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Batch Jobs
User Guide

July 2022

Copyright Notice
Rock Flow Dynamics ® (RFD), 2004–2022. All rights reserved. This document is the intel-
lectual property of RFD. It is not allowed to copy this document, to store it in an information
retrieval system, distribute, translate and retransmit in any form or by any means, electronic
or mechanical, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of RFD.

Trade Mark
RFD, the RFD logotype and tNavigator ® product, and other words or symbols used to identify
the products and services described herein are trademarks, trade names or service marks of
RFD. It is not permitted to imitate, use, copy trademarks, in whole or in part, without the
prior written consent of the RFD. Graphical design, icons and other elements of design may
be trademarks and/or trade names of RFD. It is not permitted to use, copy or imitate these
elements, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of RFD. Other company,
product, and service names are the properties of their respective owners.

Security Notice
The software’s specifications suggested by RFD are recommendations and do not limit the
configurations that may be used to operate the software. It is recommended to operate the
software in a secure environment whether such software is operated on a single system or
across a network. The Licensee is responsible for configuring and maintaining networks and/or
system(s) in a secure manner. If you have any questions about security requirements for the
software, please contact your local RFD representative.

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and should
not be construed as a commitment by RFD. RFD assumes no responsibility for any error that
may appear in this manual. Some states or jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of expressed
or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not apply to you.
Since the software, which is described in the present document, is constantly improved, you
may find descriptions based on previous versions of the software.

1. Introduction 4

2. General Description 5

3. Using a Queue 5
3.1. Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.1.1. Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.1.2. Context Menu of a Model in the List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2. Adding Tasks to the Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


1. Introduction
This document offers a description of Batch Jobs Manager that can be used to calculate models
on workstations and clusters.
Batch Jobs Manager (Model Queue) is fully integrated with the simulation modules (Black
Oil Simulator, Compositional Simulator, Thermal Simulator).
tNavigator User Manual contains a description of the physical model, the mathematical
model and the keywords that can be used in a dynamic model.
tNavigator is a software package, which helps build static and dynamic reservoir models,
run dynamic simulations, perform extended uncertainty analysis and build surface networks
as part of one integrated workflow. All the parts of the workflow share a common proprietary
internal data storage system, a super-scalable parallel numerical engine, a data input/output
mechanism and a graphical user interface. tNavigator supports the METRIC, LAB, FIELD
units systems.
tNavigator is a multi-platform software application written in C++; it can be installed on
Linux, Windows 64-bit OS and run on systems with shared and distributed memory layouts
both as a console and a GUI (local or remote).
For a comfortable experience with the GUI version, Full HD resolution (1920 × 1080) is
recommended. The tNavigator graphical modules Geology Designer, Model Designer, PVT
Designer, Well Designer, Network Designer and the Simulator Graphical Interface are sup-
ported on professional graphics cards only (NVIDIA Quadro and High End consumer cards).
Integrated graphics cards are not recommended.
tNavigator runs on workstations and clusters. A cloud based solution with full GUI capa-
bilities via a remote desktop is also available.
tNavigator built-in help is guaranteed to work if viewed in Adobe Acrobat Reader® or
KDE Okular® . To configure your PDF viewer, go to Settings → Options → Paths in the
tNavigator main window.
tNavigator contains the following 8 functional modules licensed separately:

• Geology Designer (includes PVT Designer and Well Designer);

• Model Designer (includes PVT Designer and Well Designer);

• Network Designer (includes PVT Designer and Well Designer);

• Black Oil Simulator;

• Compositional Simulator;

• Thermal Simulator;

• AHM & Uncertainty (Assisted History Matching, optimization and uncertainty analy-

• Graphical User Interface.

1. Introduction 4

2. General Description
There is a possibility to put models in a queue for successive calculation. Calculation of these
models will be started automatically by default.
To create a new queue:

1. Select Modeling → Batch Jobs → New Queue in the tNavigator main window.

2. Select where the models will be calculated: on the local host or on a cluster.

3. Enter a name for the queue file and save it.

4. The Calculation Options window will be opened. Specify settings and press OK.

3. Using a Queue
The Queue manager window contains the list of models to calculate; they will be calculated in
the order you see. Besides model names, other information about models is visualized in the
columns. In the Info Columns section of settings, one can set the list of columns to visualize.
To add models to the list, see Adding Tasks to the Queue.

3.1. Interface
3.1.1. Main Menu
The main menu at the top of the window contains the following items:

• Project

◦ Queue Jobs From Folder

Specify a folder with models to put them in the queue for calculation. Certain
parameters need to be specified (see 3.2. Adding Tasks to the Queue). The names
of all added models will be visualized in the list.
◦ Exit
Close the queue window.

• Toolbox

◦ Add Jobs
Specify a model (job) to be calculated in the queue with default parameters. The
name of the added model will be visualized in the queue window.

2. General Description 5

◦ Add Customized Jobs

Specify a model (job) to calculate in the queue and specify calculation options for
it (see 3.2. Adding Tasks to the Queue). The name of the added model will be
visualized in the queue window.
◦ Run Jobs
Run calculation of the selected model (provided it has not started yet).
◦ Stop Jobs
Stop the calculation for the model (provided it has started already).
◦ Rerun Jobs
Start calculation of models again (provided it has been calculated before). The
results of the previous run will be erased.
◦ Remove from Queue
Delete the model(s) from the queue.
◦ View Results
View results of the model during simulation. In this mode you can’t change results:
for example, they can’t be deleted or rewritten.
◦ View Graphs
View graphs during simulation. In this mode you can’t change results: for example,
they can’t be deleted or rewritten.
Functions which use the grid are unavailable in this mode. For example:
• visualization of grid properties is not available;
• the following graphs are not available: Flow between FIPs, Block Info, Well
Profile, Well Section;
• some results data can’t be saved as binary files (maps, connection data).
◦ View Log
View the log file of the model during simulation.
◦ Move Up, Move Down
Moves the selected task up or down the queue (provided that it is not calculating
◦ Mark As Calculated
Mark the model as calculated. This option can only be applied to models with the
Not calculating status.
◦ Try to Find Results
tNavigator will search through the folder with the model’s .data file for the RE-
SULTS folder which contains its run results. Then it will try to load the files in the
folder as the calculation results.
◦ Auto Run New Jobs
Automatically start model calculation after adding it to the queue.

3.1.1. Main Menu 6


◦ Show Finished
Only the models with the Calculated status will be shown in the list.

• Settings
Contains only one item—Options:

1. General
– Time Limit for Jobs Shutting Down Too Slow. The maximal duration of one
of the calculation model stages—shutting down. If this limit is exceeded, this
stage will be stopped; calculation of the next model will be started.
– Simultaneously Calculated Models (only on a local computer) The maximum
number of models that will start calculating simultaneously.
– Max Models In Cluster Queue (only on a cluster) The maximum number of
models that may be simultaneously put to the cluster queue by the current
– Timeout for Workflow Finishing The maximal duration of a workflow. If
exceeded, the job is stopped.
2. Default calculation Parameters. The default settings for the new jobs. For the
full list, see Adding Tasks to the Queue, steps 4 and 5.
3. Common Email Settings. tNavigator provides the possibility to receive emails
about the progress of calculation of your queued models. You should set the fol-
lowing parameters to use it:

! Only local SMTP servers without authorization are supported.

◦ Local SMTP-server.
The local server of outgoing emails.
◦ Server port.
The port of the local server of outgoing emails.
◦ Sender Address.
The sender’s email address.
◦ Receiver Address.
The receiver’s email address.
◦ Delay.
Different notifications will be sent in one email message if they come more
frequently than the specified delay.
◦ Send Test Email.
Send a test email from the sender’s address to the receiver’s address.
4. Current Window Email Settings.
◦ Send email notification when job is completed
Send an email to the receiver’s address when job calculation is completed.

3.1.1. Main Menu 7


◦ Send email on calculation progress each...

When a certain number of percents of a model’s calculation process have been
overcome, an email about this progress will be sent.
5. Manage Cluster Connections. Allows the selection of the cluster to be used for
calculations. The cluster connections should be created beforehand in the tNaviga-
tor main window.
6. Queue Auto Selection (only on a cluster).
Allows the selection of a cluster queue to which the new jobs will be put by
7. Appearance.
• Place Job Action Buttons to the Left/Right From Job List.
• Use Text/Icon Buttons.
• Show/Hide Log.
8. Calculations Page Columns. Select columns to visualize in the task list.

• Help
Opens the tNavigator manuals library.

The right toolbar buttons duplicate the items of the menus Queue and Settings which are
described above.

3.1.2. Context Menu of a Model in the List

For each model, a context menu is available. It can be called via right-clicking on the model
name. Depending on the model status, this menu may contain the following items (mostly
duplicating the equivalent positions under Toolbox in the main menu):

1. Open model (provided that the calculation is not running at the moment). The
model will be opened in tNavigator.

2. Edit Calculation Options (provided that the calculation is not running at the moment).
Set the new Job Calculation Settings for this model.

3. Add Model From the Same Folder.

4. Run (before the calculation).

5. Stop (during the calculation).

6. Rerun (after the calculation is finished).

7. Kill Job.

8. View Results.

3.1.2. Context Menu of a Model in the List 8


9. View Graphs.

10. View Log.

11. Rerun Job.

Figure 1. Queue. The context menu of a model

3.2. Adding Tasks to the Queue

To add tasks to the queue:
1. In the tNavigator main window, click Batch Jobs → Open. The Queue Manager win-
dow will pop up (see figure 2).

2. Click Add Jobs to add a new task. Alternatively, click New Customized Job to
add a new task and specify custom options for it.
3. Browse to the model *.data file and click Open.
4. Enter the calculation parameters:

• Node Count (only on a cluster)

How many cluster nodes to use.
• Queue Name (only on a cluster)
The queue for putting the task to (there may be multiple queues with different

3.2. Adding Tasks to the Queue 9


Figure 2. Setting up a job

• Core Count (only on a local computer)

The number of CPU cores which are used to calculate the model. You can select
one of the suggested variants (1, 2, 4, Max System Threads, i.e. all CPU cores
will be used) or set any number.
• Physical model Type
The type of physical model (Blackoil, compositional).
• Edit GPU settings
Use the graphical processor. If checked, numeric input of GPU count is enabled.
• Delay calculation until
Provides an option to postpone the start of a calculation until the desired date.
• Write Results
Choose which tNavigator calculation results will be written: Write All, Write
Wells (in the GUI you will see only graphs, no grid properties), or Do not write.
• Dump UNRST/UNSMRY Binaries
Choose which UNRST/UNSMRY binary files will be written:
◦ Graphs (SMSPEC, .UNSMRY files)
◦ Properties (.EGRID, .INIT, .UNRST files)
◦ Streamlines (.SLN, .SLNSPEC files).
• Dump RSM file
Turn on the saving of a text report file in RSM format.
• Dump OFM file
Turn on the saving of a text report file in OFM format.

3.2. Adding Tasks to the Queue 10


• UNRST/UNSMRY Binaries Folder

Choose where to put the UNRST/UNSMRY binary files; the options are as follows:
the RESULTS folder or the folder with the model .data file. Available if the saving
of at least one of the UNRST/UNSMRY, RSM, OFM variants is switched on.

5. If necessary, enter the advanced parameters:

• Time Limit for Calculation
The maximum calculation time. If a job runs longer than that, it will be forcibly
• Dump Last Calculated Step
This is done so that a failed computation can be continued smoothly.
• Continue from Last Calculated Step/Continue Calculations From Step.
Specify the timestep number from which the calculation will be continued. This
option is only enabled if Write Results is set to Write All.
• Writing Maps Timesteps.
Specify the timesteps on which grid properties will be saved, overriding the settings
made within the model itself. The possible options are:
• The first and the two last;
• Annually;
• Monthly;
• On all steps;
• As in RPTRST.
A detailed description of options for selective recording of calculation results is
given in section 9.1 of tNavigator User Manual.
• Writing Graphs Timesteps.
Same as above (for graphs).
• Override Default Thread Count (only on a cluster)
Set the number of threads for parallel calculation.
• Use Custom Version (only on a cluster)
Choose a tNavigator version from the available versions installed on the cluster.
• License Wait Time Limit
If there is no license of the required type, tNavigator will wait for the time interval
specified here before dropping the task.
• Additional Custom Simulator Options
Additional command line options passed to the simulator upon launching a calcu-

! It is recommended to minimize the use of the last option. All settings that
are normally required can and should be made via the GUI.

3.2. Adding Tasks to the Queue 11


6. Click OK.

3.2. Adding Tasks to the Queue 12

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© Rock Flow Dynamics. All rights reserved. 29.07.2022

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