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Fracture Healing in the Setting of Endocrine Diseases, Aging, and Cellular Senescence

Dominik Saul, MD1,2, Sundeep Khosla, MD1

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Kogod Center on Aging and Division of Endocrinology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 55905, USA.

Department of Trauma, Orthopedics and Reconstructive Surgery, Georg-August-University of

Goettingen, Germany.

Corresponding author

Sundeep Khosla, MD

Kogod Center on Aging and Division of Endocrinology


Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 55905, USA


Tel: 507-255-6663

ORCiD: 0000-0002-2936-4372

© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Endocrine Society. All
rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
Supporting grants

Supported by NIH grants AG062413 and AG065868 (S.K.) and German Research Foundation

413501650 (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG; D.S.).


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The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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Over 2.1 million age-related fractures occur in the United States annually, resulting in an immense

socioeconomic burden. Importantly, the age-related deterioration of bone structure is associated

with impaired bone healing. Fracture healing is a dynamic process which can be divided into four

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stages. While the initial hematoma generates an inflammatory environment in which mesenchymal

stem cells and macrophages orchestrate the framework for repair, angiogenesis and cartilage

formation mark the second healing period. In the central region, endochondral ossification favors

soft callus development while next to the fractured bony ends, intramembranous ossification

directly forms woven bone. The third stage is characterized by removal and calcification of the

endochondral cartilage. Finally, the chronic remodeling phase concludes the healing process.

Impaired fracture healing due to aging is related to detrimental changes at the cellular level.
Macrophages, osteocytes and chondrocytes express markers of senescence, leading to reduced self-

renewal and proliferative capacity. A prolonged phase of “inflammaging” results in an extended

remodeling phase, characterized by a senescent microenvironment and deteriorating healing


capacity. Although there is evidence that in the setting of injury, at least in some tissues, senescent

cells may play a beneficial role in facilitating tissue repair, recent data demonstrate that clearing

senescent cells enhances fracture repair. In this review, we summarize the physiological as well as

pathological processes during fracture healing in endocrine disease and aging in order to establish a

broad understanding of the biomechanical as well as molecular mechanisms involved in bone repair.


Aging; Bone; Bone healing; Fracture; Fracture healing; Osteoporosis; Senescence

Essential Points

 With the aging of the population and accumulation of co-morbidities, impaired fracture
healing is a significant clinical problem
 Four stages of fracture healing can be described, each of which may be impaired by aging and
various endocrine diseases
 Cellular senescence, which contributes to multiple co-morbidities of aging including bone

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loss, may play a beneficial role in normal fracture healing but the accumulation of senescent
cells with aging may impair fracture healing
 A better understanding of the cellular and molecular impairments of fracture healing with
aging may lead to new therapeutic approaches to improve age-related deficits in fracture

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In 2020, 53.5 million people were over the age of 65 years in the United States, representing 16 % of

the overall population (1). Due to frailty and/or neuromuscular impairment as well as osteoporosis

and comorbidities, the probability of falls and subsequent fractures in the elderly is high and the

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consequences are dire. In fact, the one-year mortality after a hip fracture is estimated to be as high

as 30% in the elderly (2). The tremendous socioeconomic burden of fractures requires an orthopedic

awareness of the rise of patients with underlying pre-existing medical conditions (3). Since

osteoporosis and aging represent fundamental aspects in this growing patient cohort, an in-depth

understanding of mechanisms underlying fracture repair is crucial for improved treatment

approaches (4). Besides estrogen-deficiency, cellular senescence represents an independent

pathogenetic path accompanying aging which may lead to osteoporosis and represents a promising
future therapeutic approach (5).

Local cellular and molecular mediators of fracture healing

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Bone tissue is unique in that it can heal without a fibrous scar; however, the complex cellular and

molecular interplay during the physiological and pathological bone healing process is not fully

understood (4). During the healing process, bones undergo endochondral ossification,

intramembranous ossification and appositional bone formation. Various key molecular players

orchestrate the complex formation of new bone: the mechanical environment (i.e. stability) of the

fractured region, osteogenic and inflammatory cells, the vasculature providing mediators, and the

scaffold underlying the newly formed bone are all important in the process of bone healing (6).

Importantly, the processes of primary (direct) and secondary (indirect) fracture healing are clearly

distinct. The primary repair requires an anatomic reduction of the fracture site with high primary

stability to facilitate osteoclastic remodeling of the fracture and creation of “cutting cones”, in

humans forming new haversian channels (osteons). Direct intramembranous bone formation occurs

with immediate cortical remodeling and without greater callus formation. The inter-fragmentary

strain is reduced to a minimum and the fracture ends are anatomically restored (7). A primary

“tunnel” is established by osteoclastic cells to clear the way for blood vessels which are formed by

endothelial cells and perivascular mesenchymal cells. These mesenchymal cells serve as

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osteoprogenitors and develop into osteoblastic cells, facilitated by the stable microenvironment (8).

The secondary (or indirect) fracture healing (via endochondral ossification) is characterized by micro

motion between the fracture ends and subsequently the formation of a large callus, in which the de

novo formation of embryonic bone is mimicked (9). Typically, this form of bone healing occurs after

intramedullary nailing and external fixation of fractures. Indirect fracture healing comprises

intramembranous (hard callus) and endochondral (soft callus) bone formation. In the former,
mesenchymal precursor cells of the inner periosteal layer proceed with direct bone formation via

differentiation into osteoblasts. Current data indicate that only newly formed osteoblasts contribute

to bone repair, whereas mature osteoblasts appear not to be involved in this step (10, 11). This

conclusion is based on genetic pulse-chase studies in C57BL/6 mice demonstrating a replicative

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population of stem cell/progenitors which dynamically replace osteolineage cells after injury. The

mature osteoblasts present at the fracture site are almost completely (~90%) replaced after seven

days, and do not proliferate thereafter (10). No cartilaginous interim stage is built and the

osteoprogenitor and undifferentiated mesenchymal cells directly form hard callus. In rabbit as well

as murine endochondral bone formation, a newly built cartilage matrix layer, established by

chondrocytes, is later converted into woven bone undergoing further remodeling into lamellar bone

(8, 10, 12).

Chronological progress of bone healing

Multiple attempts have been made to break down the complex temporal and spatial course of bone

healing (13–16). Since an exhaustive picture lacks accessibility and may result in oversimplification,

we tried to balance diverse paths for a comprehensive picture. For this purpose, we refer to a

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temporal arrangement in four sections, accompanied by a spatial framework. In general, four

spatially divided regions can be distinguished: Cortical bone, bone marrow, periosteum, and external

(soft) tissue. However, these stages cannot be stringently distinguished and a simultaneous

progression is more the rule than the exception. The main insights into the orchestrated process of

bone formation were mostly obtained from mouse and rat fracture models. Regarding the time

course, we refer predominantly to murine data.
First healing period: Fracture hematoma and inflammatory response

Hematoma and Inflammation


Regardless of the fracture type, the first bone healing phase is invariably characterized by a robust

early inflammatory response and hematoma formation around the fracture site (Fig. 1). Around this

cleft, the bone marrow architecture is lost and a cellular reorganization occurs (17). The initial

function of the cells present at the fracture site is to debride the fracture site and prime a signaling

milieu in favor of the subsequent stages (4). Neutrophils migrate to the site of injury first and were

shown to be replaced by monocytes in mice after 24-48 hours (18, 19). These monocytes

differentiate into macrophages, secreting cytokines and growth factors (IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α, TGF-β,

iNOS, FGF2). Platelets and erythrocytes, as well as granulocytes and lymphocytes form an initial clot,

which partially reduces bleeding and serves as a provisional fibrin matrix for the upcoming

remodeling process. Periosteal cells were shown to proliferate and differentiate (mesenchymal stem

cells, MSCs) into osteogenic and chondrogenic progenitors at the fracture site in mice, developing

the subsequent reconstruction site (20). Transplantation experiments have demonstrated that

inflammatory cells in the callus area originate from the bone marrow, while some osteochondral

stem cells at the fracture site are derived from the local periosteum (21–23). The early hematoma

displays an enrichment in MSCs secreting bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs) promoting the

differentiation of progenitor cells to chondrogenic and osteogenic lineages (9). Next, an influx of

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immunoregulatory cells occurs, including granulocytes, lymphocytes and macrophages, resulting in

increased expression of cytokines and growth factors, as demonstrated in mice and humans (6, 24,

25). The overall role of IL-1, -6 and TNF-α, which peak early in the healing period, is critical as this

leads to the recruitment of inflammatory cells and MSCs.

Macrophages act as coordinators of the healing process and their MCP1/CCR2 profile is essential for

MSC homing and migration (18, 26). Macrophages attract key cellular players in the initial healing
phase since they secrete multiple inflammatory factors and cytokines (IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α, iNOS, TGF-β,

PDGF, IGF, FGF2). Next to cytokine “homing”, the early coagulation leads to an “entrapment” of

immunoregulatory cells, primarily granulocytes, monocytes/macrophages and leukocytes (B cells, T

helper [Th] more than T cytotoxic [Tcyt] cells) from blood and bone marrow. MSCs differentiate into
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an osteoblastic phenotype at the periosteum and surrounding soft tissue, which is promoted by the

Wnt/β-catenin pathway, as demonstrated in Lrp5-/- knockout mice (27). Upon activation of this

pathway, the number of osteoblasts is upregulated while the chondrocyte phenotype is decreased. T

cells promote this osteoblastic differentiation as well. To limit the pro-inflammatory signaling, B cells

express IL10, reducing the early inflammatory response.

Osteocytes and Osteoclasts

As one of the most abundant cell types, osteocytes decrease in the acute phase by apoptosis,

mediated by caspase-3, and recruit osteoclasts to initiate bone resorption and release osteopontin

(OPN) to promote the recruitment of multiple cell types, as shown in stress fractures in rat ulnae

(28)and human femoral heads after fracture, where an age-related reduction in osteocyte viability

was detected (13, 29). During the early healing phase, sclerostin (SOST) expression of osteocytes is

downregulated directly after the fracture, demonstrated in fragility fracture patients with low-

energy hip fracture (30). In the later stages, high SOST-levels may facilitate endochondral ossification

by preserving cartilage, since sclerostin preserves chondrocyte metabolism, especially in mechanical

instability, as demonstrated in Sost-deficient mice (13, 31, 32). In the central hypoxic fracture area,

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the osteoclasts promote the debridement of necrotic areas and formation of new soft callus. The

clearance of necrotic tissue and provisional matrix present after trauma is needed to further develop

the provisional bone, which was demonstrated in rodents by Einhorn (17). As shown in

CX3CR1CreERT2/Ai14 tdTomato reporter mice, circulating CX3CR1+cells are recruited to the fractured

bone by RANKL and macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF), lose CX3CR1 expression, and

become osteoclasts in order to partially clear and embed the de-sharpened fragments from the
forming callus area (33).

Matrix and Platelets


The structural backbone of newly formed tissue is formed by platelets interacting with extracellular

matrix collagen (type I [induced by IGF-1 and produced by osteoblasts] and type III) and fibronectin.

Platelets secrete, among other factors, PDGF, VEGF, TGF-β and IGF-1, resulting in both MSC

differentiation and endothelial as well as fibroblastic cell proliferation. TGF-β (mainly TGF-β2 and 3)

is initially produced by platelets and promotes the proliferation of MSCs as well as early osteoblastic

and chondrocyte cells. In addition, TGF-β also induces the expression of matrix components

(collagen I, fibronectin, osteopontin, osteonectin) and enhances bone formation, promotes

angiogenesis, and recruits immunoregulatory cells, as revealed in rat models and human long bones

(34, 35). Hence, chondrogenesis and endochondral bone formation are promoted. Thrombin and

soluble fibrinogen form a biological matrix in the hematoma, regulating the lysis rate. A number of

proteins (von Willebrand factor [vWF], tissue-type plasminogen activator [tPA], plasminogen

activator inhibitor [PAI] and fibroblast growth factor-2 [FGF-2]) regulate the early tissue formation.

IL-1, -6 and TNF-α are secreted by macrophages and other inflammatory cells, as well as

mesenchymal cells in the periosteum, driving the initial phase of fracture healing and reducing the

duration of cartilage formation (36). TNF-α is indispensable for the initiation of an intramembranous

stage on the periosteum, as shown in TNF-α receptor (p55 and p75) knockout mice (37). A bone

resident macrophage population referred to as “osteomacs” resides at the peri- and endosteum and

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regulates osteoblast function, promoting fracture healing in mice (38). These CD68+ cells were also

detected in human bone samples. (39). The FGF level determines growth and differentiation of

fibroblasts, osteoblasts and chondrocytes, cumulating in fibrin fibers sticking on early osteoblasts

and subsequently leading to bone matrix accumulation (36).


Ruptured vessels from the periosteum, endosteum and surrounding tissue further facilitate the early
inflammatory response. As demonstrated in mice, a low oxygen tension at the site of the fracture

results in a hypoxic niche in which the early stages of fracture healing occur (27, 40). In this

environment, leukocytes and macrophages release vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and

platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). HIF and VEGF are central to regulating angiogenesis and

osteogenesis during the hypoxic stage. VEGF-dependent and angiopoietin-dependent pathways


promote vascular growth into the developing callus.


Second healing period: Angiogenesis, Cartilage formation/Soft callus

Since the remodeling process is neither strictly temporally nor spatially distinguishable, some distinct

fracture areas will undergo the healing process faster while others are still in early healing stages. In

the second healing period which is best described as an anabolic phase, the new formation of

vessels (angiogenesis) and formation of cartilage takes place in two distinct phases: endochondral

ossification (soft callus formation) and intramembranous ossification (hard callus formation) (Fig. 2).

Endochondral ossification (central parts, soft callus)

The endochondral ossification phase appears in the central parts of the fracture (as opposed to the

peripheral intramembranous ossification), where avascular cartilaginous tissue is built to deliver a

first “bridge” for mechanical microstability by chondrocytes (9, 41). This phase initiates the second

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stage of mesenchymal cell activation, a process in which undifferentiated MSCs differentiate into

chondrocytes and osteoblasts from day three on. From day 3-7 onwards these cell types increase

substantially in number, with a maximum on day 6 after the fracture; these MSCs (now SMA9+)

expand and develop characteristics of osteochondroprogenitor cells, as shown in vivo in

αSMACreERT2 mice (OPCs) (42). In these cells, the Runx2 gene acts as regulator of

osteoblastogenesis, while downstream Sp7 (Osterix) suppresses RUNX2, leading to a higher

chondrogenic potential (43).

The overall cartilage building process in the soft callus starts with a collar of bone forming adjacent

to the fractured bone site at the periosteum that stays connected to the soft callus (17).

Undifferentiated MSCs proliferate here, giving rise to a subset of chondrocytes (Sox9+). These,

together with fibroblasts, form a type II collagen/aggrecan structure from day 3 on. This constitutes

the matrix for the avascular cartilaginous callus. The newly formed cartilage matrix mechanically

bridges the fracture gap and provides stabilization; however, vertical (not transverse) cartilage is

formed, as revealed in osteoclast-deficient mice (41, 44). The matrix is incrementally replaced by

cartilage. After the chondrocytes mineralize the cartilaginous matrix, they become hypertrophic and

produce collagen X, which appears to be dependent on TNF-α in mice (37). GDF-5 (BMP14) as well as

TGFβ2 and 3 reach their maximum on day 7, marking the maximum of cartilage formation (type II

collagen) and underlining the importance of chondrogenesis. The woven bone also covers the

external fibrocartilaginous callus surface and is thus the first step of mineralization of the

fibrocartilage scaffold. The induction of IL-6 is essential for mineralization and early remodeling of

the fracture callus, as shown in mice (6, 45, 46). This early remodeling requires the recruitment of

osteoclasts, osteoblasts and fibroblasts to the site of fracture.

In the inflammatory phase (Phase 1), the formation of classically activated macrophages (CAM) is

promoted. In the later soft callus phase (Phase 2), the macrophages (now polarized into M2 and

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anti-inflammatory) are alternatively activated via IL-4 and IL-13 and participate in collagen

deposition, as was demonstrated in mice (47, 48). These cells promote healing and downregulate

the later phases of fracture healing (49). The high levels of IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-α that drove the initial

repair phase is continuously reduced during cartilage formation (before rising again in late bone



The vascularization of soft callus tissue is mainly driven by VEGF (primarily VEGF120 and VEGF164),

FGF-1 and TGF-β. VEGF levels of osteogenic cells are Runx2 dependent and driven by BMPs (from

osteoblasts and osteoblast-like cells (36)). VEGF represents a downstream target of HIF1-α and binds

to the cartilage matrix during endochondral ossification. The final phase of endochondral ossification

and remodeling is driven by bone matrix metalloproteinases, degrading cartilage and bone.

Intramembranous ossification (hard callus)


The intramembranous ossification (formation of hard callus) recapitulates embryonic

intramembranous ossification, where woven bone is formed (9). This bone formation route is mainly

driven by osteoblasts and takes place on the mechanically more stable periosteal region, where

MSCs differentiate into osteoblasts directly forming woven bone. Cytokines including CXCL12 (under

the control of HIF1α) from the periosteum lead to mobilization and adherence of these MSCs from

the periosteum close to the fracture site and the bone marrow in the fracture area. These MSCs

differentiate into osteoblastic cells and eventually begin to express an osteocyte phenotype, guided

by E11 and Cx43 as shown in vivo for knockout mice, rats and in vitro (13, 50–52).

Adjacent to the inner periosteal layer, the hard callus is formed out of type V and I collagen, mainly

driven by BMP-2, 4 and 7. However, in order to prevent excessive callus formation, the function of

BMPs needs to be antagonized, which mainly happens by inhibitory molecules such as Noggin (NOG)

(53). During this phase, the inflammatory cytokines are highly released by MSCs (not by

inflammatory cells) and their local descendants (osteoblasts and chondrocytes).

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In summary, the chondrocytes produce cartilage spanning the fracture gap and connecting the bony

ends in order to mechanically stabilize the fractured area. This soft callus serves as scaffold for the

endochondral bone formation, and a fibrocartilage tissue is formed in the central area. In contrast,

osteoblasts form the cortical bone and osteoprogenitors form hard callus/woven bone on the

fracture ends.
Third healing period: Cartilage removal, Calcification/Hard callus

The third bone healing stage is characterized by the gradual enlargement of cartilage and beginning

calcification and it marks the initiation of a more catabolic process although osteoblastic and

osteoclastic processes alternate (Fig. 3). Intramembranous ossification and endochondral


ossification are complementary processes required for the formation and remodeling of the callus


Intramembranous ossification

During intramembranous ossification, the bone is directly formed without a cartilage scaffold. It

takes place in mechanically more stable (peripheral) regions of the callus where it is restored to form

a collagenous network (hard callus). The osteoprogenitor cells from the local periosteum contribute

to the direct bone formation, while local endothelial cells transform into polymorphic cells with an

osteoblastic phenotype (36).

Endochondral ossification

After mechanical stability is reached, the previously formed cartilage becomes hypertrophic and

mineralizes (36). The hypertrophic chondrocytes are therein “buried” and participate in the

calcification of remaining extracellular matrix (ECM), and are subsequently removed by

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chondroclasts (54). Although controversial, there is evidence of a change in the morphology of

hypertrophic chondrocytes, transitioning into an osteoblast/osteocyte phenotype with cellular

canalicular extensions both from developmental and fracture models. Thus, using Col10a1int2-

Cre;ROSAEYFP mice, Yang et al. first demonstrated the specificity of Col10a1int2 for hypertrophic

chondrocytes, before Col10a1int2-Cre;ROSAEYFP mice were used to detect the coexpression of Col1a1,

osteocalcin and bone sialoprotein within YFP+ cells, strongly indicating an osteoblastic transition. The

YFP+ cells accounted for 31% of all COL1A1+ osteoblasts in the metaphysis, and after two months,
YFP+ cells were entrapped in the bone, morphologically representing osteocytes (55). Additionally,

using Col10a1-Cre;Osxflox/+ mice (which express EGFP only in Osx-expressing cells following Cre-

mediated recombination), Zhou et al. demonstrated that Ocn+ and EGFP+ cells, representing mature

osteoblasts on the bone surface, originated from hypertrophic chondrocytes (56). In addition, within
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fractured Agc1-CreERT2; 2.3-GFP;ROSA-tdTomato mouse tibiae, many Tom+ cells were positive for

GFP, indicating a transdifferentiation of chondrocytes to become osteoblasts. Similarly, Hu and

colleagues showed that within the transition zone, chondrocytes lose Sox9, Col2a1 and Col10a1

expression, and express Col1a1 and Runx2. Later, osteocalcin and osteopontin were detected in

these cells as well. Performing lineage-tracing experiments (Ai9 to Col2CreERT and Agc1CreERT mice),

the authors showed that chondrocyte-derived cells line the bone surface of newly formed bone,

with the vascularization possibly triggering this transdifferentiation (54). Together, experimental

evidence suggests that, at least in part, these hypertrophic chondrocytes become true osteoblasts

(13, 47, 54). After vessel formation into formerly cartilaginous tissues has taken place, the entrapped

hypertrophic chondrocytes lose their Sox9 expression, leading to enhanced Runx2 and β-catenin

expression and subsequently expression of alkaline phosphatase, osterix, osteopontin and

osteocalcin. These transcriptomic changes were demonstrated to result in the calcification of the

cartilage matrix. Upon mineralization, bone matrix is formed on top of the calcified matrix. The

osteoblasts are marked by expression of the Wnt signaling components Dishevelled (Dsh) and β-

catenin and gradually replace chondrocytes (57). Osteoblasts initially form woven bone (58), and M-

CSF and RANKL recruit osteoclasts to resorb this bone which is followed by the formation of new

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lamellar bone (41, 59).

One crucial molecule in the third healing period and endochondral ossification, binding to multiple

BMP receptors, is Noggin, which opposes BMP effects on osteoblastic differentiation and impairs

osteoblastogenesis. Noggin-overexpressing mice were more prone to fractures, osteopenia and

decreased bone formation, thus defining a role for Noggin in the reduction of callus formation (60,

The important function of TNF-α includes the stimulation of osteoclastic function, which is essential

for the resorption of mineralized cartilage in the later phases of the third healing stage.

Synergistically with IL-1β, matrix mineralization by MSCs is also promoted by TNF-α as shown in vitro

(62, 63). As a consequence of these processes, the greatest amount of hard callus is reached on day

14 post fracture. At the same time, degradation of cartilage in endochondral ossification with

matrix-metalloproteinases (especially MMP13 and MMP9) is initiated, degrading type II collagen to


gelatin (36, 47). MEPE, similar to DMP-1 in the middle stage mineralization process, is present in the

osteocytes in later stages of newly formed bone and is subsequently externalized in osteocyte

lacunae (13, 64).

Fourth healing period: Chronic bone remodeling

The final remodeling phase in rodents begins approximately three weeks after fracture and can

continue for months or years and should, therefore, be referred to as a chronic stage. In this phase,

the woven bone is steadily replaced by superior lamellar bone while the overall callus size is reduced

and the normal hematopoietic and trabecular structure restored (14, 17) (Fig. 4).

Molecular pathways

In this stage, a resorptive cascade with remodeling of hard callus into lamellar bone with a central

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medullary area ends the process of bone healing. The major drivers are IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-α (partially

BMP-2) (36, 47, 65, 66). Certain BMPs, such as 3, 4, 7 and 8, usually peak in expression levels in the

third week post fracture and drive cartilage resorption as well as osteoblastic recruitment (36, 67).

Wnt is the crucial underlying pathway favoring osteogenesis and inhibiting chondrogenesis (13). In

the late stages of fracture healing, sclerostin is upregulated and inhibits chondrogenic differentiation

of subperiosteal MSCs via competitive binding of BMP receptors (13). TNF-α promotes the apoptosis

of osteocytes (6), while some chondrocytes become apoptotic or necrotic in the remaining soft
callus. Multiple soluble factors are liberated in this process, including TGF-β, WNT10B, BMP6, SLIT3,

MMP13 and MMP9 which are crucial for subsequent osteogenesis (47).

Cellular compartment
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In the cellular compartment, the remodeling process is orchestrated by osteoclasts, which are the

key responsive elements although a morphological difference between chondroclasts and

osteoclasts has not been formally demonstrated (6, 68). The hard callus is resorbed by osteoclasts,

and lamellar bone is built by osteoblasts (47, 58).


In addition, the MSC/macrophage crosstalk plays a crucial role for the regulation of bone healing (6,

69). M1 polarized macrophages (pro-inflammatory) promote mineralization of MSCs, in part by

producing oncostatin M, while MSCs in turn promote the polarization shift from the M1 to M2

macrophage phenotype via TSG-6 and PGE2, decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion (6, 69).

Finally, the remaining osteoclasts become apoptotic via activation of their c-FMS receptor. In human

bone, this promotes the restoration of the Haversian system, a central vascular canal providing

supply to a branching canalicular network, with the osteoblasts and osteocytes as central elements,

and Mepe and osteocalcin as important regulators of that process (70–73). The ultimate stage of

stability is usually not reached until several months after the injury. In fact, the complex remodeling

process that re-establishes this Haversian system takes months or years to complete (6, 74, 75).

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Regulation of fracture healing by systemic factors

The bone healing process is influenced by systemic factors, endocrine diseases and medications, out

of which the most important are discussed in detail below.

Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)

Mechanistically, anabolic therapy with PTH was suggested to facilitate fracture healing via the Wnt
signaling pathway (76). In preclinical murine femoral fracture models, daily administration of 1-34

PTH was found to facilitate fracture healing after 14 days. In contrast, a continuous infusion of PTH

1-34 (mimicking hyperparathyroidism) delayed fracture healing in very young mice, yet increasing

ultimate biomechanical properties on day 21, but not thereafter (77, 78). Treatment with 1-34 PTH

improved angiogenesis and recruitment of MSCs to the callus area in mouse models, whereas

endogenous PTH deficiency in PTH knockout mice reduced RANKL expression in osteoblasts, thereby

impairing osteoclast activity (77, 79).


While systematic prospective double-blind and controlled clinical trials for anabolic PTH therapy are

not available, enhanced fracture healing in osteoporotic pelvic fractures after daily treatment with

100 μg PTH 1-84 was observed (although in a small study population, n=21 treatment vs. n=44

control), whereas the improvements after treatment of osteoporotic distal radius fractures with 20

μg 1-34 PTH (teriparatide) were minor, but early cortical bridging was detectable (80, 81). In lumbar

fusion surgery, prospective studies have demonstrated improved union rates after daily

subcutaneous administration of 20 μg PTH 1-34 as compared to oral bisphosphonate therapy in

postmenopausal women (82–84). However, further randomized controlled trials in osteoporotic and

stress fractures are ongoing (NCT02972424, NCT04196855).

Growth hormone/Insulin-like growth factor 1 (GH/IGF1)

Increased GH and IGF-1 levels are hallmarks of acromegaly. These patients have secondary

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osteoporosis with trabecular bone deficits and an increase in vertebral fracture rates, presumably

from concomitant hormonal deficiencies (e.g., hypogonadism) (85–87).

Evidence from human studies is limited and although a role in consolidation of delayed union is

possible, the clinical effect of an impaired GH/IGF-1 axis on fracture healing has not been sufficiently

characterized in human studies (88). Exposure of human MSCs to low doses of IGF-1 in vitro

increased the early osteogenic differentiation of MSCs. This finding suggests that IGF-1 treatment
could be a promising strategy for clinical trials, in cases of impaired fracture healing; however,

further in vivo evidence is missing (89, 90). Nonetheless, a clinical limitation is the expense and need

of i.v. or s.c. administration (91).


Besides its role in osteogenic differentiation, IGF-1 has been implicated in acromegaly. Apart from a

GH excess, the subsequent IGF-1 increase activates the Wnt/β-catenin pathway in acromegaly

patients, leading to an increase of osteoblastic recruitment and, subsequently, enhanced callus

formation (evidence from dystrophin knockout mice (92)). Moreover, IGF-1 is crucial for the M1/M2

macrophage transition in transwell experiments (93). Likewise, the important role of IGF1 becomes

evident in Igf1r knockout mice, where a reduced callus size and lower bone volume after tibial

fracture is accompanied by a mineralization defect and increased early osteoclast numbers –

although the effects in an inducible Igf1r knockout were inconsistent (94). In addition, local

administration of a combination of IGF-1 and TGF-β resulted in an increased bone defect healing

capacity in old rats (95).

Mineral metabolism

Ninety-nine percent of calcium present in the human body is deposited in bone and it is known to

play a crucial role in bone remodeling and mineralization (96). In rodent studies, a calcium deficit

resulted in reduced callus mineralization and biomechanical parameters (97, 98), while calcium

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malabsorption could be counteracted by increased calcium release from the intact skeleton during

fracture healing, as shown in mice (99). Supplementation of calcium in combination with vitamin D

in osteoporotic C57BL/6 mice improved bone repair by reducing osteoclasts and increasing

osteoblasts (100).

Although one of the most frequent ions in bone, the effect of magnesium on fracture healing has not

been studied extensively. Interestingly, a link between systemic hypomagnesaemia and low BMD

(and partly fracture risk) in men has been drawn in large epidemiological studies, while the effects
on bone healing have not yet been experimentally defined (101, 102). In addition, according to a rat

study, locally administered magnesium is beneficial in promoting fracture healing. In this study, a

magnesium-containing nail facilitated femoral fracture repair by promoting CGRP-mediated


osteogenic differentiation (103).


Vitamin D

Prospective clinical studies on the effect of vitamin D supplementation in healing bone are limited

(104, 105). Most studies either pair vitamin D supplementation with calcium, or lack a control group.

Case series report vitamin D deficiency to be associated with non-union, but a causal connection has

not been made (106). However, a large inception cohort study of 309,330 human fractures reported

vitamin D deficiency to be associated with a slightly increased non-union rate (OR 1.14 [1.05-1.22]

(107)). In a randomized, placebo-controlled study with 30 postmenopausal women suffering from

proximal humerus fractures, supplementation with 800 IU vitamin D3 plus 1g calcium improved

BMD levels within the fracture after week 6 compared to the placebo group (108). In another RCT

with 32 postmenopausal women with distal radius fractures, however, low-dose (700 IU) vitamin D3

treatment did not lead to significant differences in pQCT parameters at the fractured radius site 12

weeks post fracture (cortical and trabecular bone density, stiffness) versus a high-dose (1800 IU)

vitamin D3 treatment group (109).

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In a preclinical study, 24,25(OH)2D3 was injected subcutaneously (6.7 μg/kg daily) into wildtype

C57BL/6 mice and improved stiffness on day 10, 18 and 21 in a tibial shaft fracture model, while a

genetic lack of 24,25(OH)2D3 (Cyp24a1-/- mice) led to impaired endochondral callus formation,

reduced callus volume and stiffness (110, 111).In another femoral shaft fracture model, C57BL/6 J

mice, were fed a calcium/vitamin D deficient diet for eight weeks before being supplemented with

calcium/vitamin D for 23 days. While the deficient diet itself increased osteoclast activity and

reduced bone mass, supplementation after the fracture reduced bone resorption and improved
bone repair, and did not lead to reduced BMD in the fracture callus compared to control diet, as was

the case for permanent calcium/vitamin D deficiency (100).


In summary, the available data on vitamin D effects on human fracture healing remain inconclusive

with a lack of large RCTs. There may be some beneficial effect of vitamin D and/or the combination

with calcium, but this is mainly based on preclinical studies.


Impaired fracture repair in the setting of endocrine diseases


Diabetes mellitus (DM)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 10.5% of the US population

(34.2 million) suffered from diabetes in 2020 (112). Importantly, diabetic patients are particularly

prone to fractures and impaired bone healing (113, 114).

According to multiple meta-analyses, an increased fracture risk and susceptibility towards fracture

malunion and reoperation in diabetic patients is not reflected by equally reduced BMD levels, at

least in patients with type 2 DM (113, 115–119). Possible underlying reasons for the impaired bone

healing in diabetic patients may be an increased concentration of TNF-α at the fracture site,

accompanied by a higher number of osteoclasts in the diabetic callus, as demonstrated in murine

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diabetic tibia fractures (120, 121). Further studies of diabetic bone healing in rodents revealed

contradicting findings: Kayal et al. studied type 1 diabetic mice, which displayed increased

chondrocyte apoptosis and osteoclastogenesis which accelerated cartilage loss and reduced

endochondral bone formation; these deficits were reversed by insulin administration (122). By

contrast, reduced osteoclastogenesis and osteoclast activity were detected in a type 2 diabetic rat

model when glucose levels were high (123).

In human studies, Mangialardi et al. demonstrated dysfunction of CD146+ pericytic cells in patients

with type 2 diabetes, possibly reducing the cellular and vascular supply at the fracture site (124).

Along with the increased tendency of diabetic MSCs to differentiate into adipocytes instead of

osteoblasts, the reason for an increased fracture rate in diabetic patients may be both quantitative
e d

and qualitative (125).


Interestingly, local administration of insulin using an intramedullary delivery system at the fracture

site was shown to contribute to fracture healing in both non-diabetic rats and rats with type 1

diabetes (126, 127). In female type 1 diabetic mice, delayed fracture healing was reversed by

systemic insulin (and vitamin D3) treatment, possibly due to increased IGF-1 production in the

fracture callus (128).

Glucocorticoid (GC) excess

Glucocorticoids not only reduce overall bone mass (secondary osteoporosis), but also affect the

inflammatory bone healing process. The induction of inflammatory mediators in the initial healing

cascade is markedly reduced with GC treatment. GCs favor differentiation of specific anti-

inflammatory phenotypes of monocytes and macrophages (especially M2c) via activation of the

adenosine receptor A3 and inhibit the production of vasodilators such as VEGF, as demonstrated in

in vitro experiments (129–132). Prolonged GC treatment, similar to glucocorticoid-induced

osteoporosis, delays chondrocyte hypertrophy, attenuating endochondral bone healing via reduced

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production of the chondrogenic differentiator TGF-β in murine experiments (133). Interestingly, the

early healing period (intramembranous ossification) appeared to be less altered after GC treatment

compared to the late (endochondral ossification) healing period in this model (133).

Correspondingly, the healing of murine shaft fractures was delayed after treatment with

dexamethasone, whereas the metaphyseal healing of femoral fractures was enhanced, confirming

an inhibitory effect of GC mainly in endochondral ossification (134). A similar impact on mainly
endochondral ossification was demonstrated after 3 months of prednisone treatment, delaying

endochondral ossification in mice (135)


Using a global glucocorticoid receptor knockout model (GRgtROSACreERT), Rapp et al. demonstrated

impaired fracture healing via an increase in the early inflammatory response and reduced late
e d

endochondral ossification, possibly due to negative regulation of osteoclast recruitment and


osteoblast accumulation(131, 135–137). Interestingly, an impaired glucocorticoid receptor

dimerization ability protected from systemic trauma-induced compromised fracture healing (138).

GC treatment impaired osteogenic differentiation via COX-2 and RUNX2 inhibition in a mandible

bone defect rat model (139). Although these animal studies provide insights into possible effects of

GCs on fracture healing, there is a paucity of clinical studies evaluating bone healing after GC

treatment (11).


Aging is associated with multiple disorders including diabetes, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, cancer,

Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease. It has been challenging to separate the aging process from

comorbidities such as osteoporosis and their effect on fracture healing (140). Although a slower and

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less reliable fracture healing process in elderly individuals appears likely, there is a significant lack of

prospective clinical trial data to verify this (4, 141). Summarized below is evidence from studies

examining fracture non-unions that provides some, albeit inconsistent, evidence for age as a risk

factor for fracture non-union.

Zura et al. found in a prospective cohort study using 2.5 million Medicare patients, 56,492 fractures

and 1,440 non-unions that increasing age is linked to a decreased risk of fracture non-union. Based

on their findings, the authors suggested that increased survival may reduce the impediments to
healing. The bones most prone to non-unions (highest odds ratio [OR]) were the scaphoid, femur,

humerus and tibia+fibula, followed by the clavicle. As acknowledged by the authors, however, a

weakness of this study is a potential lack of observing non-unions in the elderly due to inconsistent

follow-up (142). A likewise higher risk for younger patients for non-union was reported by Mills et al.

(143), who prospectively analyzed 4,715 non-unions over five years. The highest non-union rates

appeared in the 30-44-year age group, and the most susceptible bones were the tibia+fibula,

followed by the clavicle and humerus. A reason for a reduced non-union rate in femoral fractures in

older individuals may be the different treatment of choice (elderly more likely to receive

arthroplasty, while younger patients are internally fixated to a greater extent). A weakness of this

study is that just symptomatic non-unions were treated, and operatively treated non-unions were

included. In addition, the data were solely derived from the NHS Scotland database (excluding

patients within the private sector) (143). To overcome site-specific differences, a retrospective

review analyzed 1,003 reamed intramedullary nailed tibial fractures in a Scottish trauma center over

22 years, and found that age significantly influenced fracture non-union, with middle-aged patients

(30-49 years) having the highest risk of developing this complication. Selection bias and the

retrospective design as well as a biased cohort selection limit the applicability of that study (i.e.

patients 70-79 had a comparable non-union rate to patients in their 30s and 40s, around 15%) (144).

Overall, these studies do not support a higher rate of non-unions in the elderly population. However,

the study by Zura et al. reports distinct co-morbidities leading to higher non-union rates, including

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smoking, alcoholism, obesity, cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and type II

diabetes (142), introducing a possible confounding effect of a chronic inflammatory state. In this

context, aging might be a modifying factor, and although female sex was not predictive of non-

unions in this study, the non-union number in the Mills study peaked in women aged 65-74 years. It

may subsequently be advisable to evaluate these postmenopausal women separately in order to

detect the influence of menopause on fracture healing ability (142, 143).
The tibia, followed by the clavicle and the humerus are the primary bones prone to non-union (145).

In fact, perhaps the largest prospective study assessing non-unions in clavicular fractures highlighted

age consistently with the fracture displacement as risk factors for non-union (146). In osteoporotic

vertebral fractures, Inose et al. did not verify age as a risk factor for non-union in a unique
e d

prospective multicenter study (147). In retrospective studies on clavicular fractures, age remained a

significant factor (odds ratio 1.07,), while in tibial diaphyseal fractures and scaphoid fractures, it was

not (148, 149). Intriguingly, in a meta-analysis of 41,429 tibial fractures, age > 60 was demonstrated

to be predictive for fracture non-union (150). The importance of age in the appearance of non-

union, however, has been questioned since in retrospective studies of non-unions, age could not be

confirmed as significantly influencing the time to union in multivariate analyses (151). Thus, overall,

age cannot consistently be identified as a risk factor for non-union in generally every bone. However,

older age likely raises the risk of a pseudarthrosis in certain patients and sites (i.,e., clavicle, tibia).

Because co-morbidities such as smoking and diabetes mellitus have a detrimental effect on bone

healing as shown at the molecular level (113, 119, 152, 153), studies on the effect of aging alone

require a careful design (154).

Age-related changes in fracture repair

The single largest risk factor for various chronic diseases responsible for the majority of morbidity

and mortality is aging (155). Based on the “geroscience hypothesis”, the treatment of underlying

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aging mechanisms may lead to new therapeutic approaches for our aging population (156, 157).

Since the identification of senescent cells in the bone microenvironment, numerous studies have

identified changes at the cellular and molecular level in the bone microenvironment. Drivers of these

aging-related effects are accumulating senescent cells, which are characterized by high p16Ink4a and

p21Cip1 levels, causing detrimental effects via secretion of a senescence-associated secretory

phenotype (SASP). However, the effects of these senescent cells and their secretome on the

dynamic bone healing process are largely unexplored (5, 158–160).

Generally, the overall molecular program of fracture healing appears to be unimpaired in aged mice,

while the callus volume, mineral content as well as rigidity and breaking load are reduced in elderly

mice and humans (154, 161). Interestingly, it was demonstrated that a “rejuvenation” of the bone

marrow affected bone healing: The experimental transplantation of bone marrow from young

(Rosa26) into old (irradiated C57BL/6J) mice resulted in larger calluses and more bone mass in the

early healing period and rapid callus remodeling at later stages of healing in older mice, indicating

that aging of bone marrow cells is affecting the later stages of bone healing as well (114–116). The

particular cellular components of fracture healing are each differently affected by aging.

Vascular supply

A reduced vascular capacity and angiogenesis delay fracture healing in the elderly that is not

necessarily associated with diabetes (4, 47). Vascular supply/perfusion is decreased in the aged

organism, subsequently impairing the number of total cells directed to the fracture area (162). One

proposed mechanism is reduced endothelium-dependent vasodilatation, as described in femoral

fractures in old rats through impairments in NOS signaling (162). Another possible underlying

mechanism might be reduced VEGF release: since the early inflammatory phase and chondrogenesis

are delayed in older animals due to a prolonged increase in TNF-α expression (mainly by MSCs and

macrophages), the overall VEGF release is reduced which is also a major contributor to delayed bone

healing in diabetic mice (163). However, it has also been demonstrated that low levels of TNF-α

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promote the osteogenesis of muscle-derived stem cells (MDSCs) near the fracture site in the murine

model, expediting fracture repair (65). Interestingly, TNF-blockade via subcutaneous sTNFR1

administration accelerated fracture healing in the aged mouse model and appeared to be mediated

by p21 (Cdkn1a) (164). Overall, the precise role of TNF-α in ageing-related fracture healing is not

fully understood.

The importance of macrophages during bone healing is underlined by the fact that their deletion in

the inducible Mafia (macrophage Fas-induced apoptosis) transgenic mouse model in murine femoral

fractures resulted in a completely abolished callus formation (69, 165). As the macrophages, which

are polarized towards an M1 state throughout the early healing period, contribute substantially to

the fracture healing process, the impact of their age-related impairment is crucial. Aged

macrophages are less responsive to granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)


stimulation, resulting in decreased proliferation, a chronic inflammatory state and impaired bone

healing. The GM-CSF-dependent stimulation decreases with age while the polarization toward an

M2 phenotype was reported to be favored, possibly due to increased levels of S-endoglin (166, 167).

The alternatively activated M2 macrophages show increased survival and reduced secretion of pro-

inflammatory factors with age, and appear more often in the late healing stages (18, 69). However,

Mahbub et al. demonstrated in vitro that an overall impaired polarization in elderly macrophages

might dysregulate the host response (168). Either way, the role of these aged macrophages on

fracture healing in the elderly appears to be more detrimental than helpful: in elderly mice, the

blockade of macrophage recruitment to the fracture site subsequentially enhanced fracture healing

(169). Interestingly, in ovariectomized mice, a reduction of both M1 and M2 macrophages in early

healing stages might contribute to impaired fracture healing (170).

The pivotal impact of macrophages for the aged versus young healing process has been

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demonstrated for F4/80+ cells in heterochronic parabiosis studies by Vi et al. (171): Macrophages

which were isolated from old mice (20 months old) and transplanted into young (4 months) animals

led to reduced BV/TV and calcified callus volume after four weeks of tibia healing. By contrast,

macrophages isolated from young mice and transplanted into old mice were able to rejuvenate the

otherwise impaired healing capacity (171).

The close connections of macrophages and MSCs is likewise crucial for the healing process.

Macrophages are known to recruit MSCs via CCL2 and CXCL8 (69), and a reciprocal
immunomodulatory function via reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines and induction of IL-10 in

macrophages by MSCs has been demonstrated in vitro (69, 172). Additionally, MSCs modulate

macrophage chemotaxis, and shift the monocyte polarization towards M2 macrophages in vitro

(173). The exact nature of the macrophage/MSC interaction is still not fully understood, however,

and direct cell-cell contact as well as soluble mediators are likely involved (69).

Macrophages play a key role in eliminating senescent cells, and impairments in this process likely

contribute to impaired tissue regeneration (174). Macrophages show critical regulatory activity in all

stages of tissue repair by clearing senescent cells (175). Senescent cells display certain hallmarks

associated with aging including increased expression of Cdkn2a (p16) and Cdkn1a (p21) (155, 156,

159). Interestingly, p16- and beta-galactosidase-positive macrophages are not necessarily senescent

but may be cleared by senolytic compounds (176); the impact of this on tissue repair, including

fracture healing, remains unclear.


The bone marrow progenitor cells from the periosteal region and bone marrow derived stem cells,

out of which osteogenic and chondrogenic progenitors are recruited, are reduced in quantity and

quality, and a later initial periosteal reaction to the fracture can be detected in older mice (177).

However, the sole number of MSCs does not appear to be critical: while the total number of MSCs

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from older mice was demonstrated to be higher, not as many osteoprogenitor cells develop out of

these as in younger mice (and are affected by sex) (178, 179). Additionally, their replicative lifespan

has been demonstrated to be substantially shortened, oxidative damage is enhanced and

chondrogenic differentiation prolonged (16, 180, 181). As noted above, aged human MSCs have

been described to overexpress TP53, CDKN2A (p16) and CDKN1A (p21), BAX and MYC (18, 182, 183).

Likewise, skeletal stem/progenitor cells (SSPC) secrete SASP factors with aging, resulting in an

activation of NF-κB in other SSPCs, inducing a state of senescence, leading to reduction of self-
renewal and proliferation, and decreasing the total cell number. The osteogenic ability of these aged

SSPCs, which express higher levels of Cdkn2a/p16 than their younger counterparts, has been shown

to be reduced in vivo and in vitro, and this was attributed to an increase in NF-κB mediated

inflammation (141).
e d

Recently, the osteoimmunological impact on fracture healing has gained attention (184, 185). Due to

their low expression of MHC I and II molecules, MSCs do not induce an immunological response and

can be used for transplantation experiments (186). Moreover, MSCs suppress T cell proliferation,

and induce Tregs to suppress the immune system, while T cells in general, particularly via IFN-γ,

reduce MSC-induced osteogenesis in murine allogeneic stem cell transplantation experiments (186,

187). These findings are corroborated by the detection of CD8+ effector memory T (TEMRA) cells in

humans in peripheral blood and the fracture hematoma which, by producing IFN-γ/TNF-α, inhibited

the osteogenic differentiation of MSCs(188).

In several meta-analyses, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) were reported to impair

fracture healing (increase delayed union or nonunion in humans (189) and decrease biomechanical

properties in animal models (190)). But it has likewise been shown that NSAIDS are able to inhibit

the SASP-associated activation of NF-κB, thereby potentially enhancing bone regeneration (141,

191). However, there is still no final conclusion regarding whether the beneficial or detrimental

effects of NSAIDs on bone healing are predominant due to the lack of appropriate prospective

randomized controlled trials (192).

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As noted above, the role of the inflammatory system in an aging organism has been elucidated and

summed up with the term ”inflammaging“ (193). A link to the inflammatory mediator

cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenases (LOX) has been well-described: the inflammatory response

is more intense in aged female compared to young female mice, which delays bone healing, and can

be reduced by genetic deletion of 5-lipoxygenase (LOX) (194, 195) or pharmacologic inhibition via
NSAIDs or derivates (191, 196). Regarding the cellular components of this inflammatory phase, the

total number of T cells in general and regulatory T cells in particular is reduced in the old human

organism (197) T-cell migration is controlled by the chemokine receptor CCR2. One underlying

reason for the impaired immune function due to aging has been proposed as being a CCR2

(chemokine receptor for ligands including CCL2, CCL7 and CCL12) defect/deficiency, as

demonstrated in mice (198). Apart from the osteochondral stem cells, some inflammatory cells

originate in the bone marrow and their replacement in old mice via bone marrow transplantation

from young mice results in larger calluses and earlier bone formation in the early phases as well as

faster callus remodeling in the late stages (199). Proinflammatory cytokine expression from T cells as

well as B cells in the callus is mediated by IL-10, inducing proper healing, while a missing early

upregulation of IL-10 was associated with non-union in human tibia fractures(200). Affirming the

importance of IL-10 on fracture healing, B cells from patients with poor fracture healing had

decreased levels of IL-10 compared to regularly healing patients.


Chondrocytes and their precursors change their size and function throughout the healing period and

depending on age: in the early bone healing process, chondrocytes do not express collagen type II in

old mice but do so in young mice, indicating a faster adaptation to the acute fracture event (201).

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Correspondingly, chondrocyte maturation is present earlier (at day 5) in young mice but not in older

and middle-aged mice (201). Older chondrocyte progenitors express significantly lower levels of

COX-2, a critical marker in the early inflammatory phase regulating chondrogenesis, bone formation

and remodeling, as compared to young mice (202). This reduction of COX-2 expression leads to

delayed remodeling in aged mice (202). In support of these data, pharmacological inhibition of COX-

2 led to an impairment in endochondral ossification in rabbits (203). Accordingly, a downstream

target of COX-2, i.e. EP4, has been targeted therapeutically to enhance bone healing (204).

The osteocyte population translates mechanical signals to increase mineralization and accelerate

metaphyseal bone healing in the osteoporotic mouse fracture model (31). Osteocytes, although

long-lived and the most abundant cell population in bone, display increased rates of cell death

during aging, leaving behind empty lacunae (31, 205). The preservation of osteocytes is on the other

hand influenced by mechanical stimulation, steroids and bisphosphonates as demonstrated in mice


and partly in humans (206–209). Affecting the osteocyte secreted anti-anabolic factor, sclerostin,

sclerostin-antibodies were approved for clinical therapy of severe osteoporosis in 2019 and have

been demonstrated to improve bone healing in rat studies, but not in human tibia or femur bone

healing (210–213). A targeted deletion of SOST leads to an earlier removal of cartilage, affecting

especially the early remodeling phase (76, 214). This effect was consistent in delayed bone healing

due to osteoporosis in rats (215, 216).

Similar to the aging process in MSCs, aging osteocytes show telomere dysfunction-associated foci

(TAFs), a senescence-associated distension of satellites (SADS) and secrete dysfunctional factors

(SASP) linked to aging and chronic diseases (156, 158). One mechanism contributing to this

osteocyte aging is a lack of cellular autophagy (217, 218).

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More than the number of osteoclasts itself, the osteoblast/osteoclast balance is of crucial

importance during the healing process to generate new bone and provide a proper re-formation of

woven and lamellar bone (15). Increased osteoclast activity has been proposed to be causal for

delayed fracture healing due to higher concentrations of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)

and deoxy-pyridinoline (DPD) in a senescence-accelerated osteoporotic mouse model (219). The

molecular background of these mice indeed favors osteoclastogenesis: the increased IFN-γ
expression in aged mice increases RANKL expression, driving osteoclastogenesis and bone loss (220,

221). Additionally, a higher amount of TRAP-positive osteoclasts in the callus area was demonstrated

in old mice (194).

e d

Beneficial versus adverse effects of cellular senescence


While the initial descriptions of cellular senescence focused on its detrimental effects on aging, more

recent work has shed light upon its potential beneficial aspects, describing senescence as an

evolutionary advantageous, yet two-edged process (222, 223).

A senescent cell does not divide further, which is why suppressing cancer development has been a

potential explanation for cellular senescence (224). However, this non-dividing cell causes a

detrimental “bystander” effect on surrounding cells and whole tissues via secretion of reactive

oxygen species (ROS) and a miscellaneous cytokine cocktail, termed the SASP (225–228) (Fig. 5).

Along with the senescent cells, the SASP contributes to inflammaging, which may also be pro-

tumorigenic (193, 229). The senescent phenotype is not limited to mitotic cells and the elimination

of these SASP producing cells in mice has been demonstrated to be beneficial in ameliorating the

effects of aging in multiple tissues, including the heart and bone (159, 230, 230, 231). Overall, the

removal of accumulated senescent cells has beneficial effects on aging phenotypes (223). It is

therefore of importance to isolate, spatially restrict, or resolve an excessive accumulation of these

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senescent cells, before they occupy cellular niches and lead to systemic disease and morbidity (232,

233). By mechanisms which are not fully understood, an imperfect clearance leads to the slow

increase of the senescent cell burden with aging (234).

Importantly, a beneficial influence of senescent cells on murine skin and liver regeneration (235,

236), in the murine placenta (237) and in chicken as well as murine embryonic development (238)

has been demonstrated (223). Moreover, a potentially important function of senescent cells in mice
and amphibians has been demonstrated to lie in wound healing and tissue repair (223, 236, 239). In

particular, the beneficial function of the SASP is mainly attributed to IL-6 in skeletal muscle, enabling

cellular reprogramming, and PDGF-AA in wound healing, as demonstrated in mice (235, 240). In the

injured skin, a transient induction of senescent cells is followed by a rapid clearance at the early
e d

reparative stage. The recruitment of immune cells to the area of damage by the SASP subsequently

leads to the removal of senescent cells after completed healing, pointing to a primary role of these

cells in the damage repair process (223, 241, 242). In a deteriorating immune system, this clearance

potential, which is attributed largely to local macrophages, may be impaired (175, 235, 243, 244).

In terms of skeletal repair, we recently established the appearance of senescent cells within murine

fracture healing in a time-dependent manner in young mice. In contrast to the above findings where

senescent cells had a beneficial role in tissue repair (235, 236), using genetic (Cdkn2aLUC) and

pharmacological (senolytic treatment with Dasatinib+Quercetin) models to clear senescent cells, we

demonstrated that a reduction of senescent cells and the SASP within the callus improved its

formation and biomechanical stability (245). Thus, the beneficial versus detrimental effects of

senescent cells following injury may vary across tissues.

Summarizing these contradictory influences of senescent cells, the local immune clearance of these

cells leads to a balance between beneficial and harmful effects, depending on the abundance and

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duration of the senescent cell burden. Indeed, some senescent cells are not replaced and yet play

important local functional roles, whereas others accumulate and have a detrimental impact at a

systemic level, driving organ dysfunction and aging (246, 247). These contrarian roles of senescent

cells are depicted in Figure 5 (223).

Summary and conclusions
The cellular components of fracture healing that can be roughly subdivided into four temporal stages

are all affected by the aging process. A number of age-related impairments in fracture healing have

been identified, and further studies are needed to define the possible role of the accumulation of

senescent cells with aging in modulating fracture healing. In addition, studies are needed to evaluate

whether targeting senescent cells, or other impairments in fracture healing (e.g., inflammaging), will

enhance fracture healing in older individuals.


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Figure 1: Initial steps after a traumatic fracture. Ruptured blood vessels lead to the formation of a

hematoma by platelets and erythrocytes. Adherent mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are recruited

and differentiate into osteoblastic and chondrogenic precursors. This results in a matrix of fibrinogen

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and a microenvironment that has a central hypoxic state, where angiogenesis is promoted and the

key molecular players are IGF-1, TGF-β and IL-1/6, which lead to the promotion of the next healing

steps while maintaining an inflammatory state. A central cell in the first healing period is the

classically activated macrophage (CAM=M1), which orchestrates the early inflammatory stage.

Figure 2: Intramembranous ossification and endochondral ossification occur in parallel, but with
different underlying mechanisms. While periosteal MSCs adjacent to the fracture site form a hard

callus via intramembranous ossification, the central area with a hypoxic core forms a soft callus via

endochondral ossification. The macrophages are M2-polarized and alternatively activated (AAM) and

the role of chondrocytes in the soft callus development becomes more prominent.
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Figure 3: Provisional cartilage is removed and the newly formed bone is calcified. In the third bone

healing period, the central soft callus region undergoes a calcification process, while chondrocytes

become hypertrophic and are partially removed. Osteocytes are more and more incorporated, while

the previously built collagen II matrix is progressively degraded.

Figure 4: The fourth bone healing phase is characterized by bone remodeling. In a chronic process

which can last several months, the preceding osteoblast/osteoclast proportions are gradually

restored. Some osteocytes become apoptotic, some necrotic and the hypertrophic callus region is

reduced while favorable lamellar bone is built.

Figure 5: Senescent cell burden in the aging organism. Acute tissue damage causes a local, rapid

increase in senescent cell burden, briefly disturbing the healthy balance (green area), followed by a

rapid immune response aimed at clearing those cells. However, senescent cell burden increases with

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age, due to the “bystander” effect and incomplete senescent cell clearance caused by a deteriorating

immune system. Further disturbance of this delicate senescent cell balance occurs due to

degenerative processes and cancer.

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