Unit 5-2

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 Composting is the natural process of decomposition that transforms
organic waste into nutrient-rich compost . It involves the breakdown of
organic materials by microorganisms, creating a valuable soil amendent.
This process significantly reduces the volume of waste sent to landfills and
minimizes greenhouse gas emissions.
 Compost or humus is the name for stabilized product.
 Composting is projected to become increasingly popular as more rigorous
environmental regulations and site constraints limit the use of solid-waste
incineration an landfill options.
Composting Procedure:
 Sorting And Shredding
 Sorting and separating procedures isolate decomposable materials from
glass, metal, and other inorganic components in trash
 These are done mechanically, based on variances in the refuse's physical
features such size, density, and magnetic properties
 The size of the waste items is reduced by shredding or crushing, resulting
in a homogenous mass of material.
 Hammer mills and rotary shredders are used to accomplish this.
Digesting and Processing:
 Composting crushed waste can be done in an open windrow or in an
enclosed mechanical facility. Windrows are long, low rubbish heaps.
 Every few days, they are flipped or stirred to allow air to reach the
bacteria that are digesting the organics.
 It may take five to eight weeks for the waste to be completely
digested, depending on moisture conditions.
 Temperatures in an active compost pile reach around 65 °C (150 °F)
due to the metabolic action of aerobic bacteria, destroying harmful
organisms that may be present in the waste material.

Composting-Various Methods
 Passive Composting or Piling: Simply stacking the materials and
allowing them to degrade naturally is passive composting or piling.
 This process is simple and inexpensive, but it is slow and may produce
unpleasant odours.
 Aerated Static Piles: Air is added to the stacked pile via perforated
pipes and blowers in aerated static piles.
 This approach does not involve any labor to change the compost, but it is
weather-dependent and can result in unpredictable pathogen elimination
due to poor mixing.
 Windrows: Windrows are long, narrow piles that are turned when
temperature and oxygen requirements dictate

Vermi composting: Vermi composting involves feeding food waste

to worms and then using the worm castings as high-quality compost.
Containers, bins, and greenhouses are commonly used for this.
 1 pound of worms can eat 4 pounds of garbage every week on average.
This kind of composting is used in many schools as an environmental
education tool.
 A bioreactor is a type of fermentation vessel that is used for the
production of various chemicals and biological reactions. It is a closed
container with adequate arrangement for aeration, agitation, temperature
and pH control, and drain or overflow vent to remove the waste biomass
of cultured

Types of Bioreactors
1.Continuous stirred tank fermenter
 A continuous stirred tank bioreactor is made up of a cylindrical vessel
with a central shaft controlled by a motor that supports one or more
agitators .

A stirred tank bioreactor can be operated continuously in the fermenter,

temperature control is effortless, construction is cheap, easy to operate,
resoluble Column Bioreactors:
 Bubble Column Bioreactors
 Design: Vertical columns where gases (usually air) are bubbled through
the liquid medium. The rising bubbles create circulation and mixing.
 Applications: Suitable for aerobic fermentation processes where oxygen
is a critical factor. Commonly used in the production of bio fuels and
certain chemicals.
 Advantages: Simple design, easy scalability
Air-Lift Bio reactors
 Design: Similar to bubble column bioreactors but with a draft tube that
separates the up flow of air (or gas) from the downflow of liquid. This
creates a continuous circulation pattern.
 Applications: Used for aerobic and anaerobic processes. Beneficial for
shear-sensitive cells.
 Advantages: Good mixing, reduced shear stress, and suitable for large-
scale operations.

Packed Bed Bio reactors

 Design: Consists of a column packed with solid support materials (like
beads or fibers) where cells or microorganisms attach and grow. The
liquid medium flows through the packed bed.
 Applications: Commonly used for immobilized cell cultures and
enzymatic reactions.
 Advantages: High cell density, reduced shear stress, and better stability
of cells.
Fluidized Bed Bioreactors:
 Design: Similar to packed bed bioreactors, but the solid support particles
are suspended and kept in motion by the upward flow of the liquid
 Applications: Used for processes where cell immobilization and
enhanced mass transfer are crucial.
 Advantages: Improved mixing, better mass transfer, and increased
surface area for cell attachment.
Biological treatment systems:
 Aerobic batch systems
 Anaerobic batch systems
 Continuous flow & aerobic suspended growth systems
1. Powdered activated carbon treatment process
2. Membrane bioreactors
 Attached growth systems
1. Submerged fixed-film reactor
2. Fluidized bed reactor

Sequencing batch reactor systems


Filling Biotreatment Sedimentation &


Figure 10-14 Sequencing batch reactor operation (LaGrega et al., 2001)


Suspended growth systems:

PAC treatment process:

Membrane bio reactors:

Attached growth systems:

Anaeribic digestion technology is one option by which the organic
biodegradable fraction of municipal waste is digested in the absence of
oxygen to produce methan(CH4), carbon dioxide(CO2) as biogas and
residue that can be used as manure.
Factors influencing anaerobic digestion:
1. Temperature
2. pH
3. Nature of waste
4. Moisture
5. Shredding
6. C/N ratio

• Generation of valuable by-products biogas and residue that can be used
as manure.
• Reduces greenhouse gas emissions thrugh recovery of methane.
• Can efficiency treat varied type of organic waste and wastewater reduces
solid (i.e) less excess sludge. Hence problem of sludge handling is
• Remove pathogen.
• Process stability (high loads can be treated but anaerobic sludge can also
be preserved for prolonged periods without any feeding).
• Skilled operation are required.
• Use of energy produced during the process is still development.

• Sensitive to chemical compounds.

Biodegradation of toxic waste refers to the process by which
microorganisms break down and transform toxic substances into less
harmful or non-toxic compounds. This natural process relies on the
metabolic activities of various microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and
other microbes, to degrade complex and toxic pollutants into simpler and
less harmful forms.


• The biodegradation of toxic waste is governed by several principles, and
understanding these principles is crucial for designing effective
remediation strategies. Here are some key principles of biodegradation:

1. Specificity of Microorganisms:
Different microorganisms are specialized in breaking down specific types
of contaminants. For example, certain bacteria may be proficient in
degrading hydrocarbons, while others may target pesticides. Selecting or
engineering the right microorganisms for the specific contaminants present
is essential.
2. Nutrient Availability:
Microorganisms require essential nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen,
phosphorus, and trace elements for their metabolic activities. The
availability of these nutrients in the contaminated environment can
influence the rate and efficiency of biodegradation. In some cases,
additional nutrients may need to be supplied to support microbial growth.

3. Oxygen Availability (Aerobic vs. Anaerobic):

Many biodegradation processes are aerobic, meaning they require
oxygen.Aerobic conditions are generally more favorable for efficient
biodegradation.However, some microorganisms can function under
anaerobic conditions as well. The choice between aerobic and anaerobic
conditions depends on the nature of the contaminants and the microbial
communities involved.
4. Temperature and pH:
Microbial activity is highly influenced by temperature and pH. Different
microorganisms have optimal temperature and pH ranges for their
metabolic activities. Controlling and maintaining these environmental
conditions within the suitable ranges can enhance the effectiveness of

5. Adaptation and Evolution:

Microorganisms can adapt to the presence of contaminants over time
through natural selection and evolution. In some cases, the microbial
population may evolve to become more efficient at degrading the specific
pollutants present. This adaptability is a key factor in the success of
biodegradation processes.

6. Co-metabolism
Some microorganisms are capable of degrading contaminants indirectly
through co-metabolism. In co-metabolism, a microorganism may not use
the contaminant as its primary energy source but can degrade it while
metabolizing another compound. This principle is important in expanding
the range of contaminants that can be biodegraded

7. Toxicity and Metabolite Formation

The biodegradation process should not result in the formation of more
toxic metabolites. Sometimes, the intermediate products of biodegradation
can be more harmful than the original contaminants. Monitoring for the
formation of potentially toxic byproducts is crucial to ensure the overall
safety of the remediation process.

8. Monitoring and Optimization:

Regular monitoring of the biodegradation process is essential to assess
its progress and make adjustments if necessary. Optimization may involve
tweaking environmental conditions, introducing additional microbial
strains, or addressing any factors limiting microbial activity.
INHIBITION: In the context of toxic waste treatment, inhibition refers
to factors that can impede or slow down the process of detoxification or
remediation. The inhibition of toxic waste treatment can occur at various
stages of the remediation process, and understanding and addressing these
inhibitory factors are critical for the success of waste management efforts.
Here are some common factors that can lead to the inhibition of toxic waste

a. Toxicity to Microorganisms:
Toxic wastes often contain substances that can be harmful to the
microorganisms responsible for waste degradation or detoxification. High
concentrations of toxic substances may kill or inhibit the growth and
activity of the microorganisms involved in the treatment process.

b. Chemical Interference:
Some chemicals in the toxic waste may interfere with the chemical
reactions or microbial processes intended for detoxification. This
interference can disrupt the efficiency of the treatment and slow down the
breakdown of hazardous compounds.

c. pH Extremes:
Extremely high or low pH levels in the waste can inhibit the activity of
microorganisms. Many microbial processes are pH-sensitive, and deviations
from the optimal pH range can hinder their effectiveness in breaking down

d. Temperature Extremes:
Microbial activity is often temperature-dependent, and extreme
temperatures can inhibit the metabolic processes involved in waste
treatment. Extremely high or low temperatures may slow down or
deactivate the microorganisms responsible for detoxification.
e. Nutrient Limitations:
Adequate nutrients are essential for the growth and activity of
microorganisms involved in waste treatment. Nutrient limitations, such as a
lack of nitrogen, phosphorus, or carbon sources, can inhibit microbial
activity and hinder the detoxification process.

f. Oxygen Limitation:
Many detoxification processes, including aerobic microbial degradation,
require sufficient oxygen. In environments with low oxygen levels or in
anaerobic conditions, the detoxification process may be inhibited, and
alternative strategies may be needed.

• Co-metabolism is a microbial degradation process that occur when
microorganisms degrade a target molecule (such as pollutant or
recalcitrant) using a different compound as a source of energy and
• Recalcitrant is a complex pollutant that persists in environment.
1. Microorganisms use a primary substrate as their source of energy and
carbon.This primary substrate can be a naturally occuring compound or
intentionally added to enhance the co-metabolism.
2. As the microorganisms metabolize the primary substrate they produce
enzymes that can transform the pollutants, which is typically a
compound that is more difficult to degrade
3. For example Methane is used as an energy source (primary substrate) by
bacteria to produce enzymes which will later degrade the pollutant.
4. The enzymes produced by the microorganisms can transform the
pollutant into less harmful or non toxic compounds.
5. The resulting smaller, less harmful compounds may undergo further
degradation by the same microorganism or other microorganisms in the


 In this type of co-metabolism, the microorganism uses a primary
substrate as its primary source of energy and carbon.
 As a byproduct of this metabolism, the microorganism also degrades
the recalcitrant molecule.
 For example, some methane-oxidizing bacteria can also degrade
trichloroethylene (TCE) as a byproduct of methane oxidation.


 The microorganism uses a different compound as its primary source of
energy and carbon, but has the ability to degrade the recalcitrant
molecule as a secondary substrate.
 For example; Bacteria that use biphenyl as their primary substrate can
also degrade polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) as a secondary


1. Waste composition:
The types and proportions of solid and hazardous waste present impact
the efficiency of co-metabolism processes. Variability in waste
composition can affect microbial activity and the overall effectiveness of
the treatment.
2. Microbial community:
The selection of appropriate microbial strains or communities is crucial.
The specific micro-organism should be capable of degrading the diverse
range of contaminants present in the waste.
3. Environmental conditions:
Temperature, pH, and moisture levels significantly influence microbial
activity and the degradation of pollutants.
4. Oxygen levels:
Co-metabolism processes can be aerobic or anaerobic. Oxygen
availability affects the type of microbial metabolism and the efficiency of
contaminant degradation.
5. Retention Time:
The duration of exposure to co-metabolism conditions, known as
retention time, is critical. Sufficient time must be provided for microbial
communities to act on the waste and facilitate effective degradation.
6. Nutrient availability:
Microbes requires specific nutrients for their metabolic activities.
Adequate nutrient availability, including carbon, nitrogen, and
phosphorus sources, is essential for supporting microbial growth and
waste degradation.

• Aerobic Biodegradation: It is the process where microorganisms break
down organic matter in the presence of oxygen. Microorganisms use
oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor in their metabolic processes.
Organic compounds those found in waste or pollutants, serve as the feast
for these aerobic microorganisms.
• Microorganisms produce enzymes that starts the breakdown of complex
organic molecules into simpler forms. These enzymes facilitate the
oxidation of the organic compounds. As the organic matter is oxidized,
energy is released. microorganisms uses this energy to fuel their activities
and sustain their life processes
• By products: The end result of aerobic biodegradation is usually carbon
dioxide, water, and other harmless by products.
• Anaerobic Biodegradation: In the absence of oxygen, anaerobic
microorganisms carryout reductive process to degrade organic
• Micro organisms turn to other substances like nitrate, sulfate, or even
carbon dioxide as electron acceptors.
Organic matter is converted into simpler compounds like methane, carbon
dioxide, and other byproducts. It might take a bit longer, anaerobic
biodegradation contributes to the overall reduction of organic waste in the

BIOREMEDIATION refers to the process of using living

microoraganisms to remove the environmental pollutants or prevent
• The removal of organic wastes by microbes for environmental clean-up
the essence of bioremediation.
• Bioremediation is a combination of two words “bio” means living and
“remediate” means to solve a problem or to bring the sites and affairs to
original state.

Bioremediation technology using microorganisms was reportedly invented

by George M. Robinson
1. In situ Bioremediation
In situ bioremediation means there is no need to excavate or remove
soils or water in order to accomplish remediation.

2. Ex situ Bioremediation
Ex situ Bioremediation involves the removal of waste water material
and their collection at a place to falicitate microbial degradation.

 On the basis of contamination under treatment Ex situ bioremediation is

classified into two types : solid phase system and slurry phase systems.
• Slurry phase Bioremediation is relatively more rapid compared to other
treatment processes.
• Contaminated soil is combined with water and other additives in a large
tank called “Bioreactor”.
• Nutrients and Oxygen are added and conditions in bioreactor are
controlled to create the optimum environment for the microorganisms to
degrade the contaminants
• Slurry phase system include Bioreactors, Bioventing, Biosparging and


Slurry-phase systems involve treatment of contaminated soils/sludges mixed
with clean or contaminated liquids.
 It can take place in aboveground reactor or within
existing/constructed lagoons.
 Because of the high costs associated with excavation, materials
handling & residuals handling, the ex situ form of this biological
treatment process is rarely used.
 In contrast, in situ anaerobic slurry treatment in lagoons has been

gaining acceptance and use for the treatment of persistent compounds

 Mixing soil or sediment with water and additional additives generates

an aqueous slurry. The slurry is mixed in order to keep solids

suspended and microorganisms in phase with the soil contaminants.
 Same basic slurry treatment principles and concerns apply to both ex
situ and in situ treatment approaches.
 Slurry treatment typically requires initial mixing/agitation.
 The agitation not only homogenizes the slurry but also promotes the
following actions:
• Breakdown of solid particles
• Desorption of waste from solid particles
• Contact between organic waste and microorganisms
• Oxygenation of the slurry by aeration
• Volatilization of contaminants
On conclusion of the process, the slurry is dewatered and the
treated soil is disposed of.

• The excavated soil is physically pre-treated to separate stones and
rubble. In some cases, it is also pre-washed to concentrate the
contaminants into a smaller volume of soil.
• An aqueous slurry is created by combining the contaminated soil,
sediment, or sludge with water and nutrients - amount depends altering
the concentration for an apt rate of bio-degradation to occur. (Typically,
the slurry contains from 10 to 30% solids by weight).
• This is then placed into a bio-reactor as shown above.
• The slurry is mixed to keep solids suspended and microorganisms in
contact with the soil contaminants.
• Upon completion of the process, the slurry is dewatered and the treated
soil can be replaced to it's position.
• Only the contaminated fines & collected wastewater require further
• If necessary, an acid or alkali may be added to control pH.
• Microorganisms also may be added if a suitable population is not
• Dewatering devices that may be used include clarifiers, pressure filters,
vacuum filters, sand drying beds, or centrifuges.
• Slurry-phase bioreactors may be classified as short- to medium-term
• The effectiveness of slurry-phase treatment depends on a number of
theoretical factors including;
• Pretreatment
• Desorption
• Solids concentration
• Mixer design, and
• Retention time.

• In situ remediation is a technique used to clean up contaminated soil and
groundwater without removing them from the site.
• It involves treating the contaminants in place, reducing the need for
excavation and transportation of contaminated materials.
• In situ remediation is a cost-effective and sustainable approach to
environmental cleanup.

Types of Insitu bioremediation:

BIO VENTING : It is a technology that stimulates the natural in situ

biodegradation of any aerobically degradable compounds in soil by
providing oxygen to existing soil microorganisms
BIOSLURPING : Bioslurping is a multiface extraction that merges
vaccume free product recovery by bioventing of subsurface soil to
simultaneously remediates soil, sediment and ground water which is
polluted with PAH(Polycyclic aromatic hydrcarbons).

BIOSPARGING :This method is used to remove mineral oil from the

contaminants.Even large amounts of mineral oil can be removed with this
BIOSTIMULATION :Biostimulation involves the modification of the
environment to stimulate existing bacteria capable if bioremediation. This
can be done by addition of various forms of rate limiting nutrients and
electron acceptors, such as phophorous, nitrigen, oxygen, or carbon.

Factors affecting bioremediation process :

 Concetration of contaminants
 Nutrients Availability
 PH- (6 to 8)
 Optimum Temperature
 Oxygen
 Soil texture

Considerations for In Situ Bioremediation

 Site characterization is crucial to understand the contaminant distribution
and site-specific conditions.
 Selection of the appropriate in situ remediation technique should
consider the nature of contaminants and site conditions.
 Continuous monitoring and evaluation are necessary to ensure the
effectiveness of the remediation process.
 Site preparation: Clearing and leveling the land to create a stable
foundation for the land fill.
 Zoning and segregation: Separate areas for solid and hazardous waste
to prevent cross contamination and enable tailored management practices
for each type.
 Base linear system: composed of materials like clay or synthetic liners
to create a barrier preventing leachate from reaching the underlying soil
and ground water.
 Leachate collection system: Network of pipes and collection channels
to capture and remove leachate, The liquid produced as water percolates
through the waste.
 Waste cells : Designated sections within the landfill where waste is
placed and compacted, cells are created sequentially, and each is filled
before moving to the next.
 Covering and capping system : After a section is filled it is covered
with soil or an alternative material to minimize odours, control gas
emissions and prevent water infiltration.
 Gas collection and management : Installation of gas collection system
for both waste types to capture and manage landfill gas, including
potentially hazardous gases produced during decomposition.
 Access and infrastructure : Construction of access roads and
infrastructure to facilitate the transportation and handling of both solid
and hazardous waste within the landfill.
 Regulatory compliance : Adherence to stringent regulations governing
the disposal of solid and hazardous waste, ensuring that the landfill
design meets legal requirements and environmental standards.

• Leachate is liquid that has percolated through a solid and leached out some
of its constituents. In environmental contexts, it often refers to the liquid
that drains or leaches from a landfill, containing dissolved and suspended
materials from the waste.
Leachate Collection Systems(LCS)
 Leachate is the liquid that drains or 'leaches' from a landfill. Leachate
collection systems are designed to prevent leachate from contaminating
groundwater and nearby water sources.

 In a typical design, the lechate collection system is a combination of

– Main drain
– Side drain
– Perimeter drain
– Drain and protective layer
– Leachate wells- typically with pumps

Vertical Well System

 A vertical well leachate collection system consists of a series of
perforated pipes that are installed vertically in the landfill.

 The pipes are surrounded by gravel and covered with a geotextile fabric
to prevent clogging.

 The leachate flows into the pipes and is pumped out by a pump station
for treatment.
Horizontal Trench System
 A horizontal trench leachate collection system consists of a series of
perforated pipes that are installed horizontally in trenches at the base of
the landfill.
 The pipes are surrounded by gravel and covered with a geotextile fabric
to prevent clogging.
 The leachate flows into the pipes and is collected in a sump for pumping
to a treatment facility.

Gravity Drains:
Relies on the natural slope of the landfill to allow leachate to flow into
collection pipes or channels

Sump Systems:
Involves strategically placed sumps or low points in the landfill where
leachate can accumulate and be pumped out for proper management.

Trench Systems:
Involves excavating trenches in the landfill where pipes are placed to
collect and transport leachate.
Leachate Treatment Methods

Physical Treatment
 Physical treatment methods involve the removal of suspended solids and
organic matter from leachate.
 This can be done through processes such as sedimentation, filtration,
drying and evaporation.

Biological Treatment
 Biological treatment methods use microorganisms to break down organic
matter in leachate.
 This can be done through processes such as activated sludge system,
trickling filters, rotating biological contactors(RBC) and under
anaerobic conditions UASB is used.

Chemical Treatment
 Chemical treatment methods involve the use of chemicals to neutralize or
remove contaminants from leachate.
 This can be done through processes such as coagulation, precipitation,
reverse osmosis and oxidation.
Landfill Regulations and Compliance
 Landfills are heavily regulated to ensure the safety of the environment
and those around it. Compliance with these regulations is necessary to
maintain a landfill's operation.

 Landfills must comply with federal, state, and local regulations.
 These regulations cover various aspects of landfill operation, including
liner and cover systems, leachate collection and removal, gas collection
and control, and groundwater monitoring.

Compliance Requirements

 Landfill operators must regularly monitor and report on their compliance

with regulations. This includes submitting reports on groundwater
monitoring, gas collection and control, and leachate management.Failure
to comply with regulations can result in fines and legal action.

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