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Bone 37 (2005) 669 – 677


Do serological tissue turnover markers represent callus formation

during fracture healing?
P. Seebeck a , H.J. Bail a , C. Exner a , H. Schell a , R. Michel b , H. Amthauer b ,
H. Bragulla c , G.N. Duda a,⁎
Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery, Charité-University Medicine Berlin, Free and Humboldt-University of BerlinAugustenburger Platz 1,
D-13353 Berlin, Germany
Radiology, Charité-University Medicine Berlin, Germany
Institute for Veterinary Anatomy, Free University of Berlin, Germany

Received 2 February 2005; revised 6 June 2005; accepted 13 June 2005

Available online 25 August 2005


Serological parameters of bone and fibrous tissue turnover were demonstrated to monitor the course of fracture healing. The aim of this
study was to evaluate the correlation between the serological parameter levels during fracture healing and callus development in a
standardised ovine model of fracture healing.
Two years old female sheep received a standardised 3 mm tibial bone defect stabilised by an external fixator. The serological levels of the
C-terminal propeptide of procollagen type I (PICP), bone specific alkaline phosphatase (bALP), total alkaline phosphatase (tALP),
osteocalcin, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), calcium, phosphate and the N-terminal peptide of procollagen type III (PIIINP) were
observed over a 9-week healing period. The course of fracture healing was monitored radiographically, and the callus composition was
evaluated histologically at 2, 3, 6 and 9 weeks post-surgery. The serological results were compared with an untreated control group.
Additionally, the maximum values during healing were compared with juvenile values to gauge the level of the serological response.
The histological and radiographical results demonstrated callus formation without complications. All serological parameters showed broad
inter-individual variations, and the response to the standardised fracture scenario was strongly individual. Maximum values during fracture healing
did not reach the juvenile levels. The fractured as well as the control animals showed significant changes in the parameter levels. No correlations
were observed between the histological course of healing and the course of bone formation markers whilst the TRAP level was reduced during
bony callus formation. The PIIINP level increased when the amount of soft callus tissue decreased during healing. The observed bone formation
markers were not suitable as general markers to detect the course of fracture healing, whilst PIIINP was able to reflect soft callus degradation.
© 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fracture healing; Callus formation; Tissue turnover; Serological markers; Sheep model

Introduction reflect the healing progress and to differentiate between

normal and delayed fracture healing [10,17,20]. Addition-
Ever since the analysis of bone turnover markers was ally, some parameters seem to be suitable for diagnosing
introduced into the clinical investigation of systemical bone infections at the fracture site [34].
disorders, the possibility to assess the course of fracture Callus formation and maturation is an interlocking chro-
healing using these markers has been suggested [10,18,21]. nology of the formation and degradation of different tissue
In clinical studies, several parameters were demonstrated to types [3,23,29,31]. The early soft callus containing mostly
fibrous tissue undergoes successive degradation, whilst the
⁎ Corresponding author. Fax: +49 30 450 559969. hard callus is growing constantly. Direct bone formation
E-mail address: georg.duda@charite.de (G.N. Duda). starts at the callus periphery by intramembranous
8756-3282/$ - see front matter © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
670 P. Seebeck et al. / Bone 37 (2005) 669–677

ossification, whilst bone formation via endochondral ossifi- Female merino-mix sheep (2 years of age) were
cation can be observed at the interface between fibrous tissue acclimatised for 6 weeks. All animals were housed indoor
and the newly formed woven bone. Finally, the bony callus is in loose groups of 6–8 sheep and received identical
remodelled reconstituting the original bone shape [32,35]. husbandry and feeding. The stable was exposed to the
Tissue formation can be characterised by serological external light/dark cycle. Prior to study inclusion, all sheep
markers since specific peptides are released into serum were screened by radiography and blood analysis for
during collagen formation. The carboxy-terminal propeptide evidence of skeletal diseases.
of procollagen type I (PICP) reflects bone formation, whilst Eight animals served as an untreated control group.
the amino-terminal propeptide of type III procollagen Thirty-two animals underwent a standardised midshaft
(PIIINP) is released during the formation of fibrous tissue osteotomy of the right tibia which was distracted to a 3-
as well as during its degradation [15,16,28]. The activity of mm gap and stabilised with a monolateral external fixator.
bone forming (osteoblasts) and bone resorbing cells The monolateral external fixator consisted of 6 Schanz'
(osteoclasts) can be monitored by their specific enzymes. screws (∅ 5 mm, 3 inserted proximally, 3 inserted distally
The serological level of bone specific alkaline phosphatase of the osteotomy) and 2 steel tubes (∅ 10 mm) and was
rises during matrix mineralisation, whilst the osteocalcin mounted medially to stabilise the defect. In all animals, the
level is thought to be sensitive to osteoblast maturation soft tissue was preserved to exclude additional influences
[6,7,12,33]. Osteoclastic activity can be detected by tartrate- of tissue damage on the process of bone healing. The
resistant acid phosphatase type 5 b (TRAP) [13,14]. osteotomy wound was sutured, and the leg, together with
In a previous experimental study, the observed serological the external fixator, was covered with a tube bandage. The
parameters showed no correlation with the mechanical animals received an analgetic (Finadyne®, Essex, Ger-
course of fracture healing [19]. In addition, there is strong many) for 3 days postoperatively. Daily pin care involved
evidence that local skeletal injury exerts an overall cleaning of the insertions of the Schanz' screws with
osteogenic response so that it still remains unclear whether Ethacridinlactate (Rivanol®, 5%, Chinosol, Germany). The
bone turnover markers reflect the local fracture healing operated animals were randomly divided into four groups
scenario or potentially a systemic response to the fracture (n = 8) which were sacrificed at 2, 3, 6 and 9 weeks
[9,11]. Furthermore, the level of bone turnover parameters is postoperatively.
strongly influenced by the permanent skeletal bone remodel- Eight 5-month-old female lambs served as juvenile
ling which in turn is influenced by various external factors, control group representing an active bone metabolism. All
e.g. patient activity and age or diurnal variation of animals belonged to the identical husbandry.
parameters [2,24,26,27,36].
The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation Serological analyses
between the serological course of bone turnover markers and
callus development during bone healing in a standardised In the 9-week fracture healing group (n = 8) and the
ovine fracture healing model to reduce external factors for untreated control group (n = 8), blood was collected by
serological variations to their minimum. Furthermore, the puncture of the Vena cephalica antebracchii. Samples were
serological results during fracture healing were compared taken directly prior to sedation for surgery, 2 days post-
with an untreated control group to allow to differentiate the surgery and at weekly intervals thereafter in the operated
influence of the fracture scenario from general factors which group. In the control group, the samples were collected in
itself may shroud or even hide serological changes. To gauge identical intervals. In both groups, the first sample served as
the level of the serological response to a fracture, the fracture the individual reference value. From the eight lambs,
healing group was compared with samples of juvenile singular samples were collected to serve as juvenile controls.
individuals representing an active bone metabolism. Each of the blood samples was collected between 10:00 and
12:00 a.m. to avoid the influence of diurnal variations.
Serum samples were immediately separated by centrifuga-
Methods tion at 3000 rpm for 10 min, the supernatant was pipetted
into 1 ml Eppendorf tubes and stored at −80°C. All samples
Animals and surgical procedure were collected and stored in an identical manner until
parameter analysis.
All animal experiments were carried out according to the The serum concentrations of total alkaline phosphatase
policies and principles established by the Animal Welfare (tALP), calcium and phosphate were determined by
Act, the NIH Guide for Care and Use of Laboratory Animals standardised procedures in the local clinical laboratory.
and the National Animal Welfare Guidelines. The study was A haemogram served as infection control. The concentra-
approved and monitored by the local legal representative1. tion of the C-terminal propeptide of procollagen type
I (PICP), bone specific alkaline phosphatase (bALP),
Landesamt für Arbeitsschutz, Gesundheitsschutz und technische osteocalcin and the N-terminal peptide of procollagen type
Sicherheit, Berlin: G 0224/01. III (PIIINP) were determined by commercially available
P. Seebeck et al. / Bone 37 (2005) 669–677 671

Table 1
Preoperative normal values, maximum values during fracture healing and juvenile reference values of all analysed parameters
Parameter Adult normal values (n = 16) Maximum values (n = 8) Juvenile values (n = 8)
Median Range CV [%] Median Range Median Range CV [%]
a,c b
PICP [μg/l] 163.5 137.7–253.6 17.9 229.2 178.9–308.3 291.9 275.2–443.7 17.8
bALP [μg/l] 16.9a,c 6.4–42.9 61.7 31.8b 12.1–47.6 87.6 56.1–143.1 28.8
bALP [U/l] 44a,c 17–112 61.7 82.9b 31.6–124.1 228 146–373 28.8
tALP [U/l] 137a 63–424 53.0 191b 143–273 384 214–475 25.6
Ratio bALP/tALP 31.4a,c 12.1–59 46.5 42.2 27.2–81.8 70.8 49.4–78.5 17.0
Osteocalcin [μg/l] 8.0c 2.8–15.7 44.1 14.1 7.0–16.4 12.1 10.5–14.7 11.6
TRAP [U/l] 0.28a,c 0.14–0.52 38.9 0.39b 0.28–0.52 1.95 1.1–5.9 62.4
Calcium [mmol/l] 2.6c 2.3–2.8 5.3 2.8 2.6–2.9 2.7 2.5–2.7 2.7
Phosphate [mmol/l] 2.1a,c 1.6–2.8 17.9 2.3 2.0–2.8 2.6 2.0–2.8 10.0
PIIINP [μg/l] 4.6a,c 3.5–10.5 39.4 8.8b 5.4–11.4 22.7 10.6–39.5 44.6
a = normal vs. juvenile values (P ≤ 0.03), b = preoperative vs. maximum values (P ≤ 0.01), c = maximum vs. juvenile (P ≤ 0.043).

human radioimmunoassays (RIA)2. All used assays were adjusted individually at the level of the largest callus
described to cross-react with ovine samples [1,5,19,27]. The diameter. Within the ROI, the areas of bone and soft tissue
validation for cross-reactivity with sheep as well as the were determined quantitatively. All histological measure-
measurement of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) ments were performed by two experienced independent
was performed by sba-sciences, Finland using a competitive observers whose results were averaged.
ELISA. All samples were measured in duplicate on the same
day, and the mean values per day were calculated. The inter- Statistical analyses
individual variation was calculated from the results of all
animals per group at one time point. All absolute data were expressed as medians and the
corresponding minimum and maximum values respectively.
Radiographical monitoring of fracture healing To level inter-individual variations, all turnover parameters
were expressed as a percentage of their preoperative values.
Radiographic images were taken directly after surgery and The results within graphical presentations were given as
at weekly intervals thereafter, at the same days as blood median courses with corresponding inter-quartile ranges. To
samples were collected. The radiographs were taken in the determine statistical differences between the operated and
postero-anterior direction at the standing animal keeping the the control group as well as statistical relevant changes of the
operated limb in an unloaded position. All radiographs were turnover parameters over time, a two-factorial analysis of
taken in a standardised manner under identical exposition variance for repeated measurements was performed using
conditions (70 kV, 2.5 mAs) and with a standardised film to SAS (SAS 8.2, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). The pre-
focus distance of 1 m. All radiographs were analysed for signs of operative values and the maximum values during fracture
callus mineralisation and bony bridging of the osteotomy gap. healing were compared using the Wilcoxon test. The adult
and the juvenile values as well as the four histological groups
Histomorphometrical analysis of callus development were compared using the Mann–Whitney U test. Those tests
were performed using SPSS (SPSS 10.0, SPSS Inc.,
The callus regions of all sheep were sawed in the frontal Chicago, IL). For all tests, a P-value of less than 0.05 was
plane and embedded in methylmethacrylate (Technovit® taken as a significant difference, multiple testing was
9100, Heraeus Kulzer, Germany). Serial histological sections adjusted according to Bonferoni–Holm.
were cut. One section per animal was stained with Safranin
Orange/von Kossa to visualise soft callus (fibrous tissue plus
cartilage) and hard callus tissue (newly formed mineralised Results
cancellous bone). Computerised histomorphometric analysis
was performed using an image analysis system (KS400, All animals showed regular callus formation free of
Zeiss, Germany) as described previously [25]. A region of complications. After surgery, the animals initially unloaded
interest (ROI) was defined to cover a maximum callus area in the operated limb. Over the course of healing, a steady return
all specimen. Thus, the ROI included the 3 mm diaphyseal to full weight bearing was determined. No infections were
bone gap plus 4.5 mm into the proximal and distal direction detected at the fracture or at the pin sites.
in its vertical dimension which added up to a standardised Except calcium, all parameters showed broad inter-
ROI height of 12 mm in total. The horizontal ROI width was individual variations already preoperatively, ranging from
10 to 62% (Table 1). A broad inter-individual variation could
PICP & PIIINP: Orion Diagnostica, Espoo, Finland. bALP: Beckman be also observed for the serological courses of all parameters
Coulter Inc., Brea CA. Osteocalcin: DiaSorin Inc, Stillwater MN. during the entire 9-week period of observation.
672 P. Seebeck et al. / Bone 37 (2005) 669–677

The juvenile values of all parameters except osteocalcin

and calcium were significantly higher compared to the adult
control values (P ≤ 0.03). Osteocalcin trended (P = 0.052) to
be different between the juvenile and the adult group. The
maximum values of PICP, bALP, tALP, TRAP and PIIINP
observed during the course of fracture healing did not reach
levels seen in juveniles (P ≤ 0.01). In contrast, the maximum
values of osteocalcin, calcium and phosphate reached the
juvenile level (Table 1). Except tALP, all parameters'
maximum values observed during fracture healing were
significantly larger compared to their relevant preoperative
normal values (P ≤ 0.043).


The control group showed significant time-dependent

changes of its PIIINP level during the observed 9-week
period (P b 0.001): an initial increase was observed for the
first two postoperative weeks (Fig. 1b). Thereafter, the
PIIINP level decreased beyond the first values until the eighth
week followed by a second increase. The animals of the
fracture group showed a decrease of their PIIINP levels for
until the fourth postoperative week followed by an increase
around the fifth postoperative week. Thereafter, the PIIINP
values returned to the preoperative level. No significant
differences could be observed for the serological courses of
PIIINP between the fracture and the control group.


The animals of the control group showed significant time-

dependent changes of the PICP level during the observed 9-
week period (P b 0.001): an increase of their PICP level was
observed in the first 3 weeks (Fig. 2a). Thereafter, the PICP
values declined until they reached the level of the first
measurement day in the fifth week followed by a fluctuation
around the initial level until the end of the observed period of Fig. 1. (a) Histological course of fracture healing: hard and soft callus tissue
9 weeks. In the fracture group, the course of PICP showed an expressed as a percentage of the total callus area. The hard callus was
initial drop within the first postoperative week (Fig. 2a). growing constantly, whilst the soft callus tissue underwent successive
degradation. (b) Systemic level of PIIINP during fracture healing: black:
Thereafter, the PICP values reached the preoperative level fracture healing group; dashed line: control group. The bars are indicating
followed by a steady from the fifth postoperative week the soft callus area at the analysed selected time points. In the fracture
onwards. No significant differences could be observed for healing group, PIIINP showed an initial drop after surgery. The course of
the serological courses of PICP between the fracture and the PIIINP fits well with the histological development of soft callus tissue
control group. during fracture healing.

Osteocalcin observation period. The animals of the fracture group

showed a decreased osteocalcin level compared to the
The control group showed a significant decrease in its preoperative values throughout the entire healing period
osteocalcin level around the fourth week of observation (Fig. 2b). No significant differences could be observed for
(P = b0.001; Fig. 2b). Thereafter, the osteocalcin level the serological courses of osteocalcin between the fracture
stayed slightly below the initial level until the end of and the control group.

Fig. 2. Serological courses of PICP (a), osteocalcin (b), calcium (c), phosphate (d) bALP (e), tALP (f), bALP/tALP ratio (g) and TRAP (h) during fracture
healing: black: fracture healing group; dashed line: control group. The bars are indicating the hard callus area at the analysed selected time points. In the untreated
control group, the bone turnover rate decreased during the observed period. In the fracture group, all bone turnover parameters except calcium showed an initial
drop after surgery. A relative increase could be observed for bALP as well as for the bALP/tALP ratio. Both osteocalcin and phosphate showed an initial drop
after surgery, and their courses were closely related to each other.
P. Seebeck et al. / Bone 37 (2005) 669–677 673
674 P. Seebeck et al. / Bone 37 (2005) 669–677

Calcium addition, the share of bALP from tALP decreased to half

of its initial amount from the fifth observed week on
The control group showed significant time-dependent throughout the end of the observed 9-week period (Fig.
changes of its calcium level during the observed 9-week 2g). The fracture group showed also a slight decrease
period (P b 0.001): an increase was observed in the fourth during the entire healing period but not as pronounced as
week followed by a slight decrease (Fig. 2c). The operated the control group. Particularly between the fifth and ninth
group showed a slight increase in their calcium values postoperative week, the bALP values of the fracture group
between the fourth and fifth postoperative week (Fig. 2c). No were clearly larger than those of the control group (Fig.
significant differences could be observed for the serological 2e). The bALP/tALP ratio kept constant for the entire
courses of calcium between the fracture and the control healing period (Fig. 2g). The serological courses of bALP
group. were significantly different between the two groups
(P = 0.03), whilst no significant differences could be
Phosphate observed for the serological courses of tALP as well as
the bALP/tALP ratio between the fracture and the control
The animals of the control group showed a significant group.
decrease in phosphate levels from the fourth week of
observation until the end of the observed 9-week period TRAP
(P b 0.001; Fig. 2d). For the fracture group, an initial
decrease could be observed until the fourth postoperative In the control group, a constant decrease of the TRAP
week followed by a fluctuation around the preoperative level level could be observed throughout the entire observation
thereafter (Fig. 2d). No significant differences could be period of 9 weeks (Fig. 2h). The fracture group showed
observed for the serological courses of phosphate between significant time-dependent changes of its TRAP level
the fracture and the control group. during the observed 9-week period (P = 0.03): an initial
decrease was observed within the first week followed by
Alkaline phosphatase a recovery to the preoperative values in the second
postoperative week (Fig. 2h). Thereafter, the TRAP levels
A significant overall decrease was observed for the decreased again until the fourth postoperative week
bALP as well as the tALP level during the 9-week period followed by an increase until the ninth postoperative
in the control group (P b 0.001; Figs. 2e and f). In week, where the TRAP level was slightly larger than the

Fig. 3. Histological course of fracture healing: 2 weeks post-surgery (a), 3 weeks post-surgery (b), 6 weeks post-surgery (c) and 9 weeks post-surgery (d). The
amount of hard callus tissue increased, whilst the amount of soft callus tissue decreased during fracture healing. Signs of callus remodelling were observed from
the sixth postoperative week onwards.
P. Seebeck et al. / Bone 37 (2005) 669–677 675

Table 2
Histomorphometrical course of fracture healing
Callus composition Weeks post-surgery
2 (n = 8) 3 (n = 8) 6 (n = 8) 9 (n = 8)
2 d d
Total callus [mm ] Median 124.9 173.8 139.5 110.9
Range 73.2–158.8 128.6–207.6 97.2–187.1 86.4
CV [%] 24.4 15.6 20.8 19.2
Hard callus [mm2] Median 44.9 55.0e 80.5e 78.8
Range 36.6–58.9 45.6–70.9 71.2–105.8 67.6–117.2
CV [%] 18.2 16.3 13.8 20.6
Soft callus [mm2] Median 73.8d 119.3d,e 62.0e 34.4
Range 30.1–112.2 79.8–151.5 25.9–88.2 15.4–50.9
CV [%] 35.4 18.6e 40.3e 41.5
Hard callus/soft callus Median 40.3/59.7 33.9/66.1 e 58.3/41.8 e 69.0/31.0
[% of total callus area] Range 29.3–58.9/41.1–70.7 27.0–38.0/62.0–73.0 45.7–73.3/26.7–54.3 65.1–87.9/12.1–34.9
CV [%] 24.6/17.4 12.4/6.1 17.5/25.3 11.8/31.9
The soft callus tissue increased significantly between the second and third postoperative week thus increasing the total callus area. The hard callus area increased
significantly between the third and sixth postoperative week, whilst the soft callus area increased during this period (dP = 0.003; eP ≤ 0.001).

preoperative values (Fig. 2h). The serological TRAP week starting at the callus periphery. At six weeks post-
courses were significantly different between the two surgery, the mineralised callus area was increased, showing
groups (P = 0.01). a pronounced bulbous cuff of mineralised tissue at both
sides of the tibia. Between six and nine weeks of post-
Callus development during bone healing surgery, the mineralised callus area decreased, indicating
signs of a beginning restoration of the original tibial shape.
Moderate inter-individual variations of callus composi- The osteotomy gap was clearly visible during the entire 9-
tion could be seen for all parameters (Table 2). The total week healing period.
callus area increased significantly between the second and
third postoperative week (P = 0.003) followed by a constant
decrease towards the ninth postoperative week (Fig. 3). For Discussion
the hard callus area, a small increase was observed
between the second and third postoperative week (Fig. 3) The aim of this study was to evaluate whether
followed by a strong increase between the third and sixth serological parameters are suitable to describe the course
postoperative week (P b 0.001; Fig. 3). Between the sixth of fracture healing. An experimental animal model was
and ninth postoperative week, the hard callus area stayed chosen to compare the serological results to the histological
nearly identical (Table 2). The soft callus area increased course of healing as well as to exclude external factors
significantly between the second and third postoperative having a strong influence on bone turnover markers.
week (P = 0.003) followed by a marked decrease of its A bone gap was created and stabilised with a rather rigid
area between the third and sixth postoperative week external fixator to ensure secondary fracture healing via
(P = 0.001) and a further decrease towards the ninth callus formation.
postoperative week (Fig. 3). During the second and third Corresponding to previous results reported, the serologi-
postoperative week, the total callus area was mainly cal reaction to the fracture situation was highly individual
enlarged by the formation of fibrous tissue. Therefore, the [19,30]. An initial drop in the level of all parameters was
percentual composition of the callus showed no relevant observed indicating a depression of the body's entire
changes between the two time points. In contrast, the turnover capacity which was restored soon thereafter. In
reduction of the total callus area between the third and previous clinical studies of fracture healing, the collection of
sixth postoperative week went along with a massive samples started when the fracture has already occurred.
degradation of soft tissue (as expressed by a significant Therefore, it could be assumed that the first sample was
decrease of the percentual soft callus amount, P b 0.001; always taken just within the phase of initial depression of the
Fig. 1a) in combination with a significant formation of entire metabolism. Thus, the following restoration of the
mineralised callus tissue (expressed by a significant normal turnover capacity alone could have been interpreted
increase of its percentual amount, P b 0.001; Fig. 1a). as increasing parameter levels.
Thereafter, the callus composition did not change sig- In contrast to previous studies in human fracture patients,
nificantly any more, and remodelling of the bony callus no increase of the PICP level was observed in this study
was observed (Fig. 3). [18,21,28]. In addition, PICP showed large week to week
The radiographic analysis detected first signs of variations in the control as well as in the fracture group.
mineralised callus formation within the third postoperative Therefore, PICP appears to be unsuitable for the detection of
676 P. Seebeck et al. / Bone 37 (2005) 669–677

fracture healing, especially in the non-standardisable clinical It remains questionable whether the observed bone
every day setting. formation markers are able to detect the course of hard
The bALP level as well as the bALP/tALP ratio were callus formation or rather a systemical increase in bone
indicating an increase in bone formation activity from the turnover after a fracture since previous studies suggest
fourth postoperative week onwards. This correlates well with that a fracture scenario causes a systemical osteogenic
previous studies in human patients describing a systemic bALP response within the entire bony skeleton [9,11,17,20].
level peaking some weeks after fracture [10,18,20,22]. The Therefore, it can be supposed that also in this study the
increasing bALP level at the fourth week correlated well with process of bone modelling during healing might be
the histological findings. But bALP also showed the largest overshadowed by the general rise in bone metabolism.
inter-individual variations amongst all evaluated parameters The question arises whether previous clinical studies
which might reduce its general suitability. Nevertheless, bALP using bone formation to monitor fracture healing were
should be preferred compared to tALP for the detection of able to detect the course of fracture healing or only
postoperative upregulation of the bone metabolism. a variability of osteogenic responses to the fracture
Osteocalcin as well as calcium and phosphate seemed to situation. In addition, the serological courses for delayed
be the least affected by day to day variations also showing fracture healing observed in those studies might have
minor inter-individual differences. Therefore, they appear to represented a poorer systemical response which in turn
be more promising for the detection of even small serological might have led to delayed fracture healing.
changes such as those caused by the healing of a fracture. In The observed bone formation markers seemed to be
addition, a strong correlation seemed to exist between these unsuitable as general clinical markers to monitor the
three parameters. course of fracture healing. Their strong dependency on
In parallel, a decrease in the TRAP activity was observed external influencing factors which seemed to be too large
correlating with bony callus formation, suggesting that bone to deduce any correlations possessing universal validity
resorption was lowered for the benefit of bone formation. and their broad inter-individual variations should make it
The TRAP activity slightly increased again thereafter when difficult to establish normal values or at least thresholds
remodelling of the newly formed bone started. which are essential for routinely clinical application.
The results of this study were unable to support the However, those markers might be suitable to estimate the
previously described findings of an increased level of PIIINP extent of the osteogenic response after a fracture has
during the early phase of fracture healing [17,20]. However, occurred to indicate possible healing disturbances due to
an increase could be detected at a later time point correlating systemical deficiencies at a very early stage and facilitate
with the histological detection of a marked decrease of soft early specific intervention. Additionally, they could be
callus tissue. Whilst previous studies suggested that PIIINP suitable for experimental studies of bone healing since they
represents the formation as well as the degradation of fibrous provide additional non-invasive information concerning the
tissue, in this study, it seemed to be more sensitive for the individual healing status. Further analyses will have to
degradation of fibrous tissue. verify if PIIINP and TRAP are suitable to discriminate
Although it was evident that all parameters were between normal and delayed fracture healing and therefore
influenced by the fracture scenario, this would have been to detect fracture healing disturbances at an early time
either undetectable or misinterpreted for most parameters point.
without the additional information of the untreated control
group. Not only did the fracture scenario have influence on
the course of serological parameters, but obviously also Acknowledgments
a reduced activity level caused by the study-specific housing
conditions (the animals underwent an activity restriction This study was supported by a grant of the German
after running free) as observed in the control group. For the Research Foundation (DFG KFO 102/1 and 102/2). The
clinical situation, it can be assumed that changes in the authors would like to thank Dr. R. Ranta from sba-sciences
patients' behaviour or environment occurring after a fracture for the determination of TRAP and Mr. D.R. Epari for
might be more influential than the relatively small and editing the manuscript.
circumscribed fracture scenario.
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