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Complex Variables (Complex Numbers ):

A complex number may be defined as an ordered pair (x,y), where x and y are
real numbers. Which are called real and imaginary parts of Z respectively.

Thus the numbers of the form Z = x +iy where x,y R(Real Set) are called
complex numbers. The conjugate of a complex number Z = x+iy is Z = x-iy.

Polar Form of Complex numbers:

Put x= rCos , y = rSin in Z = x+iy. Then Z = r(Cos +i Sin ) = rei0. Thus Z =
rei0 represents the polar from of the complex number Z = x+iy and = re -i0. Where r =
is called the modulus and = tan-1(y/x) is called the amplitude of the complex

The particular value of ‘ ’ satisfying the equation tan = y/x and which lies
between - and is called the principal value of the amplitude.

Properties of Moduli and amplitude of complex numbers:

a) Modulus of sum or difference of two complex numbers is always less than or
equal to their sum of their moduli.

│Z1+Z2│≤ │Z1│+│Z2│

│Z1-Z2│≤ │Z1│+│Z2│

b) The modulus of difference or sum of two complex numbers is always greater than
or equal to the difference of their moduli.

│Z1-Z2│ │Z1│ -│Z2│

│Z1-Z2│ │Z1│-│Z2│

c) The modulus of the product of two complex numbers is equal to the product of
their moduli i.e.,

│Z1Z2Z3…………… Zn│ = │Z1│Z2│Z3│…………… │Zn│

d) The modulus of the quotient of two complex numbers is equal to the quotient of
their moduli i.e.,
│Z1 / Z2│ = │Z1│ / │ Z2│
e) The amplitude of the product of two complex number is equal to their sum of the
amplitudes / is if Z1 = r1ei and Z2 = r2ei

Then │Z1 Z2│= r1r2 ei (

f) The amplitude of the quotient of two complex number is equal to the difference
of their amplitudes i.e., │Z1/ Z2│= r1/ r2 ei (

g) If the amplitude is /2. Then the complex number is purely imaginary, but if the
amplitude is 0 or . Then the complex number is purely real.
Neighbourhood of a point Z0 : The set of all points within the circle whose center is
Zo, is called neighbourhood of a point.

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