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Postgraduate Certificate in Translation E fi ' ,J/u+"
.daJ Theory and Practice

"A r::1)*
ffi F+Ay Lecture 7

Translation Criticism SC-o,ic #

Tnyro-x,'^, s4- s,\{o )uttine
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d z-\- rf 4LH;er1d ,Y,\
What is Translation Criticism?
61a4"6- = ti'r*'- r* "

Studies on Translation Criticism are usually cambined wirt strdies on how

to appreciate a text or a translated tqt.

The word 'criticism' is derived.fro* the Greek word 'kritos'- which means
"to judge". Tlttts, studies on Translation Criticism aims to enhance students'
ability to apply their lcnowledge of various translation theories to assess the
relative merits of translated texts.
I 6 il{.li-
d--"^ ^'o 4' K"^g"*')

Ains in translation appreciation / criticism: *UU 2 o&Y >

l - To be able to perform proof-reading taslcs after translating a text.

h ploy the role of the "devilb adyocate"

to cheek whetlter there are dny mistranslations

a checkfor omissions, if any
to checkfor inappropriateness in expressions
a checkfor any mis-spelling, typographical errors, wnong use
of lnlotds, grammati c al fl aw s, inappropriat en es s in s tyl e, etc.

i (
Qu',|(;n L{* ot, o z*Tt
' C.^" t,J* 4f. I

re* il
2. To recommend or appreciate a text / the translated text
- tofind out the merits in a text / translated text.

3. To assess / evaluate the merits / demerits of a translated text

4. To demonstrste the ffectiveness / ineffectiveness in a translated text

Criteria for making valued judgments in translation appreciation

and criticism

1. Concepts of 'equivalence'

Phonological level - In transliteration, check whether the rendition in

the target text is phonologically close to thot of the source text

Examples: Translation of names of peopre / places / brands, etc.

,\'ores in Chinese: Cno*& f*'*

Chan / Chen / Tran, etc. -
Chang / Cheung / Cheung / Teoh
% Choi t'Clrua / Tsai / Tsoi
Lam I Larnb / Lim / Lin / Lum / Rin -
Lau / Lowe
Louie / Lui
Phang / Pang

Buenos Aires
Sierra Leon -


Names of Products:

.ilsiles of shoPs:

Clnw-mian ,rg a
Da ma
Ilu+ong +q n
Inspiration 3
Kiasuism '\ *

Yf;:r#: itrw a 4r
Tenderloin steak

'A W e-g-randitiow of raicar items that are

'bortowd' /'on l@r,frari forcig,

&ffi s W$**t '{Fiffiffi& x
201llll l:{}a 20:i9

ffi rrr ffi { tS € X*frTLli:&tr ( 6 H r<.{ff' H 6e H )H g #"8 F } (2 00 8 : 23 4 4 -23 47 ) + fEEA +t

fi , &gBXX47SSStrtri#E+fHErJ'L.FfH* fatse friends ('{HEE&) " Ef6fiX

H ' t*Zi4H,H'H,&i#HX ' 'iEA[Effi#E!##' $Jtr bankholidav?ifr-tE*E4{E

$R{l6fr :' {ESEER$EfT-Sf#{,^tr:iH' Effiflm#E i-Afr'{ffiHI -,' Bf[ tuIl
of beans ?ffiE,B,E i-
fffitr+, ' {lFF IE+E-{E xffiJJJr;fi " fr91 ' )\&Wk

WXAY'il?l8 ffifti,,+Fi+ ,
*#*Vi;-E=ffE.FI+'{** {coming of age ceremony) ft
ffiiXe.fip+l:5*EEffiffiE'l*EE ' comingof age *StFffi-r

E!,=.*E' iEl'g "JEIffi E6'Efr#Fl - ffiri*ffi -'

^EieH-H,*! fpigqtr r €H' ear one's words ETE+X'#:HH! i- €'*='I , ffif r B
-#,fHffi-ES_l I pull one's leg &fRf*+I9ry,ffi*! r}rt?6fliBr , '4€XtrHHE r ffirr

{, : to grow cultures E-TE r{*Ejtit-, frnE r-i*€frfl.ffi ,/kfrffi.1 i bookmaker E

€*e H=*#-,' {BEH€ rf*EE=E!#*1

= I drawing room Dt#lt#lJi,*E
-€= _ ' .iE'dllE+E a:m._, "

Yli-f ErFIJ=#EHXiSH+HEtrEIJ*II6F#,#E:FAVt-ffi ;HiEHtf f l*ffi HID]*,FHffi e!

/.' #tJ..A - &ffi,ffi*If;n :' aSRA[ErEftrT-EmTH*[' Hx?giatrfEfk'fru H

cosllares ( {HEffi-# )' EH#S+E+SE[J)EH "

Imagery- ag- ruffiion of images in poetry

9* Atr+

d'rf {E




Childhood nostalgia is a small stary: I am

sl this side, my mother at the other side;

Growing up, nostalgia is a narrow tickel Im

on this end, my bride at the other end;

Later, alas - nostalgia is a mall tomb: I am at the outside, while my mother is inside;

And now, nostalgia is a shallow shait I am on

this side, the Mainland is at the other side.

Functional equivalence e.g. the

- foreignizqtion, and,domestication
natur alization' dichotomy

R blaace - in Essence Versus Resemblance inform

Translation of poetic worlcs

2. Criteriafor ffeaiveness in translation

e'g' Based on the ideas of the 'skopos Theory,- the

effectiveness of a
commissioned transration can be
assessed on the basis of a set of
crit eri a determined by :

(a) The wes of tat to be transrated

advertizing /paliticar ptopaganda /
- sares promotionar texts /
tourism promotion materiar, etc.

(b) Grasp of the masages in the originar

text in terms of:

Impact / reader

Enjoyment of the original tm

The aesthetical varue of the oiginar and that of the transrated text

e'g' works of litterature

-fiction i poetry / drama, etc.
3. Criterion of the translated t*t 68 Af"i.the original

The translator attempts to befully 'absorbed'by the spirit of the

original text, and reconstructs the original in the target culture.

4 4-4t a
Metaphbr of an artistb interpretdionof apiece of musical
composition: thoroughly interpreting rtework, then, performing the
work on the concert stage.
In extreme cases, the original is merely an inspirationfor the
translator to re-create another work of art.

e.g. "Translation as re-creation"

5. Approaches to translation crificisnt

Analyzing a translation according to a set of criteria;

Comparing various samples of *anslations of the sarne source text

Facu of translatiou ipprrciation and criticism

1. -alrilwreriaad ryproach

TIaewalwr ofthe original text or the original narrator, some

nore{r or drarnatic works

understanding the author b style and message in a text.

2. The author,s intention

The author b intention to express ideas or emotions/ to arguefor

a case /
to influence the readers to accept his/ her views

e.g. 'Voice'of the author
In texts where the author intentionally uses the present tense to
to describe past recollections that he / she has a very deep

t The author may usefirst person narrative

It. e.g. "Crush"- a short story

The author may choose to use "word painting" skills to portrait
sarne special personalityfeatures of the key characters

e.g. "Rryrc Figs" - by Kate ChoPin

Ripe Figs

Kate ChoPin (1851-1904)

Maman-Nainaine said that when the figs were ripe Babette might go to visit her cousins
down on rA,*r-**l where the sugar cane grows. Not that the ripening offiSs had the
least thing to do with it, but that is the way Maman-Nainaine was.

It seemed to Babette a very long time to wait; for the leaves upon the trees were tender
yet, and thefigs were like little hard, green marbles.

But warm rains came along and plenty*ofstrong sunshine; and though Maman-Nainaine
was as patient as the stafiie af la Madfint ona Babette as restless as a humming-bird, the
to where
first thing they both knew itwas hat summer-time. Every day Babette danced out
thefig-trees were in a long line against thefence. She walked slowly beneath them,
carefully peering between the gnarled, spreading branches. But each time she came
disconsolate away again. What she saw therefinally was something that made her sing
and dance the whole day long.

When Maman-Nainaine sat down in her stately way to breaffist, thefollowing marning,
her muslin cap standing like an aureole about her white, placid face, Babette
before her
ryproached. She bore a dainty porcelain platter: which she set down
godmather. It contained a dozen purptefigs, fringed around with their rich, green leaves.

"Ah,' said Maman-Nainaine, arching her eyebrows, "how early thefigs hwe ripened this

"Oh," said Babette, "I think thelt have ripened very late."

"Babette,' continued Maman-Nainaine,
as she peered the very
pointed sirverfruit-rmrfe, plumpestJigs with her
"you wilr carry*, ,r"ir"* orr_ on Bayou_Boeuf,,
Frosine r shail rookfor ^r" "i, And
';::fftante her at Toussaint__when
the chrysanthemums are

3. The message

The message that is conveyed

in the originar text, which
may be dffirentfrom sometimes
what the author has intended.

4. The original

In assessing the quality of a translated text' a maior task
the original'
translatian criticism is'to compare it against
source text' or the target
Should the translation be oriented to the

6. The fac*
the authorb words'
Thefactual information that are described in

the original has created in

This may d.eviatefrom the impression that
or wen intentional distortions' etc'


7. Society

The ethnicity, social traditions, and culture, etc. of the target


Issues in Sociolinguistics: social / cultural norms in the DT/TT


Variations in social / historical / geographical settings

8. Channels of commurcication

e-9. Assessing the suitability of a translation as a scriptfor the

radio, W station, nailspaper column, letters, e-mail, etc.

Are there ambiguities in the headlines?

would rte audience misinterpret the statements in the message?

Rendition ,f rAr#*, and nounce words in newspaper articles,

Frankenstein Food (Genetically Modified Food)

9. Targetlanguage

The standard of language in the translated text.

i.e. Is it appropriatefor the readers in the target language, in terms

of the style, expressiveness, flo* of language?

10.The commissioner of the translationwork

The person / organization that commissions the translator to

translate the original text into the target text.

Does rte foulated text comply with the intention or expectations of

rte rytyfiat has commissioned the translation?

11. The translator(s)

An individual or a group of peopre commissioned to carryt out

translation task at hand.

I2.The audience

The individuals who use the translated text, either directly


Example: The 'audience'of a tronslated script

for a drama may
include the director of the pray, the actors, or the audience
at the
time of the production of the translated work.

13. The translation / translated text

The quality af thefinished product of a translated

work, in terms of
the readability, comprehensibility etc.,
from the standpoint of the
readers in the target culture.

Reader(s)' response as a criterion of evaluating the effectiveness

of a


Xgb Goo4 ) : (ffi,#flVH) , (68) H{*,flfiEff

Julian House: Power-point presentation Modet for
Translation Criticism

The Magic Metal Tube EI ffitr!#EE
by Maxine Hong Kingston *fr.ffi H*+E
Once in a long while, four times so far tflxD)ffi, iE'H+alHru*. E
for me, my mother brings out the metal *!BEXiE.
tube that holds her medical diploma. H!#EE " E_LHWKfE#e.HEF1
On the tube are gold circles crossed
with seven red lines each--"joy" rE'Hr UoY)
H!HI?{* ' #E/Ji
ideographs in abstract" There are also
little flowers that look trike gears for a 6HHd.fE' @E:1ffi{dH:€AtuH'! H
gold machine. According to the scraps
of labels with Chinese and American
€TE.5E[ET+E!ffiffi ' -THHH
addresses, stamps, and postmarks, the
family airmailed the can from Hong +E&9+trHlrutt - StrHfTSIJ& "
Kong in 1950. It got crushed in the tr{E'€+E H 6 )e HIHAAK rgso
middle, and whoever tried to peel the +D] EEFffi H E! . H +'rff.+1frWT
labels off stopped because the red and rfr , HAHbTItrTffiffiAFtrffiM
gold paint come offtoo, leaving silver
scratches that rust. Somebody tried to ,HTTfiflfuE(ffi€fB!
pry the end off before discovering that 6UJ"p ,&HAHffiEtr+8fr4''-2ffi
the tube falls apart. When I open it, the
smell of China flies out, a thousand-
€ffiJEg[ " H*I+TffiEH+, -flftF
rJvq-vru usv flying
year-old bat LLJ\Lb heavy-headed
rfvsYJ-uvesvs out of
I the Chinese caverns where bats are as ffi*EfiAt€ + EH!;Exft Hm, -ffi,
white as dust, a smell that comes from exz$R.x,ffi24* "
long ago, far back in the brain.

Inside District School #7,

Iiiegara County, New York
fo'Joyce Carol Oates

Inside. &e school smelled smartly of

vamish md n-ood smoke from the trfr!^xE4.
*#, EH,[tr!E+
poftellied stor e. On gloomy days, not xxff?tqs.&a!ffiBl3fr
unknom in rp*ate ]nlew York in this
ion south of Lake Ontario and east
trfU,6[ifiTF-E$ " , ArcXfr
of Lake Erie, the windows emitted a
vague, gavzy light, not much -fE E ffi:f[flHffiEH! X, IE)9
reinforced by ceiling lights. We HtfrX+Etfi-tHlXgEHB . +i
squinted at the blackboard, that seemed
far away since it on a small "rfr{*-{Bzj'* 6' fll3tEfi*
platform, where Mrs. Dietz's desk was
also positioned, at the front, left of the B!}/]+ATE , {UT#KHW:I .ff
room. We sat in rou's of seats, smallest fr"+X{llSA-#Ffe{U_t,H
at the front. largest at the rcar, attached
at their bases bv metal runners, like a\ M&
Y'r, H, HYTHH! g

toboggan: the u.ood of these desks

Etaffi " €{E H!H+T#I\H
seemed beautiful to me, smooth and of #trlEH 'Ffi(*M&gf€e-|.,
the red-burnished hue of horse tr,&xEyiftX;HEffilh+
chestnuts. The floor was bare wooden
An American flag h*g limply
ffi , mX)BErr 6I)HE'!,EEffiEAH
] nlanks.
r at the far left of the blackboard and
H!ffie^&_t " -H+EffiFS
above the blackboard, running across f+A,H&fr\trLfr, Hffire{+
the front of the room, designed to draw
$ktrw ffiBl3 H! Hq it wwttunkl t
our eyes to it avidly, worshipfully,
were paper squares showing that H+k[nwEx "
beautifully shaped script known as
Parker Penmanship.
IHffiftRHElE, €{E}6ftFF,T\
.HfrEHE!*ffi€P},ffi?Y,, ,

The Blond Guitar

by Jeremv Burden leHtrfrti*{fr
\,'fv most valuable possession is an old. Jeremy Burclen
siighth'r,, arped blond zuirai--rhe fir-st
inst-r-ument I mugJir mr.selt hou 13 pi3r. ==-rE= flfr\## , E+f,FfitrcH
It's nothing fanc).iust a \{adeira lblli *2=ai-,iE){E &,ffi lfr , \R-ffi
guitar. all scufred and scratched and i=rgEE=HHSlEm . E-Hfi*r4
finger-pnnted. At the top is a bramble iEtH, xE-.{8,ffi1*+t#H1& , {fr)ffi
of copper-u,ound strings, each one 7trF* . gljffi,elEEil .*s{&fiflE*tl
hooked through the eye of a silver E$E5effi ##H!#[*fr ' €-{ffi alj *ffi
tuning key. The striags are stretched $F.eiEB$e ffi EREE " flAEA{S E LfifrW
down a long, slim neck, its frets
tarnished, the wood u/orn by years of HlgFrE, ftr*T*, rt\Htr+iE#S
fingers pressing chords and picking +I*,EiH=fr5am frfrrrt7:,iE " ffi{H
notes. The body ofthe Madeira is ft *E {B fi! a E#4&#EI - *F IF t fi'! H
shaped like an enonnous yellow p€il,
4{' E &ffft trEfE+ESUffi#'i}E
one that was slightly rtamaged in
shipping. The blond wood has been
gq "ff+ErE#ffiflfiH ' Hefi!/\
chipped and gouged to gray, {x4H}Xi*&A#FnNe, " ETE
-'18=8ffi*38 ' {EE?#
particularly where the pick guard fell aJL\?'ffi
offyears ago. No, it's not a beautiful FeHffE#- ' FfrD)ft€-H9'ffi
instrument, but it still lets me make
music, and for that I will always
treasure it.

North Toward llome (1967)

by Willie Morris

One afternoon in late August, as the

summer's sun streamed into the car and
made little jumping shadows on the
windows, I sat gazing out at the
tenement-dwellers, who were
themselves looking out of their
xindows from the gray crumbling
buildings along the tracks of upper
Manhattan" As we crossed into the
Bronr the train unexpectedly slowed
dorna for a fbw miles. Suddenly from
ou of,m1'w'indow I saw alarge crowd
i n&r the tracks, held back by two
I pohcemen. Then, oa the other side
from m1'window, I saw a sight I would
never be able to forget: a little boy
almost severed in halves, lying at an
incredible near the track. The

ground was covered with blood, and

the boy's eyes were opened wide,
strained and disbelieving in his sudden
oblivion. A policeman stood next to
him, his arms folded, staring straight
ahead at the windows of our kain. In
the orange glow of late aftemoon the
policemen, the crowd, the corpse of the
boy were for a brief moment immobile,
motionless, a small tableau to violence
and death in the city. Behind me, in the
next row of seats, there was a game of
bridge. I heard one of the four men say
as he looked out at the sighf ,,God,
that's horrible." Another said, in a
whisper, "Terrible, terrible.,, There was
a momentary silence, puncfuated only
by the clicking of wheels on the track.
Then, after the pause, I heard the first
man say: "Two hearts.',

The Great Gatsby*

by F. Scott Fitzgeratd

I began to like New yorh the racy,

adventurous feel of it at dght and the
satisfaction that the constant flicker of
men and women and machines gives to
the restless eye. I Uked to walk up Fifth
Avenue and pick out romantic women
from the crowd and imagine that in a
few minutes I was going to enter their
lives, and no one would ever know or
disapprove. Sometimes, in my mind, I
foliowed them to their apartments on
the corners of hidden streets, and they
turned and smiled back at me before
they faded through a door into warm
darkness. At the enchanted
metreolim trilight I feh a harmting
loneliness smetimes' md feh it in
othas.aml,mg dedrs who loitered
in frffi of windms vaiting rmtil it was
timc fu ee shry restaurant dinner--
yormg dcft infu &lslq wasting the
most poigpd ffi ofnight and

AgEh d eiih o'clocJr, when the dark

tarc offu Futies w€re five deeP with
mnngtg-i cabs, bound forthe
ft."'t'cdisrict,Ifelt a sinking in my
hcilt Ffrms teaned together in the
tr-ic re trey waite4 and voices sang,
0d lh€re was laughter from unheard
iees, and lighted cigarettes outlined
rmimetligible gestures inside.
Imagining that I, too, was hurrying
toward gaiety and sharing their
intimate excitement, I wished them
Janice, Fiona, Emily, Ruth - euiz of the day


It is more than common that the wealthy countries with strong military
forces tend to take the top-dog role over global issues.

HmB'lHEHar&j&ElHs#r{f,8'fr€fr!fte, it6m6 "


Elsa feels like an

underdog as a patient, facing the rude manners and
apathy of the medical profession of the pubtic sector.



For years, the chief executive officer of the XX charity organization

wasted the public money for his own benefits in a slydog way at the
expenses of the service users.

*qD}*.' HHffiEfihHiBlfi&ffi#&HFtrffiH^ffi , HH_ET{

f,U , trJHEE#EH#B!f,fJffi.

C-ats and dogs'life

Jackon has been leading a tats and dogs' life during his L0 years of
marriage. His marital life was not only in serious discord, but also he had
to work dismally everyday from 8:00a.m. to 8:00p.m. in order to earning
a lMng.
Janice, Fiona, Emily, Ruth _ euiz of the day

ffitrE++EtfEffiM' THEHsjatap!ffiffie)E, EEftffi+/\

ffisllffi.I/\ffi , *HrfF, mrys,Ff-, xxlEE, ilts*H#ETfF .

+ ,E*H!+)E "

Dog days of summer

During the dog days of summe[ people prefer

soothing themselves in
air-conditioned shopping malts to participating
in outdoor activities that
expose them to the heat.

&ffiffiH,lx.E EIrH, {MSffiEE EqffHE4HE WWWJffiW

n , *#88Ffl.)Egr+ffir$Hffiffi*ffi+ .

Cut Cost:

Bob has found that it is very hard to cut

cost for the products, he has no
choice but to close several departments in
order to maintain the
business operations.

)Ettf+HfRffia#F*a*Etr EEIIffi FR-4T, trTf+EzT, lfrE\ffi

Effi, ,1 frB6B! AAfr\ #{E#rTU. M*H.ffi++AE F!HE.

a piece of cake:

For most students, this exam is just tike piece

a of cake.
Janice, Fiona, Emily, Ruth
- euiz of the day

Cut by half:

susan and her business partners reckoned

they can cut the cost by harf
with careful planning.

ffi xffi ffi ffi B!& H. #rf r il,h, fi g,,J r, f,' ffi E{r, f u f I E[ ].{ +E Fr 4 H [ )]fi E

Cut it out:

Why are you gossiping ail the time? Cut it


{EH {+ Wafra{ns7 F a T'EEtrfff r I

Diamond cuts diamond:

The arm race between North Korea and

the usA is stiil a diamond cuts
diamond game, despite the differences in
resources. Both parties own
nuclear weapons and technology.

fi E f*& i+ )IRfr WHEE Bfi , J tffi ffi I E H! E Sffi F fl, E q r


Medical Doctor:

Mary will become a medical doctor after graduate

from university next

n5ffi BE+te+x a&., ffielfi h_fuHfr .

Janice, Fiona, Emily, Ruth _
euiz of the day

Booked have been doctored:

I doubted that the records of 2OO5 were doctored.

ft'HEEtr (t zoos +E!68f,fr H
Blanket Approval
He can do whatever he wants
now after obtaining
- ---""'o the branket approvar
from the big boss.

ltZ Ef, E tr ffi trrFE-t=*{Iffi A M+trth, lfrq D}fu ,&.h

Ffr .

Safety blanket
His stuffed animars are his safety
branket. He cannot part with them
though he is an adult now. even

fl l3 Lb +F'{E gh WJ frlfrH! ? +&, . lfrEE?*E E{E Et lEillT 6E f r E {fi,rJ

ffi. ^,
Vital blow

she struck a vitar brow against

animar cruerty by exposing the inhuman
practice of some pig farms.

f &+6ffi
-*ea-d'\a#ffi €E!;F- ESt'?S,yt'fl FLhEf+Fr+rttilhfr{w

Blowing whistie
w' Mark Felt, arso known as "Deep Throat,,,
is one of the most famous
whistleblowers in history. He gave
information about the watergate
scandal to the press, which urtimatery
red to the resignation of Nixon
1,974. in
Janicg Fiona, Emily, Ruth - euiz of the day

w.M.Felt (w.M. Bffi), ffifB , Wvgl*, EmE_tffiAAfrkJEM#Z

-' fuffi 'frr1s{+' BlHmgff{sffi, ffi6+€fiktrafr.ffi{iBafiTft .

Butterfly in one,s stomach

Despite numerous practices, he still had butterflies in his stomach before
giving the speech.

trffi)trffim, EEffifEEffiffiBEffiffi*,, E&frtrZffi, l&il3fno E


Buy an idea
I don't buy the idea that we have to migrate to Thaitand for
10 years

ffmfr,frlw&E#E ro +B!€ffi , +titTFHlE.

The 80-year-old ladies' catwalk performance at a charity fashion show
proved how gorgeous they are.

-IE+tr/\+H!#4 , h-{EffiEffiH*'EffiA& , EIE.ffi,fr1ffiA


Cow up
He tries to cover up his mistakes by hurting his best friend.
ffiEE,E=fr *rffi EEts-, }.i Hffi Hffi{T H!$SH.
L7- C[assr,^a,flo-

ln modern Lingnan architecture,

HHffi{tE#H!HEftIH6 the decorative art had evolved
H?lfr= HE-E-7K-WLltE from the traditional aPProaches
of 'three carvings, two
.E-zK-$H-$l-W' B[]6 sculptures, one thing made of
Hfr . frsEfi - , rxw. p6 water and one coloured thing'to
i ntroduce additiona I a PProaches

4' ^m
7KEEffifrffi'7KEE' of 'two things made with water,
castings, two rivetings and
zKffiUE'flaffi-ffiffi'fla two one coloured thing'. NamelY, the
$,[-fifffir!.wm,*r@rfr. decorative arts includes stone
brick carving, wood
IH"EAE+A++'l]ftfrS carving, carving; clay / limestone
H$ . zKltrtffiil-$#tg*IE sculpture, ceramic sculPtu re;
water-milled grey brick wall,
,1.' H'ft {5 ?,frf.g.813 E t){ ft tercazzo and granitic Plastic;
bronze casting , iron / steel
casting; bronze riveting,
iron/steel riveting; coloured
paintings and multi-coloured
glass. ln this conglomerate, brick
carvings, water-milled walls and
the two castings haven't been
discovered yet, but the other
traditional arts have been found.
Once More to the Lake EffiHH
By E.B.White B.s.{EH

I retumed to
*n tr EIJ E ffi feffit#. " -t)JiE,qHt
Things havsn't changed
-.r"h. There's a train called ;l(Ble[E' a)E++ffi H!)EEHW,H
the Bar Harbor ExPress, and
Portland is foggY early in
the morning, and the *&+p-Lffie;fr\EffiE€#, ' ffirm
Pullman blankets are brown
and thin and cold. But when +,e "'fB E'
you look out of the window ffi 3'&9lE' g-aEljaK,iffi Htr t
in the diner, steam is rising
from the Pastures and the fI., Mtrlfrfr'Hf,T " 4 A''IJH
sun is out, and Pretty soon -ri g
),,"' E
- {E r {fi{ tS EE FA ffi E E! ffi

the train is skirting a blue

lake called Messalonski' )ffitrtrftH " -t)Jffi{,TH&W""
Things don't change

The lake hangs clear and >ffizKle]#,HE H+,HSRffi ts#' +ffi ff!
still at dawn, and the sound
softlY HR$s$s rtuItr1efrHltft+tf 'f$X '
,of a cowbell comes
;from a faravray woodlot' In )*ffi,*H, iffi JEH! 9l!trfnzKffi HlFfr
the shallos's along the shore
the les and driftwood

shon-clear and smooth from )HEff E -H,, ReHlzK F ffi gHH

the botrom. an,,J black water
bugs ,Cart. spreadin,_e a wake RE, Ezi<trHft ' EH-;g,HR "
and e shadou. A fish rises fr ,i.EHEi€H + fl Bfr-E Df , HE
quirk-lf in rhe lily pads with
a nimtre plop, and a broad ' zI-t )8,6*FtrTB . +A
rmg ,n-ldEns to eternity. The Bt' mAFElzKErI,,?fr!,
\\'erer in the basin is icy
Lretone breakfast, and cuts
sharpll. into your nose and
ears and makes your face
blue as you wash. But the +E E.FfrXT ffiq+*.ffi , [EfrHf;H E
boards of the dock are ,rF+aE+ ,-FHi&trfiH!)HE+ ,
already hot in the sun, and ff
there are doughnuts for ffi&6mBr{jHlHF+ . E-ft5, HX
breakfast and the smell is
there, the faintly rancid #*tr)f-tr'jEl ' II]ABFrLB!T+ ,
smell that hangs around in 'tFtP-H
{S fr E H tr ff fr1ts +d ffo, H
Maine kitchens. Sometimes
there is little wind all duy, H, flFE+, AftftigB!)Eflqf+)HEfrq
and on still afternoons the
r4 , @-,H f{ffiH!8ry "
sound of a motorboat comes -e,HTE
drifting five miles from the trilt) ' HEffif+'ffi9Etrtr &ffi . EW,
other shore, and the dronins I

lake becomes articulat.] t+gtrlmf; ' {fiSJEIEIJ)AH-H ,F' I

like a hot field. A crow ?filHg'& HEffiW#-rj$Ei^ ,

calls, fearfully and far. If a

night breeze springs uD. vou
ttre aware of a restless noise 'ffi C'ffi EIl,fl ,K ffi H ffi Effi ffif H! & +H

along the shore, and for a

TEflI3,&HE H!*EBFJif; " {fi frlE
few minutes before you fall
asleep you hear the intimate FF ru ffi #[ E'ttr*$ H* kry*T X H! FH
talk between freshwater
waves and rocks that lie H' BFE&trft#'H^tf frHiR ffi,

below bending birches. The w"

insides of your camp are
hrrng with pictures cut from
magazines, and the camp
smells of lumbar and damp.
Things don't change
much. ...
Ue^*L oL/a\,, /*4 Z 4+ gh_ tr)
i** 4t* a* ft--

Quizof the day .,
,,,,,&r- 4
+ L frL
Examptes of common s;;ffi*pT;r:fr"f
.t t* * +4 Lr '\{
Instructions: l*r,?
(r) Discttss the meanings of the following slang
(ii) Discass the context(s) in which they are used;
(iil Try to use them in sample English sentences;
(iv) Suggest whether there are similar expressions for the
slang items in Chinese; and
(v) Translate your sample sentences into Chinese.

American gravy - frtr/t

You will annoy someone in the group ifyou call 'ketchup' as
'American grovy'. He hails from Neu, York

onbulance chaser - fE@ffifl it'ffi

The ambulance chasers are quite a nuisance, thqt keep bothering
youwhen you are already in a bad mood.

6e to grind / no axe to grind - H t EHfiA,L'

To rwminate a person to be the Chairperson of this committee, one
h,os a ensure that the candidate has no axe to grind in the
ruxprtatUn business.
back to the drawiyS board / square
one _ /ftWfiffiffi
Wen the detectivesfail to continue with
the current investigation,
choose to go back to ii" a**ng
Z'il{l#ilX.'o ooori ord try

ball is on your / our court -

The ball is on your court,
whether we can come to a dear depends
on how you react to our proposal.

beat oround the bush _

@mT#, #@F, itrE@
the bush get down to the nittv
;';:;,i?rz';::,K:und 'ov;;"'

below the bett (to hit _) _

My boss arways worrrs on strategies
that hit l
is rather annoying to his subordnafus. '--- berow the belt, which

bite the builet - WH*ffi

The singaporeon government
had bit the builet and they managed
' to survive thefinonciar tsunami

btooper - Wffip7ftrft
The Mcfor thefunction has rnade a serious
brooper in the
announcement, which coused greot
embarrassment to the host
bugs me - fffi
My lixte brother keeps asking mefoiibandies, it really bugs

csll sornebody names - eflfffi (E: f6gS

It is impolite to call somebody names.

cart before the horse (to put ) -

I am afraid that you have put^X@/E
the cart before the horse, you should
have. set your priorities properly.

cstclt 22 situation - @JffiF#E

This is really a catch 22 situation, you witt be btamedfor
action you take. Take my advice, stay clearfrom any involvement
in this business.

catch someone red-handed - ftE/H_EE

I silly thie{was caught red-handed when he even tried some

to fry
fuh in the kitchen after he had storen some valuables f"r; ;

chectfuk jownalism - HF*H

chrclfuokjournalism is encouraged by nosy readers who want to
probe inrc rte privacy of celebrities.
coldfeet - tr,ts
The groom-i:
a week before the wedding day,
heflew awoy _b:.,hoa.iiia7"*
without rearing any message to and
the bride-to-be.

couch potato - ffiffi

Iu{ory is a couch potato, she
d*g her awayfrom the sofa.
seems grued to the w and it is hard to

dead wood - (8,

Egt) ZR
The big boss has resorted
to some aggressive rneasures
seeking some advicefrom after
a company doctor --- hefired
a number
of deadwoods in the office. ,

Dear John letter - J)+{i

He seemed quite unusuary happyfor
a person receiving a ,Dear
John' retter, he even ceteirotii
ti" o"irrion with his buddies.

Deep pocket -
He is a very polturar person
ifira * i."iix --'fans,to
father has such a deep pocket
that he c"i
sumptuous mears almost on
a daily basis.

dig that? / dig rock and roll _

Ws,,W t ffiFE;ffK
He digs rock ayd roil, he practises
with his band in a nearby studio
with acousticfacilities oiyore
the concert tn)t no, been schedured
for next month.
doubte diw"r / tatk _ trMxxH fEEM*wi#
A double diwn is not a tntstwarthy:person; he
may betray his
frieruds for personal benefit.

down the drain - @n fff#utrzK / {FB

Th"y have annulled / voided the contract, all our previous
have gone down the drain.

drive me nuts I crazy - +fr,RgffiT

drive someone up the wall -frEAHffi

duck soup - trfifrtrF

The items in the Ie test were duck soup to
most of our classmates,
perhaps our teacher has chosen one that is suppisedfor
a much
lower age graup.

Dnch teot - &Eft'FF

rdcy we will have a Dutch treatfor lunch at the restaurant-
Egghead - gfr
our professo:,i' typicir egghead, he is so obsessed with
research that he is his
often very absenrmindei in many

ego trip - +AdffiffiffiWffiH

rhe Mc's i1t\oductign of the speaker
gives him such an ego trip
that hefeetsflattered.

apletives deleted - ffi{Xf1i

after dereting the expretives, the message
';;: stiil sounded very

eyeball to eyeball encounter _

Aftn an eyebail to eyebau encounter,
the coupre refused to tail to
each otherfor several days.

fo"" the music - RKHEW

Realising that he wourd eventuailyfo""
the music, he turned
Itimself in to the police.

Jlopped - #;ffi
fuddy-duddy - @fgfrH

geek - g#f

gimmick - e.g. sales gimmick - fiffi

The so-called 'nevv features' in the product are
merely sales
gimmicla. You will be ripped offrfyou buy it.

gloom and doom prophet - x&ft (**Er#', B?frfu)

go baruanas - mT

so with theflow - Wpi&tr

gobb ledy go o k - XE gWE#


saofd - #T

gtittsdi- fuYf#f#
greasy spoon joint? - YIFftH

groovy - fF#

hanlcy panlcy - fiHtrh

hoppy go luclry - -ry-X)fr

head over heels - ffiEffiF

hocus pocus - mLfr?itr

hotpotato - #I/ffi82#

in the red - fr?

in the groove -

it's all Greek to me -

- ffiTiE

jay walker - T#ffi)friflffi

jerk - RF

joint - fr#

kick the bucket - hET

kick back - @zK / fH

let sleeping dogs die - ,HF$A

light at the end of the tunnel _


macho - frEA

ntade nry doy - +frpHEH

make a Wss at someone

- to flirt f,ttr
make wctyes / stir waves - R)E{F)H

moonlighting - ,t',R
with such a meagre income and so many mouths tofeed, I have to
do some moonlighting in order to make ends meet.

name dropper - #D-Eq&AfFffi

ruerd - g#r
He is often teased by his peers as being a nerd, he is very awlauard
when it comes to socialisirug, especially among the ladiis.

nit picking - #ffifl(Afftrffi

nitty gritty - EH^P?#

oddball - trA

offcoloured jokes - Ztr+fr?X#

offthe hook - flh'#

offthe record - TgiEtrtrF

offthe top of my head - MF-tg

on the dough - ffi&ffe

on the go / on the road - ,ETfFEff

on the rocks - ffiffi

on the spot - hE{MEE

He mocbingly said t that he was ,the most responsible
person in the
ffice', 'wltenever anything game up and went wrong, he wourd be
caught on the spot and held responsible.

on the water wagon - ;H;WT)rt

orrce in o blue moon / {E_hZ

oat of steam / to run out of steam - FEWZ?#


out of sync - f*F86A

Her dress is out of sync with the occasion, which makes her rather

out of this world - f#f@T

pain in the neck - fd$.ffiEztl

paparazzi - f7fflfi

parachute candidate - g[#W*E#

pecking order - Wfr*F

perlcs - fuerquisites) ff,!ffi/AfitJ

lb"ry / phoney balonqt - {iDffiFl

pissed rtr- ffiflEA

Mind your attitude, you will piss everyone offtf you do not lower
your voice whenever you try to say something.

queer - 'trWZA

quickfix (to have a -.for something / there is no -for something) - f$fg

rain check - ffiH

razzle -dazzle - )EFfrZH

read my Ws - *a:lgfhfr?D4
Can you read my lips?

rechuge one's battery - frE

red herring - EEI4EW

red tape - tryffiffi

right offthe bat _t1/j

Hearing this song rang a beil of the journey
we had some years

rip off/ to be ripped ,tr_ ,ffi/l /


scam -,ffifi

significant other - EgWf,EA

colleagues are cordiaily iruvited
to bring arong their significant
others to the party

soruuvabitch (son of a bitch) _


talk turkey - R#^frffi#

tail wagging the dog _


tee someone aff- (golf lo hit offthe bail) - slang: to make sorneone
aftgry -ffitr

throw in the towel - ilffi

touch base - ffie etlig1H)

I will try to touch base with him to see what his views are towards
this issue.

tracte oll -9!H

twenty-twenty hindsight - g&fLW / ,Ef&[fr

tycoon - XF

under tlte counter / table deal - #/EiE

up to par / scratch - ffifE

up tight - XIF

upwardly mobile - futflg

warts and all - !,AHAqk

i what the hetl / hack - tr{frfr?


wheeler dealer - ggfflH

where's the b""fl - iflHtr{ / f4fifl[W

whiz kid - IFE

wimp - li#

wonk - overly studious persoru, a nerd ##E

You cannot lie to him on this issue, because he is a wonk in the

xerox cary / like peas in a pod - #Ep


zany jokes / remarlu - ERF?X*

Zombie - #E


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