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Music. It fuels our souls, inspires our movements, and binds us together.

But the very industry

that creates this art faces a dire threat: illegal downloading. Millions of songs are pirated daily,
robbing artists, composers, and producers of their rightful income.
Imagine this: you pour your heart and soul into crafting a masterpiece. You share it with the
world, hoping it resonates with others, fuels their passions, and perhaps even becomes the
soundtrack to their lives.
Good evening judges and my worthy opponent i’m the 1st speaker of the government team and
My team argues that the government, the custodian of justice and fair play, has a moral and
economic obligation to step in and compensate the music industry for these losses. We propose a
targeted intervention, not a handout, but a recognition of the industry's contribution to our
cultural fabric and its unjust dispossession.

My speech will be devided into 3 parts which is

MY Defintion ,My rebuttals and my main argument.
Before i get to my argument i’ll give out our teams defitnition by creating and funding a
centralized royalty collection and distribution system, administered by an independent body, that
collects royalties from internet service providers (ISPs) based on their users' downloading habits
and distributes those royalties proportionally to content creators and rights holders.

Firstly, let's address the elephant in the room, a theft is a theft. Illegally downloading music
deprives artists, songwriters, musicians, producers, and countless others in the ecosystem of
their rightful earnings. Every pirated song is a stolen note, a silenced lyric, a dream trampled
upon. We wouldn't tolerate our wallets being snatched in broad daylight.
This, my friends, is the tragic opera playing out in the music industry. Millions of hours spent in
studios, blood, sweat, and tears poured onto digital canvases, are devalued with each illicit
click.The scale of this digital robbery is staggering. Studies estimate that piracy costs the music
industry billions of dollars annually. it's the struggling young artist losing tour funds, the session
musician unable to put food on the table, the entire artistic chain choked by a tidal wave of

Secondly The Theft of Intellectual Property.

Illegal downloading is nothing short of digital theft. Artists pour their lives into creating music,
investing time, talent, and resources. When their work is freely available online, they are robbed
of rightful compensation, stifling creativity and undermining the very bedrock of the industry.
Imagine a world where writers had their books pirated, painters saw their works copied, and
filmmakers found their movies shared illegally. The outcry would be deafening. Yet, for musicians,
this reality is painfully common.
The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) estimates that piracy cost the music
industry over $12.5 billion in 2022 alone. This translates to lost salaries for artists, songwriters,
producers, studio technicians, venue staff, and countless others. Imagine the countless potential
albums, tours, and innovations this money could have fueled.
In conclusion Every illegal download chips away at this fragile ecosystem, pushing countless
individuals towards financial hardship and even forcing some out of the industry altogether. This
is not just a statistical abstraction; it's the story of a struggling musician forced to wait tables, a
talented songwriter abandoning their dreams, and the technician who can no longer afford their
studio equipment. The government has a responsibility to step in and provide much-needed
support. By compensating the industry for its losses, we invest in not just financial recovery, but
in the future of music itself.

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