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Written by: Lovella Chris L. Palma

(Upbeat singing and dancing with a doll) “Somewhere, over the rainbow, way up high
there’s a land that I heard of once in a lullaby. Somewhere, over the rainbow, skies are blue.
And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.”
(Suddenly trips and falls down, laughs,then cries… looks to the audience

“What are you looking at? Why are you all staring at me? You think I’m sick? Hahahahaha!!
Me? The daughter of Don Maximo Madrigal, the richest man alive, crazy?? Hahahahahaha!!!
You fools!”
I am the most beautiful, talented, smart and richest girl in the whole world. I
have the perfect life. I live in a mansion and we have lots of cars, jewels, latest
gadgets, and money… lots and lots of it. I can have whatever I wanted. I am
like a princess. What? You don’t believe me? Just look at my beautiful crown.
My Daddy bought it for me. Everyone says I looked like my Mommy but she’s
in heaven now. Daddy is always sad. I think it’s because he misses her.

One night, I was alone in my room, playing with my doll, Amanda, when I
heard a voice coming from Mommy and Daddy’s room; the voice went louder
and louder. I felt fear creeping into my spine. It’s Daddy. He is angry again. He
is looking for me. Then I heard a loud thud like something or someone hit the
wall. I was so scared. I want my mommy! I looked at Amanda. I knew she’s
scared too. “There, there, Amanda. I will not let anything happen to you. I
promise.” I hid inside my closet.

Then suddenly, the door opened. Daddy came into my room searching for
me. The look on his eyes scared me. He looked like a madman. He opened the
door of the closet and found me. I gasped! He smelled funny. Oh no! He’s
been drinking again. “No Daddy! Please. Don’t hurt me!” I hugged Amanda to
protect her. Then, I felt his belt hit my back. “Aaaaah!! Daddy it hurts. Please
Stop!!” Then he hit me again! “I’m sorry Daddy. Aaaaaah!! Stop!” My face was
drenched with tears. “Daddy, I’m sorry I killed Mommy! I’m sorry she died instead of me.
She died so I can live. Aaaaah!!”

Why? Why are you doing this to me Daddy? You said I looked like Mommy.
Don’t you love me? I didn’t mean to kill her. I was a baby, your baby. I felt
weak. The room was spinning. My body ached when I tried to move. My skin
was black and blue all over. “Mommy… I hate my Daddy.” I hugged Amanda
and cradled her so she won’t be scared anymore.
I stared at the doll. “Amanda, wake up! Stop sleeping, you worthless child!” (Kicking the
doll then picking it up) “I hate you! I hate you! I wish you died. I wish you were never
born!” (Slamming the doll repeatedly then stops) “I’m sorry Amanda. I got carried away. I
didn’t know what I was doing. Go back to sleep.”

( Looks into the distance, sings slowly and softly while rocking back and forth,
tears falling from eyes)

“Somewhere, over the rainbow, way up high there’s a land that I heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere, over the rainbow, skies are blue. And the dreams that you dare to dream really do
come true.”

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