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Session 1

Part 1:
Primary Objectives:
1. Contextualization: Understanding the historical, social, cultural, and political
context of pre-Islamic Arabia is crucial to appreciate the significance of the
Prophet's message. Students will gain insights into the challenges and
conditions of the Arabian Peninsula at that time.
2. Setting the Stage: This section provides the backdrop against which the
Prophet's life and mission unfolded. It lays the foundation for why his message
was needed and how it transformed Arabian society.
3. Cultural and Religious Diversity: Pre-Islamic Arabia was characterized by
diverse tribal cultures and a variety of religious beliefs and practices. Exploring
this diversity helps students appreciate the religious and cultural milieu into
which Islam was introduced.

Duties of a Muslim

1. To bear witness that he is indeed the Messenger of Allah and as a Mercy

to the Worlds.
2. To obey him in all he has commanded us to do and to hold him in
highest authority in regard to our understanding of Islam and not go
beyond guidelines in matters of faith.
3. To emulate the Prophetic example of the Prophet SAW and to Mold our
lives in accordance with the Light of the Sunnah.
4. To Love, Honor and Revere him. Loving the Messenger distinguishes
believers in their perfection of Faith as the Messenger SAW said, “none
of you believes until he loves me more than his father, his children, and
the world” (Sahih Bukhari).
5. To believe that he is the seal of the Prophets. For him to be the seal
means the long lineage of Prophets have ended and every Nation has to
follow the Messenger.
6. To send Peace and blessings upon him.
7. Inviting others to his teachings.
Pre-Islamic Arabia (History)

Byzantine Empire:
Persian Empire:


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