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Praise we pray to the presence of Allah SWT.

who has bestowed His grace, taufik, guidance and inayah so that

we can gather in this place in good health.

Peace and greetings may always be bestowed upon the Prophet Muhammad SAW. to his family, friends,

physicians and their characters, and us as their people until the end of time.

Dear guests,

On this occasion I will deliver a speech with the theme of religious nationalism among the younger generation.

We live in Indonesia. It is an honor for us because we live in a country that is rich, fertile, prosperous, strategic,

from Sabang to Merauke, stretching thousands of islands like the Emerald of the Equator.

With a variety of cultures, ethnicities and religions, but still united in the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

For that, it is appropriate for us as the superior generation to continue the nation. Must

able to reflect ourselves as a tolerant people. The above is different

by embracing each other, without scorning.

Indonesia is a religious country. This is evidenced in the first principle of Pancasila, namely Belief in One

Almighty God. Freedom of religion is guaranteed in Article 29 of the 1945 Constitution which states that the

state is based on Belief in One Supreme God and the state guarantees the freedom of each citizen to embrace

their own religion and to worship according to their religion and beliefs.

In Indonesia alone, there are six religions recognized by the state. The religions recognized by the state are

Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. The six religions must coexist in

society with the principle of tolerance among religious believers.

Ladies and gentlemen

Religious nationalism will be maintained if all Indonesian people uphold tolerance.

The attitude and behavior of tolerance towards the diversity of society is the key to increasing unity and unity,

as well as preventing the process of division of the Indonesian society, nation and state. Every individual should

apply tolerant behavior towards ethnic, religious, racial, cultural and inter-group diversity.

Nationalism is not a small problem but a problem that must be resolved immediately. Nationalism will not be

formed if it is not carried out by all groups.

Come on, let's start from simple things or small things. For example, respecting worship and other religious

activities, not spreading hoax news that offends other religions.

Be a young man who is good at managing time, use free time with useful deeds.

That's all the speech I can deliver, more or less I apologize, thank you for your attention

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