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Group writing


Ring the Golden Bell

I. Location, time:
1. Time: from 8 AM to 9.30 AM (SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19)
2. Location: Thai Nguyen High School
II. Participants: Grade 10
III. Activity objectives:
- Create a healthy and useful playground for students to show off their
talents, intelligence, exchange, learn and share learning experiences as
well as learn vocabulary and grammatical structures on the topic of
- Create a happy, exciting, and psychologically comfortable atmosphere
for students to gain knowledge
IV. Summary of activities
1. Stabilize the organization through the program
2. Welcome performance (3 performances)
- Dancing: Money - blackpink
- Singing a duet with accompanying dance
- Dance I'm the best.
3. Statement of reasons and introduction of delegates: 2 MCs (1 speaks
English, 1 speaks Vietnamese)
4. Competition "Ring the Golden Bell"
Summary of game rules:
There will be 30 - 45 questions (depending on the number of questions
prescribed by the organizers) for all of you to answer in turn. Anyone
who answers incorrectly will be eliminated from the game (depending on
the difficulty level of the question), the organizers will give you a certain
number of seconds to answer
There will be sections for you to play, each of you can answer for
yourself. One person has a whiteboard and a pen
At number 10, there will be a rescue team to save the eliminated students
Whenever you hear a sound, you must put down your pen and raise your
board immediately. Anyone who is slow to raise it will be eliminated.
Looking at each other will be eliminated.
=> The contest can take place in different rounds with the number of
questions divided equally or gradually less according to the rounds.
5. Awarding and closing ceremony
V. Preparation and planning:
- 100 red plastic chairs are enough for 100 students to participate in Ring
the Golden Bell contest
- Stage cover, laptop, projector, small board for students to write answers,
registration number of each student; Teachers monitor students' answers;
loudspeakers, laptops, projectors, stage set-up and recording
- Balloons, plastic baskets, lottery tickets
- Prize:
+ Award 200,000 VND to the last 5 students who stay on the competition
+ The winning student can ring the golden bell: reward 500,000 VND
- Reception: prepare drinks, welcome delegates and parents, receive
flowers (if any)
- Script program:
+ Teachers appoint a host + develop a program script
+ Prepare a set of questions and answers for the contest
VI. Implementation organization
- English teachers and core student groups are responsible for organizing
and implementing program content and activities.
- The Youth Union (in coordination with the homeroom teachers of the
classes) announces the program implementation plan to students of all
classes, and does communication work for the program.

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