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Root-finding for Non-Linear Equations

The interest in roots of non-linear equations in numerical analysis is due to their

widespread presence in various scientific and engineering problems. The roots often
represent critical solutions to problems, such as finding:
1. Optimal Solutions: Roots can correspond to optimal values in various scenarios, like
maximum or minimum values of functions in optimization problems.
2. Stability Points: They can identify equilibrium points in dynamical systems,
determining the stability or behavior of the system.
3. Real-World Scenarios: Roots of non-linear equations often arise in modeling real-
world problems, such as electrical circuits, fluid dynamics, structural engineering, etc.

Nonlinear equations can't be easily solved analytically, so numerical methods are

employed to approximate their roots. Root-finding for nonlinear equations is a numerical
method used to determine the values (roots) of equations where the relationship between
variables is nonlinear. This involves iteratively approximating the roots by updating
guesses until a satisfactory solution is reached.
Common numerical methods, such as the bisection method, Newton-Raphson method,
and the secant method play a crucial role in approximating these roots, offering solutions
in situations where explicit analytical methods are challenging. They provide an
approximation, allowing for understanding, prediction, and problem-solving in situations
where explicit solutions are hard to derive.

The Bisection Method

The Bisection method is a numerical technique for finding the root of a continuous
function within a specified interval. It operates by iteratively narrowing down the interval
where the root lies by evaluating the function's sign at the interval's midpoint. The process
continues until the interval becomes sufficiently small, providing a close approximation of
the root. This method is straightforward, reliable, and applicable to functions where the
root is known to exist within the initial interval.
The bisection method requires an initial interval [a, b] where the function f(x) changes sign,
indicating the presence of a root within that interval.
Choose points a and b such that f(a).f(b) < 0. This ensures that the function changes sign
within the interval, indicating the existence of at least one root.
For example: if f(x) = x^6 - x - 1, find interval [a, b].
If a = 1, then f(1) = 1^6 - 1 - 1 = -1 (negative),
and if b = 2, then f(2) = 2^6 - 2 - 1 = 61(positive).
The interval [1, 2] when checked results to f(a).f(b) < 0. Hence, [1, 2] are choosen for [a,
Newton-Raphson Method
The Newton-Raphson method is an iterative numerical technique for finding approximate
roots of real-valued functions. It operates on the principle of linear approximation by
iteratively refining an initial guess to converge towards the actual root. The method is
particularly effective for functions with well-behaved and continuous derivatives. The
iterative formula involves updating the guess using both the function value and its
derivative, leading to rapid convergence when conditions are favorable.
Secant Method

The Secant method is a numerical technique used for finding the roots of a nonlinear
equation. It is an iterative method that refines successive approximations to the root by
using the secant line between two points on the curve. Unlike the Newton-Raphson
method, the Secant method doesn't require the evaluation of derivatives.

In essence, the Secant method begins with two initial guesses and then iteratively refines
these guesses by intersecting the secant line with the x-axis, providing a new estimate for
the root. This process continues until the root is sufficiently approximated. The Secant
method is versatile and applicable when the analytical expression for the derivative is not
readily available or is computationally expensive.

Assume, x0 and x1 are two initial estimates of the root.

Classwork (Deadline: 05/12/2023 at 12pm; Submission: Complied as pdf per
1. i) Briefly discuss MATLAB in the context of Numerical Analysis.
ii) Write and clearly explain the MATLAB and Python codes for finding the root of f(x)
= x^6 - x - 1. What is the root?

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