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What would life be without social media?

Social media has become an essential part of

everyone’s life. Nowadays, almost every single person has a social media account that we regularly
uses for various purposes, be that for fun and enjoyment, for work, entertainment, stress reliever,
communication and socialization. For those, who’s addicted to social media, it is very difficult to
imagine life without it. It became a part of our daily life, job, and in some certain cases, our life
revolves around it. And we can’t deny the fact that human beings are social creatures who need
the companionship of others to thrive in life, and our social media connections has a huge impact
on our mental health and happiness. It can ease stress, anxiety, and depression, boost self-worth,
provide comfort and joy, prevent loneliness, and even add years to our life.

While social media provide multiple opportunities for communication, socialization and job
opportunities. Multiple studies have found a strong link between heavy social media and an
increased risk for depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm and many other emotional downsides.
If social media didn’t exist, we can’t deny that we would be living in some kind of a peaceful
environment because we wouldn’t be exposed to the number of real world problems that we go
through almost every day because of too much involve in social media issues. One example is
the cyberbullying that exists due to the presence of social media because people started bullying
others through posting or comments. The fake news and rumors that can make some people’s life
destroyed. When we are scrolling through a friend’s post there are time that it can make us feel
insecure about how we look or what’s going on in our own life. The feelings that we’ll be left out
of the latest at school or work if we miss the latest news or gossip on social media. Or maybe we
feel that our relationships will suffer if we don’t immediately respond to other people’s posts.
These are some of the examples that has can ruin our self emotionally or mentally.

Social media is a valuable social networking tool. But we have to limit our time on social media
platforms. Use time away from social media to practice self-care. Invest in real world
relationships and activities. Remember, excess of everything is bad, it is an old proverb which
works as a guide for doing anything in moderation.

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