Najibur Rahaman Bo101-1

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Equipment: The experiment consists of a laser ray box, violet laser, laser safety goggles,
optics bench, 2 circular cartesian coordinate ray trace table, 2 beakers (1 with water, 1 with
glycerin), index cards, 20X23 inch easel pad mounted on the table, 2 D-lens cups, acrylic
lenses: 1 right angle triangle lens and 1 parallel ray bar lens, index cards, red desk lamp,
roll of paper towels, hand sanitizer, meter stick, and protractor.

This experiment uses multiple wavelength lasers. Do not let the laser beams or its
reflections strike your eyes. Also, watch out for the laser beams from other lab benches!
(Some) people don’t always look before they put the laser on. Make sure the easel pad is
mounted on the table in front of the optical track. Be cautious, considerate, and use your
1 Purpose
Observe and measure the effects of light transmission using different wavelengths and
refraction through various substances.
2 Theory
1. Index Of Refraction
You will be observing the effects of light being bent as it enters various mediums. This is
defined as refracted light. The refracted light you observe will be propagating through
various materials at speeds slower than c. Light waves that propagate through the various
materials will slow down causing the beam of light to bend in the material.

The angle of the bend (called refraction) is determined by the index of refraction n of
the material. Below is a table defining the index of refraction of various materials.
Medium n
Vacuum 1
Air 1.00029
Water 1.33
Acrylic glass 1.49
Ethyl Alcohol 1.36
Crown glass 1.52
Plexiglass 1.51
Glycerol 1.4729

Keep in mind that the index of refraction of any material varies on temperature,
pressure, and the wavelength of the light source. Typically light within the 400 nm range
will deflect at a higher index of refraction than light in the 700 nm range. The materials
in the table above are around 589 nm.
2.1.1 Refraction at different wavelengths
The index of refraction varies with the wavelength; the greater the wavelength, the lower
the index of refraction. In general, purple light will travel slower in a medium than red
light will. Keeping that in mind, how is it possible for rainbows to exist? Also, for you to
see the rainbow is the sun located behind or in front of you? Explain.
2. Snell’s Law
In vacuum, light travels approximately at 2.99 x 108 m/s. Which is defined as c. When
light propagates through various materials it will travel at a velocity v, which is less than
the speed of light. To calculate the index of refraction n of the material that light is
passing through, use the ratio of c/v.

n = c/v (1)
When light travels from one material to the next it will take a bent path that is
dictated by Snell’s law. The angle of the bend varies on the index of refraction. Snell’s
law states the following:

n 1 sinθ 1 = n 2 sinθ 2 (2)

where n 1 indicates the index of refraction of the first medium, n 2 indicates the index of refraction of
the second medium, θ1 indicates the angle of the initial beam of light with respect to the normal on the
surface of the second medium, and θ2 indicates the angle of the light beam entering into the second
medium. When light rays from a low index medium enter a higher index medium, the rays will bend
toward the normal line on the incident surface. The opposite will occur if the rays of light going
from a medium of a higher index to a lower index.
3. Critical Angle and Total Internal Reflection
At the critical angle θc all the light at the intersection will bend parallel to the surface (perpen- dicular
to the normal of the surface). This means none of the light will pass to the next medium.
The critical angle is determined by the ratio of final index of refraction over the initial
index of refraction(equation 3). When the incident angle is equal to or greater than the
critical angle, total internal reflection occurs. Below are images of critical angle and total
internal reflection. Internal reflection occurs when the incident wave is in the
medium having the larger index of refraction which makes the ratio less than

sinθ c = n f /n i

3 T h e Experiments
1. Equipment Arrangement and seeing Refraction
On your bench you should see an optical track that has two optical table mounts, each with a ray table, and a
white screen, all mounted in one dimension. You should also see a laser ray box. The laser ray box can produce
one, three, or five laser beams at once. In this part we will use the single beam and three beam output. Mount
the laser ray box on top of the outer table mount, and make sure the front of the ray box runs perfectly along the
Component line on the ray table. Place your goggles on and turn on the ray box. Select the single beam output.
Check the laser beam path, and make sure it runs straight through the center of the N O R M A L line on both
of the ray tables and onto the center of the white screen. Look at the following image for reference.

3.2 Observing Refraction

Next place the rectangular shaped parallel bar on the other table mount. Align the bar so that its
long side runs perfectly parallel to the 90 ◦ line and that the beam going through it still runs
through the center of the N O R M A L line. Look at the following image
for reference.

Rotate the ray table with the bar on it so that the initial beam of light aligns with each of
the incident angles in the table below. In addition to the 3 angles already listed, choose and
write in 3 more angles that are below 60 ◦. At each angle of incidence, measure the angle of
refraction. To do this, look through the top of the bar at the beam of light and use the
mini circular scale around the center of the ray table to measure the beams angle (each tick
is 5 ◦ ). Make sure you are measuring only the part of the beam of light you can see
in through the bar. After you measure the angles of refraction, calculate the indexes of
refraction n.

3.3 Observing total internal reflection

Remove the parallel bar. Realign the optical ray table as in previous section, then set the laser
ray box to three beam output. Take the right angle triangle and figure out how to mount it so
that all three beams experience total internal reflection. Explain your observations.

3.4 Determining the index of refraction of different liquids

In this part of the experiment you will use the refraction D lens cups. Note: T h e beakers,
and the 2 D lens cups are labeled, so try not to cross contaminate the fluids!
Realign the laser with the ray table and switch the laser ray box to single beam output. Place
the D lens cup labeled water on the other ray table. Align it so that the flat side of the cup is
where the incident beam enters and so that it’s perfectly parallel to the normal axis on the
ray table. Use the beaker and fill the refraction cup with water all the way to the top.
Measure the angles of refraction at the following angles, then using equation 2 you will
calculate the index of refraction of water. Use an index card along the outer edge of the
curved surface of the D lens to accurately see the exited refracted beam. When you are
done with water empty the D lens cup into the correct beaker. Use the second refraction
cup labeled glycerin and fill it up with glycerin. Repeat as you have done before.

3.5 Critical angle

The angle of incidence for which the angle of refraction is 90 degrees is called as the
critical angle.This time you will setup the D lens cup so that the laser beam strikes the
curved side of the cup. Fill the D lens cup to the top with water. Center and align the cup
so that the beam runs through its center.

Next, increase the angle of the D lens cup so that the refracted ray starts to runs parallel to
the straight side. This is critical angle. Compare your experimental results to the theoretical
value. You can calculate the theoretical value using equation 3.

4 Comment
Be considerate for your fellow humans and empty the refraction cups out into the proper beakers.
Wipe the refraction cups, round table, and the6 top of the bench dry. Place all the equipment
back in proper order. If not your TA will take off points. Cheers!

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