 13201-2 Table 3 and is therefore not considered mandatory for compliance with this Standard.

Table 3 of BS EN 13201-2 As part of the lighting class selection process a competent Lighting Engineer should assess each application in context and make a decision as to whether the economic implications of following this recommendation over-ride the safety implications. In some cases designing to 25% uniformity will result in a decrease in spacings resulting in an increase in capital, maintenance and energy costs. In such case there may well be justification for not complying with the 25% uniformity, but staying with the requirements of BS EN 13201-2 Table 3.

It is not the intention of Note 3 to impose a mandatory requirement for uniformity, rather to alert the competent Lighting Engineer to the benefits of improved uniformity. It should be noted that the recommendation for a minimum uniformity of 0.25 in BS 5489-1 mirrors a request to CEN by the UK for Table 3 of BS EN 13201-1 to be amended to require such a minimum uniformity. This request follows from a discussion in the BSI committee, where some representatives had expressed concern at the low levels of uniformity permitted in practice by some classes in the table. This request has not yet been processed, and is on hold until EN 13201 is reviewed in 2008. If it is accepted, this recommendation will become a requirement of the European Standard, not simply a recommendation. There is time for this request to be amended if the BSI committee considers it appropriate to do so, but any such amendment would have to be based on solid evidence submitted to the committee by or on behalf of one of the member organisations.

Outdoor Car Parks Section 10.7.3 Following the failure of the provisional European Standard prEN adopted as a standard, new guidance on the lighting of outdoor considered necessary. This took the form of Table 5 Lighting levels parks which defines the average illuminance and overall uniformity dependent on the type of area and usage of the car park. 12464-2 to be car parks was for outdoor car levels required

Future work There is much debate about the best way of defining quality criteria for pedestrian areas and car parks, and the BSI committee would appreciate feedback from interested parties.

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