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Summer Pack

Class: Six

Subject: Social Studies

Ch#01 : Our country in the world

1.Write Answers of the following questions:

Q#01: Where are most Islamic countries located?

Ans: Most Islamic countries are located in the Middle east, Southern Asia and Northern Africa.

Q#02: In which parts of the world, there are no Islamic countries?

Ans: There are no Islamic countries in the Americas, Europe and in Australia.

Q#03: where does the Deserts located in Pakistan?

Ans: In Pakistan, Deserts are located in the east and south east, in the center and in the west.

Q#04: What are called plains?

Ans: These are the areas of the flat land at lower levels, some are at sea level or slightly higher.

Q#05: What are the Deserts?

Ans: These are the areas where nothing or only tough plants can grow.

2.Explain the following questions briefly:

LQ#01: Explain the Mountains in geographical terms?

Ans: Mountains: These are the highest lands. There is no fixed height at which a hill becomes a
mountains but mountain are usually about 2000-3000 meters. Some mountains like the Himalayas
Karakorum are sharp or pointed. This means that in terms geographic there are young mountains
between 1.5 to 66 million years old, Older mountains have had their sharp points worn away by rain,
frost and wind so that they are the more rounded.

LQ#02: Write a difference between Hills and plateaus?

Ans: Hills: These are lands above sea level but not as high mountains. They are generally covered with
vegetation such grass, trees or farm crops on terraced fields.

Plateaus: These are areas of flat land well above sea level. Some plateaus are fertile while others are
poor land. It depends on the height, amount of rainfall, etc.

3.Choose the correct option.

I. An area of high flat land is known as:

a. Deserts
b. Lakes
c. Plateau
II. Mountains with sharp peaks are:
a. Young
b. Less
c. High
III. The _____ pass is also historically important.
a. Khunjerab
b. Khyber
c. Karakorum
IV. An area with nothing or only tough plants can grow.
a. Rivers
b. Lakes
c. Deserts
V. Pakistan has ____ peaks above 700 meters.
a. 108 peaks
b. 100 peaks
c. 120 peaks

4.Match these countries with their location form Pakistan.

Name Location
(a) Afghanistan East
(b) China North -
(c) India West
(d) Iran North -

5. Following statements are true of false:

Statement True/ false

Rivers are the bodies of
flowing water
A tundra is a hot, wet
climate found in polar
Mountains are the highest
Hills are not as sharp as
Lakes are bodies of water,
surrounded by seas.

Answer keys:

3. (b) (a) (b) (c) (a)

4. (c) (b) (d) (a)

5. (T) (F) (T) (T) (F)


The areas of South Asian countries are given below. Rearrange them in the right -hand column in
descending order, from the biggest to smallest.

Country Area (1’000

sq. km)
1.Bangladesh 144
2.Bhutan 47
3.India 3288
4.Maldives 0.3
5.Nepal 147
6.Pakistan 796
7.Sri Lanka 66

Ch#5: Land and agriculture in Pakistan and South Asia

1.Write Answers of the following questions:

Q#1 : why is agriculture important for a country?

Ans: Agriculture is important for a country because it is a source of food supply.

Q#2: why is Pakistan called an agriculture based country?

Ans: Pakistan called an agriculture based country because the majority of the population lives in the
countryside and villages and their occupation is agriculture.

Q#3 : what are the basic requirements for better agriculture?

Ans: The basic requirements for better agriculture are the fertile and level land, enough rainfall, suitable
climate and irrigation.

Q#4 : what does the capitals name of Nepal and Bhutan?

Ans: The capital of Nepal is Kathmandu and the capital of bhutan is Thimphu.

Q#5: why is firewood needed in some parts of Pakistan?

Ans: firewood is vital in many rural area for fuel, for cooking, and heating because there is no electricity
or gas available.

2.Explain the following questions briefly :

LQ#1: what are the two land – locked countries of south Asia?

Ans: Nepal and Bhutan are both land locked countries, in the low Himalayan range, at an average height
of 2000-3000 meters above sea level. The upper Himalayas, at more than 7000 meters, form towering
border to the north. Nepal is home to the world's high mountain, Mt. Everest (8848m), and a number of
awe-inspiring peaks.

This region is a popular destination for mountaineers and tourist. The country is heavily forested,
producing a large quantity timber. However, agriculture is the main occupation for both countries.

LQ#2 : what is the importance of agriculture for Pakistan?

Ans: Pakistan is not rich in mineral resources and most of its land is not suitable for agriculture.
However, because of the river system, which provides irrigation, agriculture is possible. Agriculture is
important because of the increase in the population and it also reduces import of food crop.

3.Coose the correct option.

(i) Mount Everest is in:

(a) Pakistan. (b) Nepal. (c)Bangladesh

(ii) The highest jute producer in the world is:

(a) Bangladesh. (b) India. (c) Siri Lanka

(iii) coconut tress are grown in:

(a) Deserts. (b) plateau. (c) coastal area

(iv) Mangala dam is in:

(a) Pakistan. (b) Nepal. (c) Bangladesh

(v) Forested area in Pakistan is:

(a) 23%. (b) 37% (c)57%

Answer keys:

3. (b) (a) (c) (a) (c)

Ch#18: Buddhism and Early kingdoms

1.Write Answers of the following questions:

Q#01: What are the Buddha’s Noble Eight-fold path?

Ans: Buddha’s Noble Eight-fold path are:

1. Right belief
2. Right effort
3. Right action
4. Right speech
5. Right thought
6. Right meditation
7. Right remembrance
8. Right means of livelihood

Q#02: Why did Ashoka became a Buddhist?

Ans: Ashoka, became q Buddhist after the battle of kalinga, when he saw the death and sufferings of

Q#03: When and where did Buddhism begin?

Ans: Buddhism began in the sixth of century in North-eastern India.

Q#04: Why did Siddhartha leave his place? How old was he?

Ans: Siddhartha left home at the age of 29 in search of truth.

Q#05: What is meant by ‘karma’?

Ans: ‘Karma’ means the people’s actions in life determine their fate after death.

2.Explain the following questions briefly:

LQ#01: What are Buddha’s teaching about?

Ans: Some of the Buddha’s teachings are as follows:

1. Non – violence
2. Equal status for all people
3. Working honestly and diligently
4. Importance of leading a moderate life
5. Rebirth, people are reborn according to their ‘karma’ or deeds, good deeds result in better life
and bad deeds result in being born in a lower state.

LQ#02: What are the reforms of Ashoka for all the people?

Ans: Reforms of Ashoka:

1. He abolished the caste system.

2. All religions were treated alike.
3. Punishments were made less severe.
4. There were rest homes for old people.
5. The killing of wild animals was forbidden.
6. There were hospitals for people and animals.
7. The hospitals were staffed by monks who grew herbs for medicines.

3.Choose the correct option.

I. The Mauryans invaded the subcontinent in about:

(a) 500 BCE
(b) 100 CE
(c) 300 BCE
(d) 300 CE
The Mauryans invaded the subcontinent from:

(a) Bihar in the east

(b) Khyber pass in the west
(c) Khunjerab pass in the north
(d) Sri Lanka in the south

Ashoka’s laws were known as the:

(a) Eight-fold path

(b) Edicts
(c) Rock carvings
(d) Reforms

The event that changed Ashoka’s beliefs was:

(a) An earthquake
(b) The birth of Siddhartha
(c) The battle of kalinga
(d) The death of Buddha

4.Following statements are true of false:

Statement True/False
Ashoka ruled in
269 – 232 BCE
Ashoka saw
soldiers lying
Siddhartha left
his palace at the
age of 59.
Gautama was
not called the
He travelled
and preached
his Four-fold
Noble truths.

Answer keys:

3. (d) (a) (b) (a)

4. (T) (T) (F) (F) (T)


Here are the names of some countries jumbled together. Circle the countries of South Asia.
Pakistan Malaysia Indonesia
Singapore China Bangladesh
Sri Lanka Congo Egypt
Libya Nepal Hawaii

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