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reseld ontihuour Teope

Stmple pseut Sub + / h s t obJ. )

DTo exprs habitual (rouine, yegdar, cyelicol wmoco

cu dcily Couye ) achiy

a ) we have prccited claWes eeiyaay

) She plays tennis o SUndiuy5
)TSo r tel0oge a 9 3-. etylocy
d) ttow ottcu des he 9o to
to epy geeMed rutuy rfech /uni venal
uty. ruhy
a K n u c is e pyiuipat o6 c u College
) Silaxmi ot iu Hhe depto. cheniry.
) The eart nevoRNZ Ycuud e fm.
3To enpi a tutwe Cueut hot ij pcot a bixed
Hme-table pXOgramne
u e tvain amej a 5 p
The wmarh stah al o' clock .
Ceetege Neopen a 6 Suue
4 he Saiey ty Euglond me Honday

4 To eApeM opium

a) Ceoze
a) ices teac Stemenil
L e endoy Englin cleamey

1tne fpe) iny trequenby ud Siple prestat

ujatty, Stqutuk
innde veryday daity, Rigularly,
ocaMimll o6tem. due hians
altwtys Bancbimes, eity hniy
a u d o w dtCn...- a Covwemly vd

USes ob 1ese
Pe Codinttoy Csuht be ( u/i

i s mainly ujed to tallc abaut acliony hoppentM

a he ime ds Speat OY wrihg

E T i sainidg hevjly (Naw achualy happenina)

| She is go to marteet,
we a e
vieoin Euglish gmwwas nc
hey ar playiug Cicker.
e)loot Tiey are
be achualley
9T Show a Rupoxady achm which may nol
iue o (cotuub acivihi.)
happeiu al Hhe Spealiug
T'M leamng muic tueje dayd
e vevettug
)kiranilcarminj Acuch a e eevt
haxd Hus ueek.. t f c y acion-hapRn
He Hei s
is westiug
wovkiug a y auud he mwneutd sad

Tey axe líuG iu Hyd. A leuuposay shahan. They at in Hyl. teuenab

inditahe acion hcd- witt Frke place iu

Tt is used to
bem aYange d to trlee pace
nea tuwe. ( acim h e oy alsety
Tne othcer is
beuviug for Delhi net-eeJc.

He1 vishing Enslavud Suory.

heign'ign' tatiug EAMCE7

1me Enprtiny /clue wod JoL A paeseut

tuday, Now a- days hese days t ung /heek say

and Eptminy iLe Cook shenl See elk.,

Nole ALose wwch enpt41 stahes
Sowne vrb), mainly
norwmalty uLd h
Stctioy thic, 1ewain -le haue)
a no
Siple peseat
avd no
sed ia he
niuou w . Taey a be Lag fo
he p10mt Coniuuu1 fov
Su stculd Suy Tbclitt You
Sy m be licuíug you .
o Tuit mecauA
lewing exby o

a nd momvialiy ued in Couninu4 Arsw

vevbs o peYCephion (Sese4) See, hea

as, mell, tagle

oice 1e(ouze e

|ely b Cogniti (wnking/mental 9.ciity.) :
lemembéG , Spot, be lieve
Understaud, kuow, f e t etr
mind apec
agPee Cevdider, uit, imagie me au

|love, bate prtttv, wa wish, tel, desine,

4) v s rseio) Have, own, poMe Conkain, Cnnts

belong o, ConpoR , 6 f , Bee,
C 1ia .

( NUT: m Hi nkiug
E a) thinl You

uwer knouiG)
nuMber. ooT e
CTemeubey his mobile
4) 44e ke
chinese -Frod.MT cia&)
to talc to y r . (woT i waniug)
) he wau
umdey the bidge.
Bee tY Canee)
EO OCE.aacy
Ewocegfupping te doos.
3 T heay (or Can har)
trathe Srud. CUT a lin)
These p e
Cass NO e havins
Tney hae
abal- iE. (»q: Seeig.
3Pe 3eey onhary
( 7-o
wta stu
O iy weiivga
)The CloHh menjue 9 2 eley. ( 1
pOT Me xhunn/
HoweY, e verbs ited bove Ceu be uxd m
tondinusu{ FCwje, uim Cnauqe r meaniuar
( Aid
are hiuking s ima
4uua o i d Ar he olid as
(hunk 66 Cuidev he ide b
wM ayli He sup to see i i needh wur Salt
(Ate = And at he Havnr by eaint/ dainteiug)
(C) They are hauing_lnch e- the mment. (hae eatt.) -

H e is ishing the partel. (weist- hud sA- e ceit-

H ismeatunng he cldt. meunngr t 1mPh -

Pbesen Pertec- Tejesub +have/hoy +Vz +obJ )_

ime spetug"tote wiu uu

e a) Rohit haj eheved he am.
) He hag Tu Hihed his lame Loorc
They oe Tus one a .
The The clock nay Juy Sruk +en

To twk abau 8veinl Cm uwreed Hime iuhe

Sugandm hoy never been fo Neyeuna Seeov othue.

4+ave yau evey eeu fo Delhi
T he alneady Counple ted my homeuNe
dMrHan hag bee o Jafan
atondahicn tho he euijted
b e v e aules ept
& spelk.
y.Up he Hme
enpc au actin happene aCa upecibied

Bu t hCtl is Yelevauk no
H e hectRinled 1e doon. ( T i skiot twek. )

She heey eceitd e weil. (he yet o ead nesrand

)Cabt hy Jene to Delhi,(sohe teumer mee yu tocoy
erpeg ali achion Hhot eok place in h po ht hes i
ipac pnt.)
imaeY. (had i Meediug
A) T hone quu- my i
Hemd me his vMame t e toryotton it.(z CCAu'

h a e thivie d my woc. : Mow z'm trce.)

st a tatd Kmej (ennteM

Repeded achon
he 91cle vauuce
he ovi e e ime.
Tiey have tetced
ou wAy wme hocve

Eri hua h ee movie

Codikon +ha began pa

in Hhe
expre achn o

hoy Covinued avd i expechd to uinue iu presen.

(a) ha's pexbosmance hcy improed i tue lesl- +to

Thas hae lecw dauee fr weekj
he o watehed he seiat epdasly fur hree monty
ed hee siuce 2o6l
e 've udi ed Euglih e syea
Fo a lag t i e
T ' v e Cuum uM
padna fr everol yeors
(31 hcave n'E Zteu
T e tnpretiny clne yd
Ju, obten, never, evey,
once, hoite
hunous, ye, aRieady, hky, AofcuY, upto ns,
Hunee iwmej o M, iue, fuv
paesen rybtel nkinuouy TEne
Sthaelhny +been 4V tMHO
louoke au actim begeun tum he pau and i h

Ey H He h . beerstreping cloek
Loo a tte Llosivn. Sukcantey
ae pauiug oao, Tey begu plasinG a 4 ,
two deuleuce in cne deukeaP

Te ctidonem lave een elcying- Si uce q-30

l e e is auethev Suewrle

he stosted oiug itwo houd cgo

Se is vine Couptler nrs

he amupuer tov houy

Sc-ec beem LMi
6 tetk abou- an acim whiclh begcm inte pas, whict, he
Cotinsed iivxd.
hiAeuseSnce avdorlnGuei),Hong
aen Uge
her hamouor SMce Ae o'clock
- a Se hes beem doiug,
b e mecrmiug E u i for Mine eas
beeu cd Hug here
)4olung hae yu
have becu Cepouting the bmdae ftr woo ysD.
dj Tey

Ud for 1epeed ach my ic hae

)3) Cau al36 be
Coutiued oer apeiod tb Hme Upo

hae been byins veekabley a t e shop ti a

eug i e .
) hane o een driviug (inee "7'_w 13)
)T've beeu aviug drivi lestns &inee o Ast.
cue wey Stuce e, Hon leg.?
Sice = Poi
pevial b He
+ ob).)
Te Suh + Vp
(1) Simple pas
SniueBting cppesel od i i o d
)uxd o tale abne
Same Aie iu He pote- Aue liue ok ackicu may/may
v l e enpeed.)
Ravi bosxcued my latop yeserdo.
)Tndia um ue Crictel urledcp iu
) Dinosaus id milioms oyeay C9O:
in Humbai
His ba
) bousu
me pasy 7
Smil a
)pid you See
20mny ae.
Te nc in Hyderabad.
eom uell. Cte. l a u i )
Tdid" Sep
elen woe meuy boo
Aa Boo lasyecr.

for hebil óy Mepeakd achiuy

Thiytemse Cau alo e Used
in-Hhe pe.s.
cicket eueymoming ej- year.
T ployed when I We i
the becclh neary eveny eveiuq
I w C n t fo
me to d i n u e e y dehrday.
H e inuited to ae
and way
a c ujtomed
accustomed to ave

Te erb 'Used to,

Ued to descrie
used to gel up
ur}ting ong
long ckytaunes.
He ckstances.
accerglomed to
John tcy tuetrm.
4He vaed Fo
tDOM in
hed a Hoviouj pash
C . audia wih ohhen
die+ lke playiv
b) he narud phcbcaned to Cive i au apparhet
Tme Epesiny /clue toords yestevdes, ago (3 dosgs
awmomt ao), in (wwnyear), last niuefaeel, eke.

T) PAST CoyTENUOUS TENSE (subtwayueet +M ti*3 toh

D To Frdc alant au cclicn ttat staed lebue a codcein
Hme iun ho
hme pett aud c Stie Conliuiug al thak
wtes doing homecsoke o-6 P.m. yetevdae
T e claitd?nem e
plenfi Gickek all he teuy yedercec
)He ocy iteuiug to hhe Tedio lamigtt.
d Tuis hme laslyca iviug ,
)Too acions wee happeuiuG a ue Some tiue aChe
achicng co not inbtueuce each othex.)
Ega white
NerD PWng aile Poue bug.

he niug a detter while Rai wy neerdius

a newsp{er

ie. The aclion iu

3 ToseHer wit Splepas
e achien iu te p
t Sigle pey ikemupled
tye uuctured.
y when Tom xy Cycliug hame, a

when 9 Saw hiu, he xe playiu de8

9 Anucq dropped hiy beg Jie he tvuy 3elthu iuto ahy.
Alus uomi,
d) T wa ainig heaviy whem 9or p
be haud oie e ws cookiug
sthe burnt
descnlea lmger ackcm th aa Siu
CPas Ceniuusuy
he wple e descibe a eter
C n t a posHi me
iu he middMe db
h laer a c u . )
G n Uhih haPPend
Pasr pestrec (Sob + had +Vz +obS)
OTo tallk abotut a pasE acHion a ad biappevt d
bebore a cest-Dain Hme in Hhe pas
CC) PaJe s came a lo pm. you had one tb
bed y tla ime.
() 4le had 9one honme (where he wa ?)
C) he houge was disy. They hadn' cleaned i borke
dIhad ne vex Seem e Ta bebooe .
Togetther wi Hh Simple pas: I5- two acions happened
in the pask, we use pas pexbect bos He bisil (omple led
achcn aud he Siwiple pas &o3 ue econod.
a) The train had leb bebore we seached the ska kon
The pakent had ded He doctos came
C) They wen home a t e r Hhey had inis hed dinnex.

d)T veatided har T had bonGot-en iekebs at howe

e) when I alse ad.
9ot to the cinewa, Hhe movie had alse d
to kurn ool as soon a he had
He xelumed
ea med euousl money.

V Pas perbect ConHinusus(en +had +be en-+vting.+thJ)

To alk about ha began bebore a cer-ain
an achon
hime in he pa4Eand wa4 sHll (onhuuiug
At las- e bus came. I h a d been wajhn
bor the bus boY e last 1 hou.
6)Twad Hsed when 9 avsive home. T ad be e
o i u e hard au day.
C) The bitds kad eeu cluspi iM hhe rees si'vce moY
Simple Fuuve (sub + Shatt/will+Vt0bJ)
(9 IH 1s Ued ho a l k about hings which we

aud epye Hhe buuve a tac.

:9-(a) Till be chrid-mas in a week.

) We shal nod our ea resulE ( 'april

Shal be/urn 20
20 nen Sundayy.

To Fal about predicHoni Iassumphons I Hink,

TT hope, I'm Sue, I'maraid_)

9tJ Iunk wiu »ain todag

(b)I'm Kusee you toiu SecuYe a good ank

C m abraud, Ludia will loge he makc.

T Shdws an 9mtkhinile acion in bubuse

a TT Shali heLp you in youY Sudies

He oi l ndl nmake amisClieb

C)He wiu Coninue his ShidieS°.
dJ t e will Conme back omoow.
G e u j e Simple Fuure, wheu we decide to do Somehive
a Hhe Hme ob Speakiu
Shu he wiudouo.
It i raiugvg. I shau tate an umbrel a
)He isvery buby mow Z siu Spe ac to him lakey/ i

Note Be+ 8cing to + , Use d to expre Pe

uteihood ob an aliun cud tnHeuian.
e : Ca)THis 9oin to aivm onigtu. ikelihood)
) T ' m acing t Securea ood ank in nains hute f
w e aljo uje ciuc, to em ( n/islase+3oig to + ko-se n
to Frek alut enucluingshic t inkended to do edldyg.
femm hen u he alycod_
f , ose te sciuc to
odecided to do saue Hag.

XAul to Selt YoUY motarbike ?

Why do youu
Sot to y a cay

T a 3oiug to
b)He you decided wht- to do7- yes
ei9n hhe Job
C: /is/a + akouk tot+baek
i We also e
ue akou to tom
to Falc abnu imuued iale
a) Let'y el- into He hrain, T aboul- to

a»e abauk to have onch.

bDon' go eul- now. we

(Sub+wiu) shal+be+ytig tobT)

au ackion 3oiuG on a Smetime)poin iu turur
motth at His touosscns,
a toi be wa-chine t¬uniy
eg We

home, my cuildieu oi be leeping.

b)WhenT 9e
be. noiniug when we skur
c)Tt wits probo.bluy

2) T Cn also be ed ter achiomn4 wlich ase

Panned or abSO AAMGed

nex eekeud.
aThe wieA e slaying cwit us
Raueetheundnan an
Suueuy oslevw-
wiu be seei u Mr
4He witu be meeln U eu
Ftue peveck- ( sub+ iu/stouu +aveVtebJ
)Tk i ed to e peAect Cm acion suic wiu be

Cowple l-ed by c Ceskoin futre ime . he tenje otteu

occUY wih by aud betore

) By he emd nent wmontn e. coil heve lived

hee for Six years.
She tote have Qetbebure yau so to See her

c) They witu hae 1eached tyderabad berore he Shilke begi

. Fotvoe pebtc (owkiusous sub wieulstall+ve tbeeunt tig-b

u oveY a pemod
Zndicodee4 aun achon toluic. i Progr¢
Oime tua-- wiu end (iuhure
ne monHh stiete have been uertný iu i s

College Eist yeois.

he si.hae bcen
beeu Suging iu me USA r hee-
He wiu hae.
heye nent montm,
yecer hen T 90

wiu hae ben taltine t r over n houur he

C) Tey
ime TeaCheY a e
Tevke iu Condi hional clause
ave called Condiional clauses.
clauses Hha ous

Sentenes wiH cdvndihonal cau ses

Use a Gixed paHexn ob
COndi ho ave ob Hhxee Fypes
) Re al pyopa.ble /(pible) Condihon

UnsealTmaginaryLmpwpable Condilicn

pasE unbubiled coudihon

The tense bom used iM aSenkMe are detemined by
the ype o tne CondiHon in that senence.

Can e easu not-ed in the table tow:

The inbvimaton

Swo Type cb Condikon Tese in Tb7 Tense in

Covdtiomcl dlauiee Mn clauje
an wmbrella
RealProPable T it ains I will Fake
TLuillEale a
Simple prseut
Siwple Fuure

IWould high
61y hi m
nreal/Tmaginaxy L6 I wee a bird
2 V

Simple pas| would +v,

3 Pas unrutbilltd The had osked he would, have paised
havd Hhe ezam

Past perbec would + have +Vz

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