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Professional Code of Conduct:

Be patient and courteous.

Be inclusive. We welcome and support people of all backgrounds

and identities. This includes but is not limited to members of any
sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity,
culture, national origin, social and economic class, educational level,
color, immigration status, sex, age, size, family status, political belief,
religion, and mental and physical ability.

Be considerate. We all depend on each other to produce the best

work we can as a company. Your decisions will affect clients and
colleagues, and you should take those consequences into account
when making decisions.

Be respectful. We won't all agree all the time, but disagreement is no

excuse for disrespectful behavior. We will all experience frustration
from time to time, but we cannot allow that frustration to become
personal attacks. An environment where people feel uncomfortable
or threatened is not a productive or creative one.

Choose your words carefully. Always conduct yourself

professionally. Be kind to others. Do not insult or put down others.
Harassment and exclusionary behavior aren't acceptable. This
includes, but is not limited to:

 Threats of violence.
 Discriminatory jokes and language.
 Sharing sexually explicit or violent material via electronic
devices or other means.
 Personal insults, especially those using racist or sexist terms.
 Unwelcome sexual attention.
 Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior.
Do not harass others. In general, if someone asks you to stop
something, then stop. When we disagree, try to understand why.
Differences of opinion and disagreements are mostly unavoidable.
What is important is that we resolve disagreements and differing
views constructively.
Our differences can be our strengths. We can find strength in
diversity. Different people have different perspectives on issues, and
that can be valuable for solving problems or generating new ideas.
Being unable to understand why someone holds a viewpoint doesn’t
mean that they’re wrong. Don’t forget that we all make mistakes, and
blaming each other doesn’t get us anywhere.

Instead, focus on resolving issues and learning from mistakes.

What to Include in Your Code of Ethics

and Professional Conduct:
A code of ethics and professional conduct consists of four key
sections detailed below. You can cover all of them in a short
summary Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct as we have
above, or expand on them in detail so employees are clear on how to
handle many common situations.

1. The work environment.

Employees should act with integrity, comply with laws, maintain a
professional work environment and comply with company policies.
They should treat customers, colleagues, and partners ethically at all
2. Conflicts of interest.
A company's reputation depends on the actions and integrity of its
employees. It is essential that they avoid relationships and activities
that hurt, or appear to hurt, their ability to make objective and fair

3. Protecting company assets.

Employees should always act to protect company assets, including
physical, intellectual, and electronic or digital properties.

4. Anti-bribery and corruption.

A company's integrity is essential for maintaining trustworthiness and
reputation. Employees should always do their work fairly, honestly,
and legally.

5. Attendance and punctuality.

Employees are expected to be regular and punctual in attendance.
This means being in the office, ready to work, at starting time each
day. Absenteeism and tardiness burden other employees and the

6. Absence without notice.

Employees who are unable to work due to illness or an accident
should notify their supervisor. This allows the company to arrange
for coverage of their duties and helps others continue to work in their
absence. If an employee does a report for work and the company is
not notified of an employee's status for 3 days, it is typically
considered a job abandonment.

7. General harassment and sexual harassment.

This company is committed to providing a work environment free of
discrimination and unlawful harassment. Actions, words, jokes, or
comments based on an individual’s sex, race, ethnicity, age, religion,
or any other legally protected characteristic are not tolerated.
8. Cell phone use at work.
Personal cell phone usage during work hours is discouraged, except
in extreme cases such as an emergency.

9. Dress code.
A professional appearance is important when employees work with
customers or potential customers. Employees should be well-
groomed and dressed appropriately for the business and for their

10. Substance abuse.

The manufacture, distribution, possession, sale, or purchase of
controlled substances of abuse on company property is prohibited.
Being under the influence of illegal drugs, alcohol, or substances of
abuse on company property is prohibited. Working while under the
influence of prescription drugs that impair performance is prohibited.

11. Tobacco products.

The use of tobacco products on company property, outside of
permitted areas, is strictly prohibited.

12. Internet use at work.

Employees may use the internet when appropriate to access
information needed to conduct company business. Use of the internet
must not disrupt or injure the company computer network. Use of the
internet must not interfere with an employee's productivity.

Conflict of Interest Code of Conduct

 Corporate asset contributions.
 Running for public office.
 Insider trading and financial interests.
 Investments in companies employees do business with.
 Employee political interests.
 Significant financial interests in other companies.
 Securities transactions.
 Taking out loans.

Anti-Bribery & Corruption Code of

Conduct Topics:
 Doing business with governments.
 Choosing and maintaining service providers.
 Receiving gifts and entertainment.
 Loans, bribes, and kickbacks.
 Relationships with former employees.
 Obligations of departing and former employees.
 Interaction with competitors.
 Relationships with affiliates, international entities, and
Beacon Pharmaceuticals Limited
HR & Admin

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Request for Renewal of USA Visa

This is to inform that my USA Visa has expired. It would be very helpful for me in renewing
the Visa for a further term.

This is for your kind approval.

Md. Anisur Rahman Khan

Executive Vice President, HR & Admin
ID: 0100883

Managing Director
BEACON Pharmaceuticals Limited
HR & Admin

Thursday, September 04, 2014

Request for advance adjustment

This is to inform that I took an amount of $1500.00 (Fifteen hundred) only as advance for
the training program on “Solving Human and Organizational Problems” held at Kansai
Kenshu Center (KKC), Osaka, Japan from 18 August 2014 to 29 August 2014. The details of
expenditure are given bellow:

Participation Fee : $344.770 (36206.00 Japanese Yen)

Contribution Fee : $285.673 (30000.00 Japanese Yen)
Life Membership Fee : $316.621 (33250.00 Japanese Yen=25000.00 Tk.)
Daily Allowance : $450.000 ($30× 15 days-August 17 to August 31)
Total Expenditure : $1397.064
Advance Taken : $1500.000
To be refunded : $102.936

The entire memo is enclosed hereof for the advance adjustment.

This is for your kind approval.

Md. Anisur Rahman Khan

Sr. Manager, HR & Admin
ID: 00883

Managing Director
Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you very much for your continued support.

I am pleased to inform you that the following applicant was approved by the
HIDA Screening Committee held on 17 July.

BAAS Mr. MD ANISUR RAHMAN KHAN Beacon Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


We will be sending the following documents tomorrow or in the early next

week via DHL to your Office.

1. Invitation Letter

2. Guarantee Letter

3. Tentative Schedule of SHOP program

4. Notes for Participants

5. Acceptance of Conditions

6. Estimate of the Training Costs

7. Travel Information

8. Request Letter for Contribution to HIDA's Administration Cost

9. Assignments prior to the start of SHOP course

Please kindly send all of the documents to the course participant mentioned
above from your office with requesting the following points.

1. Submitting Acceptance of Condition (No later than 3 August):

Please ask the course participants to submit the "Acceptance of Conditions"

through the e-mail or fax to us by 3rd August.

*Please note that all the participants must submit this form by designated
date with fully understanding the contents written in the "Notes for the

2. Submitting Air Ticket (E-Ticket) and Receipt(No later than 3 August):

Course participants must submit both the Air Ticket (E-Ticket) and the
receipt of the air ticket by 3rd August through the e-mail.
*Be sure to read through the "Notes for Participants (especially No. 9.
“International Travel Expense” from page 3).

*Ticket does not mean the “Itinerary”. Please do not get confused.

*The receipt must contain the detailed breakdown indicating each taxes. The
receipt without such breakdown cannot be accepted.

3. Request Letter for Contribution to HIDA's Administration Cost:

If the course participants agree with what is mentioned in the request

letter for Contribution to HIDA's Administration Cost, please send the
consent form through the email or fax by 3rd August.

For your communication on SHOP, please email directly to me in charge.

Best Regards

Yasuaki Waragai

HIDA Management Training Administration Group (SHOP)

Yasuaki Waragai (Mr.)

Management Training Administration Group,

Training Administration Department,
Overseas Human Resources and Industry Development Association [HIDA]
Hakutsuru Bldg. 4F, Ginza 5-12-5, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0061, Japan
Tel: +81-3-3549-3051 / Fax: +81-3-3549-3055


Beacon Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Date: Thursday, 14 November 2013

Time: 11.00 am

Venue: Head office, 153-154, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1208.

Agenda for the third meeting of the management committee

3.01 Minutes of the previous (second) management committee meeting

3.02 Company objective and Budget of 2014

3.03 Performance Appraisal process of 2013

3.04 Performance Appraisal award of 2013

3.05 Overtime calculation system for other staffs (Not factory staff)

3.06 Any other matter with the permission of the Managing Director

Md. Anisur Rahman Khan
Sr. Manager, HR & Admin

 Senior Manager, Production
 Manager, PD
 Deputy Manager, Q.Comp
 Assistant Manager, Eng.
 Senior Vice President, Accounts & Finance
 Senior Vice President, Marketing
 Manager, Distribution
 Deputy Manager, PMD-1
 Deputy Manager, PMD-2
 Vice President, International Marketing Department
 Senior Manager, Human Resources & Admin
 Senior Manager, MIS & Audit
 Deputy Manager, IT
 Senior Executive, Commercial (Anny)

It has been decided that job description and specifications of above members have to submit within 31.08.2013
to Sr. Manager, HR & Admin.

It has also been decided that as per proposal of Mr. Mahbub Mannan, Managing Director, HRX Consulting on
Performance Appraisal Process he may get work order from us.

Minutes Recorded by:

Md. Anisur Rahman Khan
Sr. Manager, HR & Admin

Date: Saturday, February 03, 2007

Training Program on “Area Manager-The Competent Coach”

This is to inform you that a Training Program on “Area Manager-The Competent Coach” will
be held on 14.02.07 to 15.02.07, (Batch-1) and 17.02.07 to 18.02.07 (Batch-2) at Head
office. In this regard, please arrange the meals as follows:

Meal Time Date Person Menu
Parata, Chicken jhal fry & Orange
08.00am - (In a box)
10.30am - 14th (Batch-1) Tea and biscuits
Refreshmen 11.00am & 17
t 03.30pm - 17th (Batch-2) Tea
06.30pm - Chicken Sharma & Tea
Lunch 01.00pm - 17 Regular Head Office Menu
Meal Time Date Person Menu
Parata, Chicken jhal fry & Orange
08.00am - (In a box)
Refreshmen 08.30am
10.30am - 17 Tea and biscuits
t 11.00am 15th (Batch-1)
03.30pm - & Tea
18th (Batch-2)
Lunch 01.00pm - 17 Regular Head Office Menu
Dinner 07.30pm - 25 Fakhruddin Kachhi Biriani (Full) with
08.00pm Soft drinks

In addition, please provide an assistant on above mentioned date.

This is for your kind information & approval.

Sr. Executive (Sales Training)

Manager (MSD & Sales Training)

Marketing Manager

Manager (HR & Administration)

Orion Laboratories Limited

Sales Training Department

Date: Thursday, April 06, 2006

Subject: Re-print of Training Manual (Part-1).

500 (Five Hundred) pieces training manual Part-1 are required for the trainee (newly
recruited MPOs’) of the induction Training. These training manuals will be consummated
within February, 2007.

Please issue a work order of the previous party without any change of terms and conditions
that is 500 (Five Hundred) pieces training manual Part-1 @ Tk.38/= per manual.

Sr. Executive (Sales Training)

Sr. Manager (MSD & Sales Training)

Director (Marketing)

Manager (Commercial)

Orion Laboratories Limited

Sales Training Department
Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Subject: Recruitment of Medical Promotion Officer of Batch-I/07.

This is to inform that a “WALK-IN-INTERVIEW” for the recruitment of Medical Promotion

Officer of Batch-I/07, Orion Laboratories Ltd, will be arranged on 27 th – 31st October, 2007
within 09.00 am to 05.00 pm.

Hence, please publish Advertisement in the Daily Prothom Alo (2nd page) on 24.10.07
(Wednesday) and Daily Ittefaq (2nd page) on 26.10.07 (Friday). An advertisement
material is enclosed hereof.

We are requesting to arrange all the recruitment events like venue for the primary
registration (9.00am to 11.00am), written examination (11.00am to 11.45am) and final
interview (02.00pm to 05.00pm) for approximately 50 persons on 27 th – 31st October, 2007.
We are also requesting the undersigned to participate in the final interview session as
honorable interview board member.

It is worth mentioning that the training of this batch will be held from 3 rd November to 22nd
December, 2007.

This is for your kind information and approval.

Assistant Manager, Sales Training

Sr. Manager, MSD & Sales Training

Marketing Manager

Sr. Manager, MIS & FA

Vice President, Marketing

Vice President, HR & Admin

Orion Laboratories Limited
Sales Training Department

Date: Saturday, September 29, 2007

Register Khata for Batch-H/2007.

This is for your kind information that the training of new MPO Batch-H/2007 will start today.
70 pieces Register Khata are required for the same.

It is requested to arrange the above mentioned stationery as soon as possible.

This is for your kind approval.

Assistant Manager, Sales Training

Sr. Manager, Sales Training & MSD

Sr. Manager, Commercial

Orion Laboratories Limited
Sales Training Department

Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Subject: Advance money for the Closing Programme of the

new trainee MPOs, Batch-K/05.

This is for your kind information that the Closing Programme of the new trainee MPOs,
Batch-K/05 will be held on October 20, 2005. Accordingly an amount of Tk. 6500/= (Six
thousand five hundred) will be required and the description is as bellow:

1. Fruits basket 24125 = 3000/=

2. Prize 03500 = 1500/=

(1st, 2 nd, 3 rd)
3. Flower 2210 = 220/=
4. Film & Battery = 230/=
5. Wash = 1550/=
Total cost = 6500/=

This is for your kind approval.

Sr. Executive (Sales Training)

Manager (Sales Training & MSD)

SVP (Marketing)
Orion Laboratories Limited
Sales training Department

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Request for a computer.

A computer (With internet connection) is needed for our newly recruited executive (Sales

Hence, please arrange to provide a computer (With internet connection) within 20.07.05.

This is for your kind approval.

Sr. Executive (Sales Training)

Manager (MSD & Sales Training)

SVP (Marketing)

Manager (Commercial)

Orion Laboratories Limited

Sales Training Department

Date: Saturday, August 27, 2005

From: Manager (MSD & Field Training)

To: Manager (HR & Administration)

Subject: Newspaper advertisement for the recruitment of Medical

Promotion Officer of Batch-K.

On 13.08.2005, a circular was issued to you regarding above subject.

In the circular, we were requested to you to publish Advertisement in the two renowned
newspapers on 25.08.2005 (Thursday) and 26.08.2005 (Friday) respectively.

We have observed that the advertisement is published on 26.08.05 and 27.08.05, which will
create a serious problem for us to get a large amount of candidates in the ‘Walk in
interview’, held on 28.08.2005 to 30.08.2005.

You are requested to give explanation for above circumstances.

Manager (MSD & Sales Training)

SVP (Marketing)
BEACON Pharmaceuticals Limited
Sales training Department
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Request for advance adjustment

This is to inform you that I took an amount of Tk. 15000.00 (Fifteen thousand) only as
advance for the special meeting and lunch with the team members of Dhaka-A region. An
amount of Tk. 9558.00 only has been spent for the same. The returnable amount of
expenditure is Tk. 5442.00 only. The Specification is as bellow:

Advance taken : 15000.00 Tk.

Expenditure : 9558.00 Tk.
Excess amount of expenditure: 5442.00 Tk.

The entire memo is enclosed hereof for the advance adjustment.

This is for your kind approval.

Md. Anisur Rahman Khan

Assistant Manager, Sales Training
ID: 00554

Sr. Manager, MSD & Sales Training

Sr. Manager, Finance

Orion Laboratories Limited

Sales training Department
Saturday, September 29, 2007

Request for advance adjustment

This is to inform that we have taken course fee amount of BDT 5,500/- (as cheque No:
04AE-0573398, A/C No: 0775 – 7 in favor of Director General, BIM, Dhaka.) as advance for
the training program on ‘TRAINING OF TRAINERS’ held on 1 st to 12th September, 2007.

The money receipt is enclosed hereof for the advance adjustment.

This is for your kind approval.

Md. Anisur Rahman Khan

Assistant Manager, Sales Training
ID: 00554

Sr. Manager, MSD & Sales Training

Sr. Manager, Finance

Orion Laboratories Limited

Sales training Department
Saturday, September 01, 2007

Request for refreshment bill payment

This is to inform you that I have spent an amount of Tk. 278.00 (Two hundred seventy
eight) only as refreshment for the recruitment of Batch-G/2007 held on 26.08.07 to
The entire memo is enclosed hereof for the bill payment in favor of me.

This is for your kind approval.

Md. Anisur Rahman Khan

Assistant Manager, Sales Training
ID: 00554

Sr. Manager, MSD & Sales Training

Sr. Manager, Finance

Orion Laboratories Limited

Sales Training Department

Date: Monday, November 14, 2005

Subject: Advance money.

This is for your kind information that the following things are needed for training
department. Accordingly an amount of Tk. 7900/= (Seven thousand nine hundred) will be
required and the description is as bellow:
Multimedia Tray 012300 = 2300/=

Laptop Tray 013000 = 3000/=

Board Marker 0250 = 100/=

Flip Chart Board 021100 = 2200/=
File 03100 = 300/=

Total cost = 7900/=

This is for your kind approval.

Sr. Executive (Sales Training)

Manager (Sales Training & MSD)

SVP (Marketing)

Manager (Finance)
Orion Laboratories Limited
Sales Training Department

Date: Wednesday, January 04, 2006

To: All Field Colleagues

New guideline for Monthly Written & Detailing Test

Monthly Written & Detailing test are one of the best tools to prove the product knowledge &
Detailing skill. That’s why management has been decided that the final result of each MPO
consists of total percentage of written & detailing test with the weight-age of 50% of each.
To qualify for the prize of 1st & 2nd, one should have to achieve individually at least 80% in
each test.

If any AMs, MPO’s achieve less than 50% of the final result, then a notice will be served
once & only for the first time. Afterwards the following money will be deducted for same-

Result Deducted Money

MPOs <50% to 40% 300.00
<40% 350.00

Result Deducted Money

AMs <50% to 40% 400.00
<40% 450.00

Continuous improvement is highly recommended for the same and if anybody persistently
stays at same level for 3-4 months, then an administrative action will be implemented
against him.
Note that if any MPOs, AMs & RSMs fail to participate in the written exam and MPOs in the
detailing test, RSMs are requested to inform us the causes of absent through written
communication to sales training department within 7 days of the exam date; otherwise their
marks will be calculated as 0 (Zero).

The prize money for the written & detailing test will be unchanged and this will be
implemented from February 2006.

Wish all a very happy and prosperous life.

Dr. Md. Zakirul karim Md. Quamrul Hassan

Manager, MSD & Sales Training Director
Orion Laboratories Limited
Sales Training Department
Date: Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Subject: Budget proposal for visiting Himsori, Inani Beach & Moheshkhali.

This is for your kind information that the Guests of ‘Annual Marketing & Sales Conference
2006’ are going to visit Himsori, Inani Beach & Moheshkhali on 27 th & 28th December 2005
respectively. For their refreshments an amount of Tk. 30,520/= (Thirty Thousand Five
hundred Twenty Only) is needed and the descriptions are as bellow:

27.12.2005 (9.00am to 5.00pm): Himsory & Inani Beach.

1. Micro-bus Rent (Noah-A/C, 08 seats), 04 pieces. 04  2200 = 8800/=

(Hotel to Himsory to Inani Beach to Hotel)
2. Snacks (32 person) 32 135 = 4320/=

Orange 1 piece 1  15 = 15/=

Apple 1 piece 1  15 = 15/=
Juice 1 pack 1  25 = 25/=
Soft drinks 1 piece 1 15 = 15/=
Mineral water 1 Liter 1 20 = 20/=
Potato crackers 1 packs 1 10 =10/=
Biscuits 1 packs 1 25 = 25/=
Chock lets 5 pcs 5 2 = 10/=
Total per person 135/=

3. Photograph (Film 4 pcs, Battery 8 pcs, Print 5R 120 pcs) 1600/=

28.12.2005 (9.00am to 5.00pm): Moheshkhali.

1. Micro-bus Rent (Noah-A/C, 08 seats), 05 pieces. 05  800 = 4000/=

(Hotel to Boat Ghat to Hotel)
2. Speed Boat Rent (10 persons), 4 pieces. 04  1200 = 4800/=
(Boat Ghat to Moheshkhali to Boat Ghat)
3. Snacks (40 person) 40  135 = 5400/=

Orange 1 piece 1  15 = 15/=

Apple 1 piece 1  15 = 15/=
Juice 1 pack 1  25 = 25/=
Soft drinks 1 piece 1 15 = 15/=
Mineral water 1 Liter 1 20 = 20/=
Potato crackers 1 packs 1 10 =10/=
Biscuits 1 packs 1 25 = 25/=
Chock lets 5 pcs 5 2 = 10/=
Total per person 135/=

4. Photograph (Film 4 pcs, Battery 8 pcs, Print 5R 120 pcs) 1600/=

This is for your kind approval.

Sr. Executive (Sales Training)

Manager (MIS & FA

SVP (Marketing)
Orion Laboratories Limited
Sales Training Department
Saturday, October 27, 2007

Involvement of Product Management Department

for MPOs recruitment of batch-I/2007.

This is our great pleasure to inform that we are going to arrange a “WALK-IN-INTERVIEW”
on 27.10.07 to 31.10.07 within 09.00 am to 11.00 am for the recruitment of Medical
Promotion Officer of Batch-I/07. The candidates selected in the written examination will be
appeared at a final interview board on above respective days within 02.00 pm to 05.00 pm.

Involvement of different department in the final interview will emphasize a perfect selection
for attaching candidate in the training. Accordingly we are requesting PMD department to
involve at least two Assistant Manager/ Sr. Executive / Executives during the final selection

Hence, please let us know the name of two Assistant Manager / Sr. Executive / Executives
of product management department as honorary selection board member on 27.10.07 to
31.10.07 within 02.00 pm to 05.00 pm respectively.

This is for your kind approval.

Assistant Manager, Sales Training

Sr. Manager, MSD & Sales Training

Manager (PMD)
Orion Laboratories Limited
Sales Training Department

Date: Wednesday, January 08, 2006

Attachment of Trainee for shadow practice.

Dear Colleague

One of the trainees of batch-O will be attached with you for one day. This attachment will
be considered as a shadow practice of training session. We will be very glad if to help him
out and give him the clear understanding regarding the role of MPO. We are also requesting
you to fill the evaluation form and send it through the concern trainee confidentially.

We thank you for your generous heart, but also for your helping attitude.

I, personally, look forward to having your wholehearted cooperation. We remain,

With best regards,

Dr. Mohammad Zakirul Karim

Sr. Manager, Sales Training Department

1. Attachment List
2. Evaluation form

Orion Laboratories Limited

Sales Training Department

Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Subject: Repairing some chairs of training room.

This is for your kind information that some of the chairs of training room are out of service.
We are facing a lot of problem for arranging training activities and also some other events
like monthly sales & marketing conference, pre-bid meetings and any seminars &
symposium. It is worth mentioning that some of our trainee injured and losing their valuable
trousers due to accident.

So, we are requesting your kind attention in repairing those chairs, which are out of service
as early as possible.

This is for your kind approval.

Senior Executive (Sales Training)

Sr.Manager (MSD & Sales Training)

Manager (HR & admin)

Orion Laboratories Limited

Sales Training Department

Date: Sunday, June 11, 2006

Subject: Regarding Printer for Training Department.

This is for your kind information that one-piece printer is required for the Sales Training
Department. Four persons of the department will use this printer by a local area networking
Hence, please arrange to provide one-piece printer as early as possible.

This is for your kind approval.

Sr. Executive (Sales Training)

Sr. Manager (MSD & Sales Training)

Director (Marketing)

Manager (Commercial)

Orion Laboratories Limited

Sales Training Department

Date: Saturday, April 22, 2006

Withdrawal of deposited money collected from the trainee of Batch-B/2006.

This is for your kind information that we have deposited an amount of BDT=10,000/- on
15.03.06 and 16.03.06 respectively. This money had been collected from the trainee of
batch-B/06 as disciplinary action for smoking in non-smoking zone of CHQ.

We have decided to withdrawal above money to entertain them with a special lunch today.
Hence, please arrange to provide the above mentioned deposited money.

This is for your kind approval.

Sr. Executive (Sales Training)

Sr. Manager (MSD & Sales Training)

Manager (Finance)

Orion Laboratories Limited

Sales Training Department

Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Stop the news paper advertisement of MPO recruitment Batch-F/2006.

This is for your kind information that we have submitted an application dated on 10.06.06 to
publish an advertisement in the daily Ittefaq on 16.06.2006 for the recruitment of Medical
Promotion Officer Batch-F/2006.

We have decided to stop this recruitment for unavoidable circumstances.

Hence, please arrange to take the necessary steps to stop the above mentioned

This is for your kind approval.

Sr. Executive (Sales Training)

Sr. Manager (MSD & Sales Training)

Manager (HR & Admin)

Orion Laboratories Limited

Sales Training Department
Date: Monday, July 17, 2006

Tasks of Sr. Executives & Executives on 18.07.06 & 19.07.06

Followings are the responsibilities of Sr. Executive & Executives of sales training department
during my leave period on 18.07.06 and 19.07.06.

Mr. Akhter Hossain, Sr. Executive

1. Assigned for the selling skills schedule classes of batch-E/06

2. Suppervision all activities of shafique
3. Preparation of own lecture materials.
4. Take care of ‘Field Trainee’ activities.

Ms. Sharmistha Das, Executive

1. Preparation of refreshers course materials

2. Faculty arrangement of batch-E/06 for the schedule classes with all facilities.
3. Overall supervision of batch-E/06.
4. Monthly Examination related issues.

Mr. Palash Karmaker, Executive

1. Arrangement of all recruitment materials for batch-F/06

2. Preparation of refreshers course materials
3. Arrangement the all necessary documents of batch-E/06
4. Results finalizations of batch-E/06


Md. Anisur Rahman Khan

Sr. Executive, Sales Training Department.

Orion Laboratories Limited

Sales Training Department

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Deduction of Tk.1000/- for copying in the written test

This is for your kind information that the following two MPOs has been panelized Tk. 500/-
each as disciplinary action for copying in the written test of the Monthly Marketing & Sales
Conference 2006. Therefore an amount of BDT=500/- (Five hundred taka) only will be
deducted from each of their salaries of July’06 for the same.

Name of the MPO ID Territory Area Region Amount

Mr. Md. Ikbal Rashid 02093 Rangpur-4 Rangpur-B Rangpur 500/-

Mr. Nur Mohammad 03183 Wari DNMCH Dhaka-B 500/-

Total amount=1000/-

In words: One thousand taka only.

This is for your Kind approval.

Sr. Executive, Sales Training

Sr. Manager, MSD & Sales Training

Manager, Finance

Orion Laboratories Limited

Sales Training Department

Sunday, August 13, 2006

6 pieces of banner on human system for training room

We are providing induction training to the newly recruited trainees of Medical Promotion
Officer. We select the trainees who are from different groups like Science, Arts, Humanities,
and Commerce in graduation level. In the training session they learn on different systems of
the human body. As they are from different background, it is tough for them to remember
new terminologies of the body systems. Moreover, we try our level best to teach them such
a way that they can remember the terminologies for a long time. But, unfortunately we have
observed that in spite of regular recapitulation most of the trainee forgets the terminologies
of the human body at the end of the training. As you know it is very essential for them to
remember all the organs of the body systems to perform confident detailing in front of the
Henceforth, we have bought 6 pieces of banner on human system which consists of
different organs of different systems and it costs Tk. 4,650/- (Four thousand six Hundred)
only. Cash memo is attached hereof.

We hope these banners will be helpful for the new trainee to remember the new
terminologies of different body systems for a long time by watching during training sessions.
So, we are requesting to approve the above mentioned amount for the same.

This is for your kind approval and information.

Sr. Executive (Sales Training)

Sr. Manager (MSD & Sales Training)

Director (Marketing)

Manager (Finance)

Orion Laboratories Limited

Sales Training Department

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Multimedia requisition
We are going to arrange a training program on “Presentation skills workshop” dated on
13.06.07 to 14.06.07 at meeting room of the Marketing Division, 4 th floor, respectively. A
multimedia is required for the training session from Orion Infusion Ltd.

This is for your kind approval and information.

Md. Anisur Rahman Khan

Sr. Executive, Sales Training

Sr. Manager (MSD & Sales Training)

Manager (T & P, Orion Infusion Limited)

Orion Laboratories Limited

Sales Training Department

Date: Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Subject: Recruitment of Medical Promotion Officer of Batch-H-Experienced/06.

This is to inform you that a “WALK-IN-INTERVIEW” for the recruitment of Medical Promotion
Officer of Batch-H-Experienced/06, Orion Laboratories Ltd, will be arranged on 06.10.06
Hence please, arrange recruitment events like venue for the primary registration (9.00am to
11.00am), written examination (11.00am to 11.30am) and final interview (12.30pm to
03.30pm) for approximately 30 persons on 06.10.06 (Friday). We will be glad if you
participate in the final interview session as honorable interviewer.

It is worth mentioning that conference room (4 th floor) and marketing division (5 th floor) is
also requiring along with all utility services for the same on 06.10.06 (Friday) at 8.45am to

This is for your kind approval.

Sr. Executive (Sales Training)

Sr. Manager (MSD & Sales Training)

Manager (HR & Admin)

Orion Laboratories Limited

Sales Training Department

Date: Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Subject: Internet connection.

This is to inform you that to provide training to the field forces I have to search some
important and upgraded information’s from the internet. My computer has no internet
connection which is now very essential for me to search some of the latest and important
information’s to provide upgraded training.

Hence please, arrange internet connection in my computer to upgrade myself as a time

needed trainer.

This is for your kind approval.

Sr. Executive (Sales Training)

Sr. Manager (MSD & Sales Training)

Director (Marketing)


Course Objectives

After successfully completing this course, the participants will be able to :

– Explain the concept and process of training.

– Describe the theories and principles of learning.
– Design a need-based training program.
– Implement a training program through the use of modern training methods and media.
– Ensure TQM in training function
Course Outline
– Training Concept & Process
– Learning Theories and Principles
– TQM and Quality Assurance in Training Function

Training System:
– Assessment of Training Needs
– Objective Setting
– Program Designing
– Training Evaluation
– Training Management
Training Methodology:
– Principles for Selection of a training method
– Instructional Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Role Playing, Games & Simulations,
Brain storming, VIPP and other participatory methods of training

Audio-Visual Aids:
– Audio-Visuals aids in training
– Use of effective visual aids.
– Preparation of visual aids
– Use of Power point

Who Should Attend

The course is suitable for trainers engaged in training institution of both private and public
sector organization. The course is also helpful for personnel looking after training
departments of various organizations.

Training Methods: Lecture, Group Discussion, Role Play Games, Brainstorming

Duration : 19–30 November, 2006

Time : 17:00 – 21:00 hours

Venue : BIM, Dhaka

Coordinator : Zahangir Alam Khan

Course Fee : Tk. 5,000/-

Duration : February 18–March 01, 2007

Time : 16:30 –21:00 hours

Venue : BIM, Dhaka

Coordinator : Sonia Sharif

Course Fee : Tk. 5,000/-

Orion Laboratories Limited
Sales Training Department
Date: Monday, August 20, 2007

Subject: ‘Training of Trainers’ for Sharmistha Das, Executive, Sales Training.

This is to inform that Bangladesh Institute of Management is going to arrange a training

program on ‘Training of Trainers’ at BIM, Dhaka on 1 st September to 12th September, 2007.
The details of the training program attached hereof.

After successfully completing this training course, the participants will be able to provide
modern and quality training, explain the concepts & process of training, describe the
theories and principles of learning, design a need - based training program, implement a
training program through modern training methods and media and ensure TQM in training

The major responsibilities of our executives of sales training department are to provide
training to the field forces. To ensure modern and quality training to the field forces
‘Training of Trainers’ is essential for our executives of the sales training department.

We are proposing for Ms. Sharmistha Das, Executive, Sales Training Department as
participant of the ‘Training of Trainers’ at BIM, Dhaka on 1st September to 12th
September, 2007 at 5.00pm to 9.30pm. It is worth mentioning that she will continue
her daily office work accordingly during the training program. The course fee of the
concerned program is @ Tk. 5,500/- (Five thousand five hundred) only for single

This is for your kind information and approval.

Assistant Manager, Sales Training

Sr. Manager, MSD & Sales Training

Vice President, Marketing

Executive Director
Orion Laboratories Limited
Sales Training Department

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Projection screen for Sales Training Department

This is to inform you that one-piece projection screen is required for the sales training
department. We had a screen which is now out of service because, a cleaner of corporate
head quarter has written some words in the screen by non-erasable ink during cleaning the
room after official hour. Moreover, HR & Administration department tried to remove the
written words from the screen. But unfortunately this is not worked out. We have to operate
the training classes in the training room (Pep) but it is not possible to operate the classes
with multimedia projector without the projection screen.

Accordingly, we have collected three quotations from different company which is attached
hereof and side by side requested commercial department for collecting quotation for the

We have analyzed the quotations and decided to buy lowest bidder from the quotation of
ORIENTAL SERVICES AV (BD) LTD. Brand: BRAUN, Tripod Screen with stand, Matt white,
size: 7070, Made in Germany. The screen will cost TK. 6500/- (Six Thousand Five Hundred

We look forward to having any additional lowest bidder from commercial department with
similar specification.

Hence, please arrange to provide one-piece projection screen with stand as early as possible
for the smooth operation of on going training classes.

This is for your kind approval.

Md. Anisur Rahman Khan

Sr. Executive, Sales Training
Sr. Manager, MSD & Sales Training

Manager, HR & Admin.

Director, Marketing
Orion Laboratories Limited
Sales Training Department

Date: Tuesday, January 16, 2007

10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Taka) Pay Order in favor of Director General, BIM.

This is to inform you that Bangladesh Institute of Management is going to arrange a training
program on ‘Training of Trainers’ at BIM, Dhaka on 18 th February to 1st March, 2007.

It has been approved that Ms. Sarmistha Das, and Mr. Palash Karmaker, Executive, Sales
Department will participate in the training program ‘Training of Trainers’. The approval letter
is attached hereof.

The course fee of the concerned program is @ Tk. 10,000/- (Ten Thousand) only for two

Hence please, arrange to provide the above amount of money as pay order to the Director
General, BIM, Dhaka through undersigned.

This is for your kind information and approval.

Sr. Executive, Sales Training

Sr. Manager, MSD & Sales Training

Manager, Finance

Orion Laboratories Limited

Sales Training Department

Date: Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Bill Payment in favor of Digital Presentations Pvt. Limited.

This is to inform you that the Digital Presentations Pvt. Limited has delivered us a banner for
the training program on ‘The Competent Coach’ and submitted a bill of Tk. 1,144/- (One
thousand one hundred forty four) only which is attached hereof.

Hence please, arrange to provide the above amount of money to the Digital Presentations
Pvt. Limited.

This is for your kind information and approval.

Assistant Manager, Sales Training

Sr. Manager, MSD & Sales Train

BEACON Pharmaceuticals Limited

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Senior Vice President
HR & Admin
BEACON Pharmaceuticals Limited

Subject: Lunch arrangement for my personal car driver.

This is to inform that I am using my personal car everyday as transportation to

attend in the office, back to the residence and other official purposes. My personal
car driver (Mr. Mokbul Hossain) always present in front of our head office to provide
me instant service.
It will be helpful for me to continue my job comfortably if you permit lunch facility
for Mr. Mokbul regularly like other official drivers of our company enjoying.


Md. Anisur Rahman Khan

Deputy Manager
Sales Training Department

BEACON Pharmaceuticals Limited

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Marketing Manager
Marketing Division
BEACON Pharmaceuticals Limited
Subject: Transport arrangement for Annual Conference’2009.

This is to inform that as per the instruction of conference committee of annual

conference’2009 the following six regions has rented six buses to arrange their
journey with full team to arrive in Dhaka on 18.01.09 and return to their respective
region on 20.01.09.

Name of the region Bus rent amount Respective depot

Khulna 26600 Khulna
Sylhet 17000 Sylhet
Barisal 23000 Barisal
Chowmohani 14000 Maizdee
Chittagong-A 20000 Chittagong
Chittagong-B 20000 Chittagong

Hence please, arrange to provide the above rent amount as advance by advice note
through their respective depot as early as possible.

This is for your kind information and approval.

Deputy Manager, Sales Training

Marketing Manager

Deputy Manager, Accounts & Finance

Date: January 20, 2009


I would like to inform you that I need a letter of introduction for the purpose of
personal loan from Standard Chartered Bank.

It will be appreciated if the letter of introduction is issued as per enclosed specimen

at the earliest.

Md. Anisur Rahman Khan

SVP, HR & Admin

Deputy Manager, Accounts & Finance

Date: January 27, 2009

Subject: Bill payment in favor of Moon Media

This is to inform you that a bill has been submitted by moon media for the video
recording of annual marketing and sales conference’2009. The total bill amount is
TK. 12700/- and the entire memo is enclosed hereof.
It will be appreciated if the above mentioned amount provide to moon media at the

Md. Anisur Rahman Khan

Marketing Manager

Deputy Manager, Finance

BEACON Pharmaceuticals Limited

Sunday, September 06, 2009

SVP, HR & Admin
BEACON Pharmaceuticals Limited

Subject: Adjustment of credit dues.

This is to inform that Mr. Siddikur Rahman, RSM, Mymensingh and Mr. Md.
Moniruzzaman, Sr. AM Mymensingh-1 has given us written consent that they took
money from different MIO’s of Mymensingh region and adjust it from their salaries
and expenses.

So, we may adjust the money from their salaries and expenses to the following
credit invoices.

Name of the Invoice No. Credit Dues Adjust from

Nargis Medical Hall 0709012435 8000/- Mr. Siddique
Shahid Medical Hall 0709012430 2000/- Mr. Siddique
Mitali Pharmacy 0709013143 5000/- Mr. Siddique
Mitali Pharmacy 0709012344 6000/- Mr. Siddique
Kallyan Medical Hall 0709012364 2000/- Mr. Siddique
Sarker Medical Hall 0709012555-560 4000/- Mr. Siddique
Kallyan Medical Hall 0709012364 4500/- Mr. Moniruzzaman

Hence please, arrange to adjust the above mentioned credit dues as early as

This is for your kind information and approval.

DSM, Zone-3

VP, Marketing

EVP, HR & Admin

BEACON Pharmaceuticals Limited

Monday, September 07, 2009

VP, Marketing
BEACON Pharmaceuticals Limited

Subject: Transfer

This is to inform that to meet organizational need with management consent the following
MIO’s has been transferred:

Name of the MIO E. ID Previous Present With effective

Territory Territory from
Mr. Utpal Sarker 02089 Tongibari Mymensingh-1 01.08.09
Mr. Shariful Islam 02428 Netrokona-2 Mymensingh-5 01.07.09
Mr. Ismail Hossain 01498 Gandaria-2 Saver-1 01.08.09
Mr. Nahidul Islam 00395 Dinajpur-2 BSMMU-5 11.08.09
Ms. Suraya Begum 02467 SSMCH-1 DMCH-7 24.07.09

Hence please, arrange to issue the transfer letters as per the above mentioned new base as
early as possible.

This is for your kind information and approval.

DSM, Zone-3

VP, Marketing

Managing Director

BEACON Pharmaceuticals Limited

Monday, September 07, 2009

VP, Marketing
BEACON Pharmaceuticals Limited

Subject: Transfer

This is to inform that to meet organizational need with management consent Mr. Md.
Rezwanur Rahman, Area Manager, has been transferred from Jatrabari Area under Dhaka-D
region to DMCH Area under Dhaka-B region with effective from 05.07.09 and Mr. Md. Zaidur
Rahman Palash Area Manager, has been transferred from Rampura Area under Dhaka-B
region to BSMMU Area under Dhaka-C region with effective from 01.10.09.

Hence please, arrange to issue the transfer letter as early as possible.

This is for your kind information and approval.

DSM, Zone-3
Sales Manager

VP, Marketing

Managing Director

BEACON Pharmaceuticals Limited

Sunday, September 06, 2009

EVP, HR & Admin
BEACON Pharmaceuticals Limited

Subject: Advice Note.

This is to inform that Mr. Siddikur Rahman, RSM, Mymensingh and Mr. Md.
Moniruzzaman, Sr. AM Mymensingh-1 has given us written consent that they took
money from different MIO’s of Mymensingh region and adjust it from their salaries
and expenses.

We proposed in a letter dated on 6.09.09 to adjust the money to different credit

invoices but as per the depot record already that invoices has been adjusted.
So, we are requesting to provide the money in an advice note in favor of three Mio’s
through depot in charge and all of their current credit dues will be adjusted by the
advice note amount as per following instructions:

Name of the MIO Territory Total Amount Collected from

Mr. Md. Forhad Hossain Trishal 15000/- Mr. Siddique
Mr. Md. Kamruzzaman Rubel CBMCH 6000/- Mr. Siddique

Mr. Shariful Islam Mymensingh-1 4000/- Mr. Siddique

Mr. Shariful Islam Mymensingh-1 4500/- Mr. Moniruzzaman

Hence please, arrange to provide the advice note as early as possible.

This is for your kind information and approval.

DSM, Zone-3

VP, Marketing

EVP, HR & Admin

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

The Principal
Middle Section,
Gulshan-2, Dhaka.

Subject: Use of sandal instead of shoes.

With due respect I would like to inform you that my youngest son Ulfat Karim, Roll-
32, Section-B, Gulshan-2 is suffering from brittle nail. Doctor prescribed him
Antibiotic and advised not to wear shoe for next one week. The doctor certificate is
attached herewith.

So, I am requesting you to grant him using sandal instead of shoes in the school for
next one week.

Thanking you,

Sincerely yours,

Nurun Nahar Karim

VP, Marketing
BEACON Pharmaceuticals Limited

Subject: Field Structure Rearrangement of Dhaka-C Region.

This is to inform that to meet organizational need Dhaka-C region has been restructured as per followings:

AREA: BSMMU: Md. S.M Moinul Hossain, AM, N3C01

Name of the Base Covered Place Concerned Employee ID Territory Code Desig.
BSMMU-1 Popular-1 Md. Nahidul Islam 0395 N3C0101 Sr. MIO
BSMMU-2 Popular-2 Md. Mirza Al Zobaer (New) N3C0102 MIO
BSMMU-3 Lab Aid Md. Mahabubul Alom (New) N3C0104 MIO
BSMMU-4 Green Life Hospital Md. Mofizul Islam 0127 N3C0107 Sr. MIO
BSMMU-5 Central Hospital Rabeya Sultana 01706 N3C0108 MIO
BSMMU-6 Indoor Vacant N3C0109
Lab Aid-1 Lab Aid Md. Mizanur Rahman 2368 N3C0103 Sr. MIO
Central Hospital Central Hospital Md. Rashedul Haque 0966 N3C0105 Sr. MIO
Modern Hospital Panoroma Md. Akikul Islam Khan 02328 N3C0106 Sr. MIO

AREA: BMCH: Al-Maksud, AM, N3C02

Name of the Base Covered Place Concerned Employee ID Territory Code Desig.
BMCH-1 JBFH Md. Parvez Hasan 01370 N3C0201 MIO
BMCH -2 IBH Md. Mohi Uddin Jahangir 02273 N3C0202 MIO
BMCH -3 IBI+Jigatola Md. Mosharaf Hossain (New) N3C0203 MIO
BMCH -4 Medinova Md. Rokon Uddin (New) N3C0205 MIO
BMCH -5 IBD-Lab Nasrin Sultana 02228 N3C0209 MIO
NHN IBD-Lab Md. Zeaur Rahman 02360 N3C0204 MIO
Squire Hospital Raja Bazar Forhad Hossain Khan 0450 N3C0206 Sr. MIO
Shomrita Hospital Green Super Samiron Kumar Shaha 0916 N3C0207 MIO
Comfort Hospital H & H Hosp Md. Ashaduzzaman (New) N3C0208 MIO

AREA: NICVD: Mohammad Forhad Hossain Molla, AM, N3C03

Name of the Base Covered Place Concerned Employee ID Territory Code Desig.

NICVD-1 Lalmatia Md. Muzahidul Islam (New) N3C0301 MIO

NICVD-2 Babor Road Md. Monirul Islam (New) N3C0302 MIO
NICVD-3 Mohammadpur Vacant N3C0303
NIKDU Adabor Md. Nazmul Huda 02130 N3C0304 MIO
SSH-1 College Gate Vacant N3C0305
SSH-2 Indoor Aklima Begum 02217 N3C0306 MIO

AREA: NITOR: Mozammel Hossain, AM, N3C04

Name of the Base Covered Place Concerned Employee ID Territory Code Desig.
NITOR-1 Shewrapara, Taltola Imtiaz Ul Maruf 02231 N3C0401 MIO
NITOR-2 SGH, Gabtoli Md. Masum Reza 02389 N3C0402 Sr. MIO
NITOR-3 Indoor Suraiya Yeasmin 02229 N3C0405 MIO
DSH Trauma Centre Md. Pikul Hossain 02458 N3C0403 MIO
Delta Hosp. IBH (FAK) Mohammad Nazrul Islam 01098 N3C0404 MIO

AREA: SAVER: Md. Bazler Rahman, AM, N3C05

Name of the Base Covered Place Concerned Employee ID Territory Code Desig.
SAVER-1 Enam Clinic Md. Ismail Hossain 02522 N3C0501 MIO
SAVER-2 THC, Super Clinic Biman Chandra Kundu 02290 N3C0502 MIO
SAVER-3 Deep Clinic Md. Shahidul Islam Khan 02369 N3C0503 MIO
SAVER-4 Dhamrai S. M Zehadul Islam 02369 N3C0504 MIO
BKFH Zirani Md. Shahadat Hossain (New) N3C0505 MIO
NMCH Zirani Vacant N3C0506

AREA : MANIKGONJ: Md. Tuhinur Rahman, AM, N3C06

Name of the Base Covered Place Concerned Employee ID Territory Code Desig.
MANIKGONJ -1 Town, Horirampur Abdullah Al Mamun 02078 N3C0601 MIO
MANIKGONJ-2 Town, Uthuli, Aricha Mohammad Atour Rahman 02230 N3C0602 MIO
MANIKGONJ-3 Town Goutam Chandra Mondol 02498 N3C0603 MIO
MANIKGONJ-4 Town, Giland Vacant N3C0605
Singair Singair Muhammad Abdur Rob 02377 N3C0604 MIO

This is for your kind information and approval.

DSM, Zone-3 Sales Manager VP, Marketing Managing Director

EVP, HR & Admin
BEACON Pharmaceuticals Limited

Subject: Transfer

This is to inform that to meet organizational need with management consent the following
AM has been transferred:

Name of the AM E. ID Previous Area Present Area Effective Date

Mr. Md. Bazlar Rahman 02394 Saver Uttara 02.03.10

Hence please, arrange to issue the transfer letter as per the above-mentioned new Area and
also arrange other transfer facilities as per company policy as early as possible.

This is for your kind information and approval.

DSM, Zone-3

Sales Manager

Managing Director
EVP, HR & Admin

Beacon Pharmaceuticals Limited

Sales Department

Monday, January 01, 2010

Request for advance adjustment

This is to inform you that I took an amount of Tk. 35,000.00 (Thirty Five Thousand) only as
advance for purchasing of gift for 11 achiever MIOs. An amount of Tk. 41,936.00 (Forty one
thousand nine hundred thirty six) only has been spent for the same. The receivable amount
is Tk. 6,936.00 (Six thousand nine hundred thirty six) only. The Specification is as bellow:

Advance taken : 35,000.00 Tk.

Expenditure : 41,936.00 Tk.
Receivable amount : 6,936.00 Tk.

The entire memo is enclosed hereof for the advance adjustment.

This is for your kind approval.

Md. Anisur Rahman Khan
Deputy Sales Manager
ID: 00883

Sales Manager

Manager, Finance
Thursday, January 01, 2005


Subject: Regarding ………………..

With due respect I refer to your show cause letter dated on …………. asked me to
explain why appropriate disciplinary action should not be taken against me for my
negligence in doing my job properly.

I am fully realized and agreed with you that due to my failure to discharge duties in
providing proper leadership and guidance to the team members all sort of unfair
activities happened. I am extremely sorry for my unintended negligence in doing my
job properly and it will never happen in future. I will perform my duties with the
company’s philosophy of “One Team One Dream” and also act professionally with
the sense of ownership, sincerity, dedication and commitment.

So, I therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough to apologize me and
give me an opportunity to continue my job in ……….. and oblige thereby.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Md. Anisur Rahman Khan
Deputy Sales Manager

EVP, HR & Admin

Manager, Accounts & Finance

VP, Marketing
BEACON Pharmaceuticals Limited

Subject: Merging of Tangail and Mymensingh Region.

This is to inform that to meet organizational need with management consent Tangail region
will merge with Mymensingh region and form a single region named Mymensingh. Mr.
Ahsanul Haque, Regional Sales Manager, Tangail has been taken charge of new region
Mymensingh as same designation with effective from 01.09.09.

Hence please, arrange to take necessary action as per company policy as early as possible.

This is for your kind information and approval.

DSM, Zone-3

Sales Manager
VP, Marketing

Managing Director

Beacon Pharmaceuticals Limited

Sales Training Department

Date: Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bill Payment

We used the Novo Convention Center & their Sky View Restaurant for holding our training
sessions of batch-48 & batch-49 and providing them with refreshment and lunch.

An amount of Tk. 125,000/- was paid to them as an advance. The total bill for the purpose
as mentioned is for Tk. 174,800/-.

The balance of the total amount which is Tk. 49,800/- may be arranged in favor of
Novo Consumer Products Ltd by an A/C payee cheque.

This is for kind approval.

Executive, Sales Training

Date: Saturday, July 17, 2010

Date: Monday, July 19, 2010

Subject: Salary Certificate

I would like to inform you that I need a salary certificate for the purpose of personal
loan from Standard Chartered Bank.

It will be appreciated if the letter of introduction is issued as per enclosed specimen

at the earliest.

Md. Anisur Rahman Khan

EVP, HR & Admin

Manager, Accounts & Finance

Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bill Payment in favor of PROSHIKA

This is to inform that as per the instruction of our honorable Managing Director we have
conducted a workshop for the team members of Saver and Manikgonj area at PROSHIKA
Manobik Unnnayan Kendra, Manikgonj from 22.01.11 to 24.01.11. Total Participants were

PROSHIKA Manobik Unnnayan Kendra has submitted a bill of Tk. 40485.00 (Forty thousand
four hundred eighty five) only which is attached hereof.

It would be much appreciated if you please arrange to provide the above amount of money
in favor of PROSHIKA Manobik Unnayan Kendra by an A/C Payee cheque as early as

This is for your kind information and approval.

Deputy Manager, Sales Training

EVP, HR & Administration

Date: Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Bill Payment in favor of Aim Plus

This is to inform that as per the verbal consent of our honorable Managing Director we have
conducted a training program on ‘The Frontiers’ (A Functional Leadership Events) for the
Regional Sales Manager at our Head Office from 29.01.11 to 30.01.11.

Aim Plus has submitted a bill of Tk. 70,000.00 (Seventy thousand) only which is attached

It would be much appreciated if you please arrange to provide the above amount of money
in favor of Aim Plus by an A/C Payee cheque as early as possible.

This is for your kind information and approval.

Deputy Manager, Sales Training

EVP, HR & Administration

Date: Saturday, February 12, 2011

Training Program on “ Area Manager - A dependable guardian”

This is to inform you that a Training Program on “Area Manager- A dependable guardian”
will be held on 22.02.11 to 24.02.11, (Batch-1) and 26.02.11 to 28.02.11 (Batch-2) at Head
office. In this regard, we have to provide the meals as follows:


Meal Time Date Person Menu

08.00am - 08.30am Parata, Chicken jhal fry & Tea
Refreshment 10.30am - 11.00am Coffee and Samusa
03.30pm - 04.00pm 22nd (Batch-1) 16+10 Tea
06.30pm - 07.00pm & Noodles & Coffee
Lunch 01.00pm - 02.00pm 26th (Batch-2) 16+2 Regular Head Office Menu + Extra
Meal Time Date Person Menu
08.00am - 08.30am Bhuna Khichuri, Egg & Tea
Refreshment 10.30am - 11.00am Coffee and biscuits
03.30pm - 04.00pm 23rd (Batch-1) 16+10 Tea
06.30pm - 07.00pm & Burger & Coffee
Lunch 01.00pm - 02.00pm 27th (Batch-2) 16+2 Regular Head Office Menu + Extra
Meal Time Date Person Menu
08.00am - 08.30am Parata, Chicken jhal fry & Tea
Refreshment 10.30am - 11.00am Coffee and samusa
03.30pm - 04.00pm 24th (Batch-1) 16+10 Tea
06.30pm - 07.00pm & Noodles & Coffee
Lunch 01.00pm - 02.00pm 28th (Batch-2) 16+2 Regular Head Office Menu + Extra
Dinner 08.00pm - 08.30pm 16+10 Kachhi Biriyani, Borhani (Fakhruddin)

In addition we need to arrange lodging and transportation for them.

This is for your kind information & approval.

Deputy Manager (Sales Training)

VP, Marketing

Managing Director

Manager (HR & Administration)

Date: Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Bill Payment in favor of BRIDDHI

This is to inform that as per the verbal consent of our honorable Managing Director we have
arranged a training program on ‘Team building and Leadership for the Area Manager
conducted by BRIDDHI - Industrial & Marketing Consultants at our Head Office from
26.01.11 to 28.01.11 (3 Days).

BRIDDHI has submitted a bill of Tk. 243,000.00 (Two Lacs Forty Three thousand) only
which is attached hereof.

It would be much appreciated if you please arrange to provide the above amount of money
in favor of BRIDDHI - Industrial & Marketing Consultants by an A/C Payee cheque as early
as possible.

This is for your kind information and approval.

Deputy Manager, Sales Training

EVP, HR & Administration

Beacon Pharmaceuticals Limited
Sales training Department

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Request for advance adjustment

This is to inform you that I took an amount of Tk. 6000.00 (Six thousand) only as advance
for the special meeting with the team members of Dhaka-D region with Managing Director
and special refreshment for oncology coordinator, AM & MIO of DMCH. An amount of Tk.
6650.00 only has been spent for the same. The receivable amount is Tk. 650.00 only. The
Specification is as bellow:

Advance taken : 6000.00 Tk.

Expenditure : 6650.00 Tk.
Balance amount : 650.00 Tk.

The balance amount to be paid to the undersigned.

The vouchers are enclosed.

This is for your kind approval.

Md. Anisur Rahman Khan

Manager, Sales Training
ID: 00883

EVP, HR & Admin

Date: Saturday, June 25, 2011

Subject: Salary Certificate

I would like to inform you that I need a salary certificate for the purpose of personal
loan from Standard Chartered Bank.

It will be appreciated if the letter of introduction is issued as per enclosed specimen

at the earliest.

Md. Anisur Rahman Khan

Manager, Sales Training
ID: 00883

EVP, HR & Admin

Sr. Manager, Accounts & Finance

Date: Sunday, September 11, 2011

Subject: Mobile set

I would like to inform you that my mobile set has gone out of service. I need a new
mobile set for smooth communication.

It will be appreciated if you allow me to buy a new mobile set within the amount of
maximum limit as per our company policy.
Md. Anisur Rahman Khan

EVP, HR & Admin

Date: Sunday, September 11, 2011

Subject: Mobile set

I would like to inform you that my mobile set has gone out of service. I need a new
mobile set for smooth communication.

It will be appreciated if you allow me to buy a new mobile set within the amount of
maximum limit as per our company policy.

Md. Anisur Rahman Khan

EVP, HR & Admin

Beacon Pharmaceuticals Limited
Sales training Department

September 17, 2011

Subject: Air ticket and Travel expenses for journey to London

I would like to inform that I am going to participate in the training program “Train
the Trainer Master class” to be held at London, UK which has been sponsored by our

I will stay at London from 20th October to 5th November 2011.

It will be appreciated if arrangements are made for buying the Air ticket and make
payments of £800 as an advance for requisite travel expenses which will be adjusted
by submitting the tour expense bill permissible as per company’s policy in this

Md. Anisur Rahman Khan

EVP, HR & Admin

Beacon Pharmaceuticals Limited
Sales Training Department
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Request for advance adjustment

This is to inform that I took an amount of £800 (Eight Hundred pound) only as
advance for travel to London to participate in the master class training program
“Train the Trainer” held from 24th to 26 th November 2011 which has been sponsored
by our company. An amount of £385 (Three hundred eighty five pound) only has
been spent for the same. The refunded amount is £415 (Four hundred fifteen
pound) only. The specification is as bellow:

Daily Allowance (£45×5 Days) : £225

Accommodation expense
instead of Hotel (£40×4 Nights) : £160
Total expenditure : £385

Advance taken : £800

Total expenditure : £385

Refunded amount : £415

This is for your kind approval.

Md. Anisur Rahman Khan

Manager, Training
ID: 00883

EVP, HR & Admin

Beacon Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Sales Training Department
Monday, April 29, 2013

Taka 1000/-(One Thousand) salary enhancement

This is to inform that management has been approved job confirmation of Mr.
Shamim Ahmed, Executive, Sales Training Department with salary enhancement of
Taka 24000/- from Taka 21000/- which will effective from 01.04.2013.

It is requested to enhance Taka 1000/- more that is total gross salary would be Taka
25000/- instead of Taka 24000/- only for motivational purpose.

This is for your kind approval.

Md. Anisur Rahman Khan

Manager, Sales Training

SVP, Marketing

Managing Director
To Whom It May Concern

This is to certify that Mr. Imran Khan is working in Beacon Pharmaceuticals Limited
as Officer Vehicle Maintenance.

Mr. Khan has been authorized to collect my Driving license DN 183553, DK 0036240
L 00009 which collection date was 01.03.2012.

The specimen signature of Mr. Imran Khan is appended below:

Name Signature Attestation

Mr. Imran Khan

Md. Anisur Rahman Khan
DK 0036240 L 00009
DN 183553
Beacon Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Sales Training Department
Monday, May 06, 2013

Appraisal cancellation of Mrs. Asma Kabir

This is to inform that management has decided to cancel the appraisal of Mrs. Asma
Kabir, Executive, Sales Training Department due to her resignation.

It is requested to process her clearance as per existing status.

This is for your kind approval.

Md. Anisur Rahman Khan

Manager, Sales Training

SVP, Marketing

Managing Director

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