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EXERCISE -!(C. W) enn OF CHARGE spheres Aand B of are given equal charges by fri 2) mass of f ) mass of A= et ae 5 of A > Mass 0 Two spheres of equal mass A and B are given +g and-4 charge respectively then ]) mass of A increases 2) mass of B increases 3) mass of A remains constant : 4) mass of B decreases soap bubble is given a positive charge, ther radius. 1) Decreases 3) Remains unchanged 4) Nothing can be predicted as information is insufficient ; 4. Due to the motion of a charge, its magnitude 1) changes 2) does not change 3) increases (or) decreases depends on its speed 4) can not be predicted Induction precedes attraction because 1)an uncharged body can attract an uncharged body due to induction of opposite charge on it 2) a charged body can attract an uncharged body due to induction of same charge on it. 3) a charged body can attract an uncharged body due to induction of opposite charge on it. 4) acharged body can attract another charged body due to induction of same charge on it. 6. A:Charge cannot exist without mass but mass can exist without charge. Ree invariant but mass is variant C: Charge is conserved bt may not be conserved. oh JAB ewe 2A, B,Care not ine The oe Bare false, C is true ee of charge reveals that ge is an integral multiple of e 2) Increases Canad cl D)iaty cr isan halfintegral multiple of G) Charge ‘is invariant ' (4) charge does not exist with matter 8. When a soap bubble is given negative charge, then (1) Itbursts (3) Itcontracts (2) Itexpands (4) Can’t predict 9. The charge induced on the surface of a ( 5 a charge is (1) Lesser and dissimilar (2) Lesser and similar (3) Greater and similar (4) Equal and similar You are travelling in a car during a thunder storm. In order to protect yourself from lightening, would you prefer to (1) Stand under the tree (2) Remain in the car (3) Get out and run from the (4) Get out and be flat on the ground 11. Five balls numbered 1toSare suspended using separate threads. Pairs (1,2); (2,4) and (4,1) show electrostatic attraction, while pairs (2,3) and (4,5) show repulsion. The ball | may be (1) positively charged (2) negatively charged (3)either(+ve) or (-ve) (4) neutral 12. Ifin Millikan’s oil drop experiment charges on drops are found to be 8uC, 12HC, 20uC, then quantity of charge is (1) 8 (2)4uC (3) 20"C (4) 12nC 13. Two conductors of the same shape and size. One of copper and the other of alumi (less conducting) are placed in a uniform electric field. the charge induced in alumnium. (1) Will be less than in copper (2) Will be more than in copper (3) Will be equal to that in copper (4) Will not be connected with copper The electronic charge is 1.6 x 10°” coulomb. If a body carries a negative charge of 9.6 x10" coulombs, what is the number of excess electrons on the body ? (16 « 10° 2) V6 x 10” (3) 6 x10” (4) 6 x10” In Millikan’s oil drop experiment, which of the following charges can be present on the oil drops (1) 0.Le, charge equal to that on oc -particles (2) 2¢, 1.6x 10°C (3) 2e, 1.6 x 10° C, 2.5e (4) L5ee 10. 14 15. : | 1:64 4) 64:1 Sti force betnee to small vr Theat = *tmcotant shargs) F, na spar um of diet constant ve ropctnel : NOEL LK MR: in Inecectrtatc fore etneen egeenandgaseparaton © pyPeR2S The constant k Cyd pense nist 2s onmemnbeeen Be charges yopdsent'T ad (Ohad han 2 io Seep huge placed ata certain ance rina exer force Fon each ter Then te stance” at which hese chops il tthe same Tore fn 4 ied kc ontant Ks given ° Oo OO; OF One 20, Coulomb's law for electric charges, most closely resembles (1) Theliv ofconervation of momentum (2) Theaw ofconseration ofenerzy 6) Thelaw ofeonervationof charge (Newton's ay of gravitation ‘An econ is moving round the nucleus ‘of a hydrogen atom ina circular orbit of ‘ads. The coulomb force between the ois a, oxe 2. octets siden \stoutettpiattcnen na Streetcar ate ins OAS Oy-RSE RET ryveach of radius | 23, 4, 25, 2. 28, 29. 26. Two identical bodies: ao uC and20C Thad NC chap apart. Now they are tous 2% dag the same distance, The je! and a to the final force between qn. tthe ing M81 arp Gyyhemis el ‘The ratio of the fc 4 1 force between (4) 1:1 conducting spheres of equayen "0: air is respectively Mt 2sang 1:4 Qt isa “woidentica metalbatw wane and *-Q" are some distance apan the force between them. Thess Joined by a conducting wire he 28 The force between them now wit en Wr2 Ore. Gyr te There are two charges 121€ ee ge at certain separation. Then ing wees acting on them will be Le! ONT Qs OBiL wi:6 “Two negative charges each 4 a ped at point (0) om y-axis vane pote charge qi placed at x= 2, hry 3) 1) (Doseillate but ot execute S HLM. {Q) execute S.11.M. about the origin 3) execute SH Malong x-axis (4) move towards origin and wil become stationary ‘Two stationary particles each of “q's placed at a distance apart. Now + negatively charged particle is placed int straight line joining two charges. The direction of motion of the negatives charged particle will depend on (1)The postion at which itis situated (@) The magnitude ofits charge y= ean ye al ach of value +4 xe rive vertices of red on five ¥° ine force on a point oft 2 1 of tomb placed at th cou Lg hance Ore) 4 4x (Ly 22, Fourcharges are arranged atthe corners fasquare ABCD, as shown. The force on a #ve charge kept at the centre of the squares ea Fa (yz {@)along diagonal AC identi nity. xB. In the fig. force on charg, direction normalto BC wie 34. In the basic C,CI crystal structure, ¢ and ci ions are arranged in a bee figuration as shown below. The net tlectrostatic force exerted by the eight C5" ions om the Cy i 3a 9) ana, 30 Three changes 4 q, Q and q are placed in straight fine of ength Jat points distant, [12 and [respectively. What should be Qin ‘order to make the net foree on q to be zero 4 2-2 wy @2a @-3 Ha Wa 36. Point charges +4qy—a and 4q are kept on the xeaxis at points x-0, x= and respectively (1) Only-qisin stable equilibrium {(2)None ofthe charges rein equliriam. (3) Allthe charges are in unstable equilibeium. 37, Two chargé apart at what distance chary m charge +e 80 that it is placed fr ‘quiibrium? (yx? ‘charge q is placed at the centre of the tine joining two equal charges Q. Th system of the three charges will be cquilbrium ifqisequal to we: 8g 2 otea> oy or 38, Two particles of charges *Q,” and °Q, placed at a some distance, the force between them is °F". If the distance ‘between thems reduced to halfand charge ‘on each particle is doubled, the force between the particles would become ()4F QF GF (4)Remains unchanged 40. Two pasitiveions, each carrying a charge 4.are separated by a distance d. IF is the force of repulsion between the ions, the number of electrons missing from cach ion willbe (e being the charge on an séectron) wo 3% 41, Twosmall identical spheres, each of mass 1 g and carrying same charge 10° C are suspended by threads of equal length. If the distance between centers ofthe sphere {s 0.3 emin equilibrium the inclination of the thread withthe vertical will be (tan *(0.1) Q)tan@) Gunias) (tan (0.6) epee OC, eee eens ha tte cert Gratien ct ee ea ipfaalarerr res +e and +e are x distance | ectrons situated at some distance. The 44 45. 46. 7. ratio oF Eto TOF lor he og leap (G= 6.67 wk ie) 0) 10" 0! G G0 Two particle ofequat yl replaced ata distant tance of nee, em, ch charge is zeroth - 1 Vale nme ie 9 at equal charges earth and moun tye gravitational attractic f = 10" kg, mass of oon ma Me Of moon = js. (1) 8.6 « 10" ¢ eh G)86« 10°C ‘Twospheresof same cha aisance, experience a tty “ ee" t mcharged sphere, ouching ot Ss placed at the midpoint brn ve force experienced by at F experienced by tsa or stint 268, ory QRF @3F E "No two electric lines of force wp Intersect" from this which of he ng statements is/are true? 1) the field is uniform at tht pu ¢ iterseton 2) the felis non-niorm a ht pt snenexton 3) the electric felis tong and my hee ‘more than one direction at the pat intersection 4) atthe point ofinerseton he et wilhave two diferent crstions whet posible Figure shows the electric lines of ft emerging from a charged body. I ‘electric field at “A and “B'are £484 respectively and if the displacem™ between *A’and *B'is‘r’ then si, DE 7 offorce fora system 0 ines Te possible choice for ) 4 Touc 2)a =taCues = 46 Da EH ay 4) =3Cas~ 246 Feed I show ono samples of et nes Sic elds in both Land II are Ie negative charge cated produced. by negati l Peters onthe Ie and positive charges ‘peed somewhere on the right 2inboth andthe electri field isthe same fverywbere Splmbath cases the eld becomes stronger on ving ome right 4) These ld in isthe same everywhere, tein the electri fd becomes stronger on ‘ovng fomleborght “Am electron enters ina electrie il with its yeloity in the direction of the electric lines force. Then Ite patho he electron willbe a circle 2)he patho the eleton willbe parabola the veo ofthe electron wll decrease the vec ofthe electron wll ncrease ‘The property ofthe electri line of force 2) The tangent to the ne of force at any point ‘spall tothe deton off athe post "No two tins offre intersect eachother Dbotha&b2)onlya 3)onlyb 4)aorb 3. Choose correct lectri i es oF force she cti basa phys Fig shows fie in ofan eri line wrens Doral to the pag nn everywhere. If the magn bh owe) agate MAISON thenthe mange el field at B is approximately eo (D4NC Q)¥0NC ()20NIC —@)camotbe deterinat A metallic sell has «point charge qhept Inside itseavity. Which one ofthe following diagrams correctly represents the electric lines of forces ? ® 0» @ zd , bed Seeman eee ©) Ifthe lines of force are crowded he field i strong. 1d) Blectre lines of force are closed ls 1ybotha ge ‘Dbothb&E 3)onlya Dall whe the dipole in stable equilibrium 118. Two point charges q and -¢ are held fed at (4.0)and (4.0) respectively of a ‘coordinate system. then (1) The electric id at all points on the x ‘axis has the same direct at all points om the G) Work has aucstcharge (4) The dipole iected shone 119. Pand Q are two perpendicular bisector respectively of an ‘ectric dipole: Both the points are far aay from the dipole. and at equal distances form LATE, ond E, are fields at P and Q, then 120.11 be the electric field intensity due to ‘short dipole at point onthe axis and £ be that onthe perpendicular bisector atthe ‘same distance from the dipole. then D) E=E 3) E=2E, aE 121. For a given dipole at a point (away from the center of dipoe intensity ofthe electric field is E. Charges ofthe dipole arc browght closer such that distance between pe charges shall, and magnitude of charges fare also halved. The intensity ofthe ld ‘now at the same point becomes Four certain dit ‘Seetre dipole eaistanc oft ‘able he ing ot wilbeome £ wt oF or @f oF OF i is 124.For a dipole the val ofeach chante 10°*sat coulomb and separation then tipo moment (one debye (@)2ebye (3) 10°sebve (a3 + 10eebye 124 Fora dipoleg=2<10*C;4=00tm fad the maximus orgucon the dipale iE =§ sWNIC (1) 1x10 Ni 2) 106102" Gh10«10°Nm ——&)Lx10 Ni? 125. Aneletrie dipole consis of 0 oppose charges cach of magnitude 1.0 “10 parated by a ditance fm : spaced in an external flo LSI0° NC. The maximum orc the arene ()02402N-m 2)1.0s10)Nm A1O3Nm (4)40«107 Nm 126. Two small neutral conducting spheres are ‘taken and thee centrcs are separated by eerie tals Soesid ocx particle of mas M satay ei ata ase Heid non-on serath .Anotber Pat pa rae attached (0 the other a she two particles carry cant! Ame arpectve This arranges foiigecaeec isch thatthe rod makes qt te) mth the fel diecign ettara tot wee rine a erenciote scr c Mr trot rotates about centre of man Me ax AE ia VV 248 hea x [i Da aE net charge enclosed in Gaussian surface iszeo then (I)Eonsurfice must be zero ‘®hiacoming and outgoing electric lines e onal )thereisanet incoming eetrc lines @)one itu of cet fil | 13, Mark the correct option due to 1) Gaus wis valid only for unsymmetrial diarbutions charg 2) Gaus ls valid only for charge pce i ‘Mckee cuted Cass» tothe charges outside the Gaus sore. 4)Thefliofthe electric field through aches! surface due to all the charges is ex vs dueto the charges enclosed by th >= flux ofthe electric fied thous? * field must be zero every W™® field must not be 7" surface ‘i the surface must be =" er ee 132.As one penetrates uniformly charged ‘conducting sphere, what happens ‘lectre il siren T) eereases inversely as the square ofthe dsiance $Speereass inversely asthe distance 3) comes 270 {increases inversely asthe quar of distance 133. lectrie ux ata point in an electri el is positive 2) 3)zer0 4) postive or negative 134. Blectrie Max over a surface in an electric field may be 1)positve 2) negative 3) 200 4) postive, negative, 20 135. The Gaussian surface for calculating the es Pea... reece gt aoe pa cee Be 2 2 9 2 = distribution and » 138,204C charge is placed inside a closed surface then hx re do surface I S0uC charge is added inside the surface then change in faxis D4 25939 HB 139. charge Q is enclosed by a Gaussian eal surface of raivs RI the radiusis doubled, then the outward sectrieaxwill 1) nrease fourtimes Be reduce to hal Remain the sme 4) Be doubled 140.4 cubical Gaussian surface encloses ‘electric ux of 80 C per unit permittivity of acharge. The electri fax through each face ofthe cube per unit permittivity i 1)30¢ DISC HWE 45C 141. The electric fax from a cube of edge (is 4. Ms value Wedge of eube is made 2, and charge enclosed is halved is D2 7% HH HO 142. the electric fax entering and leaving an osed surface respectively i and @., the electric charge inside the surface wi be DW+Ne 214-6) (H+), (6-4) 143.The electric lux over a sphere of radius Im is 4. If radius of the doubled without changis enclosed, clectric fax would re of2C spaced at the centre of abe, What isthe electric ux passing through one face? 145, An lecricchare spaced ‘of acube oie - Teck fone of ts faces wil cares demsity A= Charge gg, eons ear Sete on a aia ce ans... eect lpn eerees oe peeling no occ eee Sele he sartag, ot ok a 4 of Om 147. enarge qs placed athe ete 9 open end of indie vel The Bat ‘ofthe electric fe through the srt of ‘the vessel is [a ale, O42, als, aoe E is parallel to the base of si: ‘emiphere the fax tied with itis (D 2eRE 2) ank'E B) n't 4) Hhength, and radius of a cylinder ate | #°R’ respectively. The total fs yin, when its pass ® 184.Find the total ux due to chy associated with the given hemispherical surface HIE AH}ale)£ (cyaieyo yt HL (eyniey* (omy) 26) % (HE fejniay® (oy) (4008 (oa). (9.448 185. The total us associated with given cube aeons fis.) (162 x «10 Nec 2) 62x -10Nm'C Q)162 x «10 NewiC 186. Three positive charges of equal vale are placed at vertices of an equilateral triangle. The resulting lines of force should be sketched asin il Ua 4) sz \ ATS. (© 1S7.Am uncharged metal sphere is placed ‘oetween two equal and oppositely Charge metal plates. The nature of line of force willbe 158.4 metalic solid sphere is placed in a uniform electric fed. The tines of force follow the path (s) shown in figure a: 1° @2 @3 we 159.Three charges qy= Ie, 4921 Suc and four surfaces 88,9, Sare shown in figure. The fix emerzing (4) 162. «10°Nm¢ Ahrough surface, a NaC Me hey tough 1m? area in XZ plane purge Q is placed at the mou shel Mask The ux ofthe elec hrowgh the Mask is Vm th of trie fey Q Hew 20% 37, <2 166.An electric dipole is laced atthe ce, ar heer a sere. Ea Pre meaty ofthe | 7 Ect at point duc aay SSA tia eh point midiay Dewees | "ignite sheet of charge having suri: hares tensty ols E. I'shect eo veto dy | guests wit: ere |S SE ae kcad |168-Two thin InBinite parallel sheets (nn odacting have warm suriace dens eget ado. Elctrc nea, ty { heptalong | the space between the two sheets is Dale, 2)o/2«,3)20/c, s\x0 10a the above question, i the sheets were thick and conducting, value of fine space between the two sheets would be Disie, Dele, 3) 4) 40, problem the value ofEn ke ()25Nm @)4SNm Jong parallel conducts: surface charge densities” ctively are separated DY the medium between th: Ife, is dielectri¢ ‘vacuum, then the elec" between the plates» B) a/c, (4) 2° two infinitely long parallel conducting Tre lates having surface charge densities +s vd. 3 respectively, are separated by a ‘Small distance. The medium between the plates is vacuum. If, isthe dielectric permitiity of vacuum, then the electric {ci in the region between the plates is () Ovo! @) 2s, vom G)ole whim! — 4) zoe, volt mr 173. Aminginite parallel plane sheet of a metal is charged to charge density ¢ coulomb persquare meter ina mediumof dielectric Constant K. Intensity of electric field near ‘the metallic surface will be ‘ wre @ par ® oe 26 174.Am infinite plane sheet of a metal is ‘charged to charge density Cy? Ina fof electric field near the metallie surface ‘willbe yes nee yenlt Pibies areata a acct aces tere uulvarne cry: dean, (= 264x10%c/m') of opposite signs. ‘The electric fleld between these sheets is WISN/C — 2)15«0N/C 33N/C 4) 310 NIC 176, A: A etallic shield in the form ofa hollow shell may be built to block an electric field. Im a hollow spherical shield, the electric field inside its zero at every point. 1) Both °A’ and °R” are true and “R'is the ‘correct explanationof" A 2)BothA’and "Rare tae and “R'is not the ‘comet explanation of A. 3)°Aistrucand “Ris false 4)°A'is false and ‘R'is true 177 -Amensey of ket inside wiry oad are tea aww Shoo cot 3am wae iment opr 11m Asphere ales hs wunarm hare Gattbetoa vem Ate dances from teense Ree seca Wael properties 179.1 cl ins perc se Salorm erac care Seay (come portent tes trmtiocare Geo Oxo tan The tal etre ax ving perc turer ofr! cmendroesdgen Se ae Que 3) 2 ot (atte ALLA tn a spherical conductor placed concentrically inside 2 hollow spheric Conductor B.Anghen "charg and Bis farted. Thon the clr intensity nat (nea @y0asise (B)OnthesuriceofB (9ietwen AundB 182.4 sphere ofradins Rs charged sniformiy with otal chargeQ. Then Correct statement freer Bld (= tance om centr) Kr »k2 1) Se owherer121) The PASSING throug Passing throaehg 189.4 thin spherical shell of radius r hy charge Q spread uniformly over surface. Which of the followin, sraphs most closely represents the ces field E(r) produced by the shel in range 0 7 OR Ew) 2 33 on 193 m2 22 as)3 21 334 33 ant 45)1 49 53)3 37/3 612 65)1 69) Bi m2 sis 85)3) 89)3 93)1 971 tos 105)2 109)2 1133 un 121 125)3 29)2 133)3 BI wap 145)2 149)1 1s3)1 152 61)2 165)3 169) 1 173)3 wt sip 185)2 189) 1 22 1 102 it 183 2) 26)4 302 Hl 38)2 423 461 S04 543 593 oy 66)4 m4 793 78)3 2)3 86)3. 90)2 942 982 102)3) 106) 3 110)3, M14) ig) DI ua 1592, 13 22 21 32 35)1 39)2 434 a4 S13 55)3 591 32 613 m2 ma 83)2 3 ona 95) 91 103) 1 1072 mya 12 119) 131 im B03 94 139)3, 1a3)4 uns 151)2 155)2 159)2 163)3 163 ima 175)3, 1793 183)4 187)3 EXERCISE-1(C. W) - KEY a2 82 12 16)2 20)4 241 2a)1 34 36)3 404 44 48) 52)1 56) 1 60)3 641 100) 2 oH 108)4 12) 1163 120)2 193 1283 132)3 136)2 140)4 141 148) 4 1594 156)3 160)3 1642 168) 1 173 176) 180)2 Isha 188) = Body which wet oe Sheen \ 3. Abate ofl, te mc ‘between charged elements increases then it: ' iG apiece eae ciao \ ba Aves ee arecacses Poe. vette 9. gtena(t-ire 10: Cage wiltemin on ctr sure ofte ce Ib ae elec ce ing same dielectric 1 (sane 15. q=Ne wie 16 Surface density ¢= 9 for big drop p,- 4h. are, r i and K X depends on system of units an medium te Giventhat F=F'=> : 0, Newtons law of gravitation peasant Fay 208 Foc F ee Fas? Foe ap. superion and oer fills then BERR Remo clecrosatc rec fell isaplcd. then esl ctv, fe dacs pte sept 4aQ Q © 6. F where q, is test charge cee oo . i 64, sed to polygonLaw ofvectrsE at ere aie - cube will be zero <— '—__. 65. F,=F (-* 66, Beed moves downwards wth emma velo % —— cies ses s— 2m aq 2 0 47, Propestics of electric lines of force So, itis parabola — 48. Ifclectric lines of force are crowded electric | 68. non-clectrostatic inside the cell and electro- Aenchargss aren shy, feldsrengtismoreiieyarcapartfiomeach | state ouside the cell i ‘ther E strength is ess. 69. Motion ofcharged particle in an electric fill, Se a IRF + Othencharges aren usa, ‘verge and duc to negative charge electric lines o(se\2 Ax ‘en offre ome 20m Je a 50, roperiesofeleric ines offrce S0,tisa paola a... eno. sean | 7: MBE etn dct + from 9) <9 i pedence talon 7). ron experience accent oppostto-F ‘52. Properties of electric lines of forces ‘72. According definition of = Peo, o $8. Properties fein ines of ores 7B. F=QE. if Qis-ve thea and E arin oppo Beer Seer trey mt Site. Butelesron travels along the decton of a a elect led. So etn decelrated smal 3a, Fa 45. Properties oleic ines of force maaie ; Sé.Propertes ofr inesof force aoe ti ce : 74, == where gine hrge tert, 57. feIbT = (4) Beers ao S Matin of charge pari nanletri et e MET?T'L k] 16 Eetomati ll eto acharged condor 1, tno = = ie canpaa ra sii = [dewerie ‘imi bond an cont te lea 58, The velocity felon wll deencase oe : wedueto | rice ate pom 4%: Graviational force between two ek0 ecelration. $8. Here Qs so Fant Fae oppose ht 1 ‘electroin projected in a direction opposite to | 77. £ Due to positive charge the field. It is accelerated, a ar, 7° P bs ee 5 cali outwards 60, a= AD ve Chee F rodayioenis - 78 cet ring Law of vector feldat 1. Pye Fatt oP oo 62, Ifa similar charge is placed at point of @Ry ea 960 Arts (a? sx?) eral sore te oer the Page WH Pe Wea(Ei+E,j) (a+) Wea(Ea+e,) ircctiona soppsoite tothe particle's disstion ‘ofmotionandistakenas negative, variation of with x will follow the same pattern a means acceleration 101. According ow of conservation of eens, 1 m(ucos60") + Bed 1e2inequiltriampotio,F, «0 08 08, ta. 102. Ky = 08, 1. x,= Ifthe daplacement ofthe ack fom oui saa postin( 1, nx restoring ce wb, Pek (ctu) HOE Ke ‘Theretring rc sath mtn wl sine bt with tine pad Tate pie 103. Motion ofelectron isi horizontal projectile fq Mg 104.289sinoR = mgsinoR:; Me ei Dus io dipoe Weeeledp pp dee, Pm as, 106,Due to +ve charge, Non uniformelectrc fel ‘willbe formed W7.Inuniform fell F,=0 r, #0 108.2 = PE sind: 109.Debye is the prac al unit of electric dipole 1 2p ae MM. tnuniform eld F_,=0 5.0 112 Elected increases from kt tonight. In non uniform electric eld dipole, expenences both force and torque 13 Innonuniform field, #0 F_, 40 10. Fa E 114, Eau ‘torque tions from=qto 4 electri dipoles 1 2p RTP (axle) where ps poke m ‘ofcharge frm centre of dipok or Bx Force onchargeis F = QE PE where p = 4(2a) 1_2p Tear where p= 92a 127. mangulaeS HM 11S.As the elect fell non anion, the dipole ‘will experience a translational forces wellas 116. Eq. direction i from +qto-qand direc 117 Tnstable equim ¢ ey = PE U8. p= (24) deation fom -9 10 +4 ap 119. Bes" ash fom —¢ 10419 Lip Fae = Fag, fom 4 t0 1a ie 20.8 f 10 Bt ag Be has, 1 2p ve Bt eam, 2 122.The electric field ata point distance r from ta # density at A charge deg ante OEE crohns Constant value fg'e > aced. 10 Gauss Law.g 0 “fig'd! > 000d. 10 Gauss Lay, =, ‘fig faced, to Gauss Lan It linesof force are always normals sas, ‘ofcontuctor 188: Electric field lines never enter maui, ‘conductor (E=0, inside aconductor| ane fall normally on the surface of 3 mea conductor (because Whole surfaces isn: ik Inescrosing surface. The mabe of ik Tres passing though unit area (N's) will be ‘proportional tothe electri fell, Noga Na ds s “The quantity BS isthe electric tux through turfae 5 As we ive cen ithe problem tht lies offorce that enter the closed surface leave the srface immediatly sono electri ux is tound tothe system Hence electri fax 20 4. g=B A: 165.0 = e ze, 171: Fromthe knowledge of theory, Eo! =, 172 Betwoenthe pte ic inthe region as shown ‘nthe igure electric felis gen by 174, F=22;, Blexerc eld dueto atin nite conducting plane sheetis = © 176. Theory of hollow spherical shell 177. For conducting spherical shel E,. = 0 178 Fornoncondueting sphere Ear 179, For conducting spherical sell E, 180: 59=0 1 fos 12 Due touniomlycharsdapee Fe! ] Qx | ied hats (x +R) 15h, bakes pstmt d_ isk nave Isbin ge, doe ope frais the Gamat ee ‘csoring trem jessie Hereg = 0°: £(4x27) = 2 q = pa; da =pter'de rr, = eee 3 ensures, B= gor ‘outside, E 2 er

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