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Modul intervensi Pembelajaran, 16 Bab 6 BAB 6: ASID DAN BES TT @]@ Toa hiiogen ion Jon hydrogen /#" ion @ Tiada tndak alas dalam tabung jl, ndak Balas bere dalam tabung uf, Tabung uj ada Kehadiran io hirogen, taburg ul, {erdapatkehadiran on hicrogen, "No oacton in test lube | reaction occur tes ube It Test tubo |: hycrogen fons, fost tube I: has hhyorogen ions [a “Gas rirogon Hydrogen gas w Tv Pach {Formula of reactants and product [Balanced equation) ww Tarutan x olla wi Kepekatan toa FY paling tnagh {he highest concentation of H" ian w ‘Masukkan nk / magnasium [mana mana Karbonal] ke dalam lanan Golembung gas terbebas Patzinc/ magnesium’ fany carbonate into the solution ‘Bubble of gas produced TOTAL 7 Zaye NaOH + AOL —> Nach + HO Correct chemical formula Balanced equation W ‘rah jamb Wo Wak becwarna Pink to colouress wy M = 0.125 mol dm WH) = ww XT sid sultan Sulphuric al {asd hdrokon asld rie! Hyeroctlons ack Nic acd w ‘Asi X adalah asd wonbos dan asia V adalah aid ‘ies. ‘Asie dan bes ~ Cadangan Jawapan 16 ‘Modul inervens! Pombetaa 1 bs ‘Biangan! Kepekatan on hydrogen, FF dalam ase VT fdolah soparuh barbanding asd XI) Isipadasid Y adalah cua kal ganda asi X untuk 2 ‘menghasikan bilangan kepekatan ion hydrogen yang ‘Acid X is aprotic acid and aol ¥ ls monoprtic act The numbereoncentation of hydrogen ion, Hin acid Y ‘haf compared to tho acid X 7 The volume of acid Y's twice the volume of acid X to produce the same numberfeoncentation of hydragen fon, TOTAL iw ‘sid dan bos - Cadangan Jawapan ” ‘Modul Intervensi Pembelajaran 18 @ HOV adalah asi Kual, CHECOOH adalah asd ama Hi mengion penn dalam air menghasian kepekatan ion hydrogen yang ting HY CH:COOH mengion separa alam ir menghasian epekatan ion hydrogen yang rendah, H* = Semakn inggi Kepekatan ion hydrogen, semakinrerdah ‘ili pH = HCIIs strong ala, CHsCOOH Is weak cid " Herionizes completly in water produce highor ‘concontration of" = CH:COOH ionisos partial in water produce lower concentration of H" Tho higher the concentration of H' the lower the pH value w]e DKOH + FSO. KO. * 20 [conve forma reactant are product) [Balanced equation} w Vaverage = (90+ 10 10:7 an 3 No. ofmole = 100) ff 0.01 mal ‘1000 2molKOH = 1 mol HsSO4 (0.02 mol KOH ; 0.01 mel HeSO. Molaity = 100040.02) 10.8 mold? 25 oye arutan Salvont X= a7 Water Larutan /Solvent ¥ etrakborometanal/metibenzona/ Totrachiovometnane metnyeorzone @ Sell x ¥, dalam X dapat "Gi dalam V udak dapat rmengkoncuksian eletik | mengkondukskan eiktik Helin X can conduct | HEIN Y cannot conduct lect ‘leony ‘enacranvon H “ada kehadran on "fons present fnydrogen’ dalam keadaan ‘molokts fons absont/in tho ‘moar form ampunyal envion “Teak mempunyal orion bbergorak bobas: bergerak bobs Has ely moving ions __| Has no freely moving ions Asid dan bes - Cadengan Jawapan 8 k ran 19 Babs | sot2 - x ¥ Ton Hr har Tiada kehadiean ion "ons present hydrogen! dalam kaadaan ‘molek 1 Hons absontin the ‘molecule form HCI mananjukian sfaraed | HCI tidak dapat HO shows ace propertis | menunjukkan sft asid Ho cannot show acl 1 properties. TTndak balas boriaka Tina bale Wak belaku Reaction occured Reaction f nt acoures. 1 PPersamean kimia / Chemical equation HEI CaCO,» CaCh + HO + CO, mt ‘Forat [70 1” ‘sid dan bes ~ Cadangan Jawapan ‘Modul nfervenst Pembelajaran _2) _____ abe BAB: GARAM Te “To Farum (i, an Sulat Aron) fon, suphate on oLo KG wW ‘AQNOS elo. KCI+ AgNO; —> AgOl + ANOS w “Tmo Kalum Korda barindakbalas dengan 1 ol argent ntst ‘Menghasikan 1 mol argentu Korda dan 1 mot klum ital ‘mol of potassium chore roscts with 1 mol of silver irate {a produce 1 mot of siverchlriée and 1 mol of potassium ntrote wr ‘Argentum Kevica Slvr chive @, 0.05 mol o ‘Biangan mol argortum Korda » 0.05 mot sisim mendakan = 005 x 143.5 117.175 9 ‘Number of mele siver chore = 0.05 mol ‘Macs of procipate = 0.05 » 1435 7.1759 TOTAL 70 KOs @ ‘Argent Weds ‘Siver chloride oa ‘Gas porang erbebas I ‘Warna bak kuning semasa panas dan put bita sek ‘A brown gas is berated? Colour ofthe rasidue is yellow when hot and white when ald @ BeniNOsjp > 2ERO* NO; + Os [Forma bahan dan hasl tindakbatas bell] [Persaraan seimbang} {Formula of reactants and product are comoct} [Balances equation) @ Penguraian ganda dua double decomposition w Prosedur: Tamibah rca nau Waroksida PPemerhalian : Mendakenhijau terbentuk Prosedur: Tambah HCl kuti oleh Bais PPemerhatian : Mendakan put teroentuk Garam — Cadangan Jewapan 20 a Bab 6 Procedure: Add sodium hydroxide solution Observation: groan prociptao is formed Procedure Ad HCl flowed by Bach Observation _: White precipitate is formed TOTAL 7 se = Koprann (I) Karbonat 7 X = Kuprum (I) nitat 1 ‘Gas W = Korbon dotsida 1 Gas Y= Nirogen ciksia 1 Gas Z = Oksigen 1 ¥ = Coppor i) carbonate X = Copper i) arate Gas W = Carbon dioxide Gas ¥ = Nitrogen dioxide GasZ_= Oxygen |] Natium karbonat i Katiars Karbonat Sodium carbonato /Polassium carbonate GH [A Saka dan tuang 1.0 mol dm [30-100] em arutanzink ‘rat ke dalam Dkr 1 Measure and pour (2-100) em? of 1.0 moldm® zine rate Solon nto beaker. 2. Tema 4.0 mo! cn? (90-100) cm? larutan kta 1 karbonal ke dalam Bikar. ‘Add (90-100) om of 1.0 mal de® potassium carbonate Solution into the booker. 2. Kacau eampuran 4 Str the mire 4. Tuas campuran 1 iter tre mare, 5, Bilas bak! /garam dengan ar suing 1 Fins tha resiauofsl wth dsiled water. 6, Tambah baki sedikt demi sedkit ke dalam as 1 hidroklork sehingga tiada pombuakentada baki yang relat Jak th rasa a ite ata tno into hydracherc acid ‘nt ther is no more efforvescerca/ne mare residues ddssolve. Garam — Cadangan Jawapan a 2 7. Tuas campuran Fltor the mitre 8, Panaskan hasi rasan sehingga tops Hat the fitato urd saturatod. 8, Sojukkanlautan Cool the solution, 10. Turas dan keringkan krista oral dengan menkan rmenggunakan Kerta turas Filter and dry the crystals by prossing between fiter paper 10 BANG + NaC, BRC + BENS i 2nCOs +2HOl» ZnO + HO +003 wa] ua TOTAL 2 Garam - Cadangan Jawapan 2 o w ‘Gas hirogen ‘Hydrogen gas ‘asukkan Kayo uj menyala ke dalam bung ul Bunyi‘pop' teas Piace lighted spinter into th tst tbe. "Pop' sound produced. -Fksparimen /ExparimeniT 35 5 a2sem's* 40 Eksperiny mn 35, = 0290ms* 120 w Kadar tndak balas Exsperimen I lebih tingg! darned Eksporimen Rate ofracton for Experiment i higher than Experiment Ww DDalom Eksperimen i, juriahWuas permukean zink lebih besa Frekuensi peranggaran antara atom zink dan ion hidrogen lebin rg Frekuensi perlanggaran berkesan antara zerah-zarah (atom. _2ink dan in hirogen obi tinag In Experiment I total surface area of zinc is bigor. Frequency of colision between zinc atom and hydrogen ion is bighor. Frequency of effective colision panicle [between zinc atoms ‘and hydrogen fons} is higher © 1: Bath of axes are labelled and with correct unis 2. Comect shape of graph and labal the curve correctly Kedar Tindak balas ~ Cadangan Jawapan 2 ‘Modul Intervensi Pembelajaran 24 Bab7 eningkat 7 ereases Kuprum(l) sulfatbertindak sebagai mengkin Copper) subhate acs as catalyst ‘Mangkin merendahtan tenaga pongaktfan Catalyst lowor the activation energy LLebin banyak 2arah-zarah berianggar mencapaltenaga pengakifan More caliging partcos achive the activation energy ‘TOTAL % BAB: KADAR TINDAK BALAS Koning Yellow w w 7 Blangai ro nau ticsaat ‘Number of mole of sodium thiosuphate 2. sisim siphur dalam unit yang bet ‘Mass of sulphur with correct uni. Jawapanianswer 2. (0.01 x32)g=032g @ Radar tndai balos » 032 0.02 85-7 Rate freacon 16 @ Eksperimen esal Inia experiment , L —| w ‘Suu Kepokaian lrutan Temperaturll concentration of solution wi ‘Sample answer “1 Tenaga kinetk 2arah meningkat Kinetic energy of particles inorease. 2. Frekuens! pertanggaren anara ion Uosuifat dan fon A meringkat Frequency of calisons between thisuiphate ons and Hon increase 3. Frekuensi peranggaran berkesan anara zarah meningkat Kadar Tindak balas ~ Cadangan Jawapan Bab7 Frequency of collsions Batwoan paces creas. ‘taut or 4 Blangan lon HY perisipadu meningkat ‘Number of hydrogen fons per volume increases 2. Frokuensl peranggaran anfara lon losuliat dan ion H rmeningkat Frequency of colisions between thiosuiphate fons and Hon increace 3, Frokuens! perlanggaran berkesan anara zarah rmeningkat Frequency of colsons betwen partes inreaso. @ Sample answer Ss Letaean eo kent hace a mist ble ltmus paper at the muh of conical ask 2, Kertasttmus bi fembap bertukar merah ‘mengesahkan kehadiran gas SO, ‘Moja ue iimus paper tums red contr the presence of $0, gas Hm be lombap di malt kealang TOTAL Ww 37a ‘Sunu Temporaiore ‘Saiz gua ize of sugar! Jumnlahluas permukaan qua i! Total surace area of sugar Sample answer ‘Stuns Situation Dalam subi ir yang lebih ing, molokul air bergerak bin ‘cepst In higher temperature of water, water molecule move fastor Frekuensi perlanggeran antara molekul ae dan gula lebih ting The frequency of clision between water molecule and sugar (s hgher Aau oe Guta halus lebih ket daripada ula ki uma has permukaan gua hal lebih besa. Fine sugar issmalor than cube sugar, the foal sufece area of Ine sugars bigger. Frokvensi periangg tg ‘The frequency ofcollsion between wator molecule and sugar Js higher. 7 antara molekul ar dan gulahalus lebih wo 4, Suhu Temperature 2. Kepokatan larutan ff Concentration of solution Kadar Tindak balas ~ Cadangan Jawapan 5 Modul intervensi Pembelajaran Bab7 | Wh | Caco, + ZAC —F CaCE TCO, FO Conoct formula Balanced equation i No of na of HC! (00405) =0.05 1000 2mol HCI menghasikan 1 mol gas CO» 2 mol HCl produces 1 molCOs gas 10.05 mol HCI menghasikan 0.025 mol CO: i (0.05 mal HCl produces 0.025 mio! COs {sipadu gas Csi! Volume of CO, = 0.025 x 24 = 06 din* @ iman dan IL Ex n Kedar tndak balas dalam exsperimen I lebih ting! barbanding eksperimen | Rai of reaction in experiment lis higher than ‘experiment 1 2, Kepekatan asidhidroKorc dalam eksperimen I bin ‘ngg Derbanding eksperimen ‘Concentration of byorochlrtc actin exporimont is highor than experiment | 3, Blangan ion hyerogen per uit isipadu dalam ' fexsperimen il eb ting Mumber of hydrogen fans per unt volume in experiment Is higher 4, rekuenel pelanggaranantara kaisium karbonat dan |! ton" lati ng dalam eksperimen Frequency of calision Between calcium carbonate and Hon higher in experiment I 65, Frekuensi perlanggaran Derkesan Antara zarah leh ‘ingot dalam eksperimen Frequency of effective colion between partcos is pigher in experiment Eksperimen {dan IlL/ Experiment i and ‘_ Kadar inéak bela dalam eksperimen tlh tinggi berbanding eksperimen | 1 Fate of reaction in experiment I is higher than ‘experiment | 2. Suhu asi hirekderk data eksperimen I lebih tnagl | berbanding ekspermen | Temperature of hydrochlone acid in experimont Wis highor than experiment 8, Tenaga kine on hydrogen per unitisipadu dalam | 1 cksporimen lei nga Number of hydrogen fons per unit volume in experiment lis higher 1 4, Frekuens! prianggaran antarakalsum Karbonat dan lon H" lebih tng! dalam eksperimen I Frequency of colsion Betwoon calcu carbonate and Hons highor i exporiment ‘Kedar Tindak balas ~ Cadangan Jawapan 26 ‘Modul intervensi Pembelajoran 2 ‘ing dalam eksperimen I exporimont I | 5. Frekuene! perlanggaran berkesan antara zarah lebih Frequency of calision between patces is higher in TOTAL 20 ‘Kadar Tindak balas ~ Cadangan Jawapan

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