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Activity 2
Measurement and Dimensional Analysis
Name:_________________________________ Date:______________
Year and Section:________________________
1. Perform measurement on different facilities.
2. Compute for speed.
3. Perform Dimensional Analysis
1. Meter Stick
2. Calculator
1. Measure the following areas within the campus and record your findings on the table
below in Meters.
a. Mega Building
b. Food court area(in front of mega building)
c. Outdoor stage (near the grounds)
d. Mock boat deck.
Note: When measuring the Mock boat deck only 2 members of each group will go.
Location Length (m) Width (m) Area (m2)

2. Measure 100-m on the ground. Each member of the group will run and record the time to
cover the whole 100 meters.
Member Distance (m) Time (s) Speed (m/s)
1. Which facility has the longest length?

2. Which facility covers the largest area?

3. When the length increases what happens to the Area?

4. Which member had the shortest time to cover the length?

5. What do you observe with his/her speed compared to the others?

1. Convert your data gathered to what is asked in the table below.
Member Speed (km/s)
Convert to kilometers
Location Length (km) Width (km) Area (km2)

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