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Unit Three : Waste Not Want Not sequence: Developing Skills

Text :

Despite ongoing efforts since the foundation of the United Nations Organization, the international
community has failed to end global poverty and prevent environmental degradation.
The gap between the poor and the rich countries has been magnified by the global economy .Such gap
led to conflicts over the planet’s natural resources, and resulted in an ecological crisis that threatens our life
on Earth.
Today, there’s a real and urgent need for managing the world’s resources on the basis of economic
sharing and international cooperation. Nation states ought to move beyond the pursuit of self-interests by
implementing an international program of emergency assistance and a long term transformation of the global
economy in order to eliminate poverty and hunger in the world. It would help if nations cooperate more
effectively by sharing their natural and economic resources to help end poverty in many areas of the world.

Adapted from the Internet

1.guess the topic of the reading passage.

Poverty / the poor / the rich / hunger in the world / cooperation /

assistance / solutions / environmental crisis / sharing / deprivation /
global economy / wealth / natural resources / conflicts

Read and check

2/ skim through the text and check your previous guess.

During reading: Read the text carefully then do the activities that follow:

Act One: Which of the sentences below best sums up the reading passage?
A. The United Nations failed to end global poverty.
B. How can the rich world end global poverty and preserve the environment.
C. There’s a gap between the poor and the rich countries.
D. The world’s natural resources ought to be shared.

Act Two: Choose the letter of the right answer.

The international community……….put an end to poverty and preserve the environment.
a. managed to b. was not able toc. was not allowed to

B. The global economy made the situation of the poor ……….

a. worse b. known to all c. better than before
C. Cooperating and sharing resources is one of the ways to……….
a. widen the gap between the poor and rich countries
b. end poverty and hunger in the world
c. improve the present global economy

Act Three: Fill in the graphic organizer below with information from the reading passage:

 ……………………………
Main cause …………………..................
Problem global economy ......
( social effect )
 ……………………………

( economic effect )

 ……………………………

Post reading :
How to write a coherent paragraph
1/Topic Sentence . Is the first sentences in a paragraph .It introduces the main ideas and gives a general
overview of the paragraph.
2/Supporting sentences. they form the body of the paragraph , They give extra details to develop and
support the main idea ex. gives argument , details , examples.
3/closing sentence . is the last sentences in the paragraph , it may restate the main idea of the paragraph
or summarize the content of it.

Task . .Poverty is increasing at an alarming rate in the world because of the unfair way of sharing wealth .
write an essay suggesting solutions to the problem .. use the following expressions . We could/may/might .
Why not +verb (ing)/ why don t we? .Let’s +stem. I suggest that we+stem. we might as well...

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