08le 03 PGP Phrasemodrev

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A. Identifying Parts of Prepositional Phrases

In each sentence below, underline the preposition once and the object of the preposition twice.
Then draw an arrow from the preposition to the word or words modified by the prepositional
EX. 1. Thick fog rolled off the ocean and blanketed the island.
1. A bluebird sang outside my bedroom window.
2. Between the giraffe and the zebra stood a small monkey.
3. We have had many kinds of weather this winter.
4. Because of road construction, our trip included a six-mile detour.
5. The paper underneath that book is your missing homework assignment.
6. Vincent and I presented our argument against an extended school day.
7. They walked far beyond the city limits.
8. Every student except Estrella and Michael arrived early.
9. The team’s star basketball player was injured during the first few minutes and could not
finish the game.
10. That sweat shirt seems too big for you.

B. Writing Sentences with Prepositional Phrases

On the lines provided, use each of the following phrases in a sentence. Follow the directions in
EX. 1. after the game (use as an adverb phrase) After the game, we gathered at Matt’s

house for a victory party.

1. above their heads (use as an adverb phrase) _____________________________________

2. without a coat or hat (use as an adjective phrase) _________________________________


© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Module 5 1

3. during the thunderstorm (use as an adverb phrase) _______________________________


4. by Kevin and his friend Sudi (use as an adjective phrase) __________________________


5. among the remaining people (use as an adverb phrase) ____________________________


C. Identifying Verbals and Appositives

Underline all the verbals (infintives, gerunds, participles) and appositives in the sentences in the
paragraph below. In the space above each word, identify each by writing app. for appositive, inf.
for infinitive, ger. for gerund, or part. for participle.
app. part.
EX. [1] Rocks, small and plentiful missiles on the dirt road, flew up, clanging loudly
against the car’s metal frame.

[1] Driving recklessly, the guide promised to get us to the hotel, Palm Tree Inn, by

noon. [2] Mr. Santos, the hotel manager, had been firm when he warned us about arriving

late for the noon meal. [3] Now, as the rattling of the car jarred the silence, I was certain we

would arrive late. [4] Tired and sweaty, I longed for a bath. [5] Looking at Mom, I realized

that nothing ever seemed to bother her. [6] Assured that things would turn out fine, she was

always calm. [7] Hoping she was right, I closed my eyes and tried to stop the noise and the

weariness. [8] It seemed to work. [9] Exhausted, I must have fallen asleep. [10] The next

thing I knew, Mom was shaking me to tell me we were at the hotel and on time for lunch.

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Module 5 2

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